Purity`s 15th Annual Moosic City Dairy Dash and

Purity’s 15th Annual Moosic City Dairy Dash
and the
Wunder Fun Run
About Purity’s Moosic City Dairy Dash
Each year the Purity Moosic City Dairy Dash 5K & 10K run and the Wunder Fun Run 1K is held
to benefit a local organization in the Nashville area with the goal of increasing awareness of the
benefactor and by supporting the community.
Our Kids
Sexual abuse is a difficult subject to confront. In Middle Tennessee, Our Kids is the non-profit
community resource specifically designed to provide medical evaluations, crisis counseling
and related services to children and their families affected by child sexual abuse.
Our Kids mission is to provide expert medical and crisis counseling services for children in
response to child sexual abuse, to increase community awareness, conduct research and offer
education and training about child maltreatment.
Event Details
April 11, 2015
Metro Center
Wunder Fun Run begins at 7:30 a.m.
Purity 5K begins at 8:00 a.m.
Purity 10 K begins at 8:30 a.m.
All Courses are fast, flat and certified using the ChampionChip System
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
$5,000 Presenting Sponsorship
Race provided 3’x5’ company banner at registration*
Prominent company logo placement on Dairy Dash 10’x3’ start and finish line banners*
Prominent position of company 10’x10’ tent at registration
Company logo printed on official race tech shirt as Presenting Sponsor*
Company logo printed on race poster and mailings*
Company logo included on the Dairy Dash website that links to your company website
Company recognition at the sponsorship luncheon hosted by Purity Dairies
Ten (10) race registrations
$2,500 Gold Medal Sponsorship
Shared placement of company logo on Dairy Dash 10’x3’ finish line banner*
Space provided for company 10’x10’ tent at registration
Company logo printed on official race tech shirt as Gold Medal Sponsor*
Company logo printed on race poster and mailings*
Company logo included on Purity Dairy Dash website and social media
Company recognition at the sponsorship luncheon hosted by Purity Dairies
Four (4) race registrations
$1,000 Silver Medal Sponsorship
Company logo printed on official race tech shirt as Silver Medal Sponsor*
Company logo printed on race poster*
Company logo included on Purity Dairy Dash website and social media
Company recognition at sponsorship luncheon hosted by Purity Dairies
Two (2) race registrations
$750 Bronze Medal Sponsorship
Company logo printed on official race tech shirt as Bronze Medal Sponsor*
Company logo included on Purity Dairy Dash website and social media
Company recognition at sponsorship luncheon hosted by Purity Dairies
For inclusion in promotional opportunities, sponsorship agreements must be received by:
*Mailings – February 14
*Posters – February 16
*Race Shirts – March 16
*Race provided banner – March 18
All artwork for banner and company logo must be provided by sponsoring company.
Submit a high res version of company logo in both jpeg and eps formats to Peggy_gaw@deanfoods.com
Sponsorship Agreement
________We would like more information about the sponsorship
opportunities. A race coordinator would love to hear from you at
Yes, we would like to sponsor the 2015 Moosic City Dairy Dash.
_______$5,000 Presenting Sponsorship
_______$2,500 Gold Medal Sponsorship
______$1,000 Silver Medal Sponsorship
_______$750 Bronze Medal Sponsorship
Company Name ________
Contact Person _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number ______________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Send check made payable to Moosic City Dairy Dash/P.O. Box 100047/Nashville, TN 37224
Credit cards accepted
Signature _____________________________________________________________________
Card number _________________________________________________________________
Expiration date ____________________
Credit card information can also be submitted by phone. Call (615)760-2286 for Kelly Henricks