HORSE IDENTIFICATION Complete this form if you have an unidentified horse and would like us to search our records to try and establish its identity, or if you require official identification for showing purposes. The horse must have been parentage validated by the Australian Stud Book and foaled since 1985. Please note if the horse was born in Australia from 2003 onwards it may have been microchipped. Contact your veterinarian for more information about determining the microchip number. If the horse’s parentage can be determined a Retired Racehorse Identification Card suitable for showing purposes will be issued. An official pedigree will also be provided. The fee to conduct a search of our records is $75.00. Please note no guarantee can be given that the horse will be successfully identified. If possible, please include photos of the horse showing its brands and white markings. Any photos supplied will be returned once the search has been completed. Processing time may take up to two weeks. If we are not able to identify the horse within this time we will contact you and advise if a more extensive search is required. Please use BLOCK letters and write clearly in black or blue pen. Personal Details Name Address Post Code Daytime Phone Mobile Email Payment Method Please tick your payment method. Cheque Money Order VISA MasterCard If paying by credit card, please complete the following details. Card Number / / / Expiry Amount / $ 7 5 . 0 0 Name on Card Cardholder’s Signature Official Use Only Horse Identified? Payment Type Yes Completed By No Horse Name or Dam and Year of Foaling: Date Completed File Number Racing Australia | ACN 105 994 330 | Level 6, 51 Druitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 | t : +61 2 9551 7505 | f : +61 2 9551 7519 | e : | w : Apr 2015 The information collected on this form will only be used in accordance with the Racing Australia Privacy Policy and Principal Racing Authority (PRA) state and territory Privacy Policies. For further information about privacy and how your personal information is used, please visit each PRA’s website or for the Racing Australia Privacy Policy. Page 1 of 2 HORSE IDENTIFICATION Horse Description Please provide as much detail as possible. Dam RACING NAME Suffix Year of Foaling Suffix Colour Age Sire Microchip Number Near Side Brand Sex F = Female G = Gelding E = Entire Off Side Brand Please draw the horses white markings on the sketch below HORSE AS VIEWED FROM THE RIGHT (OFF) SIDE HORSE AS VIEWED FROM THE LEFT (NEAR) SIDE REAR VIEW REAR VIEW L E F T R I G H T FORE LEGS L E F T R I G H T HIND LEGS Additional Information Please provide details of any other distinguishing features e.g. scars. Please provide any other information which may help to identify the horse e.g. name of previous owner or trainer. Apr 2015 Page 2 of 2
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