What is 4-H? - Pueblo County Extension

4-H is a community of youth, ages
Pueblo County 4-H
5-18, learning leadership, citizenship
and life skills!
What do I do in 4-H?
STEM Projects
You can:
Work on fun projects
Discover new ideas
Learn new skills
Participate in club meetings and
Learn to present educational
Have fun at parties, camps, fairs, picnics
Make new friends
Develop citizenship and leadership skills
Become eligible for scholarships
Where can I get more
Visit our website at:
http://pueblo.colostate.edu or call
the Pueblo County Extension Office at
(719) 583-6566
Dog Obedience, Showmanship and Rally
CSU Extension—Pueblo County
701 Court Street, Suite C
Pueblo, CO 81003
Phone: 719-583-6566
E-mail: pueblo2@ext.colostate.edu
Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and
Colorado Counties cooperating. Cooperative Extension programs
are available to all without discrimination.
The 4-H Year Begins
October 1st
How do I join?
Who can join?
Anyone who is 5 to 18 on December 31,
How much is it?
The enrollment fee is $30 for members,
$20 for “Cloverbuds” (youth aged 5-7).
When does the
4-H year start?
The year starts on October 1. Begin contacting
clubs now for more information. Electronic
enrollment begins on October 15 and ends
March 1, 2016. We strongly encourage joining
in the fall. You’ll get to know people sooner,
have a better opportunity to get acquainted
with the ins-and-outs of the program, and
prepare your projects for the County Fair.
First, select a 4-H club from the Pueblo County 4-H List of Clubs that you would like to find out
more about. You can find that list at http://pueblo.colostate.edu.
Second, call the 4-H leader of that club and ask questions like:
 Do you have room for additional members?
 When do you meet?
 Where do you meet?
 What are the ages of club members
 What projects does your club offer?
 Are there any other club requirements?
Then, select the club most compatible with your family and work with the leader to get
enrolled in 4-H
Some of the stuff we do (more on the back)
Shooting Sports
Clothing Design & Modeling
4-H Camp
Cake Decorating
Small Animals
Trips & Leadership