Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015, No. 442 Quilters’ Sew-ciety was founded in 1977, and provides a means for quilters to exchange ideas, further the art of quilt making and promotes the joys of quilting. Visit our Quilters Sew-ciety web site at www.qsrochester.org for the latest Quilt Show information, Newsletters, Event calendar and more. Now see us at www.facebook.com/QuiltersSewCiety. Quilter’s Sew-ciety Newsletter April 6th - Amanda Jean "Crazy Mom Quilts" - The April program presenter will be Amanda Jean who has the blog Crazy Mom Quilts. She will also bring patterns to sell. If you would like a sneak peak at her patterns here is her blog address:http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/ The color/project for April's Show and Tell is glorious Spring colors or Easter items. Thank you! Cindy Horan and Char Hansen Program Committee Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 1 Greetings All! Finally!!!! Spring is in the air, the sun is shining, the temps are nicely above freezing and the snow is melting. Can I hear an AMEN!!! There is real hope that we will not be stuck in the deep freeze forever. I had my doubts there for a while. As I write this month's ponderings, I am preparing for time away at my spring set quilting retreats and chance to get some of my own UFO's completed. (I accepted our guild UFO challenge - did you?) Preparing for the retreats also gave me a chance to "clean out" some of my old fabrics to be used for door prizes and quilting projects I do at the camp. Of course, the nice side benefit to that is that now there's room in my stash for some new fabrics. (Oh, how we can rationalize.) As I sorted through the fabrics to donate, I have found it interesting to see how my taste in fabrics, and patterns, has changed over the 9 years I have been quilting. There are some fabrics that I still like - Asians in particular - but I have definitely gone to having more tone-on-tone "solids" in my stash. Ummm - I wonder what will my stash look like in 9 more years? I also took on a challenge of my own - something I have wanted to do for a while - to design and created a Mystery Quilt pattern for my quilting retreats. The "clues" will be posted monthly on our camp website and our Facebook page for the next twelve months. Then the completed quilts or quilt tops will be shared at next spring's quilting retreats. Should be fun. I am already excited about getting started on making the sample mystery quilt. Stay tuned I'll share the website and Facebook information on our own QS Facebook page later on, just in case any of you are investing in joining us on this adventure. So...happy quilting, happy spring and Blessed Easter wishes to you all! Sue Zahasky 2015 QS President Some Good Websites for Free Patterns: Freepatterns.com Free-quilting.com Quiltbug.com/free/default.htm Ann Brenke - President-Elect Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 2 Quilters’ Sew-ciety Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2015 Quilter's Sew-ciety Day Meeting Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm by Karen Greenslade, at Bethany United Methodist church. The following corrections to the February minutes were presented: Jamie Kouba quilted the large quilt given to outgoing 2014 President Carol Best and Sue Zahasky quilted the wall hanging. A motion to accept the February minutes as corrected was made by Julie Tebay, and seconded by Nancy Burkman. Motion carried. New Members: Julianne Schuster Guests: Kay Jacobson, Pat Hallstrom Program: Member Char Hanson presented tips and tricks for organizing your sewing space. The following were shared during Show and Tell: 10 wall quilts, 5 bed quilts, 12 baby quilts, 1 bag, 2 table toppers, and 5 other projects. Door prizes were won by Marie Wilson won a fabric tote made and donated by Char Hansen and Darlene Thompson won a collection of fabrics donated by an unknown member. At 2:42 pm a motion to adjourn was made by Carol Bet seconded by Sharon Dunford. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Pat Dillard, acting Day Secretary Jamie Kouba, Day Secretary Quilter's Sew-ciety Evening Meeting Minutes: Unfortunately, no evening meeting minutes are available. The substitute note taker (me!) forgot to show up. I apologize for any inconvenience this creates. Sheepishly submitted, Jamie Kouba, Day Secretary Please note: Please do not use perfumes, colognes, etc. at our meetings. There are some people that are sensitive to these scents, causing difficulty breathing or headaches. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 3 Judy Plank and Sharon Sandberg, Quilt Show Chairs: Consider volunteering for door prize coordination, signage and refreshments. Let Judy or Sharon know if you are interested. Maureen Ruskell and Sharlene Owens: The raffle quilt is at the quilter’s and should be ready by April. Judy Plank, for Trisha White 2015 Quilt Show Challenge Chair: The Paint Chip Challenge was explained and paint chips were available for purchase. Char Hansen updated us on the Quilt Show Boutique and the UFO deadline Gail Sauder let us know about the Tsunami Waves program currently at the Rochester Art Center. Carol Best: Modern Quilt Sew-Cial meets monthly from 9am-3pm the Saturday after the QS meeting at the Byron Middle School. It is open to all QS members. There is no charge but a donation to cover the cost of the meeting space is appreciated. The meeting consists of a guild-type meeting in the morning with information, demonstrations and show and tell. Unstructured sewing time fills the afternoon. Lunch is not provided. Carol Best: Quilt Mentors will meet March 9 from 7-8pm at Hy-Vee Barlow’s Market Café meeting room. Bring handwork and show and tell. Carol Best: A Modern Quilt Sew-cial will begin meeting monthly from 9am-3pm the Saturday after the QS meeting at the Byron Middle School. It is open to all QS members who are interested. There will be no cost, however a donation to cover the cost of the meeting space would be appreciated. The meeting will consist of a guild-type meeting in the morning with information and demonstration(s), followed by unstructured sewing time in the afternoon. Lunch is not provided. Getting to Know You: the March featured quilter was Dawn Pruett Please