FACULTY INVITATION The UC San Diego Institute for Public Health

The UC San Diego Institute for Public Health invites you to its
2nd Strategic Meeting and Dynamic Seminar featuring:
UC San Diego guest speakers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
the Department of Pediatrics, the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, & the Department of Bioengineering
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
3:00pm – 5:00pm
UC San Diego School of Medicine Campus
Leichtag Building, Room 107
Featured Speakers:
Larry Smarr, PhD, Harry
E. Gruber Professor of
Computer Science and
Engineering, and
Founding Director of the
California Institute for
Telecommunications and
Information Technology,
will speak on novel
human microbiome
surveillance diagnostics
to support public health.
Veerabhadran "Ram"
Ramanathan, PhD,
Distinguished Professor
of Atmospheric and
Climate Sciences at the
Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, will speak
on population, poverty,
environment degradation
and public health.
Sheila Gahagan, MD,
Professor of Pediatrics
and Chief of Child
Development and
Community Health,
will speak on early life
factors and
cardiovascular risk as
related to public
Todd P. Coleman,
PhD, Professor of
will speak on
neuroscience and
bioelectronics as
related to public
A panel discussion with the speakers, questions from the audience, and a brief wrap-up will follow the
Refreshments will be provided at a reception following the meeting for team building and further discussion and
Please RSVP to vsaddler@ucsd.edu by Friday, April 17, 2015. Visit our website at http://publichealth.ucsd.edu
We hope you can join us on April 21, 2015!