12 APRIL 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN EASTER Today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles shows the community of believers as being of one heart and mind in ensuring that no one among them was in need. The second reading shows us that we conquer the world through faith. And today’s Gospel reading shows Christ breathing on the disciples, giving them the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins. Christ extends his victory over sin and death through us in the sacrament of reconciliation; let us in turn show this mercy to those we encounter in our personal relationships. Our Parish Mission Statement We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption community, believe that we have been called through Baptism to live the Good News of Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother. We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word, celebrating the Sacraments, and reaching out to others. PASTOR Most Rev. Jean-Louis Plouffe, D.D. Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie RECTOR Msgr. Dave Tramontini ASSISTANT Rev. Rex Lumine IN RESIDENCE Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools Marriage: Please pick up a Marriage Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish office. Anointing the Sick: Please call the parish office for information. Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM. Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to attend Mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon. Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish office. Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami PERMANENT MINISTERS Deacons Diocesan Order of Women Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mr. Albert Falconi Mr. Donald Milligan Mr. Donald Shago Mr. Rick Hamelin Mr. Gary Westenenk Shirley Falconi Norma Milligan Ruth Godon Frances-Clare Fraboni CONTACT US TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970 FACSIMILE: (705) 494-8222 Monday Acts 4. 23-31; John 3. 1-8 Tuesday Acts 4. 32-37; John 3. 7b-15 Wednesday Acts 5. 17-26; John 3. 16-21 Thursday Acts 5. 27-33; John 3. 31-36 Friday Acts 4. 34-42; John 6. 1-15 Saturday Acts 6. 1-7; John 6. 16-21 Sunday Acts 3. 13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2. 1-5; Luke 24. 35-48 EMAIL: cathedral@bellnet.ca Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the memories of thousands of people who built our community. Monday Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM to 12:00 NOON 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EASTER MEMORIAL Decorations With the Memorial donations received, we were able to decorate the church for the Easter Season. The Easter Sunday Masses were offered in remembrance of all those whose names were received. The following names are in addition to the names published in the Easter Sunday Bulletin. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. Mary Palangio Nicholas and Nicoline Cangiano Dr. Rocci Zimbalatte Stephen Zimbalatte Christian Initiation of Adults The parishioners of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption welcomed to our faith community the following newly baptized received into the Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, April 04, 2015 Dylan Rivard and Cody Messecar. We also welcomed the newly received Alexandra Smith, and Justin Leroux who completed their initiation into our community. May we all rejoice with them and continue to pray for them as they begin their lives as fully initiated Roman Catholic Christians. As a community we thank their sponsors/godparents: David Dunkley, Katrina Ashbourn, Lisa Henry and Peter McParland who r epr esented us on the journey of faith with these new members. Thanks also to the Christian Initiation Team: Frances-Clare Fraboni D.O.W., Cecile Robert, Maudena Farnsworth and Pat Murphy who shared responsibility for the catechesis together with Msgr. Dave Tramontini , Deacon Don Shago , Deacon Al Falconi and Ruth Godon D.O.W. Thanks to Debbie Laframboise, Lorraine Atchison, Tracy Clement and Cecile Robert, fr om the Catholic Women’s League who prepared and served at the reception that followed the Easter Vigil. The newly baptized and newly received will continue to gather after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Dur ing this last stage of the journey of faith, the community, the neophyte, i.e., newly baptized, and the newly received members of the church will meditate on the Easter Gospels, share in the Eucharist and perform works of charity. In this way they understand the paschal mystery more fully and bring it into their lives more and more. This period of post baptismal catechesis or Mystagogia is the final period of the initiation process. To strengthen the first steps of these new Catholics, it is desirable that they be helped by the community of faithful, by their sponsors, godparents and by their priest. Care is taken that they obtain full and