Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015, No. 443 Quilters’ Sew-ciety was founded in 1977, and provides a means for quilters to exchange ideas, further the art of quilt making and promotes the joys of quilting. Visit our Quilters Sew-ciety web site at www.qsrochester.org for the latest Quilt Show information, Newsletters, Event calendar and more. Now see us at www.facebook.com/QuiltersSewCiety. Quilter’s Sew-ciety Newsletter May 4: Patti Hillebrand of the Village Creek Quilt shop in Lodi, WI. Show and Tell will emphasize spring flowers of any color. May "Show and Tell" theme will be Spring colors like lilac, pink, turquoise, and fuchsia. Spring has finally arrived so show anything celebrating Spring!!! Thank you! Cindy Horan and Char Hansen Program Committee Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 1 Greetings All! Time has truly flown since I last put together the President's Pondering. I find myself shaking my head that it's time for our May newsletter. So I looked at all that has transpired since our last newsletter. Here's some of my list: Our family has welcomed a new granddaughter, Selah Mae Zahasky, born to our son and his wife on March 10th. March 11 - 20th was my two spring quilting retreats for Lake Beauty: I got three quilt tops finished and completed two other quilt projects. Upon returning home, we headed to Racine, WI to meet and visit Selah - the visit was fantastic: Just can't beat cuddling a newborn. March QS Board meeting and sorting through QS responsibilities. Finishing up details from those spring quilting retreats Preparing and setting up Easter decorations for church Our April QS meetings and QS responsibilities following the meetings Setting up and then working a three day serger seminar for my job Family phone calls and emails concerning health issues of aging parents Working on the instructions for a mystery quilt project OK - March and now April has been pretty busy. No wonder time seems to have flown by. A QS meeting update: Some of you may know that two ladies have fallen at the last two QS meetings - one each of the last two months. Thankfully, both ladies are OK but the Board, and other QS members, are concerned about the safety of our ladies. So, through several phone calls and emails, it has been decided that Cindy and Char, our Program people, will be devising a new procedure and location for displaying the quilts of the presenters and possibly the Show and Tell quilts. They will explain the changes at our next QS meeting. We ask for your understanding and patience as we work through how to best display our quilts, etc. while keeping you safe during our meetings. Happy Quilting. Sue Zahasky QS President Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 2 A Good Tip for Cutting: Before starting a new quilt, transfer the cutting instructions to a dry erase board. As you cut, erase that size and move on. It’s easier than looking at the instructions on the pattern. Ann Brenke - President-Elect Quilters’ Sew-ciety Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2015 Quilter's Sew-ciety Day Meeting Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm by Karen Greenslade, at Bethany United Methodist church. A motion to accept the March minutes as written was made by Nancy Berkman, and seconded by Sharon Dunford. Motion carried. New Members: Kathy Tesmer, Debbie Worden Guests: Gina Scheidt, Kathy Potter Program: Amanda Jean Nyberg, a self described scrap hoarder/lover/user and Crazy Mom Quilts blogger and co-author of Sunday Morning Quilts entertained us with stories and trunk show. Feel free to email her at crazymomquilts@yahoo.com Show and Tell: 3 wall quilts, 4 bed quilts, 3 baby quilts, 2 lap quilts and 2 other projects. Door Prize: A lucky member won a pattern donated by Amanda Jean Nyberg. At 3 pm a motion to adjourn was made by Pat Dillard and seconded by Sue Zahasky. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Jamie Kouba, Day Secretary Quilter's Sew-ciety Evening Meeting Minutes: The April 6, 2015 evening meeting was called to order by Evening Facilitator, Joan Schuler at 7 p.m. Program: Amanda Jean Nyberg, author of “Crazy Mom Quilts” blog presented a very interesting program on her very colorful scarp quilts. Amada Jean is the co-author of the book “Sunday Morning Quilts. Scrap.” She recently designed a line of fabric for Connecting Threads which will be released this fall. In addition to quilts of scraps, she also knits rugs from her fabric scraps. To see and enjoy her display of quilts draped over the choir loft pews at Bethany Methodist Church, visit her blog. New members: Rita Rudil, Linda Wenner, Barb Tieskoetter, and Julian (? Last name.) Guests: Sandy Stettler, and Jan Podulske. