Braking News IN THIS ISSUE... PTAP Annual Conference Information and Registration PTAP’s NEW Transportation Institute Message from the President Wheelchair Securement SEMINAR! Are You Keeping Up? New Laws PTAP Awards Program V O L U ME VI I I I SS U E I F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 It’s Time to Begin Planning to Attend PTAP’s Annual Conference In Fact, Register Today! 2015 PTAP Conference June 24-25, 2015—Holiday Inn Harrisburg East Tuesday night – Early arrivals – Fun Event to be Offered—Bowling? Casino? Wednesday June 24, 2015 – Day 1 Registration—Opening Remarks and Conference updates Orientation of attendees and instructors Hours of service – a definitive and in-depth look at the criteria surrounding Hours of Service as they relate to a school bus driver. This is an extremely important part of the service we provide. Clear up any confusion you have and get a full understanding sometimes confusing regulation. You don’t want to miss this one, as it could be a matter of life and death. A Budget from a business manager’s perspective – Ken King Q & A Prep Time – Fill out colored index cards to be divided and answered by Penn DOT, PSP, PDE Lunch – 11:55-1:00 The “What If” Clinic – Crisis time in the office. Establishing practices for the unavoidable situations that occur every day but only in a transportation office. Accidents, evacuations, the infamous phone call, steno books and the truth. A Panel for the ages – You have a question about what? This is why you filled out cards during the Q&A prep time. The MC will ask your question of the three state agency representatives so you can remain anonymous. No doubt this will be a lively conversation with much laughter and fun facts to share. An Alternative – Propane as a motor fuel. A representative from Rousch will be on hand to discuss the possibility of using propane to power you buses and other vehicles. This represents just one alternative fuel in a developing market. Alternative fuels have been around for more than 30 years. Each has a story to tell, and every story have a different ending based on who the reader is. Get the answers you want to become a more informed individual. Current users will be on hand to ask questions of at the end of the presentation. President’s Reception – Meet the Board and the officers of the association Our Annual Board meeting followed by the Annual Banquet with Motivational Speaker Thursday, June 25, 2015—Day 2 Registration and Breakfast with the Vendors Trade Show PDE – State Reporting – the Do’s and Don’ts of PDE 1049 Lunch Survey Time – Five quick questions with an equal number of answers to offer our members references in the future. Projects, seminars, conference, locations and time of year Continued on page 2 PAGE 2 2015 Conference—continued PTAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS President— Wayne B. Johnston Director of Transportation Springfield Township School District (215) 233-6095 President Elect— Marc Brooks Upper Dublin School District (215) 646-7778 - Secretary— Jay Omslaer Director of Transportation Central Dauphin School District (717) 541-0680 – Immediate Past President Jo Anne Yarnall Director of Transportation West Chester A.S.D. (484) 266-1040 – Eastern Directors Alline Smith, Berks County IU Peter Matticola—Norristown Area S.D. 610-630-5022 – Gerald Rineer, Lower Merion School District— Eastern Contractor Representative Peg MacLean, Gross Equipment Central Directors Nicole Weber, Shippensburg SD (717) 530-2710 – Scott Downey, Lower Dauphin S. D. (717) 566-5340 – Western Directors Patricia Motchenbaugh, Appalachia IU (814) 940-0223 – IU 14 Rep.– Darren Schlott— Berks County IU 14 – At Large Director Scott Wiand, Wilson School District (610) 670-0180 - Active Past Presidents Jeff Simmons Marianne Cleary David Yarian Only the choir is allowed to answer Still Waters – How do I handle the stress of the daily grind? Who do I call if I don’t know the answer? Is this ever going to end? Your key to a healthy life in the student transportation field. Certificate presentations and mentor assignments and farewell’s This is a very “skeleton” sampling of what will be offered in June. As you will see in another section of this newsletter, a Transportation Institute will be offered the day before the conference begins. This is a much needed addition to PTAP’s educational offerings. Be sure to read all about it and schedule it into your year. REGISTRATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED TODAY! AN EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FORM CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 7! President’s Message Good Day to you. This month’s message is about the absence of a president’s message. I would love to tell you that things are calm as can be and all is well, but nothing could be further from the truth. On the HR front we have the “pass the trash” initiative that requires everyone to get their criminal checks done. I have to imagine that this is a good thing, as I have never had any checks done because I