Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish 309 Washington Street Selma, AL 36703 Immaculate Conception Parish 13663 Alabama Highway 22 West Orrville, AL 36767 Including Pastoral Care of Catholics at Marion Military Institute Our Lady Queen of Peace, Pray for us. Rev. Richard M. Myhalyk, S.S.E., Pastor (334) 327-0509 Rev. Lino Oropeza, S.S.E., Parochial Vicar (802) 338-1151 Office Phone: (334) 874-8931 Emails: Myhalyk@aol.com linooropeza@gmail.com Immaculate Conception, Pray for us. Lord’s Day Masses Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Queen of Peace, Selma Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Immaculate Conception, Orrville Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Queen of Peace, Selma Spanish Mass: 12:00 p.m. 1st and 3rd Sundays Weekday Masses Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. 1407 Broad Street Chapel Holydays: 8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Selma Church 1st & 3rd Wednesdays: 12:00 p.m. Marion Cadet Mass 1st Fridays Mass in Orrville at 12:00 noon Parish Staff Brother Peter Stanfield, S.S.E. Pastoral Assistant Sister Veronica Lambey, S.S.F. Scripture Study Gabe Norton Child Faith Formation Director Shirley Crear Organist and Choir Director Confessions Selma on Saturday: 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. or upon request Orrville on Sunday: Before Mass or upon request Organizations Knights of Columbus: 7:00 p.m. 1st Wednesday Catholic Women’s Society: 11:00 a.m. 3rd Sunday Parish Council Presidents & Meetings Selma: Marie Webb Last Sunday - 11:00 AM Orrville: Rick Schober Quarterly or when Requested Financial Report Last week’s Collection in Selma: $ 2,877.00 Last week’s Collection in Orrville: $ 451.00 Second Collection for Communications: $292.87 Sunday Religious Education Sept – May Grades 1st thru 12th: 8:50 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Hall Adult Scripture Study: 8:45 a.m. in St. Andrew’s Hall Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 10 a.m. Mass Attendance Two Weeks Ago 214 Last Week 173 Last Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Mass in Selma 43 Last Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Mass in Orrville 16 Last Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Mass in Selma 114 May 31, 2015 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Deuteronomy 4:32-40 Psalm 33 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20 Today’s Scriptures: To be a Christian is to live in unity with the Trinity. The words of today's Gospel focus on the mystery into which we were baptized. The Trinity is a mystery that we can never fully grasp. But the reality of the Trinity reveals to us that God is a community of love. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist eternally in a relationship of mutual equality. To be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is to be immersed into relationship with the Trinity. In today's second reading Paul points out how our prayer manifests this immersion into the Trinity. In union with our Brother Jesus we cry out, "Abba!" This is the name by which Jesus himself called God when he prayed. It is a Hebrew word used by children meaning "Daddy." Both our prayer itself and the very inclination to pray are the works of the Spirit, calling us into relationship with God. Paul says, "All who are led by the Spirit are sons of God." The Holy Spirit unites us with Jesus and we are immersed into his loving union with the Father. We are co-heirs with Christ, sons and daughters of God. This is the movement of all Christian prayer. In union with Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we give glory and praise to the Father. This is the mystery into which we were baptized. Question of the Week: In today's first reading Moses calls on the Israelites to remember the key events that made them a people. Through God's self-revelation in the burning bush, through signs and wonders worked amidst the Egyptians, and by means of the passage through the Red Sea, God made Israel his own people. What are some key events in your spiritual journey? What is your burning bush? What signs and wonders has God worked for you? What is your Red Sea? First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered after the morning Mass on Friday, June 5th. Devotion will conclude at 10:00 a.m. First Saturday Rosary: Recitation of the Rosary will be offered on Saturday, June 6th, at 4:00 p.m. in Queen of Peace Parish. Hispanic Leaders Gathered for Encuentro Spanish Mass: Misa se ofrecerá en español este domingo al mediodía. Todos son bienvenidos. Mass will be offered in Spanish this Sunday at noon. All are welcome. Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions: General – That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Mission – That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be open to proclaiming Jesus. Remember in your prayers: Minnie Abrams, Rose Bowie, Sr. Janet Connorton, Norm Hayden, Dorothea Huggin, Garrett Daniel King, Patrick Leonard, Martin Matsko, Buddy McHugh, Pat Meyer, Lillian Minch, Irene Parker, Kathleen Plummer, Joan Rouselle, Jon Sanders, Marcella “Cookie” Smith, Ruby Williams, and John Wright, Jr. Drop us a note of those who should be listed. Help keep our prayer list up to date. Thank You! Parish Council of Queen of Peace Parish will meet this Sunday, May 31st after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Knights of Columbus will meet on Wednesday, June 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. at 2511 Summerfield Road. Catholic Women’s Society has new officers: President – Maria Stevenson; Vice President – Betty Miller; and Secretary/Treasurer – Dawn Freij. The organization will not have a formal meeting again until August. Note cards with a picture of the church on the front