Probus Club of Pittwater Club News NO 2 1 2 Probus Amicus et Dignus April, 2015 President’s Message At last month’s AGM, John Harston said it was a good year for our Club and how privileged he was to be President of Pittwater Probus. We all agreed and said Arthur Napper thank you to John for his leadership during the last 12 99990233 months. His success in setting up and running the Bill Sherman investment group has now become a strong new interest 99975532 activity for our members. I have now been entrusted with the same such privilege of being President and will endeavour to continue the success of our Club. I look forward to working with Bill Sherman as Vice President as well as a very active Bruce Farrar 9971 2042 committee. They already have put a good framework in Warwick Dalzell place for the coming year. 9997 4518 Our monthly meetings and activities are attracting more David Varley attendance and together with new members will 9918 7154 strengthen our base for the future. Brian Kennedy A variety of speakers have been lined up for the year 99180937 ahead as well as some interesting activities. Our monthly Geoff Richards golf mornings at Palm Beach continue and always 9918 7084 welcome new players. Gordon Stokes This month we look forward to our speaker talk on the 99992073 History of Surveying. Michael Mannington On April 22 a walk along a section of the Narrabeen 9973 1624 Lagoon trail has been organised. John Harston Membership fees are due so make sure you are a 9940 0446 financial member. Arthur Napper Committee President Vice President Secretary Editor Treasurer Speakers Activities Functions IT / Web Site Past President Other Officers Welfare Bill Marshall 99180064 Registrar John Collins 99994950 Auditor Arthur Napper 99990233 Public Officer Bill Henderson 9997 5732 Speakers: Today: Our speaker, Wally Knowles, on the history of surveying in Australia. May: Valerie Martin will give a talk on Ethiopia. Activities: April 22 (Wed) Narrabeen Lake Bush Walk. Monthly Golf, Palm Beach. All are cordially invited. URL: (www not required) Speakers Corner Our guest speaker was Mary Napper who worked as registered nurse in Mental Health. In the course of her work, she came across a documented case history by *Cath Macarthy of a young boy who was an autism sufferer. It struck her that this would be the basis of a book. Her first step was to enroll in a creative writing course run by wellknown local writer, Robyn Mcwilliam. Robyn said that anyone can write but the secret to being a successful writer was discipline. After much diligent research of autism especially its treatment in the 50s she recognized it had to be a work of fiction. She adopted a narrative style and just kept writing. The next thing was to edit the story and after several drafts she decided to have it read by a professional. The first comment was telling – there was no life in the story. She suggested rewriting it in the voices of the characters. It was a gradual process before she arrived at the final draft. Before publication Mary decide to contact the family of the boy concerned. One member of the family was a QC. She forwarded the manuscript to him and he obliged by reading the story. He had 3 major concerns. 1 was the portrayal of the mother, 2 the portrayal of the QC himself and 3 the effect of the publication on his brother. The brother and sister of the boy went to Queensland and he had no problem with the story. That was as a famous author once ‘not the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.’ As anyone know who has ventured into the murky world of publishing Getting a publisher to read a book, never mind publish it is no mean feat. Despite the obstacles, Mary persevered and now has a hard copy (as they say in the trade) and an ebook. The title of the book is Born to Fly –Living with Autism. Writing Born to Fly: Living with Autism was a personal journey in her resolve to come to terms with her twin brother’s profound autism and appreciate his uniqueness. The novella was launched in April 2014. The success of her first venture has encouraged Mary to pursue that path and her next novella may be set in Japan. * (Cath McCarthy, his nanny and a mothercraft nurse, pioneered treatment interventions before autism was widely accepted. Medical authorities failed to recognise her methods which are being used effectively today – she was a woman before her time and Mary Ann feels privileged to have known her.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membership Fees. Membership fees are now due. Please see David Varley. Pay by cash or cheque. $40 per head. ------------------------------------------------ Club Activities April 22 Wed.Narrabeen Lake Bush Walk – Meet at Bilarong Reserve car park at 10 am. Coffee in Narrabeen at the finish. June 24 Wed, Lunch at Ettalong. Ferry departs Palm Beach at 12.00 pm. Arrive at Ettalong for lunch (own cost). Ferry fare $22 return to Palm Beach. Leave 3.20 pm arrive Palm Beach at approx.. 