CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY 205C PASQUERILLA SPIRITUAL CENTER UNIVERSITY PARK PA 16802 BULLETIN # 911240 5 JULY 2015 PHILLIP TORBERT OFFICE PHONE: 814-865-4281 EMAIL: PTORBERT@PSU.EDU FOURTEENTH SUNDAY ORDINARY • 5 JULY 2015 C ATH O LI C C AM P US M I N IS TRY STAFF DIRECTOR Fr. Matthew Laffey OSB • CAMPUS MINISTERS Fr. David Griffin OSB • Deacon Laszlo Ivanits • DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Phillip Torbert • DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT C O M I N G U P M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N I N S I D E Men's Retreat ST. VINCENT ARCHABBEY Father & Son Retreat ST. VINCENT ARCHABBEY Worldwide Marriage Encounter Ladies Retreat EBENSBURG Erik Bjalme • OFFICE MANAGER Irene Wells • KOREAN MINISTRY Yeon Ji Seo • SPANISH MINISTRY Eunice Hockenberry • Jul 17–19 Jul 24–26 Jul 31 Aug 7 LITU RGY SC H ED U LE Weekend Liturgies SUMMER Saturday | 4p Sunday | 10:30a Worship Hall | Pasquerilla Spiritual Center The mission of the Catholic Campus Ministry at Penn State is to give witness to a Catholic Presence in University Life and to promote and sustain the well being of the whole Catholic Person. We welcome students, faculty, staff, resident community members, and alumni. Grounded in the tradition of the Church, Catholic Campus Ministry provides an environment and fellowship that challenge members to encounter the Living Christ and be transformed by His Spirit. Liturgies, retreats, service projects, Bible studies, prayer groups, programs for Catholic critical thinkers, and other activities nurture our faith and open our hearts to hear God’s message for us today. Weekday Liturgies SUMMER MON–THU WED 5:05p Mass • Eisenhower Chapel 4–5p Confessions • Meditation Chapel FRI 12:30p Mass • Eisenhower Chapel ALSO AVAILBLE BY APPOINTMENT Spanish Mass July 19 Byzantine Mass July 11 @psucatholic phone 814.865.4281 fax 814.865.2972 psucatholic office 205C Pasquerilla Spiritual Center 1p • The Holy Family Chapel PATERNO CATHOLIC CENTER 5p • Univ. Mennonite Church Korean Mass Saturdays 1606 NORMA ST. (BEHIND THE RAMADA) 4p preceeded by confessions PASQUERILLA CENTER U P CO M I N G E VENTS Equal rights for all, special privileges for none. Freedom is not only a gift, but also a summons to personal responsibility. Americans know this from experience—almost every town in this country has its monuments honoring those who sacrificed their lives in defense of freedom, both at home and abroad. The preservation of freedom calls for the cultivation of virtue, selfdiscipline, sacrifice for the common good and a sense of responsibility towards the less fortunate. It also demands the courage to engage in civic life and to bring one’s deepest beliefs and values to reasoned public debate. THOMAS JEFFERSON POPE BENEDICT XVI Have a Safe & Happy Independence Day Weekend! ANNUAL BENEDICTINE COMMUNITY MEETINGS • No Daily Masses July 9–10 Every year on July 11, the Church honors St. Benedict with a feast day. With this feast day in mind the Benedictine monks of Saint Vincent Archabbey return home to Latrobe for our annual celebrations and business meetings. It is a time of celebration because we take advantage of this festive date to welcome into our community the “new” monks (Novices). The “Junior Monks” also renew their vows for another year and the monks who have spent 3 years in simple vows make their “final vows” or “solemn profession,” meaning they commit themselves to the monastic way of life and become full voting members of the monastery. We also take care of much of our business during this time, and look at our various apostolates, our numerous parishes, the PSU Ministry, and St. Vincent College & Seminary. It will be a busy time! Therefore, there will be no daily Mass July 9–10 so that we may be in attendance. Thank you for your understanding! SUMMER RETREATS @ ST. VINCENT MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION Men's Retreat • July 17–19 Our contemporary world confuses pleasure with happiness; that money, travel, pleasure, power, and other attractions will make us happy. But no matter how hard we try, such allurements never satisfy us. Jesus teaches us the path to abiding happiness. This retreat will examine Jesus' core teachings through lectures, group discussion, and one-on-one counseling with the retreat master, Fr. Bonaventure Curtis, OSB. Father and Son Retreat • July 24–26 What is the New Evangelization? How can we embrace the New Evangelization in our lives for a deeper personal conversion? How do we touch the lives of others through the New Evangelization? Through prayer, discernment of our particular gifts, and a survey of various methods of the New Evangelization, we can become aware of the ways that we can announce and share the faith we profess. JUL 31 AUG 2 AUG 7 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Do you wish he'd talk more? Do you wish she'd listen more? Learn tools for better communication at Worldwide Marriage Encounter July 31–Aug 2 at the Quality Inn & Suites in Fairview, PA (Exit 16 on I-90). MORE INFO 814-823-4600 or CATHOLIC NIGHT @ THE