arrived here years before any checks were required. Fortunately for me, unless someone else wants to admit they are me, I should have a clean slate. Barring any theft of identity, which I have only experienced twice, I should be good. There is a call out for anyone wanting to serve on the delegation for the National Congress on School Transportation. It will be held in Des Moines, IA for the first time in 39 years. Normally, this event is known simply as “Warrensburg” due to the meeting site of Warrensburg, MO. If you have an interest in traveling to Des Moines for May 16th through the 20 th, you should contact John Zimmerman via email at Please keep in mind that all expenses for this conference are paid for by the attendee. There is no funding from Penn DOT for this conference. It is however a meeting of the top 500 to 600 school transportation people from the US and several other countries. The annual PTAP conference is scheduled for June 24 and 25 at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg East. This two day event will feature some unique conference topics as well as a different approach to the traditional PTAP conference. Also, regional seminars are on their way. What exactly does this mean? Well it means we, as in PTAP, will be back into the Grove City area to see our friends in the West. It means we will be holding a session in the Berks County are and adding a few more site for those of you that either can’t get funding to attend our conference or simply think it is too far to travel. I would love to tell you where we will be in addition to the areas mentioned, but I have no doubt I would violate something by saying that Scranton, Washington County and Shippensburg are potential sites. We, myself, the board and the committees, are working hard to put together a robust agenda that brings you information, strategies and connections that make is a must to attend. We are here to bring the best service to the students of our respective districts. Never lose sight of the fact that each and every one of them depends on you to do the best you can on their behalf. Just in case you missed it, I have no message for you, or at least that is what I thought when I first sat down to write this short note. When you think this industry is just coasting along, that is when you need to pinch yourself as nothing stays the same for very long. Have a great 2015 as there are only a few snow storms, a little bit of ice and one spring sports season left until we get to start all over again. Enjoy it while you still can. Wayne B. Johnston PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Are You Keeping Up? By David Yarian, Director of Transportation, Derry Township School District After a nice long holiday break we are back and into what seems like a long stretch until spring. The break gave us a chance to recharge our batteries and prepare to settle in for a winter of school transportation woes. Most of those woes really don’t change much from year to year. Student behaviors, driver management of those behaviors, parent concerns, managing the constant changes and addition of student information in our data systems, employee issues, delays, cancellations, being there for people to have someone to vent and whine to, and the list goes on with all that transportation supervisors deal with. But all that goes with the territory is just what we do. So where is the challenge? What makes you want to get up and go to work each morning? That is other than the paycheck, of course. We all need to be challenged, or we get complacent, grumpy, and are not fun to be around. For me the challenge is keeping up with all the changes and opportunities in the transportation field. And there is plenty out there to learn about and use that knowledge to make our operations and our jobs better. As I write this article I look back at all the changes that have taken place over the years in my career in school transportation. Most of the changes make things more efficient and, as a result, easier and better. Well that of course does not include all the new regulations that keep getting pilled on us; but that is another story. Communication on the buses when I started involved a CB radio and what they called a bag phone. A bag phone was just that. It was a phone bigger than your current desk phone cord and all, only it was in a bag. My first cell phone was about the size of a brick and not much lighter. Now we have two way radios on all of the buses, and I carry a hand held radio and a smart phone in my pocket. What freedom that has allowed. I am no longer chained to my desk in order to be in communication. We used to put chains on the buses when the roads got bad. Now the driver turns on a switch and automatic chains come down and spin under the bus wheels. There are a ton more regulations and paperwork added over the years in hiring drivers, but now I don’t have to teach them how to use a clutch and shift gears. Everything is automatic. Transportation software came along and boy how that improved things. I