SWAG 2015 Application Packet - Cal-SOAP

Dear 9th and 10th grade Students and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
If college is in your future, then so are college admissions tests like the SAT and/or ACT. The score you
receive on the SAT or ACT often has a huge impact on determining if you will be admitted to the four-year
college/university of your choice.
SDSU, UCSD, Cal-SOAP and Bayview Baptist Church are partnering to offer eligible students in the San
Diego area the opportunity to participate in SWAG, a free SAT Preparation Academy. This course will
show students what they can expect on the SAT and how to earn the best score possible. This opportunity
would normally cost thousands of dollars.
Students enrolled in SWAG (Students With Academic Goals) will receive…
• Intensive test preparation and free SAT study materials
• Presentations from college admissions and financial aid experts
• Opportunities for field trips to local colleges, including a possible overnight stay on a college campus
Summer 2015 Dates
Tentative Times
Parent Orientation Choices at Bayview Baptist Church
April 30, 6 p.m. or May 2, 10 a.m.
Pre-test: Sat May 30, SDSU
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Weekdays June 16-July 2, Bayview Baptist Church
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday, June 19: Field Trip to SDSU
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, June 26-Saturday June 27: overnight field trip
Fri 6/26, 9 a.m. to Sat 6/27, 3 p.m.; limited spaces
Wednesday, July 1: Field Trip to UCSD
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Point Loma Nazarene University)
After the deadline, the SWAG committee will review all
applications and will notify applicants in April to inform
them whether or not they are accepted to the program. If
we receive more applications than we can accommodate,
we will decide based on the student profile, essay, transcript
and recommendation. This program is competitive and
applicants are NOT guaranteed a spot. To be considered,
students must have a weighted minimum GPA of 2.5,
an excellent teacher recommendation, a thoughtful
and well-written essay, and be absolutely committed to
attending all sessions. Attendance is mandatory and of
utmost importance! If accepted, each student must attend a
mandatory orientation with a parent(s) or responsible adult.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Karla Whitaker at
(858) 569-1866 ext. 216, or kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu.
If a student is accepted,
Attendance is mandatory at all test prep
sessions! One absence is allowed for
emergencies or extreme illness. If your
school is still in session June 16 or after,
you must request permission from the
principal and teachers to take finals
early. (GUHSD, Charters, etc.)
Student and a parent (or responsible
adult) must attend one orientation.
SWAG (Students With Academic Goals) Team
SWAG must have received your application packet by April 10, 2015. Mail must be post marked on or before that date.
SWAG Application Checklist
Application page, signed by both student and parent
Essay, including your name on every page
High school transcript. It can be a printout of your unofficial transcript.
Copy of score reports for any of the following if you’ve taken them:
PSAT, SAT, PLAN, EXPLORE or ACT. It can be a photocopy or
printout. If you haven’t taken any of these tests, please write “no test
scores” on your transcript.
