QUILTERS GUILD OF GREATER KANSAS CITY Post Office Box 22561 Kansas City, Missouri 64113 Website: http://www.quiltguildofgkc.org Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.rathjen.980 nd Meeting 2 Tuesday of each month at First Lutheran Church 6400 State Line Rd. Mission Hills, KS 66208 Social Hour 9 AM Meeting & Program begins at 10 AM VOLUME 39 ISSUE 4 April 2015 President’s Letter Do you remember who introduced you to quilting? My grandmother taught me to sew, knit and crochet, although I haven’t knit or crocheted in many, many years. My aunt was a very good seamstress and taught me how to make clothes, which I did during my early working years. My mother sewed and took up cross-stitch in her later years. She made a quilt top from a cross-stitch pattern and had it hand-quilted by a group of ladies from the Lutheran Church. I am the lucky owner of that quilt today. But no one in my family quilted. If you learned about quilting from a family member, I hope you realize just how lucky you are. I learned about quilting from public television. I watched Eleanor Burns, Kaye Wood, Georgia Bonesteel and Alex Andersen whenever I could. I especially enjoyed watching Eleanor Burns. She seemed to have so much fun when she was ‘stripping’ and tossing her scraps over her shoulder! She made it seem so easy that anyone could do it. Not only did she inspire me but she gave me the confidence that I could do what she was doing. Isn’t that what every beginner quilter needs – someone who will not only teach them but also encourage and give them confidence that it is not beyond their reach. I have always been crazy about Christmas. Eleanor’s “Quilt in a Day” series on PBS which covered 12 pieced Christmas blocks was just the kick start that I needed. I watched this series of 12 programs faithfully and thought this would be the perfect quilt for me to make. I ordered the book. It was “Christmas Traditions” by Wendy Gilbert. Eleanor Burns came to Olathe in June 2008. I can’t remember which guild sponsored her but her program was open to the public, for a fee. It didn’t matter; I was going to meet Eleanor Burns. She was the same in person as she was on TV! Of course, I bought a couple of her books and stood in line for her to sign them. I had taken my “Christmas Traditions” book even though she was not the author. When it was my turn, I explained how her programs using patterns from this book had inspired me to start quilting and asked if she would sign it. She graciously did so. This book holds a special place of honor in my library and Eleanor Burns holds a special place in my memory. I have not made even one of the blocks from this book but one of these days I will. Even so, it is a much treasured possession. Once I had my inspiration, I signed up for a beginning quilting class at Prairie Point. It was so much fun shopping for the class – my first rotary cutter, ruler, cutting board, pins, thread and fabric. We were to make a six block sampler which consisted of pretty simple patterns. The first thing this class taught me was that this was not going to be as simple and easy as Eleanor made it look. Do you know just how important that quarter-inch seam is to quilting?!?! Close wasn’t good enough in this case. The second thing I learned was how to ‘un-sew’. I never did finish that sampler but I kept those blocks, some finished and some only partly finished, as a reminder just how important it is to pay careful attention to what you are doing and to make sure those seams are truly a quarter-inch. We are having an Enriching Stitching session after our guild meeting in April. Bring something to work on, it doesn’t matter what it is. If you need some help, have a question or two about how to do something, or would like some advice, then bring it and someone will be able to help you. If you would like to be somebody’s “Eleanor” by providing some encouragement and inspiring confidence, then this is the place you need to be. Come and join us. See you there. Carol Nancy’s Program Notes BOARD MEMBERS President Carol Crouse 1st Vice President Program Chair Nancy Wakefield 2nd Vice President Workshop Chair Mary Lou Strahm Corresponding Secretary Marjie Dykman Recording Secretary Rosie Bralley Treasurer Jeanne Musgrave Membership/Public Relations Becki Bardin Member-At-Large Gene Wall Ways and Means Becky Ball Past President Joan Pickens Newsletter Editor & Publisher Marilyn Moss 2015 PROGRAMS April 14 – Judy Hill—Trunk Show May 12 – 13 – Eileen Urbanek – Trunk Show and workshop on Desert Sky June 9 – Open July 14 – 40th Anniversary of Guild August 11 – Lori East – Vintage Quilts, Quilt Appraisal Sept 8 – Ruth Powers – Dare to be Different Oct 13 – Charity Quilt Sew In Nov 10 – Carl Hentsch, Color 101, Workshop on curved piecing Dec 8 – Joann Webb – Put That on a Quilt Handy Things to Bring to Guild Meetings Your nametag A camera Some paper and pencil to take notes with May -- We are privileged to have Eileen Urbanek as our speaker. She is going to discuss her quilts and have a trunk show. She will also be conducting a workshop on the Judy Neimeyer pattern, Desert Sky. The workshop starts after the Guild meeting and lunch on Tuesday, th th May 12 and then goes all day Wednesday, May 13 . The cost is $50 for the day and a half workshop and $19.25 for the paper piecing patterns. June—Open. Webmaster Pat Jerez Minutes of the meetings & the Treasurer’s Report are always posted on the bulletin board at the regular monthly meetings. Reminder – if on the day of our regularly scheduled meeting, KC public schools are closed due to inclement weather, our guild meeting is automatically cancelled… Please submit information for the newsletter to Marilyn Moss no later than the 23rd of the month. April – Our own Guild member Judy Hill will give a trunk show. Judy has a background in Home Economics and Art. If you were able to come to the last Quilt Show, you saw her wonderful quilts, and you can see her Art influence. We are always excited to showcase one of our Guild members. We are also having a survey handout at this meeting. We are starting on programs for 2016 and on; we would love your input. July– This is the annual meeting, but with a twist this th year. Our program will be the celebration of our 40 Anniversary. Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City has a rich history that many of us don’t know. More information will be coming about this. DESERT SKY WORKSHOP by Eileen Urbanek MAY WORKSHOP Desert Sky pattern created by Judy Neimeyer and taught by Eileen Urbanek. Tuesday afternoon, May 12, from 1:00 to 4:00 and all day Wednesday, May 13, 2015 from 9:00 to 4:00. You will need to bring a lunch both days. Cost is $50 for the day and a half workshop and $19.25 for the paper piecing pattern (required). You will also need about 24 fat quarters. Eileen will be at Quilters Station in Lee’s Summit on Monday, May 11 from 2:00 p.m. until the shop closes to help with selection of fabric. We request that you pay when you sign up. We cannot hold spots for this workshop. Questions? Call Mary Lou Strahm. 2015 Mystery Quilt Wall is 39”x39”, Twin is 57”x75” or Queen is 75”x84” Clue #2 (See last month's newsletter for Clue #1) Take out background fabric bag and Fabric B bag. At the end of each background fabric rectangle that has a sewn triangle, place a fabric B square so the sewing line is perpendicular to the other already sewn line. See diagram for fabric placement. Sew on the line drawn. Trim seam to 1/4 “ seam allowance. Press toward background fabric if dark or fabric B if background is light. Repeat until all rectangles are sewn. This is the “flip and sew” method. Put back in background bag. You should have this amount of background units: W – 40, T – 110, Q – 161. You will be delightfully pleased if you sew all those cut off half-square triangles! The design possibilities are tremendous! Have fun! If you have questions talk with Sarah Rathjen. Quilt Shows Kaw Valley Quilters Guild’s 2015 Annual Quilt Show, Ad Astra Per Aspera: Saturday, April 18th 9:00am – 5:00pm through Sunday, April 19th 10:00am – 3:00pm. Crown Toyota – 3100 Iowa Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Admission: $5 (children under 12 free). For more information, go to kawvalleyquiltersguild.org Trail’s End Western Heritage Days Quilt Show – April 24, 25, & 26. Commercial Building in Sedalia, MO on the Missouri State Fairgrounds. Hosted by Stover Quality Quilting, Vi Dale, Coordinator. Over TEN different quilt guilds. Bed Turning Friday and Saturday each day, 11 am and 2 pm. Historic Quilts, Pioneer Life Displays & Demos. Over 150 beautiful quilts. Walls Hangings from the Trail’s End Challenge, Quilt Appraisals available. Awesome vendors and live music. Trail’s End Commutative Quilt. Cow “Belles.” KCRQF The Festival is getting so close - just 2 more months to go! I don’t know about you, but I am getting really excited! Here are just a few reminders….. CLASSES - There are still some classes available, if you are interested, sign up soon. Some classes have already filled and there are a few new ones! Questions have been asked about supplies for classes. Students will be contacted directly by the teachers and will receive supply lists from them. VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers will be contacted to confirm the day and time they will be volunteering. Thanks to all of you who volunteered already. You are truly awesome!!! JUDGED QUILT NOTIFICATION - If you have submitted a quilt for judging, you should have received notification by the committee. The last day for submission was March 31. QUILT REGISTRATION - Thanks to Candy, Mary, and Gene for all their work registering our quilts for the show. The QGGKC will be well represented! TICKETS - Ticket sales will continue thru the guild and quilt shops. See Jeanne or Karen at the meeting. Go to the Festival website (www.kcrqf.com) to register for classes and on Facebook at http://Facebook.com/kcrqf to see the latest information. HELP a CUT UP! If anyone has a cutting mat that needs replacing, now's the time to do it - and donate the old one for a good cause = your guild's fund-raiser! Connie Zwego is creating kits for making very simple shopping totes from donated Home Dec fabrics to sell in our guild's next Boutique. Kits will be available at meetings for making at home and/or during the afternoon sewing time following the April guild meeting. Once the bag is constructed, a custom-cut piece of old cutting mat will give the bag better shape and a weighted bottom. Please leave your old mats WHOLE and donate to Connie at April or May meetings for completing the totes. Thank you! Got News? rd If you have something you’d like to put in the monthly newsletter, please send it to Marilyn Moss by the 23 of the month for publication in the next month’s newsletter. The Festival is in the process of securing ads for the Festival Show Book. Do you know of a