APJEM Arth Prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management Vol. 4 Issue 6 June 2015, ISSN 2278-0629, pp. 55-66 Identifying Strategies for Branding in Iranian Construction Companies Seyed Mohammad Mahdi Ghorashi, Ayatollah Momayez, Nezameddin Faghih M.A. In Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran 2. Ayatollah Momayez, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran 3. NezameddinFaghih, Professor of managhement, University of Tehran Abstract The main objective of this study is to provide strategies for improving the value of building brands. The study in term of purpose is applied; in term of method of data collection is descriptive. Strategies through content analysis of interviews with contractors, building managers and experts rated the vice president of strategy and technique, using the Shannon entropy and also using the student t-test of the appropriate or inappropriate and the Friedman rank test each of them is tested. The results of the analysis of questionnaire data suggests that all of the strategies to promote brand value in good standing and highest on measures of perceived quality and loyalty strategies has the lowest rank. Keywords: Branding, Construction Companies. Pinnacle Research Journals http://www.prj.co.in 55 References Aaker, David (2007), "Strategic Management Market" translated Safarzadeh and Farhangi AA, Tehran, scanning. Berry, Leonard 2000.Cultivating Service Brand Equity, Journal of the Academy Of Marketing Science, Vol.28, No.1, pp.128-137. Berry, Leonard L. and Terry Clark 1986."Four Ways to Make Service More Tangible", Business (October-December), pp.53-4. Bharadwaj, Sundar G., P RajanVaradarajan, and John Fahy 1993. A Sustainable competitive advantage in service industries, Journal of Marketing, Chicago: OCT 1993.Vol. 57, Iss.4, pp.83-100. Bristow, Dennis N. and Kenneth C.Schneider and DrueK.Schuler 2002,"The brand dependence scale: measuring consumer' use of brand name to differentiate among product alternatives", Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol.11, pp.343-356. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly.Vpl.40,Iss.3,pp.48-56. deChernatony, L. and DallOlmo Riley, F 1999, "Experts' Ebrahimi, I., 2002, "advanced statistical analysis", First Edition, Tehran: the ontology. Esmaeelpour, H. (2005) "Principles of Marketing Management", Tehran, look at knowledge Bahraini Zadeh, Manijeh, "Evaluation of different sources of brand value from the perspective of consumers", presented at the third international conference Marketing Management, 2008, Tehran, secret conference hall. Hafeznia, (1998), "Methods Iran NejadParizi , M., (1999), "Research Methods in the Social Sciences", Tehran, field emission. APJEM Arth Prabandh: A Journal of Economics and Management Vol. 4 Issue 6 June 2015, ISSN 2278-0629, pp. 55-66 Pinnacle Research Journals http://www.prj.co.in 56 Javanmard, Habibullah, Soltanzadeh, A. (2009) "Study of Internet use and its impact on the trust and loyalty of customers' websites (Case study: cultural products through the Internet)," Quarterly Journal of Commerce, Volume XIV, No. 53, S225-256. Keller, K.L. (2011), “Strategic Brand Management: Building,Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity”, Prentice Hall,Upper Saddle River, NJ. Kotler, Philips and Gary Amstrong 2006, Principle of Marketing, Pearson-prentice Hall (11th ed) Lovelock, Christopher and JochenWritz 2007, Services Marketing- People, Technology, strategy, Mattila, A.S. and Enz, C.A. (2002), “The role of emotions in service encounters”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 4,No. 4, pp. 268-277. No.1, pp.9-70. Shams, Rahil, Seyed Reza SeyedJavadin, "examines the relationship between marketing activities and the creation of brand equity using the generalized model acres", presented Taylor, Steven. A, Celuch, Kevin and Goodwin, Stephen(2004)” The importance of brand equity to customer loyalty”, Journal of Product & Brand Management,Vol.13, No.4, pp.217227. Temporal. Paul (2003) "trademark in Asia", translated by Mohammad Ibrahim Goharian, Tehran, Amir Kabir. Value, Business Horizons. Zeithaml, V., R. Trust and K.Lemon 2001, The customer pyramid: creating and serving profitable customers, California Management Review, Vol.43, Issue 4, pp.106-118. Zimmermann, Rainer, CEO BBDO Group Germany," Brand Equity Excellence", Vol.1,
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