wish I could get back all the hours and grief spent learning and implementing transportation software and of course all of the software updates over the years. Another tool I started using a few years ago is GPS for our fleet. That allows me to see where any bus is at any time, check what path the bus has driven, check speeds, check idle times, see where the bus has stopped and exactly what time it stopped, get a report of when each bus arrived at school, and much more. This has been a great tool, especially when a parent calls in and claims a bus did not stop for their child. Of course this adds a great deal of safety by being able to see where a bus is at any given time. You can tie GPS in with your routing software and use GPS to help there as well. Cameras on the buses have certainly changed and simplified investigating what happened between students on the bus. This year we installed a school bus roof snow removal scraper system. After trying different kinds of snow roof rakes and methods of removing snow from bus roofs and a few workers comp claims along the way, this new tool is going to be a wise investment and good enhancement for our operation. Even little things like a $150 investment to have two computer monitors make a big difference. My latest adventure in this constantly changing world of school transportation is with alternative fuels for school buses. I have monitored alternative fuels for years and always felt the price was too high, the technology not developed enough, and the pay back too long. Boy has that changed just in the last year or so. The price to buy propane buses is getting close to the price of a diesel bus. The pay back in saving is down to about two years, the technology has certainly come a long way, and the advantages are mounting up as they keep adding more costly emissions to diesel engines. The maintenance costs to maintain diesel engines have gone up dramatically. When the warranties run PAGE out on the newer diesel buses with all the emission junk on there, you better have your wallet out. The new propane buses are quieter, don’t give the cold weather headaches, don’t need to be plugged in, warm up faster, have lower maintenance costs, save money on fuel, and are a lot better for our environment. So after much research I was able to successfully convince my school board to make the switch. I’m proud to say that bus bids were approved and our replacement buses to be delivered in July are going to be propane buses. So as I grow closer to the end of my career in transportation, what lessons could I pass on to those just starting in this field or have been around a while but are getting burnt out? The biggest lesson I would pass on is don’t get bogged down in the day to day stuff. Think in terms of the big picture. Get out of the office and take every opportunity to surround yourself with experts and others in your field. Attend conferences, join professional groups like PTAP and PASBO. I hope the day comes when every PTAP member can sign in on a web site and see and listen to each PTAP board meeting and learn and be part of the meetings and the wealth of information shared there. As the leader of your department it is up to you to keep the department moving forward. Change does not come easy, but just think where we would be if we were doing things the same way we did 30 years ago when I started doing this. None of these changes and enhancements I mentioned came easy. No, not by a long shot. As a leader you have to sell enhancements (changes) to those above you where the money comes from and those that work under you that naturally will resist change. Keep knowledgeable about what is available out there that may benefit your department. Learn how to sell what your department needs to those that you work for and those that work for you. When you see something that you think may benefit your department start by doing research on the item or program. Talk to others that may have already made the enhancement in their department. Make some site visits and see it in action. That is the beauty of being a member of professional organizations, so you can network and know who to call. Think of every question you may be asked and have a positive answer to support your goal. Know that implementing any change will come with bumps in the road. Keep your eye on the end result. And most of all stay positive. No one will be more positive than their leader. Support those you are requiring to make the change any way you can. And then celebrate the success. Let those that supported you know that the new program or piece of equipment is working and benefiting the organization. Give away the credit to those that supported you both above and below. Oh and one more thing. Don’t be afraid to fail once in a while. I remember one time I came back from a conference and at the trade show I bought what I thought was a clever little device. It made an announcement through a speaker each time the bus’s yellow lights were activated that said something like “stand back as the