company, business, or individual that would like to take advantage of this opportunity? The form is on the www.kcrqf.com website under Vendors. It is a great opportunity to reach 1000’s of people and does not need to be quilting or sewing related. The ads are due by April 13, 2015. For questions, contact Stephanie Dodson at kcrqfweb@gmail.com Thanks ! Lynn and Janette LINDA FILBY-FISHER COLLAGE QUILT ARTIST 2015 EXHIBIT UPDATE Work from the studio will be represented in the following: Quiet Grace Celebration of Life Series in Metaphors on Aging, a juried traveling exhibit, is back in the USA and will be in the Original Sewing & Quilt Expos: March 2015 in Lakeland, FL, March 2015 Atlanta, GA, March 2015 in Cleveland OH, April 2015 Schaumburg, IL, April 2015 in Worcester, MA, June 2015 Raleigh, NC, and August 2015 Pittsburgh, PA. Other venues TBA. Unity 6 Medicine Wheel Series in SAQA 25th Anniversary Exhibit is traveling worldwide for the next 2 years [www.saqa.com]. It will be in various locations in Australia through April 2015. Other venues TBA. Leavings 5 A Telling Series published in Art Quilt Portfolio 21 [www.saqa.com]. From The Outside In 3 A Seeing Way Series in Women's Works, a juried fine arts exhibit, at the Old Court House Arts Center in Woodstock, IL March 12 - April 24, 2015 [www.oldcourthouseartscenter.org]. Unity 4 and Unity 7 Medicine Wheel Series in Midwest Metaphors, KS MO OK Art Quilt Showcase, at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center in Kansas City, MO May 1 [First Friday] - June 27, 2015 [www.leedyvoulos.com]. Unity 5 Medicine Wheel Series in Fantastic Fibers, a juried textile arts exhibit, at the Yeiser Art Center in Paducah, KY April 11 - June 6, 2015 [www.theyeiser.org]. Sew, Eat, Repeat Retreat Join us for an exciting new experience -- Sew, Eat, Repeat Retreat on October 6-9, 2015. We are returning to The Barn in Valley Falls, Kansas for a second year. This retreat is a “no frills, get your project done kind of stay!” The Barn has a beautiful setting with large meeting areas with tables and several design walls at our disposal. We have room for 16 participants – first come, first served! Breakfast and dinner is served by the Barn, however, please provide your own lunch and/or something to share for the midday meal. Refrigerators are available for food storage. No Crockpots, please. Arrival is not before noon on October 6 and departure by noon on the 9th. Accommodations are very comfortable with spacious rooms. You can room alone, or with 2 or 3 other people. Prices are: for 1 person in a room $499.30. Two people: $254.65. Three people: $218.17. Four people: 199.93. Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Return your sign up form and check before then to Ann Bingham or Jan Jarchow. One of our favorite things was a dip in their heated indoor pool or a relaxing soak in the hot tub. You can walk the beautiful grounds if you need a break. Another perk is the living room settings for talking, watching television, or hand sewing. Massages are available for $45/hour. Please check this on registration form. The Barn is locally owned and operated and the employees are warm and welcoming to quilters! We hope to hear from you soon! Remember, it is first come, first served, so send the information to Ann Bingham, or turn in sheet and check at guild. See Jan or Ann for a registration sheet. WE’RE IN ORBIT! Now our annual journey is underway. We have 23 members who have challenged themselves by participating in the UFO program to get rid of theirs and their guilt for having them. Their lists totaled a whopping 585 projects, an average of over 25 per person. However, we must temper that with the fact that some listed items are as little as a hot pad and one person’s list is 142 by herself. Already this year, there have been nearly 30 completed and shown – an excellent and promising start! Keep up the good work, keep those needles flying and let’s see if we can top that next quarter! PLEASE NOTE Customarily our guild charges guests for programs of nationally known speakers. It was decided to charge guests $5.00 for these program speakers. However, if the guest also takes an available workshop by the speaker, no $5.00 charge to guests will be made. Upcoming programs that will incur this fee are: May, 2015 – Eileen Urbanek September, 2015 – Ruth Powers FIND US ON FACEBOOK! Here’s a link to take you directly to our page: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.rathjen.9 80 Or, when you’re in Facebook, put either quiltguildgkc@gmail.com or our name, Quilt Guild GKC, in the search bar and press Enter. need a ride ? got a ride ? Attention guild members who are no longer able to drive yourselves to the meetings, our transportation chairman, Jan Jarchow, would like to hear from you. She will arrange for one of our members to pick you up and bring you to the meetings. She can’t promise this will happen every meeting but she will make it happen just as often as she can. Now for you guild members who would be willing to pick another member up on your way, Jan would like to hear from you, too. She only asks that you do this maybe 3 or 4 times a year, not every month. She will coordinate this effort and make arrangements so that no one will have to travel far from their normal route. If you have a transportation need or are willing to provide this service, give Jan a call. She’s waiting to hear from you.
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