RAYLEIGH ELEMENTARY Website: rayleigh.sd73.bc.ca 306 Puett Ranch Road c/o HGEC 245 Kitchener Cres Mrs. Deanna Brady, Principal Email: dbrady@sd73.bc.ca Mrs. Angela Pinette, Secretary Email: apinette@sd73.bc.ca Kamloops BC V2B 1B9 Phone: (250)578-7229 Fax: (250)377-2246 May 6, 2015 Newsletter #8 Respect Responsibility Attitude Manners Safety 2014 – 2015 SCHOOL CALENDAR Professional Development Day Mon. May 11, 2015 Zone 1500m @ 10:45am David Thompson Fri. May 15, 2015 Victoria Day Holiday Mon. May 18, 2015 Zone Track Meet Tues. May 19, 2015 Family BBQ 4-6 pm Wed. May 20, 2015 Eureka Fri./Mon. May 22/25, 2015 District 1500m Mon. May 25, 2015 District Track Meet Tues. May 26, 2015 Whole School Photo Wed. May 27, 2015 Assembly 1:15 pm Fri. May 29, 2015 Rayleigh Community Garage Sale Sun. May 31, 2015 Parent Appreciation Tea @ 1:30 pm Thurs. June 4, 2015 Fun Day Tues. June 23, 2015 Last Day of Classes – Students Thurs. June 25, 2015 Administrative Day – Staff Only Fri. June 26, 2015 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE As many of you may have heard, I have been transferred to another school in September. I will be moving to AE Perry and finishing at Rayleigh in July. This was an unexpected move as I had hoped to be with you for a few more years, however, we have had many retirements this year and I am needed elsewhere. I want you all to know how much I have enjoyed working with you - the parents, your fantastic children, and the wonderful staff. I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work for all of you and will miss all three of my schools very much! PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY On Monday the staff and I will be planning the first week of school for your children to start the 2015/16 school year. We will begin the year off in our Family Groupings. These groupings are the same ones we use when the children participate in the Gingerbread Houses at Christmas. This means the children will be placed in multigrade groupings, not their last year's classes as you are typically familiar with. In preparation for this, we will have the children meet twice between now and the end of the year. This will help them to be familiar with the teacher and the students they will be with during the first week back to school. All classes will participate daily in Math, Reading and Writing in this multigrade setting. We are also adding another school goal around Social Responsibility. We are using a number of structures from Restitution, Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS), and Play is the Way to help teach our students how to solve problems peacefully, play fair and be respectful to those around them. This will be a focus during the first week in September and it is our belief that having the children spend, what is already an uncertain time, doing work that will benefit the whole school is time well spent. STUDENTS BUSSING from Heffley Creek Just a reminder with this nice Spring weather upon us that students should not be at the bus stop in the morning at Heffley Creek Elementary until 7:50 am. There is no supervision offered in the morning for our students. YOUNG AUTHORS CONFERENCE On Friday, May 1, the District hosted the Young Authors Conference. Out of all of the grade 6 students in Kamloops, Sadie Hanton-Everard's piece Wolfness was awarded Honorable Mention. Bravo! Congratulations to the following students for participating in the conference: Ry Adams, Sadie Hanton-Everard, Noa Hooton, Kaya Jacobsen, Paige Jacobsen, Kyra Jones, Khaiya McFaydenGodin, Jada O'Regan, Kayla Roath, Brooke Topolovec, and Mikaili Tweed. BATTLE OF THE BOOKS Mr. Caputo would like to recognize all students who participated in this year's Battle of Books. Several students from grades 3-5 began this reading journey in October. Representing the Rayleigh "Battle" team at the Zones included: (Grade 3/4) Graysen Bodo, Rylee Parenteau, Mylah Hay, Marissa Scott, (Grade 5) Ry Adams, Sophie and Lori Proznick. Congratulations to the Grade 5 Team as they were able to advance to Districts. CANADA DAY FLAG CONTEST The Multicultural Society is encouraging students to enter a Canada Day Flag Contest leading up to Canada Day on July 1st. This is an important birthday for our flag. It was adopted in 1964 and is celebrating its 50th year. For more information, please check the Rayleigh website: www.rayleigh.sd73.bc.ca them her experiences with the fur trade in 1815. In this photo, the students have signed a contract to become a voyageur. Y STRONG