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 3 Show and Tell: Brought 16 items ranging from a rug mug to a bed size quilt. Door Prize: Pattern of the winner’s choice given by Amada Jean. Motion by Judy Plank to adjourn. Second by Kathy Gaines. Respectfully submitted, Rosie Seegmiller, Evening Secretary Please note: Please do not use perfumes, colognes, etc. at our meetings. There are some people that are sensitive to these scents, causing difficulty breathing or headaches. Gloria Bahr – chair of small quilt groups. Sign-up if interested in joining a small quilt group. Paula Triebenbach – information on upcoming workshops and retreats is on the bulletin board. Sue Zahasky, President, reviewed items discussed at the March Board meeting. For some reason, some of the checks from the Ami Simms class this past fall have not been cashed. This situation is being resolved. The Historian position was discussed. Investigating whether the position should be reinstated, and what types of things should be preserved. The awards that QS provides for Olmsted County quilt entries are being reviewed. A member had requested the newsletter be included in the slide presentation. It was decided not do this at the present time. Would require someone coming earlier to load the slides and the newsletter would not be easily read due to size and speed of the slide presentation. Will update the banner currently on our membership table. Logistics to be worked out. Two board positions are currently open, Membership chair and assistant. Stephanie Pasch will assist until replacements can be found. The position requires excel experience. Julie Accola has resigned from the “Getting to Know You” position. This position will remain unfilled at the present time. The Board is working on ways to make guests and new members feel more welcome. Anyone with any questions or comments can contact Sue or any Board member. Modern Quilt Guild meets monthly from 9am-3pm the Saturday after the QS meeting at the Byron Middle School. It is open to all QS members who are interested. There will be no cost; however a donation to cover the cost of the meeting space would be appreciated. The meeting will consist of a guild-type meeting in the morning with information and demonstration(s), followed by unstructured sewing time in the afternoon. Lunch is not provided. Contact Carol Best with questions. Quilt Mentors will meet April 13th, 7-8pm at Hy-vee Barlow Plaza’s market Café meeting room (in rear of café). Contact Carol Best with questions. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 4 A paper copy of the 1st quarter financial statement was available for pick up at the membership table from Paula Triebenbach, treasurer. Please send all info to be included in the newsletter to Ann Brenke no later than the 15th of the month. Remember to visit our Facebook page and website. Facebook & website: Like us on Facebook! facebook.com/QuiltersSewCiety Join, share your projects, questions and hints with us all! Contact Dixie Schmitt with questions. Email her at luckystaracres@aol.com Gloria Bahr, Small Quilt Group Coordinator: There will be a sign up sheet in the narthex during each meeting for anyone interested in joining a small quilt group. 2015 Quilt Show News Judy Plank and Sharon Sandberg, Quilt Show Chairs: A volunteer for door prizes is still needed. If you are interested, please contact Judy (507-282-7212, judy@theplanks.net) or Sharon at 507753-2434. Join The Journey is the organization that will be receiving ¼ of the proceeds from the small quilt auction and the raffle quilt. Make your QS Challenge for 2015, to participate in the Quilt show – Enter a Quilt!!! Entry forms are available in this newsletter and on the QS website. The 2015 Raffle Quilt is completed! Raffle tickets will be distributed beginning with the May meetings for guild members to pick up and then to begin selling the tickets. Pictures of the quilt will be available for you to purchase ($.25 each) at the meetings if you wish to have a picture to show individuals while selling the raffle tickets. Raffle ticket sales directly benefit Quilters’ Sew-city and our 2015 Quilt Show charity, “Join the Journey”. It is important that all members participate in selling tickets. Prizes will be awarded to members that participate in raffle ticket sales. The quilt will be entered in the upcoming Minnesota Quilt Show. QS guild members that worked on the quilt are: Sharon Sandberg, Nancy Zimmerman, Jenifer Jensen, Judy