Communities Active in Play Teddy Bear Picnic Communities Active in Play Teddy Bear Picnic Active Play Sheet Jigsaw Scavenger Hunt Improve motor planning and memory whilst being active! This is a fantastic activity that you can enjoy with your child. Use the Teddy Bear jigsaw template (see activity handout) or draw a picture or cut out a picture of a teddy bear from a magazine. Stick the picture onto cardboard and cut the Teddy Bear into puzzle pieces. Hide the pieces around the house and go searching for them together. When all the pieces are found, put the jigsaw together. For older children you could use pieces which relate to ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and hide pictures of 3 Beds, 3 Bowls of Porridge and 3 Chairs around the house. If the weather is permitting you could take this activity outside and have an outdoor scavenger hunt. You could even invite some friends over and have a large scale jigsaw scavenger hunt with prizes at the end. Bear Hopscotch Improve physical fitness, balance, and co-ordination. Use chalk to draw three bear footprints of varying sizes on the footpath. Step onto the largest footprint and say ‘Daddy Bear’, then onto the next footprint and say ‘Mummy Bear’ and finally onto the smallest foot print and say ‘Baby Bear, Yeah!’ Alternatively call out different ways to jump and land (for example jump with two feet or hop on one foot) , throw a stone and jump to the footprint where the stone lands or draw footprints in different colours and encourage children to land on the colour you call out. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around Have fun together playing a Teddy Bear themed game of ‘Simon Says’. Begin by saying “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear says…” Turn around Touch the ground Jump up high Reach for the sky This is a great active game which can be played inside with one or two children or in an outside space with many children. Round and Round the Garden Many songs and rhythms can encourage lots of activity. Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear One step, two steps Tickly under there Round and round the lighthouse Up the spiral stair One step, two steps Right up in the air Round and round the house Goes the little bear Creeping, creeping Into his little house Encourage your child to dance and join in with the actions to the song. For older children they will enjoy spinning around and crouching down and jump into the air in the ‘lighthouse’ verse. Babies can be lifted up into the air. Goldilocks Chasey Go outside or walk to the local park and tell your child the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Find an open space and take turns being either Goldilocks or the bear that is going to chase Goldilocks because she ate their porridge. You could tickle your child when you catch them! Gather a group of friends together for a Teddy Bear’s picnic and play this game in the backyard or at the park. Try forming a circle and placing ‘Goldilocks’ inside the circle and the ‘Bear’ on the outside. The people forming the circle can make pathways allowing Goldilocks to move in and out and keep the bear from catching her. On a fine day children could dress up or pretend to be teddy bear and go outside into the garden and sing this rhyme together. Hide and Seek Improve visual perceptual skills by scanning for hidden items. Gather some of your child’s favourite Teddy Bears together and play a game of ‘Hide and Seek’ with them. Play with one Teddy or as many as you like. Close your eyes and count whilst your child hides them around the room, house or garden. Seek out the Teddy Bears. You could then swap roles and hide the Teddy Bears while you child shuts their eyes. Three Bear Porridge An enjoyable way to engage with your child could be to make some porridge together in the kitchen. You could discuss the concepts of hot, cold and porridge that is ‘just right’ to eat. Perhaps you could have a breakfast picnic outside in the yard or walk around the garden while your porridge cools. This can be played in any safe space and is a great game for a rainy day. You could have a Hide and Seek race and see who can find the most hidden Teddy Bears. Communities Active in Play Teddy Bear Picnic Activity Handout Make a Teddy Bear Jigsaw – Hide and Seek What you need Teddy Bear Template Cardboard Glue Scissors Crayons / Pencils Instructions Step 1: Encourage your child to colour in the Teddy Bear puzzle template. Step 2:.When decorated, stick the Teddy Bear onto a piece of cardboard. You could use cardboard from a cereal box or other packaging. Using cardboard is a great way of reducing and recycling! Jig saw piece could also be laminated or contacted for extra durability. Step 3: After the template is stuck onto the cardboard, cut the Teddy Bear into three sections by cutting along the marked lines. Step 4: Complete the jigsaw with your child and talk about the different parts of the jigsaw. This will help familiarize your child with the puzzle. Step 5: Hide the puzzle pieces around the house or yard and have a scavenger hunt to find all the pieces. Make the scavenger hunt simple to start with and increase the difficulty, to challenge them as your child becomes more