.-~~~~~~~~~-._ _.-~~~~~~~~~-. __.' ~. .~ `.__ .'// \./ \\`. .'// | \\`. .'// .-~"""""""~~~~-._ | _,-~~~~"""""""~-. \\`. .'//.-" `-. | .-' "-.\\`. .'//______.============-.. \ | / ..-============.______\\`. .'______________________________\|/______________________________`. UNPACKING MY LIBRARY.ZIP SILVIO LORUSSO (IUAV UNIVERSITY OF VENICE) The Post-Digital Scholar — Leuphana — November 14th 2014 Networked Optimization with Sebastian Schmieg and Amazon Kindle Users Amazon Mechanical Turk The original mechanical Turk (XVIII century) Highlighting a passage on a Kindle. Popular highlight on a Kindle Artificial artificial intelligence Amazon Mechanical Turk Motto Most Highlighted Passages of All Time (not available anymore) Because sometimes things happen to people and they’re not equipped to deal with them. Most Highlighted Passage of All Time. Highlighted by 17784 Kindle users from Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games) (Hunger Games Trilogy 2) Popular self-help books on the Amazon store. Networked Optimization, covers. Networked Optimization, frontispiece. Networked Optimization, detail. Networked Optimization, spread. DRM removal plugin for Calibre. NetOp @ Impakt Festival Utrecht, the Netherlands – Curated by Alexander Benenson (2014) Japanese stack of books. Amazon's Audacious Photography Patent – The Colbert Report (2014) Patent US 8676045 B1 “Studio Arrangement”, assigned to Amazon Inc. (published 2014). “Photographers furious after Amazon patents technique for seamless white background”, Carol Kuruvilla (2014) Amazon Seamless, Dana Manner (2014) Jeff Bezos in Amazon Seamless, Dana Manner (2014) This patented method saves loads of time making studio shots. Previously it took time to make the platform blend into the background if you didn’t get it just right, and often people had to add fake reflections later in Photoshop. “Amazon's Patent”, Ken Rockwell (2014) Networked Optimization at (!?), installation view. Networked Optimization at (!?), installation view. Networked Optimization at (!?), installation view. Networked Optimization at (!?), installation view. Leviathan Books Posters for S. Fischer Verlag, Gunter Rambow (1973) I’m fascinated by the explosion of the Quantified Self, enabled by digital technology, and love the idea of a personal Quantified Self reading-tracker-and-recommendation app – like a cross between Fitbit and Foursquare but with books. That would be fun. Anna Rafferty in “Digital publishing: the experts' view of what's next”, Alison Flood (2014) Google Analytics Real-Time view Se7en, directed by David Fincher (1995) “Radical Librarianship: how ninja librarians are ensuring patrons' electronic privacy”, Alison Macrina, April Glaser (2014) The Post-Digital Publishing Archive, 2013-present. The Post-Digital Publishing Archive, index page. “Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle”, Brad Stone (2009) E-book Backup, Jesse England (2012) [...] books represent an untraceable means of storing and retrieving information under most circumstances. For an individual to buy or borrow a book and read about something without it being noted by Google or their country’s surveillance administration is almost becoming a political act in itself. Jesse England in “Book, Print, Ink, Paper, Type” (2014) Thanks. Silvio Lorusso — @silvi0l0russo — silviolorusso.com The Post-Digital Scholar — Leuphana — November 14th 2014
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