Plank, Sherrie Goldsmith, Carol Spurr, Denise Mullen, Karen Greenslade, Sharlene Owens and Maureen Ruskell. Thanks so much to them for contributing to the completion of the raffle quilt. You did a great job! The machine quilting was done by Mary Nordeng. When you see her, please acknowledge her talents, as well as, Mary’s generosity for doing the machine quilting on our 2015 Quilt Show Raffle Quilt! She did a fantastic job. Thank you Mary! Trisha White 2015 Quilt Show Challenge Chair: The Paint Chip Challenge was explained and paint chips were available for purchase for $5. There are 20 paint chips left and will still be available at the May meeting or until they are gone. The theme for the challenge is “A Garden of Quilts.” Ribbons and prizes will be awarded to 1st place in each category, and viewer's choice winner at the end of the show. Prizes will also be randomly awarded to QS members with entries hanging at the Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 5 show in the challenge area! Carol Passi and Lisa Byer, Small Quilt Auction Coordinators: Please donate small quilts for this fundraiser. There will be a $10 minimum bid this year. Quilt donations will be accepted May through September. All small quilted items are accepted, including but bags, table runners, etc. The goal is 100 items. Proceeds from small quilt auction and raffle quilt will be shared with Join the Journey (breast cancer.) Char Hansen, Quilt Show Boutique Coordinator: Boutique forms are available in the narthex. 20% of earnings will be for QS and in order to sell in the boutique you must be available to work in the boutique 2 hours during the show. Thanks again to all, Sharlene and Maureen and the entire quilt show committee April Library News and Notices Our regular library for checking out books will be open for both day and evening meetings. QS Library Lending Policy Reminder: Books are to be signed out with the librarian. Limit 3 per member. Card must be signed (legibly please) and then date stamped. A due date card will be placed in the book pocket. Books are due back in one month. If not returned in one month, a one-month grace period will be extended. (Books can be dropped off at Kelley's Quality Sewing Center in Rochester, MN if you are unable to attend the next meeting.) If you need a book for another month, please bring book to check out again. This will allow the library to check if there are any requests pending on specific books, which would take priority. If the book is not returned by the second month, a $5.00 fine will be placed (per book). Library privileges will be suspended until books are returned. If the book is not returned by the third month, the borrower will owe the library the retail cost of the book. Fine fees will apply towards the retail cost of replacement. These books are in the grace period and are due at the May meeting without a fine. Jean Sedgwick Unreadable name Lori Nelson Carol Post Debra Ninas Nine Patch Panache; Thimbleberries Quilting a Patchwork Garden Make Your Own Great Vests Portraits from Nature; Quick Classic Quilts; Quilt Bibs & Blankies Skinny Quilts and Table Runner II Small Talk Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 6 These books are past the grace period and owe $5.00. Norrie McIllrath Lori Nelson East - West Log Cabin Quilts These books are past due (month noted) and owe the cost of the book. Michelle Tinetti Diane Kee June 2014 Sept 2014 Sept 1014 Applique Inside the Lines Ties That Bind Buried in Quilts $23.95 $15.00 $14.00 Thank you from your library ladies of 2015, Lisa Beyer & Mary Farrell (Day Librarians) Toodie Bremer & Marie Huntington (Evening Librarians) Carman's Quilt Works Longarm Quilting Carman Irelan Rochester, MN (507) 424-3127 e-mail: carmansquiltworks@charter.net Making Time For You! Annie Kate's Quilts Longarm quilting service Kathy Gaines Basting 3008 25th St. NW Pantograph Rochester, MN 55901 Custom, freehand kgquilter@aol.com Binding home: 282-6494 cell: 951-0993 Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 7 Classified Ads/Notices for Members For $3.75, members can submit up to 20 words for a classified ad/notice. This will have the same deadline as everything else for the newsletter - one week after the meeting date. Any questions please contact: Ann Brenke, Newsletter Editor at 507-951-8750 or abrenke55@outlook.com. Advertising Rates: 1/8 page = $7.50, 1/4 page = $15.00, 1/2 page = $30.00, 3/4 page = $45.00, full page = $60.00. Quilt-related camera-ready ads can be submitted to the Editor by the Friday following the meeting; ads must be accompanied by full payment and sent to: Ann Brenke, 507 5th St. N.W., Kasson, MN 55944; 507-951-8750; abrenke55@outlook.com. Checks should be made payable to Quilters' Sew-Ciety. Note: Please submit an electronic graphic file - pdf, gif, etc. (preferred method) or camera-ready ad for the issue(s) of the newsletter if you want the same ad to appear in multiple issues. E-mail or call if you have questions about formatting your copy. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 8 A Garden of Quilts ENTRY FORM – Due September 14, 2015 Entry is open to any Quilters’ Sew-ciety member. Item must have been made by or is owned by a QS member. Entry is restricted to one per category. Quilts previously shown at QS shows may not be entered. Submission of this entry form grants permission to post pictures and information on our web site. 1. Complete a separate entry form for each item entered. 2. Enclose a color photo of your finished or in progress quilt to help the committee with show layout. (This is used to prevent quilts from clashing within a display bay.) 3. Mail, email or give form to: Pam Geerdes; 590 Frederichs Drive NW; Rochester, MN 55901 pgeerdes@yahoo.com Important Entry Information -----Entries will not be accepted if not brought in a properly labeled cloth bag 1. Each entry MUST have a label sewn on to it identifying the QS member. 2. Each entry MUST be placed in a separate cloth bag permanently identified with the QS member’s name and phone number. 3. Collection date is Wednesday, October 14th. Details will be announced in the September newsletter. 4. Redistribution will be Saturday, October 17th from 4:00 to 4:30 at the show location. Each entry must be signed for. If you intend to designate someone to pick up your quilt, state that person’s name here:____________________________________________ Member Information Name: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________ Category – please choose only one category for this entry (definitions on reverse side) Bed Quilt - Appliqué Wall Quilt - Appliqué Group Quilt Garment Bed Quilt - Pieced Wall Quilt - Pieced Novice Quilter Miniature Bed Quilt – Mixed Technique Wall Quilt – Mixed Technique Modern Home Décor/ Table Runner Quilt Title ________________________________________________________________________________ Pieced By ___________________________________Quilted By__________________________________ Approximate size (inches) Width _______________ Height (length) _________________ Value: (if left blank a value of $0.00 will be assigned) $ _________________ Appraisal required if $1,000 or above Quilt Story (i.e. who it was made for, pattern used or original design, something learned, etc.) -Continue on back if necessary__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 9 Definitions: Bed Quilt: Larger than 60” x 80” to a maximum of 110” x 110” Wall Quilt: Size is up to a maximum of 60” x 80” Appliqué: A quilt using appliqué as the predominant construction technique. Pieced: A quilt using piecing as the predominant construction technique, by hand or machine. It may be hand or machine quilted. It may be completely constructed by one person, or the quilting may be done by a second person. Mixed Technique: A quilt where a fairly even amount of multiple techniques, not including quilting or trapunto, is used to develop the design of the top. It may be hand or machine quilted. It may be completely constructed and quilted by one person, or the quilting may be done by a second person. Group Quilt: Any quilt created by three or more people. All work may be done by hand or by machine. All participants must be listed in the description. The entrant must be a Quilters’ Sewciety member. Novice Quilter: Entrants in this category must have been quilting for less than two years. Modern: Modern Quilts are functional and are inspired by modern design. Minimalism, asymmetry, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work are often part of the composition, as are improvisational piecing, high contrast, and solid fabrics. This is a single category for 1 or 2 persons and a quilt of any size. Miniature: Any quilt measuring less than 24 inches on any side, overall pattern reflecting proportionately reduced scale, and individual blocks no larger than 4 inches square. All work may be done by hand or by machine, but all work must be done by only one person. Garment: A wearable item having three distinct layers. Home Décor/Table Runner: An item suitable for display in the home having three distinct layers. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News May 2015 10
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