Monday Memo MARCH 30 DEPARTMENT NEWS FACULTY OF ARTS AWARDS CEREMONY & CELEBRATION Congratulations to the following department members who will receive Faculty of Arts awards for 2015! Outstanding Staff – Individual: Michelle Vogt (Psychology) Research – New: Joshua Bourdage (Psychology) Research – Established: Susan Graham (Psychology) Monday May 4 2015, 2-5 pm Inside this issue: RSVP by April 27 Department News 1 WINTER 2015 COGNITIVE SCIENCE SEMINAR Events 2 The Cognitive Science Seminars (CSS) provide a friendly forum in which students and faculty can present and receive feedback on their research. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Undergraduate Corner 5 Graduate Corner 5 Employment and Volunteer 6 Research Notes and 8 Activities This will be a "brown bag" seminar series so feel free to bring (and eat!) your lunch. If you would like to be on the mailing list please email: March 30th: Sophia Van Hees Title: The neural mechanisms of lexical and non-lexical processing in competitive Scrabble players. April 6th: Zornitza Belchev Title: Age and Mood Effects on Gaze and Recognition for Images GAMBLING RESEARCH INSTITUTE SPRING NEWSLETTER Assistant Professor and Alberta Gambling Research Institute Chair Dan McGrath is interviewed in the feature article of the spring newsletter, discussing is research interests. RR2015/AGRI_GRRNwslttr_Spring2015.pdf THREE MINUTE TALK Graduate student Dave Sidhu was featured in the UToday discussing his experience as one of ten finalists in last year’s Three Minute Thesis competition. utm_source=UToday&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=March-24-2015&utm_term=How% 20to%20change%20the%20world%20with%20a%20three-minute%20talk PAGE 2 MONDAY MEMO EVENTS DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY SEMINAR SERIES – WINTER 2015 3.30PM – AD247 DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY APRIL 15, 2015 MARGOT TAYLOR Departments of Paediatrics and Psychology, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada). Title: Neural Basis of Cognitive Development Website: LECTURE OF A LIFETIME Learn life lessons from University of Calgary psychology professor Keith Dobson, who has established a new standard for treating depression Keith has altered clinical practice globally by implementing cognitive behavioural therapy as standard practice for treating depression. He works actively with the Mental Health Commission of Canada to develop programs that reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and promote healthier workplaces. His passion for psychology has motivated thousands of students over the years to pursue solutions for pressing challenges in the area of mental health. Please join us for a truly inspiring evening to learn about Keith’s experiences and life lessons learned as he delivers the 2015 Lecture of a Lifetime. Date Time Venue Register Thursday, April 16, 2015 Reception to begin at 6:15 p.m. Lecture to follow at 7 p.m. Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary Attendance is free, please register here. SEXUAL MEDICINE WORKSHOPS Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Tom Baker Cancer Centre Auditorium Dr. Rosemary Basson is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the Director of the University of British Columbia Sexual Medicine Program. Her CIHR funded research explores androgen and stress hormone activity in women with and without Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. She is also conducting an RCT of treatments for Provoked Vestibulodynia- comparing Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Her 80 plus peer reviewed publications include a series in The Lancet on sexual dysfunction subsequent to illness, a NEJM review on clinical aspects of women’s sexual dysfunction, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ series on sexual dysfunction. This is a free event but registration is required To register, send an email to: or Fax: 403-355-3206 Questions? Call: 403-355-3207 PAGE 3 MONDAY MEMO PAGE 4 MONDAY MEMO PAGE 5 MONDAY MEMO UNDERGRADUATE CORNER 2015 ICAN-WISE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP ($6,000) ICAN-WISE is the Integrated Collaborative Academic Network for Women in Science and Engineering. The ICAN-WISE scholarship program was established for the Prairie Region of Canada in 2014. Each year, undergraduate students at selected universities in the Prairie region are invited to apply for the ICAN-WISE Scholarship which is valued at $6,000. The purpose of the ICAN-WISE Scholarship is to facilitate women mentee-mentor academic research collaborations in natural sciences and engineering fields. There are three ICAN-WISE scholarships available in 2015, one scholarship for each of three participating universities in the Prairie region. These universities are the University of Calgary, University of Manitoba and University of Saskatchewan. Please check to obtain the correct scholarship application form for your university. Submit your application by April 2, 2015, midnight to GRADUATE CORNER CALL FOR STUDENT RESEARCH POSTERS The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA) invites all student members to enter their research contributions to psychology for PAA Connect 2015: Our Inaugural Forum for Learning, Connection, & Renewal. Rather than a traditional poster, students are asked to showcase their research creatively via video (of less than 3 minutes). All videos submitted will be uploaded to the PAA website for viewing by PAA members and shown at the PAA Connect 2015 forum. Criteria: The video should present your research in a highly understandable and compelling manner for psychologists across diverse specializations (think “elevator pitch”). Additional criteria for submitted video posters include: - You are the principal researcher: The majority of the work has been completed by you, the student. - Your research makes a notable contribution to the profession of psychology. Submissions: Videos are to be uploaded to YouTube, using the private settings if desired. The deadline to submit the YouTube viewing link has been extended to April 30th. Links to be sent to: Eligibility: To be eligible, students must be members of PAA (yearly student membership is only $40). Review: The PAA Awards Committee will review all poster presentations on both content (i.e., focus & relevance to the profession of psychology, etc.) and originality of the video before submitting the links to the PAA website, where our members will have the opportunity to vote on the most popular videos. Student Research Award: Winners will receive a monetary award of $250.00 and free registration to the PAA Connect 2015 forum. The student who is the primary author of the presentation will receive the monetary award, however, this award can be shared by multiple students, in title. Check out the website for information & award updates: paa_connect_2015_our_inaugural_forum PAGE 6 MONDAY MEMO APF/COGDOP GRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2015 The American Psychological Foundation (APF) and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) are jointly offering graduate research scholarships, including the $5,000 Harry and Miriam Levinson Scholarship, $5,000 William and Dorothy Bevan Scholarship, the $5,000 Charles and Carol Spielberger Scholarship, the $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship, the $2,000 Clarence J. Rosecrans Scholarship, and as well as a number of $1,000 scholarships, including the Peter and Malina James & Dr. Louis P. James Legacy Scholarship, the William C. Howell Scholarship and the Dr. Judy Kuriansky Scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship program is to assist graduate students of psychology with research costs associated with the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. The American Psychological Association Science Directorate administers the granting of the scholarships. Graduate students enrolled in a doctoral program or an interim master's programs are eligible to apply. If a student is currently enrolled in a terminal master's program, the student must intend to enroll in a PhD program immediately following completion of the master’s program. Special attention will be given to applications from students who, at the time of application, are within the first two years of graduate study in psychology. Each graduate department of psychology that is a member of COGDOP may submit nominations. The number of candidates that each member department is allowed to nominate depends upon the total number of students enrolled in the graduate program. Departments that have 100 or fewer students enrolled in their graduate programs may nominate one (1) candidate; departments that have 101-200 graduate students enrolled may nominate up to two (2) candidates; and departments that have more than 200 graduate students enrolled may nominate up to three (3) candidates. We encourage nominations of students who are enrolled in interim master's programs. NOTE: nominees must be currently enrolled in the graduate program at the time grants are awarded. Please find the application forms online: EMPLOYMENT AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR “BABY SIBS PROJECT” AUTISM STUDY We are looking for 4 dedicated research assistants to help with data coding starting May 2015. We are also looking for about 10 individuals interested in volunteering to babysit the siblings of our infant/toddler participants. These positions will require 5 hours per week of dedicated time in the Speech Development Lab at the University of Calgary, which will include attendance to team meetings. These hours can be completed at any time during the week, including evenings and weekends. There are many opportunities for advancement over time, including paid positions. If you are planning on doing an honours degree, or eventually going to graduate school, this is a great opportunity to round out your CV, and gain a deeper understanding of how research is conducted in psychology. Our ideal candidates will have completed PSYC 312, be a psychology major in their 3 rd or 4th year, and can commit to this position for at least 1 year or more. Experience with babies/toddlers and their parents, and/or experience with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder is an asset. See our website for more information about our Autism research: http:// To apply, please email your CV (including current GPA) and cover letter to Jennifer Ference at ONLINE SURVEY FOR DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Participants are needed for a study examining the experiences of adult children of alcoholics and adult children of non-alcoholics in current intimate relationships. You qualify to complete the study if you meet the criteria for either of the following groups: You are currently in a committed intimate relationship of six months or longer and are 18 years of age or older OR You identify as an adult child of an alcoholic, are currently in a committed intimate relationship of six months or longer, and are 18 years of age or older. Participation is through an online survey which will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. You will be entered into a draw for one of four $50 gift cards for your participation. If you meet either of the criteria, you can complete the survey at Or you can contact the researcher, Marley Young at for more information. PAGE 7 MONDAY MEMO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Are you interested in gaining some volunteer experience working for a Private Psychology Practice? We are looking for undergraduate psychology students interested in doing 5-6 hours of volunteer work per week for our practices, for a 1 year commitment. We are a group of psychologists who specialize in career counselling and industrial/ organizational psychology. Our firms are: Calgary Career Counselling ( ) Leadership Success Group ( ) We are located in the heart of Kensington, and offer the opportunity to assist with psychology office administration, assessment, editing, research and marketing for our firms. We are looking for a motivated, professional and detail oriented student who has some office and research experience. If interested, please send your cover letter and resume by email to: Nicole Pesta, Operations Manager (403) 261-5085 TWO RESEARCH ASSISTANTS NEEDED (PAID POSITIONS) Seeking two eager undergraduate students who are looking to gain research experience in both personality and industrial organizational psychology, by assisting a Master’s student with their thesis research. This is a short-term commitment, offering anywhere from 10 to 20 hours over the next few weeks. Specific