League of Northern Colorado Quilters Northern Link Newsletter —March/April 2015 Inside this issue: MISSION STATEMENT: LNCQ is a nonprofit group devoted to preserving the heritage of quilting. It is open to members of established quilt groups as well as individuals wishing to share knowledge and skills for all aspects of quilting. The arts involved in quilting shall be the primary and only focus of this organization. The purpose of the League is to provide a source of education, information, and inspiration. The League shall support and promote small Quilt Groups. LNCQ General Meeting – April 6, 2015 Harmony Presbyterian Church – 400 E. Boardwalk, Fort Collins, CO Special Program for April’s Meeting: The April program is Lea Mc Comas, a fiber artist who won 1st Place, Small Pictorial Wall Quilt, AQS Paducah, 2014. She was also ‘Best of Show from 1st Time Entrant,’ Road to California Quilt Show, 2014. She is known for her “threadwork”. There will not be a workshop for us, but she A Special Note from our Membership Chair: To date we have 84 members. Sadly, this is down from this time last year. Please help spread the word about LNCQ. Without sustaining members our organization will have to cut back in many areas. Membership forms and info can be found on our website. An email will be sent soon with the membership roster. Please be on the lookout for it. It can be downloaded on your computer, or you can always print of a copy. Thank you all for your continued support! 2 Small Group News 2 President’s Corner 2 Our Sponsors 3 Show and Tell: 6:30PM: Social — 7:00PM: Meeting — Guest Fess: $8.00 will be teaching classes at JukeBox Quilts in May. Treasurer’s Report Please bring your creations and treasures to share at the first part of the meeting so we can display them during the break. Come a little early to sign in your Show and Tell before the meeting starts. Membership: Membership fee for the calendar year Jan 1-Dec 31 is $25.00 New Membership Aug1-Dec 31 is $15.00 If you have any questions feel free to contact the Membership Chair, Sissy Young at sissygampy@gmail.com President’s Corner…….. TREASURER’S REPORT Year to Date/ 2/28/2015 Income: Advertising Sales $ 90.00 Membership Dues $ 1,159.00 Retreat Income $11,980.00 Total Income $13,229.00 2015 Quilt Retreat The 2015 LNCQ Quilt- Program Speaker $ 377.70 Treasurer Expense $ 53.54 VP Expense $ 50.00 Total Disbursements $ 481.24 It is Spring and it’s time to get out and exercise ourselves for the wonderful year ing Retreat for this of 2015. We as quilters can show our April is full, with a community and friends the things we do back-up waiting list. Thanks to everyone Expenses: Members, and have them join us. We need to send this wonderful talent and activity out to the younger members of our community. Each one of us can contribute to the for supporting this health and vitality of LNCQ by bringing popular program!! friends to our meetings or volunteering on one of the committees. Let’s make LNCQ grow and thrive for 2015! Mae Lewis, President Small Group News Are you interested in sewing with a you find a group already in exis- techniques, celebrate birthdays, small group, making new friends, tence or start a new one. sew together, socialize, go to quilt or learning new techniques? Groups get together to learn new If so, then a LNCQ Small Group fairs and stores together, and many more reasons. would be perfect for you! My Cindi Young, Join a group today and see what name is Cindi, and I will be at the Cindi@Young.com 970- you have been missing! 631-7814 Cindi General Meeting to answer any questions you might have and help Other News…... Is there other information on LNCQ you would like to see in the Newslet- Carpooling ter? Or is your small group doing We are looking for someone to something special you would like to organize a car pool system for share with others in LNCQ? Write me LNCQ membrs who do not drive and let me know! I need your information 10 days prior to our General Meeting. Contact me at lwilley2907@gmail.com and I will be glad to share what’s happening! Happy Stitching! Page 2 Lori Willey but would like to attend meetings. If you are interested, please contact Cindi Young, Tea Cottage Antiques Linda Otteman, owner 521 Denver Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 970-581-1984 STEVE’S Sewing Machine Service, Inc. “Over 30 Years Experience” Service/Repair Most Makes and Models Embroidery, Serger, and Sewing Machines Steve Ferguson Certified Service Technician 469 N. Denver Ave #101 - Loveland, CO 80537 970-663-1590 - Shop Hours M-F 8-4 Cottage Bliss DIVINE COMFORTS FOR THE HOME Gifts Quilts Fabrics 870-A MORAINE AVE., ESTES PARK, CO 80517 (970) 577-1557 www.cottageblissestes.com 1737 S. College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80525 (Prospect & College) (970) 472-1822 824 9th St Greeley, Co 80631 New hours: Tues-Fri. 9-5; Sat. 10-4 Closed Sun-Mon 970-352-9230 sewdowntown@live.com Laura Shotwell. Owner 2834 S. College Avenue Fort Collins CO 80525 970-495-1766 thefigleafquilting.com Website: www.jmsewvac.com Page 2 LNCQ P.O. Box 272593 Fort Collins, CO 80527 www.lncq.org
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