KIDS CAMPAIGN Grade 6 students giving back to Kamloops through the YMCA's Strong Kids Campaign. Congrats to Jada O'Regan, Paige Jacobsen and her sister Kaya, and Jocelin Hoffmann for the bottle drive in March; Merek De Witte, Scott Brady, and Tyson Moore for organizing a Movie Night at the school; and Alex Ujiye who has been selling name tags. Y AFTER SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM The Y After School Care Program have been having a blast lately. Here are photos from their Circus Day in April. For information on the program please contact Kalie Wards 250-3764771 ext. 200. Entries must be submitted to the Henry Grube Centre Education Centre by May 30th. SCHOOL TRAFFIC TIPS The City of Kamloops has put together School Traffic Tip Sheets to remind everyone of some safe tips to keep in mind when walking or driving in a school zone. These tips are posted on the Rayleigh School website. VISITOR FROM 1815 Charlotte, wife of David Thompson, has been visiting Mrs. Devick's class and sharing with 2 PAC CORNER NEW PAC BOARD Please give a warm welcome to our new PAC Board. Thank you to all of our past volunteers for all of your hard work and contribution to Rayleigh Elementary. Jackie Lloyd Chair Jamie Wilcox Vice Chair Elizabeth Weber Treasurer Tracie Komarniski Secretary Tibor Balogh DPAC Representative FAMILY BBQ - May 20 4-6 pm Parents, please place your family BBQ order and remember to include additional family members you may be bringing, such as grandparents, younger siblings, friends. Go to www.rayleighpac.hotlunches.net, sign in, and click on "manage orders" to place your family's order. We will distribute your order in envelopes on the day of the event. Thank you Kate for taking this on. The YMCA will be organizing games and facepainting. There may be possible guitar performances from our students. Families with last names beginning A-L = please bring a salad to donate. Remember to label your dish and include a serving spoon. Families with last names beginning M-Z = please bring a dessert to donate. Items on a disposable tray are helpful. Please bring your favourite blanket, lawn chairs, plates and cutlery. Volunteers needed • We will need people to help with set up (3-4pm) and clean up (6-7pm). • We have two BBQ shifts 4-5pm Russ Hay and Luke Sheppard will be cooking. Ya! 5-6pm (we need two people) • We also need two big BBQ's to cook the food. If you can donate yours let us know and we will pick up with a truck and drop it off afterwards. • We also need people to help with condiments and cutting vegetables. This will happen on Wednesday May 20th from 10-12noon. Dee Hay has volunteered to help with this. If you can help, please send rayleighpac@hotmail.com a note indicating how you can contribute. We will pass it on to the appropriate person. Our kids have such a great time at this event. Any help you CAN provide is greatly appreciated. Deadline for BBQ is May 15th, 2015. Thank you so much! Jamie, Kate, Jackie and Nicole BBQ Coordinators PAC MEETING There will be a PAC meeting Tuesday, May 26 at 8:30 am. All are welcome! MOTHER'S DAY TEA FUNDRAISER The Steeped Tea fundraiser was a great success. Only 30 students participated in the fundraiser, but they sold 150 items collecting $1822.65 in sales and $80 in cash donations. From the sales, Rayleigh Elementary gets to keep $667.20. Plus Rose-Anne has donated her commission from the order, adding another $156.23 to the total. The final profit for the school is $902.76!! Yipeee! THANK YOU to the students, parents, family members and community members for your support. Our top sellers winning movie passes are: 1. Tyson Moore - $208.32 in sales 2. Kaedon Chadwick – $182.70 in sales 3. Taylor Anderson - $134.88 in sales Raidin and Maddi were also close behind with $121.10 and $122.65 so they too will receive movie passes! Winners will receive their passes when the tea is delivered to the classrooms on Friday May 8th. RAYLEIGH COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE May 31st - start organizing your stuff! All day event. Looking for school concession helpers etc... contact rayleighpac@hotmail.com. Please order your garage sale placard as soon as possible. They can be purchased online at www.rayleighpac.hotlunches.net. The school produces a map that we hand out at the concession to visitors to Rayleigh indicating where the homes are that are participating. Your $5 contribution goes towards the school PAC funds. 3 COMMUNITY NEWS 4
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