MAR.-APR. 2015 American Legion Post #44 Monrovia POST MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTER ACROSS FROM LIBRARY PARK DATE: MAR. 12TH, 2015 TIME: 7:00 P.M. AND DATE: APR. 9TH, 2015 TIME: 7:00 P.M. Commander’s Note: WELCOME SPRING! BE SURE TO READ YOUR BULLETIN TO KEEP UP ON THE EVENTS WITH YOUR AMERICAN LEGION POST #44 ! BETTER YET, ATTEND THE NEXT MEETING ON MAR. 12TH-, 2015. NOTE THE NEW MEETING TIME, ALL MEETINGS WILL START AT 7:OO P.M. As we move into Spring, we are in the process of designing the plaque that will be installed this Nov. on Veterans Day. Any information you may have to help with this project would be greatly appreciated. Plans are also being made for Memorial Day in May. The Boys State selection is moving along with our local high schools. As always we are working hard on membership and keeping the Post moving forward. I always look forward to seeing more members attending our meetings. It always makes for a more involved meeting with more members in attendance. To achieve this our contacts are; 1-Come to one of our Meetings, 2Call our Commander or any Legion Member, 3-Check out our Web Page which is; 4-Contact by E-mail which is; …Once we have your E-mail address we can contact you via Facebook. REMEMBER! PUBLIC RELATIONS, FUND RAISING, PARTICIPATON & last but not least, MEMBERSHIP. We need your ideas & suggestions to achieve our goals. OUR SUCCESS IS THROUGH A TEAM EFFORT. WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION. We are all responsible for the success of our Post. We need to see as many members attending our meetings as possible & bring along a new member. I look forward to seeing YOU at our next meeting on MAR. 12th. WE WELCOME ALL. Thank You Commander Post 44- EARLE D. SWEENEY. 626-358-5161 Anyone LOCAL needing a ride to the meetings is welcome to contact: Chuck Keen 626.358.6635 Bill Daugherty 626.445.6977 Please feel free to call. We would gladly pick you up and bring you to our meetings, as long as you reside within Monrovia City Limits. Post Adjutant: The Post Address is: American Legion Post 44 Monrovia Post Office Box 144 Monrovia, Ca. 91017 Thank you, Donna Natali, Post Adjutant 909.596.5750 Service Officer: Dues are still $40.00 a year. Please send in your dues as soon as possible. We plan to install the large cement block, dated 1925, that came from the old Veterans building in Recreation Park, this Nov. on Veterans Day 2015. It will be installed in Library Park with all the other Veteran Memorials. We need information and suggestions as what to have placed on the plaque that will be placed with the stone. Please come to the meetings to help with this project. As always it takes an entire team to make Our Post successful. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT AND INVOLVEMENT. PLEASE COME JOIN IN , IT’S YOUR LEGION POST. Thank You, Service Officer- Chuck Keen. 626-358-6635 CASTING CALL !!! Jerry Guardino and Chuck Keen are continuing the process of putting a program on K-GEM, the local cable access T.V. station, for Veterans and about Veterans. If you would like to be considered for the program please contact Jerry or Chuck at one of our monthly meetings. Chuck’s phone # is 358-6635. We have limited TIME and Resources for this project/program. MEN AND WOMEN Veterans of ALL AGES are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings and find out more about this project and what it involves. Anytime you see a military Veteran be sure to THANK THEM for serving our country, they can never be thanked enough. IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE INFORMATION PLACED IN THE BULLETIN, PLEASE LET OUR COMMANDER KNOW. It must be for the benefit of our Legion Post. Our contacts for the Blue Star Families, are---Joy Smith-626-358-0943; Isabel Aragon626-301-9710 and Kristin Warren-626-716-2735. Blue Star Meetings are on 2nd and 4th Thur. of each month at 7:00 P.M…Call for location. ALL ARE WELCOME. Also, be sure to support our Blue Star Families and their support group. Veterans need to support Veterans!!! Chaplain: It’s always great to attend our monthly meetings and be able to visit with our membership. I can’t help but wonder what might be some reasons why we didn’t see YOU? We missed you, your input and involvement with the Post and your absence was felt. I prayerfully ask you to attend our monthly meetings as often as you can. It is always great to see and visit with you. As we move forward with our programs, it’s always great to have more involved to help with the decision process. YOU ARE ALWAYS IN MY PRAYERS... Prayers and the best thoughts always. We’ll see you at our NEXT meeting!!! THANK YOU!!! Chaplain – Bill Daugherty. (626)445-6977 MARK YOUR CALENDAR: MAR. 8-DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS. (SET CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR) 12-Legion Meeting- 7:00 P.M. See you there, we Need your support and input. Please Bring a Friend. 15,16,17-AMERICAN LEGION BIRTHDAY(1919). 17-ST. PATRICK’S DAY. 20-FIRST DAY OF SPRING. 29-PALM SUNDAY. FLY THE FLAG APR. 1-APRIL FOOLS DAY. 3-GOOD FRIDAY. 3-PASSOVER. (BEGINS AT SUNSET) 5-EASTER. HAPPY EASTER! 6-ARMY DAY. 9-Legion Meeting- 7:00 P.M. See you there, we Need your support and input. Please Bring a Friend. 14-VOTE—VOTE—VOTE, city election. 16-HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY. 20-PATRIOT’S DAY. 22-EARTH DAY. 24-NATIONAL ARBOR DAY. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS REMEMBER TO FLY THE FLAG From the Adjutants Desk, DUES ARE DUE FOR THE NEW LEGION YEAR. PLEASE GET THEM IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REMEMBER: DUES ARE $40.00 A YEAR. SO PLEASE SEND IN THE CORRECT AMOUNT SO THEIR WILL BE NO PROBLEMS WITH REGARDS TO YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES. Donna Natali, Post Adjutant---909-596-5750 SPECIAL NOTICE ! We will try to have a special drawing at our meetings for those members who attend our monthly meeting. When we get gifts donated by local businesses, we will have those items as DOOR PRIZES to be given away for those in attendance at our monthly meeting. Just one more reason to get involved and attend our monthly meetings. So come on out to our next meeting on MAR. 12th. We look forward to seeing and welcoming you always. FOR THE GOOD OF THE LEGION: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: DUES ARE $40.00 A YEAR. THAT IS A GREAT DEAL FOR ALL THE BENEFITS YOU RECEIVE FOR BEING A LEGION MEMBER. If you would like to receive the bulletin by E-mail please contact the Commander or notify us by our E-mail, thank you. OUR BULLETIN IN TEXT FORM IS ON OUR POST #44 LEGION WEB PAGE. If you have a change of address PLEASE let the Commander know so we can keep our records up to date. If we have a member that passes on also let the Commander know so we can keep our mailings current. PLEASE SAVE YOUR CANCELED CHECK OR PAID MEMBERSHIP CARD AND THAT’S ALL YOU NEED TO SHOW THAT YOU ARE PAID UP WITH YOUR DUES. WE CARE ABOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF OUR MEMBERS HERE AT MONROVIA POST #44. As mentioned in our last bulletin, we welcome any and all donations of all amounts, anytime. THANK YOU AGAIN TO ALL WHO CARE FOR OUR AMERICAN LEGION POST #44. ---------REMEMBER--------- Our Legion WEB PAGE IS… Check out our web page-It’s loaded with MANY RESOURCES FOR YOUR USE. ---------AND--------- OUR E-MAIL IS:
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