newsletter - PS 154 Brooklyn

May 2015
A message from Eric….
Greetings all! May is always an eventful month, and we
kicked it off with our buddy Family Friday on May 1. On
that day we celebrated Earth Day and the importance of
caring for our natural environment. I enjoy seeing our
buddy classes get together so families have an
opportunity to meet their child’s buddy and, in some
cases, a family member of the buddy. Also, I hope you
were able to enjoy our afternoon parade. It turned out
to be a beautiful spring day and the children were excited
to sing, chant and march with their buddies and their
Earth Day artifacts.
Our busy end of the year events started on the last day of
April when our fourth graders released about 200 brook
trout at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. The day
ended with the wonderful Parents Night Out event which
allowed for teachers, staff, and parents to socialize and
enjoy themselves. Continuing in May, we had a lovely
field day featuring our new school t-shirts. Our second
graders performed their Monster Monologues, our first
graders displayed their tumbling and dance skills to
conclude a Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX) enrichment and
our fourth and fifth graders had the opportunity interview
professionals in S.T.E.M. careers during our 2nd Annual
Visiting Scientist Day. Also, we welcomed back King
Henry, mascot for the Brooklyn Cyclones, to kick off our
Brooklyn Cyclones fundraiser. I am looking forward to our
Cyclones game on June 25th. I hope to have another
opportunity to throw out the first pitch. This time, the
goal is to make it to the catcher’s mitt.
the work that children have done with their instructors
over the course of the school year.
Finally, after almost two full school years of being under
construction, the last of the scaffolding came down this
month. We are so happy to have our cherished school
yard back. Thank you all for your patience during this
process. The school looks absolutely beautiful!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Spring Fling
on June 13th. Please check out our school calendar on our
web site, , to see what else is happening
in June.
Eric Havlik
I also want to highlight that our music concerts for our
lower grades are taking place this week. Please check the
school calendar for exact dates. I hope that you all can
attend as the concerts are a culminating celebration of
1625 11th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215
ph: 718-768-0057 fax 718-832-2573
Eric Havlik, Principal –
Michael Buckley, Assistant Principal –
Debby Wattenbarger, Parent Coordinator,
May 2015
Check with your teachers for class trip dates &
Thursday, May 28
2nd Grade Music Concert MMR
Poetry Jam
Friday, May 29
1st Grade Concert MMR
Thunderbird Dancers Assembly
Tuesday, June 2
3rd Grade Author Visit
Wednesday, June 3
5th Grade Class Trip
Thursday, June 4
No School for Students-Anniversary
Tuesday, June 9
1/2 Day-Noon Dismissal
Wednesday, June 10
Upper Grade Music Concert - 6pm at
Bishop Ford
Saturday, June 13
Spring Fling!
Monday, June 15
5th Grade v. Teacher Kickball Game
1/2 Day - Noon Dismissal
Tuesday, June 16
4th Grade Author Visit-Jacqueline
5th Grade Ballroom Dance
Performance-6pm at Bishop Ford
Wednesday, June 17
K Stepping Up: K-109, K-110
Thursday, June 18
K Stepping Up: K-101, K-102, K-201
Friday, June 19
5th Grade Graduation-at PS 10
Monday, June 22
2nd Grade Performance
Tuesday, June 23
New Parent Orientation
Wednesday, June 24
5th Grade Picnic
Thursday, June 25
Cyclones Game!
Friday, June 26
Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal
How to Get Involved
There are lots of ways to participate in your child’s
school! Here are just a few…
Family Fridays – Due to the many events planned for
May & June, we do not have a June Family Friday.
Lunch Volunteers – Contact Debby Wattenbarger for
more information, or check out our website, (4th Grade families are needed now - 5th
Grade Families are needed in June!)
PTA Meetings – Attend these meetings to find out what
is happening in our school – upcoming meeting: We
voted in new members at our last PTA meeting of the
year on May 20th. Our next meeting will be in September
General PTA Volunteers – Our PTA is always in need of
general volunteers for help with writing thank you notes
(easy to do from home), fundraising, and events. Please
contact Abby Palanca,
Our staff and teachers loved their luncheon & their cards!
It made them all feel appreciated and loved.
Dates and times are subject to change. See online calendar at for details and the most up to date information.
1625 11th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215
ph: 718-768-0057 fax 718-832-2573
Eric Havlik, Principal –
Michael Buckley, Assistant Principal –
Debby Wattenbarger, Parent Coordinator,