April 2015 Volume 2 Issue 3 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Royal Canadian Legion Branch 136 Milton Special Points Of Interest Lancaster Branch Executive & Chairs Youth Public Speak President – Patr icia Thompson Past President: Bob Williams Nevada First Vice President – Bob Elliot Cadet Liaison & Co Poppy Chair Second Vice President – Don Hipwell Service Officer Third Vice President – Dan Haddad Sports Secretary: Debr a Gor ski Treasurer : Linda Dor ey-Blair Elected Executive: Lynn Bousfield Membership Elected Executive: Bob Mahan House and Property Elected Executive: Kathleen Blane Poppy Chair P.R.O. : Debbie Blowe Sergeant at Arms: Ur ban Far ia Entertainment/Ways & Means: Frank Green T.O.D. /Honors & Awards/ LA Liaison: Shar on McKeown Chaplain/S&V: Rev. J ames Lindsay Youth & Ed: J oan Gr een District Executive Elect Veterans High Tea Liberation of Holland & WWII Legion Magazine Database Colour Party Urban Faria Sam Perry Terrie Wheeler Joan Corradetti Sandy Lonesberry Bob Elliot Brett Stratton Steve Barrager Bob Williams Don Hipwell Debbie Blowe Dan Philip Debbie Gorski Georgia Shaw Dana Barraer Marcus Slater The Last Post Inside this issue: Presidents Report 1 2 Lancaster 3 Public Speaking 4 Jokers Corner 5 Calenders 6-7 District & Reports 8-11 Liberation of Holland 12-13 Reports 14 New Members 15 Veterans Database 16 Executive/Colour The members following have passed on since the last issue of Pte Joe’s Bugle. Veterans are indicated by *. Eric Merkley* Donald Wilson RCL Br. 136 Children’s Christmas Party Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 2 Presidents Report –Pat Thompson Comrades, It’s hard to believe that the two-year term of this Executive is coming to a close. I would like to thank the 2013-2015 Executive for your service and dedication. Branch elections are fast approaching, please plan to come out and cast your ballot, on Sunday April 26th. Registration at 12:30 Elections at 1:30 pm in the clubroom. Please have proof of paid 2015 membership with you for registration to vote.. Branches of the Royal Canadian Legion are to be operated as a business, with all the challenges that a business would or could have to face. When making your selection for the executive ask yourself – ‘Would I want this person(s) running my business?’. The point here is simply that your best friend may not be the best choice for an Executive officer or a President. It isn’t or should not be a popularity contest. Any and all recommendations and decisions made by this group are made in the best interest of the Branch. We are NOT the corner bar; we are The Royal Canadian Legion! Members working together is the key to having a successful and fun filled Branch. Let’s leave our personal baggage in the parking lot and enjoy the comradeship that the Legion offers! The branch will be hosting District B Public Speaking on Saturday, April 11 th. Mark your calendar and come out and enjoy these young and talented speakers. Then on Saturday, April 18 th we will be hosting District B Euchre Tournament, again come out and pitch in. Help is always needed, both around the Branch and in the kitchen. The LA will be offering both breakfast and lunch, which means lots of jobs!! So, we have a busy start to spring! Watch the board for details for the May 24th weekend (no it’s not the long weekend!). This weekend will be full of fun events in commemoration of the Liberation of the Netherlands and the end of WW II. Lots of activities all weekend, wrapping up with a parade on Sunday. March off at 1:30 from the Branch and service at the Cenotaph at 2:00pm. Let’s hope for good weather and a great turn out! Comrades, let us always remember why we joined the Legion. Whether it was to honour a parent, grandparent or maybe you are the veteran. Whatever the reason, let us treat our membership with the same pride and commitment, that they who fought for our freedom. Have a safe, fun and warm summer! See you at the Branch. Patricia Thompson-Perry President RCL Br. 136 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 3 Many thanks to Clifford Connor for submitting this photograph of the team that designed and built the Lancaster. t Coldest Night of the Year This fundraising event was held on February 21st, 2015 to raise money for Milton Transitional Housing. Cheque was presented to Arnold Hoffman Member/ Councilor by Patricia Thompson-Perry and Urban Faria at the Thompson Arena. Page 4 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 5 Page 6 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 