A 2-Day Course Energy Audit on MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Date: 7 - 8 Sept 2015 Venue: UTM Johor Bahru Technical energy audits are detailed evaluations of the actual performance of a facility’s energy using systematic approach and equipment, benchmark against the designed performance level or the industry. In this course, you will learn the technical energy audit on core mechanical equipment include motor, chiller, cooling tower, fans and blowers, pumps and air compressors. You will learn the systematic approach to account the energy efficiency of these equipments and understand the typical energy losses. More importantly, you will gain insight on how to improve the energy efficiency. WHAT WILL I LEARN? Understand the typical energy losses of mechanical equipment in your facilities, including motors, chillers, cooling towers, fans and blowers, pumps and air compressors How to account the energy efficiency of different mechanical equipment Strategies and tips to improve the energy efficiency of mechanical equipment WHO SHOULD ATTEND Energy manager Professionals from any discipline Facility/maintenance managers or engineers Industry personnel who wish to learn more on mechanical equipment Malaysian Energy Professional Association (MEPA) members COURSE OUTLINE HOW WILL I BENEFIT? Reduce your energy costs Improve the energy-efficiency of the mechanical equipment in your facilities Gain professional recognition Prepare your organisation for setting up sustainable energy management system COURSE OUTLINE COURSE TUTOR Lighting system Electricity tariff Power Factor Improvement Ir. Al-Khairi Mohd Daud Electrical Load Management Transformers P.Eng, C Eng, MIEM, MIAM, MBEAM, MMEPA, MMSQH Motors Chillers Cooling Towers Fans and Blowers Pumps Air Compressors REEM & BEM CPD pts. Claimable* *subject to approval HRDF Claimable Ir. Al-Khairi has nearly twenty years of experience working in various industries in oil and gas, petrochemicals, oleo chemicals and cements plant. He also has experience in research, manufacturing and private healthcare facilities. Ir Al-Khairi was involved in construction, project management, asset management, reliability studies, repair and maintenance of plants and facilities and consultancy. Currently, Ir Al-Khairi is the Chief Consultant for Faqeh Management which specializing in asset, reliability, maintenance and energy management. Ir Al-Khairi is the advisor for Oil, Gas and Mining Technical Division for Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and a surveyor with Malaysian Society for Quality in Healthcare. He is also a member of Institute of Asset Management in UK. Ir Al-Khairi is not only a Registered Electrical Energy Manager with Energy Commission but he has been appointed as the country expert, trainer and auditor for ASEAN Energy Management Standard (AEMAS) under Green Technology Malaysia and preparing to be the expert trainer for ISO 50001. For More Details, Please Contact: REGISTRATION AND FEE* Online Registration: http://www.cheme.utm.my/prospect/index.php/register-mechanical-audit More Training: http://www.cheme.utm.my/prospect/index.php/training-calendar Early Bird : Normal : Student : Group : RM 1600 (Before 7 August 2015) RM 2000 20% discount 10% discount *6% GST will be charged at final invoice Registration Deadline: 17 August 2015 Mrs. Nurul Huda Zamzuri Tel: +607-55 36244/36246 Fax: +607-55 88166 Email: nurulhuda@cheme.utm.my Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), N29, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor. Website: http://www.cheme.utm.my/prospect
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