bus approaches”. When the red lights were activated it made another announcement. I thought this would be cool and help train the students to stand back. The problem with the system was it soon started driving the driver crazy. People came closer to the bus to hear what it was saying instead of standing back. That constant voice making the announcement became annoying to say the least. I had to have it disconnected before it drove my poor driver insane. Thank goodness I just bought one to try it out. If you’re afraid to fail, you will not try anything. Sometimes we learn more from our failures than our successes. So what enhancement have you added for your department lately? Boyo Transportation Don Boyonowski, Jr. 534 S 23rd Street—Harrisburg, PA 17006 Phone: 717-566-3005 Fax: 717-232-3202 5 PAGE 6 Wheelchair Securement By Patty Motchenbaugh, Transportation Supervisor, Appalachia IU When traveling in a motor vehicle, it is generally safest for wheelchair users to transfer to a vehicle seat and use the vehicle seatbelt system or a child safety seat that complies with federal safety standards. The wheelchair should then be stored and secured in the vehicle. If transferring is not feasible, it is very important to secure the wheelchair to the vehicle facing forward and to use crash-tested seatbelts for the wheelchair-seated rider. 1. Start with the right equipment. It is best if you have a wheelchair that has been designed and tested for use as a seat in motor vehicles, often referred to as a WC19 wheelchair or a transit wheelchair. A WC19 wheelchair has four, crash-tested securement points where tiedown straps and hooks can be easily attached. If a WC19 wheelchair is not available, the next best choice is a wheelchair with an accessible metal frame where tiedown straps and hooks can be attached at frame junctions. 2. Secure the wheelchair. Always position the wheelchair and rider facing forward in the vehicle. When securing a WC19 wheelchair, attach the four tiedown straps to the securement points provided on the wheelchair. Tighten the straps to remove all slack. If you do not have a WC19 wheelchair, it is best to attach the tiedown straps to welded junctions of the wheelchair frame or other structural areas. Do not attach tiedowns to adjustable, moving or removable parts of the wheelchair such as armrests, footrests and wheels. 3. Protect the wheelchair rider. In addition to securing the wheelchair, it is very important to provide effective restraint for the wheelchair user with a crash-tested lap and shoulder belt. Postural support belts attached to the wheelchair are not strong enough to withstand crash forces and do not restrain the occupant safely in a crash. The above information is taken from the Ride Safe brochure at There are a number of resources listed in the brochure along with a glossary of terms. All drivers/aides responsible for transporting students in wheelchairs must have the proper training/certification prior to transporting. Your local mobility vendors can assist you with the training process. As always, SAFETY is our FIRST PRIORITY. 2015 Seminar—March 27, 2015 Grove City IU, Grove City, PA Seminar Agenda 8:15 – 9:00 9 – 9:15 9:15 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:00 Registration Start and Introductions Human Resources Updates Break D.O.T. Hours of Service Q and A Lunch Driver Training Manual and Updates Generic Q and A Registration on page 12—location waiting on confirmation PAGE 7 2015 CONFERENCE EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION—BY JUNE 1, 2015—AFTER—ADD $25 Name Please make check payable to: PTAP 103 N. Pine Street Middletown, PA 17057 Title District / IU Address Call (717) 856-2266 if you have any questions or email! City State Telephone ( Zip Code ) Email Member—$299* NonMember—$345* Second Member from Same Agency—$275* Wed Only Member—$160* NonMember -$195* Thu Only Member—$130 NonMember—$165 Transportation Institute—$130 (June 23—extra) A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg East for $89 single or double. Please call (717) 939– 7841 and notify them you are with the Pupil Transportation Association of PA to receive this special rate. Visit the PTAP Website to register online using PayPal! = TMI Institute—A Pre-Conference Event June 23, 2015—Holiday Inn Grantville Day 1 of 4—Part I of a 4-part certification 8:00 – 8:30 Registration 8:30 – 9:00 Introductions – the right way 9:00 – Rules of Engagement Chain of Command Responsibilities – to yourself, your staff and your students The Three R’s School Code NCST PDE, Penn DOT and PSP Your Partners – PDE, Penn Dot, PSP, PTAP Lunch PDE-1049 Answering Anything – Calls, emails and knocks on the door Office Management Done at 4 Reception at 4:10 – 6:00 Register Above with Conference PAGE 8 New Laws effecting employees and contractors involved in student transportation: Act 153—The State of Pennsylvania has adopted Act 153 which requires that all persons who encounter children in a school setting must renew State, FBI and Child Abuse Clearances every three