hours are flexible. Interested applicants should include the following information in their email: Copy of your Resume/CV Copy of an unofficial academic transcript Deadline: March 23, 2014 Interested applicants can email: SUMMER CAMP VOLUNTEERS KIDS CANCER CARE FOUNDATION OF ALBERTA We are currently recruiting summer camp volunteers for our 2015 camp season. Kids Cancer Care is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping families affected by childhood cancer. We offer free weekend and summer camps to kids across Alberta so they have a chance to escape the rigours of cancer treatment for outdoor fun and adventure. We are usually at the volunteer fair each year but since it is in the fall we lose out on promoting volunteer options when the school year is coming to an end. This is a great way for students to earn extra volunteer hours and gain experience interacting with kids of all ages and walks of life. I have attached a poster which outlines all of the camps we are running this summer and a brief description of those camps (including dates). You can also visit our website for more information on the foundation ( Please contact Breanne Blackburn for more information. 403-984-1222, CARING CAMPUS SURVEY Win great prizes and help mental health research! The Caring Campus is a Movember funded research project and we need your help to learn more about substance use and mental health on campus. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes and you will be entered to win great prizes! We are giving away an iPad mini, 10 $250 bookstore gift cards, and 10 $50 Starbucks cards! Questions will include asking you about your own patterns of substance use (How many drinks do you have on average when you are drinking? how often do you drink?), your feelings regarding your own mental health (How often do you feel stressed out?), and your beliefs regarding other people’s substance use (How often do you think the average first year male drinks alcohol?). This survey is anonymous and confidential. This survey has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board. PAGE 8 MONDAY MEMO RESEARCH NOTES AND ACTIVITIES Eggermont JJ, Tass P. (2015) Maladaptive neural synchrony in tinnitus: origin and restoration. Frontiers in Neurology, 6:29, pp.1-17, doi: 10.3389/ fneur.2015.00029 Konkolÿ Thege, B., Woodin, E. M., Hodgins, D. C., & Williams, R. J. (2015). Natural course of behavioral addictions: A 5-year longitudinal study. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 4. Konkolÿ Thege, B., Tárnoki, A.D., Tárnoki, D.L., Garami, Zs., Berczi, V., Horváth, I., & Veress, G. (2015). Is flourishing good for the heart? Relationships between positive psychology characteristics and cardiorespiratory health. Annals of Psychology, 31, 55-65. McGrath, D.S. & Konkoly Thege, B. (2015). The Categorical Stability of Gambling Motives among Community-recruited Gamblers. The Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC), Secondary Data Analysis of Knowledge Repository Datasets Grant. McGrath, D.S. Peloquin, M.P., Ferdinand, J.C., & Barrett, S.P. (2015). Acute effects of nicotine on alcohol cue-reactivity in nondependent and dependent smokers. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23(1), 29-36. Moffat, M., Siakaluk, P. D., Sidhu, D., & Pexman, P. M. (2014). Situated conceptualization and semantic processing: Effects of emotional experience and context availability in semantic categorization and naming tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi: 10.3758/s13423-014-0696-0 Rash, J. A., Campbell, T. S., Letourneau, N., & Giesbrecht, G. F. (2015). Prenatal maternal cortisol and parasympathetic programming of the infant cardiovascular system. Psychoneuroendocrinology. Advanced Online Publication. doi 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.01.024 (IF = 5.59) Siakaluk, P. D., Knol, N., & Pexman, P. M. (2014). Effects of emotional experience for abstract words in the Stroop task. Cognitive Science, 38, 1698 -1717. Taikh, A., Hargreaves, I. S., Yap, M., & Pexman, P. M. (2014). Semantic classification of pictures and words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2014.975728 NOTICE OF GRADUATE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS FROM THE ALBERTA GAMBLING RESEARCH INSTITUTE The multidisciplinary field of gambling research is growing in importance and demand. The Alberta Gambling Research Institute’s Partner Universities, U of Alberta, U of Calgary, and U of Lethbridge have achieved international recognition for their research expertise in gambling. In order to support and enhance the research base in Alberta and to recruit outstanding research students, a three-component graduate research scholarship program is available, tenable at any of the Institute Partner Universities and in any discipline for research directly related to AGRI’s mandate. Candidates must have been accepted into, or be currently engaged in, a fulltime, thesis-based, graduate or doctoral program at one of the Partner Universities. Candidates may be from any related discipline. Scholarship Levels and Award Amounts -Graduate (MA/MSc) – maximum $20,000 for one year, renewable for an additional year, plus a one-time $3,000 research allowance -Doctoral (PhD) – maximum of $30,000/year for up to four years, renewable annually (dependent on research accomplishment), plus a one-time $5,000 research allowance; assistance will be made available by senior Institute researchers to develop grant proposals for both Institute funding as well as other agency funding -“Top-up” – Both graduate and doctoral students are eligible to receive ‘top-up’ amounts of $10,000 or $15,000, respectively, if they have been granted another major, same amount or greater, award (e.g. SSHRC, CIHR, AIHS, etc.) for the same academic terms Application Instructions Visit: ScholarshipGuidelinesAndApplication.aspx for detailed application instructions. Applications due: 4:00 pm on April 10, 2015 Do you have something you would like to include in the Monday Memo newsletter? Please send it to before Friday at noon. Department of Psychology University of Calgary Administration Building, Room A255 539 Campus Place NW Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4 CANADA monday-memo Phone: (403) 220-5561 Fax: (403) 282-8249
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