7 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 8 The following article was submitted by Training & Organization Development Sharon McKeown Legion does not support wearing medals by third parties Wearing of Medals and Decorations on Remembrance Day and other special commemorative events OTTAWA, ON, March 5th 2015 – The Royal Canadian Legion with its more than 300,000 members understands the strong feelings and sentiments that are held during Remembrance Day, and during special commemorative events that mark our history and the sacrifices of those who served Canada in war and peace. Sons and daughters, grandchildren, husbands and wives all share a deep personal need to honour those in their families who have made enormous sacrifices for their country during these commemorative events. That said, medals and decorations, in accordance with the Canadian Honours Chart,6 awarded to individuals on behalf of the Canadian people are in recognition of extraordinary personal contributions to the nation. They represent great deeds, heroism, or a lifetime of achievements and service. If they are worn by others the meaning becomes diluted, and eventually lost. We are of the opinion that the best way to honour the dedication and commitment of family veterans who have passed on is for the family to have the medals and decorations mounted, framed and dis- DISTRICT EXECUTIVE ELECT Pictured left to right Tom Astley District B Commander Pat Thompson Vice Chairman - Elect Ted Scott Chairman - Elect Wes Kutasienski District B Commander- Elect Jack Porter Deputy District B Commander- Elect Hank Nikitczuk Deputy District B Commander- Elect Bruce Julian - President Ontario Command Pte. Joe’s Bugle “Veterans of all kinds stand side by side—traditional Veterans with Canadian Forces Veterans, uniformed CF members beside the RCMP, families and friends of Veterans all united in one group to commemorate unselfish service. At that moment we are no longer just traditional Veterans, peacekeeping Veterans or Afghanistan Veterans; we are one Veteran.” Page 9 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 10 Youth & Education Joan Green Greetings Comrades, I do not have much to report as there is only 1 event left on my calendar and that is the District Public Speaking Competition to be held in our branch on April 11th. There should be a large attendance from all the branches, along with some excellent speakers. I hope some of you can attend. In February, at our local competition, there were 4 students that went through to Zone finals in Bramalea Br. 609 and one of them qualified for District. That’s all I have now, but before I sign off, I would like to give a big hug and a sincere thank you to everyone who helped me along the way. I could not have done it without you. THANKS! Yours, Joan Page 11 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Entertainment/Ways & Means Frank Hi everyone, In a few months the Branch elections will be upon us, its hard to believe two years have passed by since I was asked to fill this position. Believe you me, these two years have been a real eye opener for me and my committee. We have experienced success and failure, we tried to bring something different and varied in our entertainment offerings. We attempted to create a kind of “Dinner Show” atmosphere with the room layout, etc. Some worked out, some didn’t, it seemed, at times, we could not please everyone, however, we carried on regardless and we have fulfilled our duties for the two years. Now, for 2015-2017 it will be in the hands of the next executive as to who the appointees will be. In conclusion, I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone that helped us out at the events and also the members who supported us by their attendance on the evenings, especially a great bunch of non member friends who came along—thanks guys if you are reading this. Last, but certainly not least, the last surviving members of my committee (I call them the magnificent 7) deserve the highest praise, you were my right arm, you are everything a legion member should be, loyal, hardworking, unselfish and tireless in your efforts, Branch 136 should be proud of you, I am! Thank you comrades,. Frank Sergeant at Arms Report Urban Faria A bus will be available for all members that want to attend the Niagara Falls Provincial Convention on the Sunday May 10th. Sign up sheet will be on the bar shortly. There will also be a bus available to all members that want to attend the Warriors Day Parade in