familiar with the game. You can create more of a challenge by placing pieces under items (explain that they will need to look underneath cushions or behind trees etc.) Children also like to play cold, warm, and hot (cold being when they are furthest from the item they are searching for and hot when almost at the item) when on a scavenger hunt. Complete the puzzle when all the pieces are collected. Playgroup/s: ACTIVE PLAY GROUP SESSION PLAN Teddy Bear Picnic Active Play Activities Session Date: Presentation/Set Up Activity : Natural Obstacle Course (Active Use naturally occurring obstacles in an outdoor Obstacle Stations) space to create an obstacle course consisting of Equipment/Resources: 3-6 different stations that allow children to move Chalk from one station to next until they get to the Items found in the outdoor picnic blanket. Your child may like to take their environment favourite teddy bear or soft toy with them while Picnic Blanket completing the obstacle course. Draw stepping stones on the ground and get the children to jump from one to the other. Encourage children to weave through trees or bushes. Roll down grassy hills or jump over piles of leaves. This activity is flexible and allows you to incorporate any environmental aspects you have access to into your obstacle course. The last station will be a picnic rug to sit at and enjoy a teddy bear picnic. Individual Activity: Colour/decorate teddy Use the ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ handout or Jigsaw alternative teddy bear picture. Equipment/Resources: Refer to the ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ handout. Optional Group Activity: Teddy Bear Picnic Hide and Seek game Equipment/Resources: Refer to the ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ handout. Refer to the ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ handout for instructions on playing Teddy Bears Picnic hide and seek game. Observation/s (How did the activity go?) Duration of Session: Comments (what would I change, add to and repeat?) Art Activity: Teddy Bear Footprints Equipment/Resources: ACTIVE PLAY GROUP SESSION PLAN Teddy Bear Picnic Make a bear footprint stencil from thick card board. Using as a stencil assist the child to trace around the stencil onto thick cardboard. Help the child cut around the bear footprints. Bear foot print stencil Thick cardboard (old cereal boxes Paint/colour and decorate their bear footprints. When the bear footprints have dried put a hole in doubled up work well) each side of the Bear foot print and secure Marker pen enough string or ribbon to tie the bear foot print Scissors around the child’s foot. Ask the child to leave Pencils/paint their shoes on if wearing the bear footprints Items to decorate with outdoors. Demonstrate how to walk as a bear Hole punch and encourage the children to make up their own String/wool or ribbon bear walk or dance. Alternatively bear masks are also fun to make and add to the child’s bear custom. A simple paper plate will make a wonderful bear mask. Group Time Presentation/Set Up Observation/s (How did the activity go?) Activity: Bear Relay Talk to the children about the three bears in the Equipment/Resources: story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Encourage children to move like a bear, Masking Tape crawling and upright. Split the children into groups and mark a finishing line on the ground with masking tape. Encourage the children to crawl like a bear as fast as they can to the other end. You may also play as a relay with older children. Group Time Songs Sing familiar group songs. You may introduce the Equipment/Resources: song “Round and Round the Garden” (from the Singing voices and a selection of Active Play Sheet) or other examples may include songs relating to teddy bears Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Refer to Teddy Bears Picnic song Rock –a –Bye Your Bear sheet The Bear went over the mountain Comments (what would I change, add to and repeat?) ACTIVE PLAY GROUP SESSION PLAN Teddy Bear Picnic Activity: Story time Equipment/Resources: Book You may like to investigate some other songs relating to the ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ theme. Gather everyone for story time by singing “Everybody Sit Down, Sit Down” song. Finish group time by reading a selected book, such as “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Communities Active in Play Teddy Bear Picnic Session Preparation Checklist Communities Active in Play Teddy Bear Picnic Song Sheet Round and Round the Garden Round and round the garden, Gently trace finger in a circle around child’s palm Like a Teddy Bear. Walk your fingers up child’s arm One step, two step, Tickle under chin, under arm or tummy Tickle you under there Tickle under arms or around arms Bananas in Pyjamas Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs, Bananas in pyjamas are coming down in pairs, Bananas in pyjamas are chasing teddy bears, ‘Cos on Tuesdays, They all try to, Catch them unawares! Rock-a-Bye Your Bear Everybody clap, (Clap! Clap! Clap! ) Everybody sing, La la la la la! Bow to your partner, Then you turn around YIPEE! Hands in the air, Rock-a-bye your bear, Bear's now asleep, Shh! Shh! Shh! Bear's