joyful insertion into the life of the faith community of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption. Diane Demeis RCIA Catechist for the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption Monday, 13 April - Weekday in Easter Season Virginia Tedesco - Shirley Valenti For Souls in Purgatory Gino Tedesco - Maria Gosselin and Family Tuesday, 14 April - Weekday in Easter Season In Honour of St. Frances - The Tedesco Family Leo Campanaro - Mariano Cirullo Nino Marchi - Pat Anderson Wednesday, 15 April - Weekday in Easter Season Mike Rossi - Lidia Rossi and Family Elizabeth Marconi - Cecile Robert Maryann and Archie Truchon - Theresa Ringler Thursday, 16 April - Weekday in Easter Season For Souls in Purgatory Virginia Tedesco - Grant and Rosemary Mantha Stellino Marmina - Theresa Duffy Friday, 17 April - Weekday in Easter Season Jean Bogue - The Family Elizabeth (Elsie) Derochie - Gerry and Mary Kolz and Family Candida Gaudenzio - Domenico and Nicola Mascioli and Family 4:00 PM Saturday, 18 April - Third Sunday of Easter Rev. Mr. Jerry McIsaac - Helen and Family Linda Leblanc - Carmela and Tony Campanaro Rev. Mr. Ralph Fraboni - Frances-Clare Fraboni Sunday, 19 April - Third Sunday of Easter 9:00 AM Kevin Eaton - Sharlene Waugh and Andrew Dupuis Intention of the Burgess and Dufresne Families Deceased Relatives of Murray and Sybil Cangiano Intention of Mildred Puddister - Hilda Bamford 11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini Regional Confirmation Information Night will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Parish Hall. This meeting is mandatory for all candidates as you will receive an overview of the preparation program. Candidates, parents, and sponsors are asked to attend this meeting. REGISTRATION FORMS FOR CONFIRMATION WITH A COMPLETE MEETING SCHEDULE CAN BE FOUND ON THE BOOK CASES BEHIND THE LAST PEWS OR IN THE PAMPHLET HOLDERS AT THE CATHEDRAL ENTRANCE CATHOLIC WOMEN”S LEAGUE The Catholic Women’s League of Canada 2015 Theme Prayer Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for the gift of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Fill us with your grace as we build up your kingdom here on earth. Give us your peace, dispel discord and bring harmony to all we undertake. With our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, may we bring Jesus to all we encounter. Let your Holy Spirit direct our actions so the world may recognize us as united in one heart, one voice and one mission. Today, I offer you my Companion in Prayer. Be with her throughout the day, keep her safe, bless her family, fill her with joy and comfort her in her trials. Help her know how much she is loved. I ask this in Your name. Amen Fr. Craig Scott, Coquitlam, British Columbia (Source: cwl.ca) During the last Executive meeting the CWL welcomed Elizabeth Delarosbel as the Community Life Chair. Welcome Elizabeth!! On Saturday, June there will be a Tea and Dessert fundraiser for local organizations that assist women in crisis. If you can help by setting up, cleaning up, prepping, serving or donating any desserts please contact Diane Carmichael at 705-471-5096. 13th The CWL membership box will be available at the beginning and end of all weekend Masses only. Provincial and National CWL Conventions are this summer. You can register online for the Provincial Convention at www.cwl.on.ca and the National Convention at www.cwl.ca. PREPARATION FOR FIRST EUCHARIST Several children in our parish are preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist. Please keep these children in your prayers as they journey to the Sacrament. The children and parents are being introduced to Themes 4 and 5 at this meeting. The following are the goals for this Sunday’s meeting to help the child discover that thanksgiving is at the heart of the Eucharist, and of our Christian lives to help the child understand the meaning of sharing bread and wine to reaffirm the child’s desire to give thanks to God and show gratitude to others to teach the child the importance of remembering Jesus, in daily life and at Mass to help the child become more familiar with the Eucharistic Prayer, the great prayer of thanksgiving at Mass to strengthen in the child’s heart the desire to receive Jesus at First Communion The Parish Sacrament Team Pope Francis APRIL 2015 Prayer Intention FOR UNIVERSAL CREATION That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Feeling Awkward? Many of our par ishioners now make regular donations through automatic banking withdrawals or through VISA/MASTERCARD donations. We are aware that this can be awkward for you when ushers are taking the collection as you don’t have anything to drop into the baskets. Congratulations to We have pre-printed cards available at the entrance of the church on the book cases that can be dropped into the collection baskets. They say I support the Pro-Cathedral by pre-authorized contribution on the them. John and Mary Doyle who celebrate their 