Toronto on August 15th. There will be a sign up sheet at the bar. Congratulations to all members of the colour party that participated in the District Convention at Bramalea Br. 609. Branch 136 won three awards: Best Colour Party under 9, Best Marching Colour Party, and Best Overall Colour Party. Plaques are in the Club Room. Well done. Page 12 To Commemorate the Liberation of Holland and the end of World War ll Pte. Joe’s Bugle Friday, May 22 BBQ starting at 5:30 Sausage and Hot Dogs $4.00 each Euchre Tournament - Prizes for each game Play starts at 7:30 $5.00 to play Fundraiser for ‘Food for Kids’ tickets will be sold throughout weekend for $5.00 per ticket or 3 for $10.00 Draw will be Sunday afternoon during lunch Saturday, May 23 Bingo in Clubroom starting at 1:30 $5 for 3 cards; $2 for each additional card Winners receive tickets for our draw prizes Special Meat Roll starting at 4:00 Extra spins, extra prizes Don’s Famous Fish ‘n Chips 4 – 7:00 $5.00 for fresh battered fish $3.00 for chips ‘n gravy Includes cole slaw, mushy peas and buns (made to order) Dance to the music by DJ – Rock’n Rob (Rob Hewlett) starting after meat roll Pte. Joe’s Bugle To Commemorate the Liberation of Holland and the end of World War ll Page 13 Sunday, May 24 We will be gathering at the Legion at 1:30 We will parade to the Cenotaph to commemorate the Liberation of Holland and the anniversary of the end of World War ll Lunch will be available at the Legion upon our return from Victoria Park Special toast to our Veterans Music by Stormin’ Norman Texas Turkey draw Proceeds going to Food for Kids (feeding the children of Milton who do not have enough food on weekends) Page 14 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Bob Elliot 1st Vice President Cadet Liaison Things have been fairly quiet on the Cadet front; however, I was invited to attend at RCSCC 305 Chaudière this past Wednesday as reviewing officer for their monthly formal parade. The Corps has grown considerably in the past year and now has a new support committee chair that is very focused on promoting the Corps. They now have about 40 on strength and paraded in the low 30’s Weds. They (Corps officers and support committee) want to attend one of our GM’s to get us to know each other; I suggested they hold off until June when the new executive takes office. I issued a warning order to the three Corps regarding our 24 May activity commemorating the 70 th anniversaries of the liberation of Holland, VE Day, VJ Day and the 100 th anniversary to the Second Battle of Ypres (gas attack) in WWI and all three Corps have indicated that they are on side. Pte. Joe’s Bugle Page 15 Page 16 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Did you know... Legion Magazine provides a FREE searchable database in recognition of those who have served our country? Since 1928, Legion Magazine has honoured Canadians who have served their country by publishing in print short death notices for Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) members with military backgrounds, Canadian war veterans and Legion members with police service. For more information on the Last Post, please contact your local Legion Branch or e-mail us at magazine@legion.ca The Last Post database is also available as an online historical archive for your FREE use. The database goes back to January 1985. It currently contains 185,587 names, but this number will rise as further entries are published in print and added to the database twice a year, and as we gradually go back in time as resources permit. UPCOMING EVENTS April 11th- District Youth Public Speaking April 18th-District Euchre I want to thank everyone that contributed to this edition of our Bugle. I hope to see it grow into an informational and useful tool to the branch. I want to show some past and future events for those members who cannot attend but still want to experience some of the fun and adventures we partake in. I hope to see as many as we can at the upcoming events. April 26th-Branch 136 Elections May 9th-13th—Provincial Convention Niagara Falls May22nd-24th-Commemorate Liberation of Holland & End of WWII July 1st-Canada Day Celebrations RCL Branch 136 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Take care, Debbie Blowe PRO RCL Branch 136 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Editor Royal Canadian Legion Pte. U.J. (Joe) Waters Branch 136 Milton 21 Charles St.. Milton, ON L9T 2G5 Phone/Fax 905-878-9005 Next Issue August 2015
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