now asleep, Shh! Shh! Shh! Everybody clap, (Clap! Clap! Clap! ) Everybody sing, La la la la la! Bow to your partner, Then you turn around YIPEE! Hands in the air, Rock-a-bye your bear, Bear's now asleep, Shh! Shh! Shh! Bear's now asleep, Shh! Shh! Shh! [ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsty Teddy Bear The Bear Went Over the Mountain Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Turn around, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Touch the ground, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Teach up high Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Wink one eye, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Touch your knees, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.. Sit down please. The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain, To see what he could see. And all that he could see, And all that he could see, Was the other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain, Was all that he could see. Teddy Bear's Picnic Song If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic. If you go out in the woods today, You'd better not go alone. It's lovely out in the woods today, But safer to stay at home. For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic CHORUS Picnic time for teddy bears, The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today. Watch them, catch them unawares, And see them picnic on their holiday. See them gaily dance about. They love to play and shout. And never have any cares. At six o'clock their mommies and daddies Will take them home to bed Because they're tired little teddy bears. Every teddy bear, that's been good Is sure of a treat today There's lots of wonderful things to eat And wonderful games to play Beneath the trees, where nobody sees They'll hide and seek as long as they please Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic CHORUS Communities Active in Play Fast Facts: Teddy Bear Picnic Children develop gross motor skills through every day play. They not only learn how to move around in their environment but also refine their movements through repetition and practice. Gross Motor Skills: What are they? Gross motor skills involve the use of the entire body or various parts of the body at same time. Examples of gross motor skills include rolling, crawling, walking, jumping and running. They are the BIG movements. Examples of activities that support gross motor skill development from “Teddy Bears Picnic” Active Play Sheet include: Bending down and touching the ground in the song “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around” Running in Goldilocks Chasey Jumping in Bear Hopscotch When engaged in active play your child will repeatedly preform many gross motor movements. By repeating movements they will gradually gain strength, balance and coordination. Playing games such as the hide and seek or chasey are great ways to develop gross motor skills. You can play hide and seek outside or inside. Hiding different objects or a favourite toy or teddy will gain your child’s interest. Playing hide and seek regularly with your child can improve your child’s visual perceptual skills by … Improving their ability to remember different object shapes Assist them to discriminate between different objects Encourage them to look for objects in different environments Increase awareness to identify differences and similarities in individual objects Visual Perception Visual perceptual skills are those that your child uses to gather visual information from their surrounding environment, process it and integrate them into other senses, for example reading a book and being able to read the words out loud. An example of an activity that supports the development of visual perceptual skills from “Teddy Bears Picnic” Active Play Sheet is “Hide and Seek”. The visual perceptual skills needed to play hide and seek include: The ability to remember the shape of the teddy bears The ability to find the hidden teddy bears when they partially covered up The ability to distinguish and recognise different teddy bears. You can play hide and seek outside or inside. Hiding different objects or a favourite toy will gain your child’s interest. Playing hide and seek regularly with your child can improve your child’s visual perceptual skills. Fine Motor Skills What are they? Fine motor skills are the capacity to control the small muscles in the hand and fingers needed for particular movements. Examples of activities that support fine motor skill development from “Teddy Bears Picnic” Active Play Sheet include: Hand and finger actions to the nursery rhyme “Round and Round the Garden” Making porridge and eating with a spoon Colouring in jigsaw Collecting and putting jigsaw pieces together Glastonbury Community Services, Communities Active in Play (CAP) Program aims to support and encourage parents to meet the Australian Government recommendation that children from birth to 5 years of age engage in physical activity every day for at least 3 hours, spread throughout the day and not be inactive for more than 1 hour at a time expect for when they are sleeping. CAP is on the move and coming to you!
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