Opportunities to Serve at Prosper Nursery (for children up to around age 3) Today Infant Kelly Koetje, Dylan Lucas Kyle Hamilton Toddler Wayne Roper Shelly DeKam, James Taylor April 12 Infant Power Point Today Dave Ebels April 12 Dylan Lucas April 19 Dave Ebels Camera Today April 12 April 19 Erik VanHouten Sam Ebels Isabella Gandolfi Susan Dick, Melissa Ebels Jamie DeKam Children’s Church - Coordinator: Betsy Rozeveld Toddler Tanis Rozeveld (for children ages 3-5 years) Lynae Gernaat, Esther DeKam Today Betsy Rozeveld Fiona Sullivan, Logan Roper April 19 Infant Betsy Rozeveld April 12 Erin E. Koetje, Kelly Koetje Bonnie Brinks, Fiona Sullivan Audrey Lofton Toddler Glady Brinks, Diane DeZeeuw April 19 Holly & Kyle Hamilton Wayne Roper, Jr. Esther DeKam Nursery Cleaner Coffee Servers April: Jamie Dodde Today Kyle & Tracey VanHaitsma Greeters Today April 12 April 19 Ben & Jolene Sullivan Elders & Spouses April 12 Bernard & Shirley Brinks Dale & Bonnie Brinks Keith & Char VanHaitsma Keith & Julie Rozeveld April 19 Jack & Dawn Rozeveld Ellen & Denise Rozema Teen 22 & Leaders Children’s Message Today Carl Dodde April 12 Pastor Dirk April 19 Teen 22 Cookies Today Ushers - Head Usher: Keith VanHaitsma April 12 Tracey VanHaitsma, Lori Warson Stephanie VanHouten Kimberly Weigold, Sue Yount Bev Zuiderveen, Sally Baas April 19 Bonna Baas, Cynthia Bazuin Gladys Blue, Chris Bode Shirley Brinks, Bonnie Brinks Glady Brinks April: Curt Bode, Dale Brinks, Andy Ebels It takes a lot of volunteers to run God’s ministry. Thank you for how YOU help! Pat Schoo, Connie Shaarda Judy Steensma, Jolene Sullivan Kelly Taylor, Sena VanderHeide Char VanHaitsma Welcome to Worship at Prosper Christian Reformed Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! We are glad you are here!! Today we celebrate with praise the resurrection of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord! The women and disciples found the tomb empty! They learned the wonderful truth — “He is not here; He has risen!” This morning, we'll look at the glory and implications of Christ's resurrection found in Matthew 28! Prayers of Prosper Please pray boldly for Prosper Church! Pray for Grant & Gretchen Koster, in Mississippi on a mission trip. Pray also for Emma DeRuiter, Brett Rodenbaugh and Chelsea Ebels as they leave tomorrow for the Dominican Republic for a mission trip. (A list of prayer requests and all of the participants on the trip, as well as what they will be doing each day is available on the table in the FR). What an awesome privilege we have to be able to go to the throne of our God on behalf of these young people! Pray that God will use them mightily to be the hands and feet of Jesus and that they will have opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please remember our members who find it difficult to worship with us: June Boven, Jeanette DeRuiter, Jo DeRuiter, Gen Dodde, Eleanor Ebels, Millie Jenema and Marian Zinger. Please continue to pray for Linda Corp, Jake Naumann and Amarissa Peña . Keep Ken V anderHeide in your prayers as he deals with some heart issues. Pray for Trevor Placeway, Tanis Rozeveld’s fiancé as he finishes his final weeks of training in the Marine Corps and for Shawn Murray, Lori Warson’s son who has been deployed to Bahrain. We thank God for our young families and praise him for the gift of life. Pray for our expectant mothers: V alerie DeKam and Kaycee Elsholz. Pastor Duane Timmermans has suffered a serious stroke. Please pray for healing for Pastor Duane, wisdom for the doctors and nurses and peace for Sharon and the family as they wait by his side. Pray for Vogel Center CRC! May we find ways to be an encouragement and support to our neighboring congregation during this time. April 5, 2015 Small Groups at Prosper Care Group #3-will meet on Sat, April 25, 6pm at Carl and Marjon’s. Please read chapter 5. Care Group #5 –our next meeting will be Sat, April 18, 6pm at the BARN. CCGD –will meet Mon, April 13, 7pm at the BARN. “Dust to Glory” Care Group –will meet THIS Tues, April 7, 7pm at David & Rachel’s. Ladies Afternoon Bible Study will meet THIS Wednesday at 1:30. We will study Psalm 24 and 93 (page 70 of our study book). Men’s Bible Study –will meet THIS Wed, April 8, 7pm at the BARN. Please read chapter 18, The Discipline of Ministry. Moms Bible Study—will meet on Wed, April 15, 1pm at Church. Sewing – THIS Tues, April 7, 6:30. Weather Cancelation Policy reminder— Council Meeting –Mon, April 13, 7pm. Cadet Derby Race-Sat, April 18 at Lake City CRC. HS Youth Service-Sunday, April 19. Worship Committee– Tues, April 21, 7pm. Cadet Sunday –May 17. In the event of a tornado watch or warning for our area one hour before a scheduled service or church activity, that activity or worship service will be automatically cancelled...If a worship service is to be cancelled, announcements will be attempted by the prayer line, church email and by placing the announcement on Promise FM and Smile FM; however, we cannot promise the word will get out in time. If the weather is threatening please consult the local media for weather updates. If unsure, you may contact your district elder. CHURCH SCHEDULE April 5-11, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 AM SUNRISE SERVICE-at Falmouth Cemetery 8:00 AM EASTER BREAKFAST 9:30 AM RESURRECTION EASTER SERVICE! NO SUNDAY SCHOOL & CATECHISM NO PM SERVICE TUESDAY 6:30 PM SEWING 7:00 PM ‘DUST TO GLORY’-at David & Rachel’s WEDNESDAY 6:45 AM PRAYER TIME-at the BARN NO GEMS & NO TEEN 22 7:00 PM MEN’S BIBLE STUDY– at the BARN Have a GREAT Spring Break! Relax, read a book, take a nap, but remember to spend some quality time with Jesus! We will NOT have Sunday School or Catechism today or next Sunday. We will resume on April 19. Only a risen Savior can save a dying world!!!
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