4.00pm 2 PAGE 3 This month’s speaker Walter Knowles commenced surveying in 1959 and attained registration in 1964. During this period he worked mainly in Sydney but also in Parkes, Grafton, Dapto, Bawley point and Tennant Creek. In 1965 he worked for the Commonwealth Government attached to their Sydney Office. Although most of his surveying was in Sydney, working on Airports, Defence bases and other Commonwealth properties he frequently travelled around country New South Wales and spent six months in the Northern Territory. He supervised the introduction of staff to mainframe computer in 1981 after completing a Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information Systems at NSW University. In 1988 he completed supervision of the subdivision of 150 Post Offices and Telephone Exchanges so that Telstra and Australia Post could become separate businesses. In 1991 he set up his own Private Practice and commenced part time teaching of Surveying at TAFE Colleges. Upon his retirement in 2007 he devoted more time to investigating early Australian Explorers and with the Senior Group of Surveyors they have placed 17 information boards around NSW to commemorate Sir Thomas Mitchell’s four expeditions. --------------------------------Next month we will hear from Avalon photographer Valerie Martin who will give an illustrated talk on Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the oldest independent nations in the world. It has long been an intersection between the civilizations of North Africa, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. Unique among African countries, Ethiopia was never colonized, maintaining its independence throughout the "Scramble for Africa", except for five years (1936-41) when it was under Italian military occupation. ------------------------------------------Australia Post What will the new prices be? The Basic Postage Rate (BPR) will still be overseen by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Under the changes, the BPR will be tied to the new Regular service. Australia Post has confirmed that subject to ACCC review, it will seek to increase the current BPR of 70c to $1. The price of the Priority Service will be set after the benchmark BPR rate is established. The BPR has only increased four times in the past 23 years and is currently the lowest in the developed world – however – for concession card holders Free booklet of 5 concession stamps Ability to purchase up to 50 concession stamps per year Discount on Mail Hold and Mail Redirection A free MyPost Concession Card and digital mailbox ---------------------------------------------Australian Communities: Irish Australians The Irish were among the first settlers in Australia and have contributed substantially to the development of contemporary Australia. Around 6 million Australians (and an estimated 70 million people worldwide) are commonly believed to have some Irish ancestry. And so on 17th March I heard this story: The Doctor was puzzled ‘I’m very sorry Mrs. O’Flaherty, but I can’t diagnose your trouble. I think it must be drink.’ ‘Don’t worry about it Dr Cullen, I’ll come back when you’re sober’ 3 Minutes of Pittwater Probus Inc Meeting 10th March 2015 40 members present 1 guest Meeting was opened by President John Harston APOLOGIES, There were 9 apologies from members MINUTES were read and confirmed Mv B Farrar 2nd Alan Smith carried INDUCTION of Gordon Finlay and Roman Zwolenski. John Harston thanked all the Committee members for their help and service in the past year, Meeting was halted to conduct the 34th Annual Meeting, chaired by Roy Bedford. Meeting re-opened by President Arthur Napper. BIRTHDAYS Bill Marshall .Victor Friezer, Roman Zwolenski, ANNIVERSARIES. Trevor Stephens 48 years married CORESPONDENCE No correspondence TREASURER’S REPORT Balance at 1/2/15 Receipts Morning Teas Badge Subscription Interest $ $ $ $ $ 4765.00 124.00 20.00 40.00 .08 Total $ 184.08 Payments Morning Tea Admin Badges BBQ $ $ $ $ 135.00 214.20 27.00 52.00 Total $ 498.20 Balance at 28/2/15 4450.88 Mved David Varley 2nd John Crawford carried FUNCTIONS Lunch at Ettalong June 24th ACTIVITIES Premiers concert 18th March. 25th March, Central Park and White Rabbit Art Gallery April 22nd Narrabeen Lagoon Bush Walk, May 3rd Heritage Steam Train Journey, July 22nd Light Rail trip to Dulwich Hill , August Mystery Your. 10th September Victor Chang Institute SPEAKERS Brian Kennedy has engaged the following speakers;April Wally Knowles History of Surveying May Valerie Martin talk on Ethiopia WELFARE REPORT George Repin and Barry Stewart both recovering from recent illness,, GENERAL BUSINESS. Nil. Following the coffee break Mary Napper gave a talk about writing her book on Autism. GOLF at Palm Beach Friday 13th at 10am . Bill Sherman won the Trophy. Meeting closed at 11.55 am Signed as a correct record 4
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