and a bit of history on the back, packaged in sets of 5, are available for $3 and will be available in the back of the church. Special thanks to Liz Kish for her past service and her willingness to continue to be a member of the parish council. First Sunday Food Collection: Help keep Sr. Margaret’s Food Pantry stocked so she can assist the poor who come to the Edmundite Center of Hope. Symbolon: A covered dish supper, including a 30minute Symbolon video followed by discussion will be held on Wednesday, June 10th, at 6:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Parish in Orrville. Butler-Truax spot wins state award Selma Times Journal – Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Rupert and Darla, also known as Todd Prater and Doris Butler-Truax, won the Judges Award of Merit for small market commercials from the Alabama Broadcasters Association earlier this year. Prater, a radio personality at 100.9 ALE FM and KIX Country 101.5, has been in the radio business for more than 30 years and was excited to receive the award. “It’s my first as a broadcaster,” Prater said. “It’s really something special. Our spot was competing in the neighborhood of 500 other commercials.” Butler-Truax is the owner of Butler Truax Jewelers, but she is no stranger to radio. She said her father was involved with radio before she was ever born. “I was excited because I’m not in broadcasting and won this award that people in broadcasting for 30 and 40 years would kill to win,” Butler-Truax said. “We spent hours writing these things … but it was worth it.” The two did a five part series with their characters Rupert and Darla that aired on both 100.9 and 101.5 stations. “It was a five part series that kind of sounded like a soap opera,” Butler-Truax said. “It was a mutual project, so we did it together.” When Rupert and Darla get together, a little bit of work along with a lot of laughing takes place. “On a scale of one to 10, I would say it’s a 20,” Prater said in reference of how much fun him and Butler-Truax had while making the commercials. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to stay in character because I’m laughing at her so much.” Prater said he enjoyed working with Butler-Truax, and he hopes they will continue to produce award worthy content. “It was a real collaboration, which is something I haven’t really done much of before,” Prater said. “That’s exciting and fun because you bring out the best of each other that way.” The Five T's of Love The apostolic exhortations for Bishops [Pastores Gregis], Priests [Pastores Dabo Vobis], Religious [Vita Consecrata], and even the Laity [Christifideles Laici] indicate our fundamental task is to build communion. Building communion so the love of Christ may be more evident in our lives and in our world is no easy task. Some years ago the late Msgr. Andrew Cucask, who led renewal programs for the clergy at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, identified these five essential elements needed so our lives are more configured in Christ and reflect Christ’s gratuitous love. Monsignor called them “The Five T’s of Love.” TIME: If we really love God and others, we will spend time with them. Time is very costly; love is very costly. Love is less a measure of what I have done "for" another; Love is more a measure of what I have done "with" another. Many important things compete for our time. It's not a question of finding time; it is a question of making time. What are the things I make time for at the expense of God and/or others? TALK: Real love allows me to talk out my life with God, with my spouse... and with my brothers and sisters. Love requires deep communication... a lifting up... an openness... The most broken and stressed-filled persons are those who are unable or unwilling to talk out their lives with God and with others. How well am I revealing my heart? Do I listen? THOUGHT: We fill our minds with many things. If our minds are too preoccupied with these other concerns, our thoughts may be full but they divide our loyalties, confuse our vision, and compete for our love. The best lovers give the best of their thoughts and in so doing give the best of their hearts. Twelve-Step Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous maintain that stinking thinking leads to stinking feelings which leads to stinking behavior. We need to be selective about what we allow into our minds. Until we acquire the "mind" of Christ, we will never acquire the "heart" of Christ and we will never "act" like Christ. What challenges your thoughts? TENDERNESS: Tenderness is the quality necessary so that we are able to "forgive" others... able to feel "compassion"... able to feel their pain, passion and hurt. Tenderness radically confronts our non-tender, violent and non-pro-life world. God does not "interfere" in my life but God does "intervene" in my life. Jesus often invites; Jesus rarely commands. How does this intervention and invitation apply to my call to love? TRUST: As I trust, I entrust my life. Real love and true friendship is based upon trust. God trusts me. God believes in me. God finds value in me. In Genesis we are told: We are created in God's own image. Do I believe in my own self-worth and in others' self-worth? Trust creates a healthy self-image... an identity that feels safe because this love is something you can rely on ... something you can trust. Does my love reflect trust? St. John of the Cross once said: “O God, how I enjoy being with you.” Then John of the Cross heard God reply: “John that’s not as important as God enjoys being with you.” God wants to give me His Time so that He may give me his Mind and his Heart. Deepen your communion with God and others by practicing the five T’s of Love: Time, Talk, Thought, Tenderness and Trust.
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