years. The law went into effect December 31, 2014 and everyone must be in complete compliance by December 31, 2015. Child Abuse and State clearances may be obtained online after December 31, 2014 but a personal appearance must still be made for FBI fingerprinting. Anyone with clearances dated prior to December 31, 2011 will be out of compliance on January 1, 2015 and will need to order new clearances to be in compliance with this law. What do you need to do? Check the dates on your driver’s clearances. If they have not applied for them since December 31, 2011, they will need to order new ones. This includes any and all contractors and volunteers. If drivers were hired on or after January 1, 2012, their clearances expire in 3 years. Clearances can be ordered at the following website: index.htm SANCTIONS FOR NON-COMPLIANCE: DIRECTLY FROM ACT153—The School District must: Remove the individual from any position that has “direct contact with children” (defined in the statute as “the care, supervision, guidance or control of children or routine interaction with children”) until the renewed documents are submitted to the school district. Act 168 (Pass the Trash) - Act 168 of 2014 (H.B. 1816) was signed into law on October 22, 2014 and went into effect on December 22, 2014. This new law mandates employment history reviews for new employees who have direct contact with children that are hired by school districts, intermediate units, charter and cyber charter schools, career and technical centers and private schools. It also included independent contractors of school entities such as food service, transportation, custodial and medical. This is what is required to complete the Act 168 employment history review: The job applicant must supply the name, address, phone number and other contact information of their current employer, the applicant’s former employers that were a school entity and the applicant’s former employers where he/she held a position that involved direct contact with children. The job applicant must complete the PDE Disclosure Release form. This can be found on PDE website. On the left column click the forms and documents link and search for Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release. The form can be completed online or print off to give to the applicant. Sending to form electronically is acceptable. In addition to sharing employment history information, the PDE disclosure statement requires the applicant to disclose whether the applicant has been disciplined, fired, resigned, non-renewed, or asked to leave employment due to allegations or findings involving “abuse” or “sexual misconduct”. Or has ever had a professional license and/or certificate suspended, revoked, or surrendered due to allegations or findings involving “abuse” or “sexual misconduct”. “Abuse” is conduct directed at a child or student (regardless of age) that would fall under the purview and reporting requirements under the Child Protective Services Law. “Sexual Misconduct” is any conduct or communication with or directed towards a child or student (regardless of age) designed to establish a romantic or sexual relationship with the child or student. An applicant that provides false information or willfully fails to disclose information on the PDE disclosure form may be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal and/or denial of employment, criminal prosecution for unsworn falsification to authorities, and civil penalties imposed by PDE The PDE release form must be sent to the current employer and any past employer if the job applicant was involved with direct contact with children. This form must be returned to you within 20 business days. Not only do you have to be aware of your responsibilities as a potential employer but also as a past employer. You will be receiving these forms to fill out and return on current and former drivers, mechanics, aides and office staff. How good are your records and how far back do they go? If you are aware of an allegation, you are now required by this law to disclose that information. Any school bus driver hired after December 22, 2014 must have completed the PDE disclosure form. You must complete the process and have the form returned to you before you can put that driver behind the wheel. Act 153 does not pose too many questions. The Student Transportation industry has been requiring driver clearances for years and many districts and contractors have renewed them every 4 years in conjunction with the license renewals. Now it may be as easy as color coded file folders to help keep track of what year each driver needs the new clearances. Act 168 poses more questions and many may need to be addressed with your district solicitor. If you have contracted services, sit down with your contractors and set some ground rules. For example: if your contractor receives no information back from a previous employer, will you accept that applicant for employment? Under what circumstances? Don’t forget to update your district policies to include these new