introduce your fine self to everyone with this feature. Pick up forms at the membership table (pink paper) or print one off from the website. Return to Julia in person or email her at jaccola@chartermi.net Please send all info to be included in the newsletter to Ann Brenke no later than the 15th of the month. abrenke55@outlook.com Please remember to visit QS Facebook page at Facebook.com/QuiltersSewCiety And like us to stay up to date with all of our events. Share your projects, questions and hints with us all! Our website is QSRochester.org . Check it out! Please send info for website to webmaster @qsrochester.org Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 4 2015 Quilt Show News We are still in need of a volunteer for door prizes; if you are interested please give us a call. Judy Plank 507 282 7212, judy@theplanke.net or Sharon Sandberg, 507 753-2434. Make your QS Challenge for 2015, to participate in the Quilt show – Enter a Quilt!!! Entry forms are available in this newsletter and on the QS website. 2015 QS Quilt Show Challenge – The 2015 Quilt Show is fast approaching! And it’s time for a paint chip challenge! QS Member’s willing to take the challenge will randomly draw a paint chip color sample. This color sample will then be used to create a project of their choice to fit the 2015 quilt show theme “A Garden of Quilts”. The participation fee is $5. Members will be able to draw their paint chip color and pick up the challenge information and entry forms starting at the March meeting. There are a total of 80 different paint chips available, final distribution will happen at the May QS meeting or when they run out, whichever happens first! Get your thinking cap on and I’ll see you in March! Trisha White, Challenge Committee Chair Getting to Know You From Lori Nelson: How long have you been a member of QS? What brought you to the group? Have you served on the board or a committee? One year. My aunt, June Wicks, graciously purchased my membership so we could visit and learn together. How long have you been quilting? How did you get started? What part of the process do you enjoy the most? What is your least favorite part of the process? One year. I watched my mom who has quilted for years. I enjoy the fabrics and dislike the math. Tell us a little about your quilting style: Modern or traditional? Simple or complex? Bright or subdued? Favorite colors? Piecing or applique? Hand or machine? I like traditional simple quilts. I am using a book called Horsing Around by Darcy Ashton. Where do you usually sew? Do you watch TV or listen to audio books or music? I turned a 3-season porch into a sewing room and listen to NCIS or music. What is a favorite quilt memory? Do you have a quilt-related embarrassing moment? When I am able, I participate in quilt making for Project Linus, the Senior Center, and Zumbro Lutheran Church. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 5 Tell us about your family/pets/jobs if you wish... My husband teaches math. Our three children are in college. We have 2 dogs: Calvin, a Bichon-Friese, and Hobbs, a Havanese from Havana, Cuba. I used to work as a speech/language pathologist until illness made work too difficult. Thanks for helping me improve my quilting. I am always looking for member information to share in the “Getting to Know You” section of our newsletters. Please consider volunteering by filling out the pink form at the membership table at the meetings or online at http://qsrochester.org/forms/gtky_form2015.pdf. Give it to me at a meeting (I'm usually at the afternoon meeting) or e-mail it me me at jaccola@chartermi.net. Thank you. Julia Accola QUILTERS’ SEW-CIETY MEMBERSHIP REPORT QS Membership Glitches It has come to my attention that a number of you have recently experienced problems with the accuracy of your QS membership - being listed as Inactive even though you have renewed your membership or not having your name tag ready after having renewed your membership, etc., etc. During the recent transition of Membership personnel, some technical issues with the computers and programs being used caused these problems to take place. On behalf of QS Board, I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused any of you and want to assure you that this is in the process of being rectified. We ask for your patience and assistance while we work on sorting this out and in getting the Membership files and records back on track. If you have experienced any membership issues recently, please stop by the Membership table in April, let us know what the issue was, and how you paid for your renewed membership. You can also contact me via email szahasky@aol.com - with the same information and I will make sure that it gets to the membership team. Thanks for your understanding and your help in this matter. Sue Zahasky 2015 QS President Carman's Quilt Works Longarm Quilting Carman Irelan Rochester, MN (507) 424-3127 e-mail: carmansquiltworks@charter.net Making Time For You! Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 6 Annie Kate's Quilts Longarm quilting service Kathy Gaines Basting 3008 25th St. NW Pantograph Rochester, MN 55901 Custom, freehand kgquilter@aol.com Binding home: 282-6494 cell: 951-0993 Classified Ads/Notices for Members For $3.75, members can submit up to 20 words for a classified ad/notice. This will have the same deadline as everything else for the newsletter - one week after the meeting date. Any questions please contact: Ann Brenke, Newsletter Editor at 507-951-8750 or abrenke55@outlook.com. Advertising Rates 1/8 page = $7.50, 1/4 page = $15.00, 1/2 page = $30.00, 3/4 page = $45.00, full page = $60.00. Quilt-related cameraready ads can be submitted to the Editor by the Friday following the meeting; ads must be accompanied by full payment and sent to: Ann Brenke, 507 5th St. N.W., Kasson, MN 55944; 507-951-8750; abrenke55@outlook.com. Checks should be made payable to Quilters' Sew-Ciety. Note: Please submit an electronic graphic file - pdf, gif, etc. (preferred method) or camera-ready ad for the issue(s) of the newsletter if you want the same ad to appear in multiple issues. E-mail or call if you have questions about formatting your copy. Quilters’ Sew-ciety News April 2015 7
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