SPIKES Come and join the Northern Deanery and celebrate our Catholic identity together at the ballpark with Fr. Neil Dadey, Dean of the Northern Deanery. Gates open at 5pm. Discounted field box tickets are only $5 for students ($9.50/adults). MORE INFO Chris Kirkpatrick at (You can also drop off a check at the OLV Rectory for ticket reservations) LADIES RETREAT The Sisters of St. Ann invite you to their annual Ladies Retreat, celebrating the upcoming 500th anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila's sainthood, led by the Very Rev. Jude Peters (Carmelite Friars of Hubertus, Wisconsin). MORE INFO 814-472-9354 FAIRVIEW, PA RESERVATIONS DUE JUL 27 AUG 7–9 • EBENSBURG INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Are you simply curious about our faith? Do you know someone who is interested in Catholicism? Do you want to increase your knowledge of Catholicism? Please contact Fr. Matthew in the office if you would like to speak further about our faith. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In the sixteenth century, the Council of Trent, which was otherwise devoted to liturgical uniformity, was very tolerant of age-old marriage customs. The Council singled out "praiseworthy" customs and hoped they would be retained. The Second Vatican Council likewise asked for a careful evaluation of customs, admitting that not everything about wedding practice is "praiseworthy." In our revised liturgy, all of the prayers consistently stress the equality of the partners. Some familiar customs do not match this insight. Often, the groom remains hidden in a sacristy while the bride, accompanied only by her father, enters with her attendants. This is hardly equality, especially if it appears that her father is "giving her away" to her husband. This is a familiar enough scene, but increasingly couples are called to a different practice. Symbols and signs carry and communicate meaning. The challenge for couples today is to match the meaning to the symbol, and for the couple to be authentic in all they do and say on the day of their wedding. Having bride and groom both take part fully and equally in the entrance procession is exactly the kind of "praiseworthy" practice we've been looking for! Idleness is the enemy of the soul. ST. BENEDICT Bread of Life Tues. at 6p EISENHOWER CHAPEL WELCOME TO ALL NEW STUDENTS! We welcome you to the second Summer session here at University Park! Our schedule for the summer is on the front of this bulletin as well as any contact information you may need. Please stop by the office to register with us and say “Hello!” If we can be of any help to you please let us know. God bless you! We can always use extra help with the liturgies. If you are a musician, lector or Eucharistic minister (or would like to become one or simply would like to help set up for Mass), please call the office and ask for Fr. Matthew, or email him at FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST Mark's Gospel account today is built on a double astonishment or amazement: the neighbors and family of Jesus are astonished that he taught in the synagogue with wisdom and worked powerful signs. Jesus, in turn, is amazed that they have no faith in him because they know his origins, not because of any fault with his teaching or ministry. As with many of Mark's passages, we get a rather intimate glimpse here of the human part of Jesus' two-fold nature. To reinforce his point, Mark tells of Jesus' return to his native place, and further points out that he is in the midst of his own family members there. From the very people he expected the most, Jesus received the least. In the day of the Gospel's writing, Mark was attempting to illustrate a lesson to the house of Israel: the God of the covenant expected the greatest faith from the house of Israel, but often received the least. This is a good source for reflection on our part, we who are Jesus' followers today. For the wisdom of Christ to continue and for our lives to be seen as signs of his power, he must expect and be able to find great faith among us. Will he? Can he? Does he? Or is he, once again, amazed by its absence? Contact the office for more information FOURTEENTH WEEK ORDINARY St. Maria Goretti Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26 MON TUES Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38 Our Lord prefers to wait for the sinner for years rather than keep the sinner waiting one instant. ST. PETER JULIAN EYMARD WED Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 THU St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 FRI Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 SAT St. Benedict Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7; Mt 10:24-33 FAMILIES & THE GOSPEL Mk 6:1-6 Today’s gospel is so familiar, it hurts! The home town folks couldn’t accept the presence of God in Jesus. After all, they had watched him grow up. We can easily make the same mistake if we don’t see God present in the ordinary routines of our family. “The Lord be with You” is a statement of fact. Believe it. Live it.
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