65 Wedding Anniversary this weekend! th May God, who has given you these years together, of his infinite goodness and mercy continue to bless you and your union. SEE SAMPLE With all our love on this special day, may God bless you both! Love, your family and friends Please drop this card Into the collection basket You could also just drop an empty “visitor” envelope into the basket—these are found in the holders in the pews. Weekly Collection Report EASTER WEEKEND COLLECTIONS Sunday Offering Building Fund $3,935.00 $4,473.00 Special Collection Special Collection Good Friday Flowers & Decorations $4,251.00 $2,265.00 Special Collection Thank you all of our Pro-Cathedral parishioners and to our many Easter Visitors for their generosity! Share Lent $8,051.45 Special Collection Easter $7,215.00 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION A Baptismal Preparation Meeting will be held in the Lower Sacristy on TUESDAY, April 21 beginning at 7:00 PM. Those who wish to register for this meeting to have their child baptized are asked to call the parish office by Monday, April 20. Baptism Preparation is mandatory by Diocesan Policy. Like us on Facebook and share updates! Follow us on Twitter @CWLNational Tweet and retweet CWL news! Parishioners who want to make a difference! A community of young people are forming in our parish to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation which will be celebrated on May 23. PRAYER LINE An excellent way to affirm our youth is to let them know that we care about them and support them on their continued faith journey. We invite you to pray for our candidates. Contact the parish office and the first name of one of our candidates will be provided to you so you can support our candidates by your prayer in any way you see fit. You shall love the Lord your God, and your neighbour as yourself.” (Mt 22.37a; 39) Do you want to love your and serve neighbour as a priest? Are you discerning the priesthood? Contact Fr. Pat Woods at the O e of Vocations 705-674-2727 X-250 or pwoods@diocesecentre.com and check out www.beapriest.ca PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. We only ask that you provide a message of congratulations - a card, letter, or note (handmade or purchased) that can be provided to the candidate so that they will know they have been supported through this process. This card or message can be given to Karen anytime before May 20 so that they can be included with their Confirmation certificate that will be given to them when they celebrate the sacrament on May 23. Call or email Karen at the parish office to receive a name. We would love to have our youth receive your prayers of support! REGIONAL NEWS Divine Mercy Sunday - Please join us to celebrate the Feast on April 12 at 3:00 PM at St. Peter's Church. The Chaplet and 9-day Novena of Divine Mercy begins on Good Friday copies available in the foyers of St. Peter's and Holy Name Churches. After the celebration of Divine Mercy, fellowship in the hall with potluck to share. Contact Colleen at 840-3400 for more information. The Promises of Fatima: Come pray the Rosary with a group of dedicated people who form a Fr. Gobbi Cenacle honouring our Blessed Virgin Mary. Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM at St. Peter’s Parish followed by Mass. Springtime of the Spirit Regional Prayer Group at Holy Name of Jesus Parish Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Recitation of the rosary, praise and worship, meditative prayer, sharing and fellowship. Come to a Lunch & Learn: Election Process Presentation at Holy Name of Jesus Church on Wednesday, April 15 from 12:00 noon to 1:15 PM. Jim Mallory (Returning Officer) and David Tabachnick (Professor of Political Science) present information regarding how voting requirements in a Federal Election have changed. Bring your own lunch, drinks and desserts provided. Contact Jan Poudrier at garden@ontera.net or 472-8474 for more information. Sponsored by Canadian Federation of University Women North Bay North Bay Regional Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Name Church, Mon-Wed-Fri (Noon – 6 PM), Tuesday (Noon - 9 PM), Thursday (Noon - 5 PM). Come and visit Jesus in this Sacrament of love. To make a commitment call Lena Butler, 497-3434 Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday at 11:55 AM at Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption prior to the 12:05 PM mass. Knights of Columbus Council 12106 Soup and Sandwich Card Party Holy Name Parish Hall, April 27 $6.00 per person. Lunch at 12:00 noon with cards to follow until 4:00 PM. Door prizes - Card players, bring your own cards and try to make up tables of four. For ticket information or reserving a table contact Don Brown at 472-6429. Lunch at noon $6.00 Open Adoration: St. Alphonsus in Callander every Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. First Friday 8:30 AM to 8:30 AM (24Hrs). St. Joseph’s Motherhouse first Sunday of the month