PUTNAM HILL CHAPTER 243 EAST PUTNAM AVENUE GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT 06830 PutnamHillDAR@gmail.com PutnamHillDAR.org 203-869-9697 ANNUAL LUNCHEON MEETING FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 11:30 AM INDIAN HARBOR YACHT CLUB 710 Steamboat Road Greenwich, Connecticut Our Guests Alice Ridgway, CTDAR State Vice Regent Autier Craft, CTDAR District Director Speaker Benjamin Franklin will join us for dessert ANNUAL MEETING Reports of Officers and Committee Chairwomen Proposed Budget and Annual Report Induction of Officers and New Members Immediately following the Putnam Hill Chapter DAR Meeting Israel Putnam House Association, Inc. Will hold its Annual Meeting Luncheon Menu Appetizer: Indian Harbor Salad with Mixed Baby Lettuce, Chopped Apple, Crispy Potato Ribbons, Gorgonzola and Balsamic Vinaigrette Choice of Entrée: Sliced Beef Tenderloin with Béarnaise Sauce Or: Free Range Chicken with Lemon Thyme Pan Jus Or: Mahi Mahi with Lemon Buerre Blanc Dessert: Cake from Hostess, Coffee and Tea Service, Iced Tea Pay by credit card, check or PayPal at our website PutnamHillDAR.org Or enclose the form below with separate checks for dues and donations Make your checks payable to “Putnam Hill Chapter DAR” and mail to the address above …...………….……………………………….…... Detach and mail …...………….……………………………….…... Please reply by May 1, 2015 Beef Tenderloin ______ Chicken ______ Mahi Mahi ______ Amount Enclosed $______ at $43 per person* Name ___________________________________________ Telephone ___________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________ Work / Cell __________________________ *Please Note: $43.00 includes the full cost of the luncheon menu, dessert, gratuity, room rental, guests and speaker
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