The Triple Deuce - Clear Spring Legion Post 222

The Triple Deuce
Volume 5, Issue 7
July 1, 2015
Post 222 Officers
Joseph C. Herbert Post 222
The American Legion Clear Spring, MD
P.O. Box 158 Clear Spring, MD 21722-0158
Robert Carbaugh
Senior Vice Commander:
William Newkirk
Junior Vice Commander:
David Snyder
Edward Clopper
Finance Officer:
Samuel Snyder
Roderick Rohrer
Staff Judge Advocate:
Jerry Rubeck
Post Service Officer & SAL
Bill Newkirk
Dick Yeakle
Kenneth Clopper
Executive Committee:
Gerald Shupp
James Hutson
Brady Haines
Web Master:
Greg Burgesser
Newsletter Editor:
Robin Vance
Post 222 Operating Hours
Please call for reservations for large parties. 301-842-3741
Bar Bingo
Monday-Friday 5pm-?
Saturday 12:00-?
Sunday 12:00-?
Tues. - Friday
12 - 9pm
12- 8pm
Tuesday 7pm—9pm
Legion Meeting
3rd Thursday of the month @ 7pm
SAL Meeting
2nd Monday of the month @ 7pm
The Commander’s Desk
Together we can make this a proactive
Hello everyone! I am your new Commander and I would like for you to join me in Legion and together we will stand strong.
making the Legion great. I plan on visiting
both the S.A.L. and the Auxiliary meetings to
Robert Carbaugh, Commander
get acquainted and introduce myself. We always need help and I’m inviting everyone to
do so.
A Few Words From Curt
Yes, I’m still here. I’m booking the
buildings at the Legion and I’m already starting to schedule for 2016 and we’re only half
way into the year! Just think only 177 days
until Ho Ho comes, yes Christmas. It’s not
long until cold and snowy weather.
is $17.00 per person
Friday, July 24th, Grab Bag Night.
$5.00 per bag with deals you can’t beat.
A Lottery Drawing Ticket for the whole
month of September. The cost is $10.00
per ticket based on the Maryland Evening
3 Digit Numbers.
Don’t forget S.A.L. Dues are now
$15.00 per year per member. It’s been
years with no increase in dues, this year
we had no choice.
What’s Happening
Friday, July 10th, S.A.L. Golf Tournament. $80 per person to play in a group
of four. If you don’t want to play and
would like to contribute there are hole
Friday, July 17th, Steak Feed. The cost
You, the members
Carnival Time is here! Monday July 27th - August
1st. Plenty of good food, rides, money to win and good 
music to listen to. See the details online at the Fire Companies website. Ride tickets are being sold here at our
Legion for $13.00 per ticket. You can ride all night and 
there’s a lot of rides. Don’t forget about us, the Clear
Spring Legion. We have good food, parking for members and if it’s hot, we can take care of that...we have air
conditioning and cold drinks.
July 1, 2015
To all the employees.
To all the volunteers that help with the events, decorations, Jill Baum for typing up the menu and to Robin
Vance who distributes the menu and the newsletter.
To all who helped at the S.A.L. and Fire Co, Gun Drawing. What a day! Cooking, selling jars, handing out
beer, set up, clean up, thanks to ALL who worked. I didn’t win anything, but there’s always next year.
Curt Kayser
Thank You List
The Ladies Auxiliary
Meetings are every 3rd Monday at 7:00pm
Back To School Bingo
July 26th, from 1-3pm
Provided by: The Clear Spring Legion Ladies Auxiliary
Located in the Bread Box which is behind the Legion.
This is a FREE bingo for children in grades 1-8.
Lunch will be provided. Prizes are school items!
Auxiliary Officers for 2015 / 2016
Cathy Mills
Jill Baum
Vice President-
Cindy Blair
Annie Kayser
Deb Hose
Secretary/Treasurer- Sharon Ensminger
The Ladies Auxiliary held their Yard Sale on May
16th on the Legion Grounds and it was a great success. We
would like to extend special thanks to the following for their 
Matt Blair for cooking all day on the grill; from egg and 
ham sandwiches to hot dogs and hot ham sandwiches. He
did an awesome job!
Larry Swartz for being our early morning guy to help set
up tables.
Bill & Deb Hose for being there early and helping with
the set up and getting the food stand going.
Mary House and Laura Blair for hanging out all day and
doing all the things that helped out in so many ways.
Thanks to Donna Hose for hanging out and helping with
closing and breaking down things.
Jimmy Blair did a great job getting tables and trash taken
care of at the end.
Sharon Ensminger for going to Sam's Club and picking
up items.
We appreciate all that came out to help us but we
want to also thank those who donated items for the food
stand. Cathy Mills and Laura Blair for the hams, Mary
House for coffee, steamers, Deb Hose steamers, Jill
Baum sodas and water bottles. Larry Williams for donating 6 dozen eggs for our breakfast sandwiches.
Teresa Poffenberger for the beautiful wreath she donated 
from her shop @ Miller Farmstead. Jamie South for giving us a great discounted prize on a Thirty One beach bag
and to all that donated to fill the bag. These two items
were raffled and proceeds went to the Ladies Auxiliary.
July 1, 2015
Special thanks to all that made and donated the bake sale
items. We do an awesome job with our Bake Sales. It's
great to have such wonderful support from our members
and it goes to show you how much our Post means to us.
I want to apologize if I have forgotten to mention
anybody that made it a success.
Jill Baum
June 5th Steak Feed Volunteers
June 13th SAL/CSVFD Gun Bonanza Volunteer Pictures
July 1, 2015
July Events
Call For Dinner Reservations 301-842-3741
July 10th, S.A.L. Golf Tournament
July 17th, Steak Feed in Pavilion 6:00pm
July 24th, Grab Bag Night
Open for lunch on Saturdays at 12, limited menu.
Tuesdays 7 -9pm
July 17th, 8:30-11:30
Margarita Night
Every Wednesday
Advertising space available for 2015. $ 50.00 will get you a business card size ad placed on the back of the monthly newsletter.
This is very reasonable advertisement plus it helps keep the
newsletter breathing. Please consider it if you are a local business. Members and some guests will have easy access to your
phone number when they need it. This is a community that supports each other. Contact Robin Vance by email or 301-842-1213.
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Print this page and display it somewhere “handy,” like your refrigerator. You will be on top of all the upcoming
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