from 3:30-4:30 PM in Holy Family Chapel and Pro-Cathedral First Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. CLAY- (Catholic Live Attitude Yes!) A Youth Program for JK to Grade 5, Thursday evenings 6:30-8:00pm at St. Gregory’s School Gym, back entrance. Come out and join us for games, crafts and faith teachings in a fun filled and positive environment. For more information please contact Laurie Dobbs at 705-7241277 or Jessica Sheppard at jessicasheppard@gmail.com. Summer Retreat at Villa Loyola ~ Praying with the Words of St. Ignatius: a pilgrimage through the Spiritual Exercises. Sunday August 9 (7pm) to Friday August 14 (1pm) with director, Fr. Joseph Schner, S.J. Cost $475.00 (spiritual direction, private room, meals and taxes included). Register by calling 705-5223502 Monday to Friday or by email at loyola@isys.ca Tour of the Major Shrines of Europe has been arranged for the Fall of 2015. Led by Father Hamish Currie, we will pray and have mass at all the major Shrines. September 26-October 11, 2015 from Sault Ste. Marie. All-Inclusive (including all travel, tours, superior accommodation, breakfast and dinner) $3690. Per person (airport taxes $583). For further information check the website www.preciousbloodssm.com or call parish office 705-256-8474. THE EDGE Youth Group for Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8's 6:45-8:30 pm on Monday evenings in the downstairs hall of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Powassan. Explore issues of our faith through live music, drama, small group discussions, guest speakers, games, scripture, crafts etc. Double bonus: snacks and prizes! No need to pre-register. Call Pauline at 724-5964 or Jeannine at 724-3424 for information. Let us know if you need transportation Coming to North Bay! Hosted at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Bishop Carter Auditorium THE NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT An international event that will inspire thousands of Catholics to be engaged in sharing the “Good News”! The Summit is a bringing dynamic presenters, simulcasting to Catholics all around North America – approximately 5,000 like-minded Catholics from the continent will be united in one goal: To be connected with each other and form a network of Catholic evangelists. The “new” refers to the new methods and expressions we use in word, deed or prayer to lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Effectively, it brings the Good News to those who have forgotten the message or have never heard it or understood it. Held Friday April 24 from 6:30 to 9:15 PM and Saturday from 8:45 AM to 4:15 PM. Registration is only $20 and includes lunch and coffee breaks. Contact your local parish for a registration form. Everyone welcome! Visit www.newevangelization.ca for more information. Marriage Preparation Program Weekends: May 1-2, October 23-24. Couples should register early by calling 472-5821. Series limited to 18 couples – register early! Material cost $40/couple payable at time of registration. April Showers Tea and Bake Sale at St. Brice's Anglican Church Saturday April 18 from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Sandwiches, pickles, veggies, dessert, tea and coffee for $5.00 (under 10 years $2.50). Habitat for Humanity presents, Spring Blossom Tea & Fashion Show Sunday April 19th, 2015 at the Davedi Club 2 to 4. Tickets $25. not sold at the door. Please call 705-495-6244. St. Joseph Motherhouse Presents the following programming Dream Workshop Friday, April 24 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, April 26 at 1:00 PM Theme: “ Letting Your Body Interpret Your Dreams” with Presenter, Sr. Mary McGuire, csj (PhD in Clinical Psychology ) Offering: $ 170.00 Commuter $80.00 Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius goes to the Movies with movie “Invictus” April 10 from 6:00-9:00 PM. Theme: “A Transforming Love” True joy is the felt sense of being rooted in God’s Love. Offering: by Donation Shalom Directed Retreat Sunday, July 19 at 7:00 PM to Saturday July 25 at 1:00 PM. Offering: $450.00 For information on any of the above events, please contact Sr. Phyllis O’Connor at 474-3800, extension 213 or email her at poconnor@csjssm.ca Knights of Columbus Meetings Fr. Michael Cundari Council, 12030 at Holy Name Church: General Meeting fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM . Contact: Joe Sinicrope at 497-0604 Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 now meet second Tuesday of each month with regular and executive meetings held the same day at the Canadian Forces Base Church (Queen of Peace). Contact: Don Brown 472-6429 Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 collect pop cans for charity work in North Bay. Please drop off you cans at Holy Name Church beside the Garage. Knights of Columbus Council #1007 General Meeting first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall, rosary at 6:30 PM. Refreshments served. Executive