Recommendation Form
Mail to
6735 Gifford Way, Room 14
San Diego, CA 92111
E-mail toScan/email: kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu
or Fax to 858-569-1136, Attn: SWAG
confirm arrival of fax by calling
The Collaboration of SDSU, Cal-SOAP,
UCSD, and Bayview Baptist Church aims
to provide a comprehensive SAT test and
college/university preparation program
for 100 San Diego area high school
students. In particular, we are committed
to providing services to students from any
of the following backgrounds:
Due April 10 , 2015
• Students from low-income families
• Students from families in which they would be the first to attend college
• Students from schools with documented low college eligibility or
participation rates within the San Diego region
• Students from historically underrepresented backgrounds within UCs,
CSUs, private colleges and universities
• Students with a minimum of 2.5 GPA
Last Name_______________________________________ First Name_______________________ Nickname (optional)______________________
Parent/Guardian Last Name_________________________________________First Name______________________________________________
Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________ Unit/Apt # (if applicable)___________________
City _____________________________________________________________________________State and Zip Code______________________
Home Ph (______) __________________________________________ Alternate Ph (______) __________________________________________
Student E-mail Address___________________________________________ Sex M
College weighted GPA (most recent)________________ F
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________
Expected Date of Grade Level in T-Shirt
Graduation: June 20________ 2014-2015 ___________Size _________
School you currently attend in 2014-2015 ____________________________________________________________________________________
Parent E-mail Number of people
Address _____________________________________________________ in household ___________ Annual Family
Income $__________________________
Do you qualify for free and/or reduced lunch at school? ...................................................................................... Yes No
Are you a first generation college-bound student? Meaning, your parents and older generations
didn’t complete a college degree and you/your generation would be the first to earn a college degree?............. Yes No
I will need a bus/trolley pass.................................................................................................................................. Yes
Please check all with which
you most closely identify
Are you currently participating
in outreach programs, such as:
African American  Asian/Pacific Islander  Latino/a/Hispanic White/Caucasian 
Filipino/a Native American/Alaskan Native 
Other, specify ___________________
YMCA  Price Community Scholars 
Student: Please tell us about yourself. Why do you
want to attend college and what do you tentatively
plan to study? Why do you want to participate in
SWAG and what effort will you put in to SWAG?
Are there challenges you have overcome or hope
to overcome, such as coming from a low-income
background, being first in your family to attend
college, etc?
Parents: If any recent circumstances have affected the
family financially (loss of job/income, loss of home,
etc.) you may include a separate written explanation
of any pertinent information.
Signature: Only committed students will be admitted
Educational Talent Search 
Upward Bound 
Other, specify  ___________________
• Attendance is mandatory for every session of the program. I must participate in the
Orientation, pre-test and post-test, and every class session.
• I will need my own transportation to and from the site (Bayview Baptist Church, 6134
Benson Ave, SD CA 92114.) *Bus/trolley passes may be available.
• I will sign a waiver granting SWAG access to my future PSAT and SAT scores. I also commit
to take the PSAT (if applicable) and SAT and submit those scores to SWAG.
• I agree that the SWAG Program has the right to publish photographs of students for publicity
Completing this form can be done on-line. Please print the completed form, sign and
date it and either scan and email, fax or mail it to
CAL SOAP of San Diego
Attn: SWAG, 6735 Gifford Way, Room 14, San Diego, CA 92111 or
E-mail to: kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu or
Fax to: 858-569-1136, Attn: SWAG (Confirm arrival of fax by calling 858-569-1866)
to the SWAG Program. If accepted, my parent(s) and
I understand the following:
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________
Student’s Signature _________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________
Student Instructions: Please fill in your name on the line below and give this form to a teacher, counselor
or unbiased adult, such as a coach or minister. Once it is completed, be sure to get it
from the recommender and include it with the rest of your application packet.
Applicant’s Name
Last Name
First Name
Nickname (Optional)
Dear Teacher, Counselor, or Program Coordinator:
The above named student is applying for admission to SWAG: Students With Academic Goals. If selected, the
student will attend an intensive, 3 week SAT preparation course held this June and July. After you complete
the recommendation, please return it to the student to submit. If you’d like it to remain confidential, you can
give it to the student in a sealed envelope with your signature written across the seal.
Please rate the student in the following categories:
sis t
ba en
No dgm
Academic/Intellectual Ability
Writing/Speaking Ability 12
Willingness to Learn
Behavior in class, sports, etc. 1
Write any additional comments below or attach a separate sheet.
­Phone Number or Email Address ___________________________________________________________
Position or Title ________________________________________________________________________
School or Organization __________________________________________________________________
Completing this form can be done on-line. Please print the completed form, sign and date it and either scan and email,
fax or mail it to CAL SOAP of San Diego; Attn: SWAG
6735 Gifford Way, Room 14, San Diego, CA 92111 or
E-mail to: Fax to: kkwhitaker@ucsd.edu or
858-569-1136, Attn: SWAG (Confirm arrival of fax by calling 858-569-1866)
Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ________________