laws! PAGE PTAP AWARDS TIME!!! Please take the time to participate in this year’s awards program and make sure that deserving people are recognized. Leadership Award: Criteria for award: Active member of PTAP. Notable accomplishment (the accomplishment must “stand out”). Referral from another member of the association. A letter to sustain the nomination from the person’s Superintendent/ Executive Director/Supervisor. Minimum years of service in pupil transportation (at least 5 yrs). A review committee is set up of members of the executive board, either 3 or preferably 5 member panel (in case of a tie) with at least one Special Programs committee member on the panel to give direction to the review committee. The award does not have to be given each year just for the sake of giving the award. After a couple years, at least one recipient of the award sits on the review panel. Notice goes to the recipient’s employer in the hope that a representative from the employer will attend the presentation. Limited to School District/IU Personnel. Essay of the Year: Criteria Open to fifth (5th) grade students. Not to exceed 500 words per entry. Entries can be handwritten (must be legible) or typed. Must include the theme of the National School Bus Safety Poster Competition, “BULLY FREE ZONE ” Encourage school bus safety. Technically correct. Please notify all fifth grade teachers in your district of this award and submit entries! Student Transportation Service Award Criteria for award: Years of Service – Drivers must have a minimum of five (5) consecutive years driving a school bus with No preventable or chargeable accidents (accident could have been prevented by reasonable action by the driver) on their record. Years of Service – Aides/Monitors must have a minimum of five (5) consecutive years of service as an aide/monitor. Individual must be nominated by their direct supervisor. Nominations may be sent by mail or email and should include a brief letter stating why the individual should be considered for the award. Incident or defining moment that made a difference in the life of a student. Conduct above reproach. Nominate your deserving service personnel today! The criteria above for the three awards should be followed when submitting for the 2014 Awards Program. Please submit your entries no later than May 15, 2015 for consideration for the above awards. Please help us to honor deserving personnel and leaders! Send to: PTAP 103 North Pine Street Middletown, PA 17057 Or email: Or fax: (717) 388-1350 Awards Deadline May 15, 2015—5:00 pm Thank you for your consideration, Patty Motchenbaugh Special Programs Chair, PTAP 9 Sustaining Firm Members Trapeze Software Group Zen-tinel, Inc. 1100 Superior Ave E Cleveland, OH 44114 650 S. 13th Street Indiana, PA 15701 216-539-1810 724-357-9709 FAX 724-357-9661 L3G Solutions P.O. Box 373 Chenango Bridge, NY 607-760-5038 FAX 607-648-4286 247 Security 4400 N. Point Pkwy. Alpharetta, GA 30022 866-693-7492 FAX 404-358-8828 Koroseal Eagle Wireless 3875 Embassy Parkway Fairlawn, OH 44333 15 Windsor Pass Horsham, PA 19044 800-938-2858—FAX 330-668-7705 215-672-0575 Bus Parts Warehouse AngelTrax 1 Thermold Drive Manius, NY 13104 9540 US Hwy 84W Newton, AL 36352 800-635-5567 FAX 877-682-4443 334-692-4600 Sustaining Firm Members Petroleum Products Monitoring, Inc. Robert Long 1521 Collins Hill Road, Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 770-962-9377 Fax: 770–995-1681 2015 SEMINAR REGISTRATION—MARCH 27, 2015—MIDWESTERN IU GROVE CITY (TENTATIVE) Name Please make check payable to: PTAP 103 N. Pine Street Middletown, PA 17057 Title District / IU Address City State Telephone ( Zip Code ) Email Member—$99 NonMember—$125 Call (717) 856-2266 if you have any questions or email! THE MIDWESTERN IU IS LOCATED AT 453 MAPLE STREET IN GROVE CITY, PA PRE-REGISTER TODAY! Best Wishes, Jerry Rineer, on Your Retirement After forty plus years in the pupil transportation industry, PTAP wishes a healthy and happy retirement to a Board Member, Jerry Rineer. In addition to becoming an asset to PTAP, Jerry became an expert on alternative fuels. He finished his pupil transportation career at the Lower Merion School District, who became well known regarding their use of CNG buses. Jerry began his career in 1973 with Romano’s School Bus Service, where he worked as a driver, mechanic, dispatcher and manager in Philadelphia. In 1984, Jerry Rineer joined the School District of Philadelphia as a route coordinator for the office of desegregation until becoming general manager of transportation. It was there that he became an expert in alternative fuels. In 2011, Jerry joined the Lower Merion School District and also became a grant consultant for Philadelphia Clean Cities. He is also known for his presentations and expertise in CNG transportation. Our best wishes are extended to Jerry, although we are sure he will continue to share his valuable expertise in alternative fuels. Thanks for all you have done for PTAP and the industry, Jerry.
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