Apple Street Market

Apple Street Market
Enriching Food Access in Communities
A multi-stakeholder cooperative —supported
by community owners and worker owners
• Full Service Grocery
Apple Street Market —
An Exciting, New Approach to
Closing the Grocery Gap
• F r e s h F r u i t s a n d Ve g e t a b l e s
• Neighborhood Jobs
• L i v i n g Wa g e s w i t h B e n e f i t s
The grocery business is tough. Large corporate
competitors, small profit margins, expensive start up
• Community Owners
• Developed with Community Ideas
needs and many other factors contribute to the
challenges. Apple Street Market faces these challenges
with a sustainable, new approach to business
• Feasibility Study & Business Plan
development and a vision driven by consumers, workers,
• Capital Campaign: In Process
and communities.
• D i s t r i b u t o r, A r c h i t e c t s , & G e n e r a l
The North Side store will be the first store in chain of
multi-stake holder union cooperative grocery stores in
Cincinnati area. Located in neighborhoods with low food
access, these stores will offer quality, affordable
Ellen Vera
(513) 807-3898
Stores will be developed with input from the families and
individuals who would shop there. This type of business
would create family sustaining jobs for residents and
help insure the commitment and success of a
neighborhood grocery.
/ \
Buy a Community Ownership Share!
A grocery store for the people by the people
Location: Corner of Apple Street and Knowlton
The Vision:
T h e A p p l e S t r e e t M a r k e t w i l l b e t h e fi r s t i n a f a m i l y o f n e i g h b o r h o o d
sized worker and community owned grocery stores in low-food access
areas. Each store will be a place where everyone is welcome,
p r o v i d i n g a ff o r d a b l e s t o r e b r a n d s , l o c a l f o o d , a n d o r g a n i c o p t i o n s . T h e
ownership of the market will be shared between the Community and
Worker Owners, providing a living wage for all workers.
We need to reach 1500 Community Owners now!
The owner of the building has been allowing us time to gain the
c o m m u n i t y s u p p o r t w e n e e d , b u t w e ' r e r u n n i n g o u t o f t i m e ! We n e e d
to reach 1500 Community Owners by the end of March or we will lose
our chance to have a neighborhood grocery store in Forthside.
The Market can be open within 6 months of our goal!
Once we reach the ownership goal, the market will be open within 6
m o n t h s ! A l l t h e d e t a i l s h a v e b e e n s o r t e d o u t : fi n a n c i n g , i n t e r i o r
d e s i g n , r e m o d e l i n g c o n t r a c t , a n d d i s t r i b u t o r, w e j u s t n e e d t o r e a c h
1500 Commimity Ownership Shares!
Benefits of your Community Owner Share.
• Selective shopping discoimts for owners only
• Patronage refimds in profitable years
• The right to run for the Board of Directors
Buy a Community Ownership Share for $ 100 or $ 10.
Community Ownership Shares are a one-time payment - there are no
additional fees. Owners are limited to one share each but may donate
or gift additional shares to others. Payments can be made in
installments of $50 or $25 as well. Subsidized shares of $10 are
available to individuals on government assistance such as SNAP, free
and reduced lunch. Medicaid expansion, etc.
Purchase shares online, by mail, or in person.
Mail: Apple Street Market / P.O. Box 24192 /Cincinnati, OH 45224
In Person: Wednesdays at the Northside Parmer's Market, 4-7 pm,
Tuesdays at Happen, Inc., 7-8pm (corner of Hamilton and Chase)
March 2015
Apple Street Market
Community Owner Packet
—T f
Apple Street Market Cooperative
Community Owner Share Contract
Community Owner Shares are a one-time purchase.
□ One community-owner $100
□ One subsidized community-owner $10
o I qualify for SNAP, Medicaid Expansion, or free or reduced lunch at CPS.
□ I would like to donate to subsidize other Community-Owners
o See instructions #4 on back
Full First & Last Name of
Please print.
Community Owner
Contact Information. We use your contact information to communicate with you about Apple Street Market
Cooperative. We never share your information with anyone else.
Mailing Address
City / State / Zip:
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text messages?
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By signing below, I agree to the purchase of one Community Owner Share in Apple Street Market Cooperative.
I understand that this application is subject to approval of the Board of Directors. I understand that my
Community Owner rights are outlined in the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Apple Street Market
Cooperative, which are available on \ Apple Street Market Cooperative collects
consumer purchase data in order to track general shopping trends and to determine patronage shares.
Signature of
Community Owner
March 2015
Instructions on Mailing This Form
Apple Street Market
Community Owner Packet
1. Please make your check out to: CDF FBO Apple Street
(Cincinnati Development Fund FBO Appie Street Market Cooperative)
Community Owner payments are being held in escrow with the Cincinnati Development Fund at
Northside Bank until enough capital has been raised to secure the loan amount necessary to
make the store successful.
2. Mailing Address:
Send to: Apple Street Market Cooperative
P. O . B o x 2 4 1 9 2
Cincinnati, OH 45224
□ Completed and signed
Apple Street Market Cooperative Community Owner Share Contract
□ Check or Money Order for payment
3. Questions?
Call: (513) 818-2328 / (513) 818-2eat
4. If you check either of these boxes and would like to include your donation as a tax
exemption, follow the below instructions?
□ I would like to donate $100 to subsidize other Community-Owners
□ I would like to donate another amount to subsidize other Community-Owners
1. Include a second check for your donation amount.
2. Makes this check out to: Churches Active In Northside (CAIN)
In the memo section write: Subsidized Ownership Shares Apple Street Market
If you do not wish for your donation to be tax exempt, you can include both your
Community Share payment and donation in single check addressed to: Cincinnati
Development Fund FBO Apple Street Market Cooperative
5. Subsidized Ownership Statement: If you qualify for SNAP, free or reduced lunch, or Medicaid
expansion and wish to purchase a subsidized Community-Ownership share please make your
check out for $10 and write a statement about the importance of a neighborhood grocery to your
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