Meeting last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall. New or transferring members can contact Mike Maunsell at 491-0006 or mike@maunsell.ca ASCENDING LIFE-CANADA Spirituality – Mission - Friendship A CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT FOR RETIRED PERSONS A belief that as long as we live we should move forward and onward, to new horizons, new experiences, new growth of mind , heart and spirit. At our core is the essential element of spirituality; a call to prayer, reflection, study and sharing of faith. The fruit of spirituality is service, witnessing to the teaching of Jesus as they live day-by-day, bringing love and understanding to others as well as prayerful support. Friendship is another fruit of spirituality, coming together and sharing at a deeper level, dreams, hopes, families, concern, limitations, humanness and their God. GATHERINGS RECOMMENCE AS FOLLOWS Thursday, April 30 at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall Thursday, May 28 at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall Thursday, June 25 at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall MONTHLY THEMES April 30: The Fourth Sunday of Easter—The Good Shepherd Christ the Shepherd of our souls, who gave his life to and for His sheep, through love gives the nourishment of God’s truth, God’s love. We reflect on our call to care for His flock. Have you considered your calling as a Modern Day Shepherd? May 28: Pentecost Sunday The spirit of truth will guide you into an intimate relationship between the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit as comforter, teacher, and guide. How do we work on developing a spirituality that is attuned to the action of the Holy Spirit in our life? June 25: Dedicated to “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” The highest human expression of Devine love, which represents the centre, the source from which salvation for all humanity gushes forth. Let us open our hearts and let Him love us. How in some small way, can we experience God’s love more fully? THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH God’s will is that all people have God’s law written in their heart. What do you ask the Father to write on your heart? ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THESE GATHERINGS A special invitation to those who have been involved in “Arise” as a possible follow-up during these months to your Arise gatherings. Dear Pro-Cathedral Parents & Confirmation Candidates: We wish to invite you to participate in our 2015 Confirmation Preparation. Confirmation is a special time for a young person to commit to their faith and experience the Holy Spirit in their life. It is a sacrament that continues the welcoming and the belonging that began with Baptism and which continues with the celebration of Eucharist. We hope that your Confirmation will be fulfilling and joyful. Our Preparation Sessions will once again involve candidates from the entire North Bay region. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet other young people who are also preparing for their Confirmation and will be celebrating the Sacrament along with you at the Pro-Cathedral during Pentecost. A Regional Confirmation Information Night will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 PM at St. Peter’s Parish Hall. This meeting is mandatory as you will receive an overview of the preparation program. Candidates, parents, and sponsors are asked to attend this meeting. This year, once again our Confirmation program will be hosted by ‘ROCC’ (Rebuilding Our Catholic Church), a program run for the elementary school system to give children a ‘retreat experience’. The program incorporates music, skits, talks, games and small group activities to engage children in their faith and provide them with an opportunity to experience Jesus in the sacraments and prayer. The program is run by YEO (Youth Evangelizing Others), a local Catholic youth group made up of high school, college and university students. We are hoping our Confirmation preparation will not only prepare you for the Sacrament of Confirmation, but will be a fun experience, that will help build new friendships, spark different interests and present personal challenges. PLEASE PICK UP A REGISTRATION FORM FROM THE PAMPHLET HOLDER IN THE CHURCH AND RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO THE PARISH OFFICE REMEMBER - PLEASE SEND BAPTISM CERTIFICATE WITH REGISTRATION FORM SPECIAL NOTE: Please be sure to provide an email address so that we can send an information package with full Retreat Weekend Details once we receive your registration form. Please note that in requesting the Sacrament of Confirmation it is presumed that you are in Grade 7 or 8 (or older) and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. If you are missing one or more of these sacraments, please call the parish office at 472-3970 as soon as possible.
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