TODAY DEPARTMENT OF ILLINOIS Marc h/April 2015 Extra, Extra, Read All About It Illinois American Legion Auxiliary Still Serving Veterans! Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a good year and enjoying working on all the American Legion Family programs. Commander Hank, Detachment Commander John and I have a little less than six months left to our year of commitment to the American Legion Family. It’s going by too fast. President’s Letter Front Page Membership Junior Conference Reminder Pg. 2 Reports Convention Housing Nurses Scholarship Pg. 3 Education 300 Club Pg. 4 Children & Youth Special Olympics Pgs. 4 & 5 Bus to Baltimore Pg. 6 Illini Girls State Pgs. 6 & 7 Special Project Bowling Tournament Pg. 8 Junior Conference Dinner Reminders The January Family Caravan was interesting and I enjoyed meeting new people, visiting with friends and I learned much from listening to the speakers, especially Past National Commander Dan Dellinger. But Membership Chairman Debbie and I were very disappointed in the low Auxiliary member attendance, and low membership turned in. One unit president contacted thought it wasn’t for the Auxiliary. The Family caravan had been publicized for over two months. Ladies, please share the importance of attending the January Family Caravan. Next year will get here before we know it, and I would like to have better attendance for our future leaders. I attended three Christmas Gift Shops in November and December. I was planning on attending more, but colds and the flu kept Bill and I at home part of December. The ones I attended: Manteno, Capt. James Lovell and Marion were wonderful! It was rewarding to visit with the veterans and see how much they appreciated all we do. And our unit members are so generous and giving. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization. Ladies, our organization is in serious trouble. If we don’t increase our membership now, in 20-30 years we won’t be in existence to help our veterans, active military, their families, children and our communities. I thought that making the ALA Today more informative and interesting would help with our membership. But, I don’t think it has. Ladies, contact your unit members to pay their dues, ask friends to join. Share what we do and give them good reasons to become and stay members. We are still promoting our: Patriotic Conference March 13-14 at the Parke Regency in Bloomington. Conference begins at 9 am the 13th. (Please support our Department Basket raffle and Junior Activities raffle table) Junior Conference April 11-12 also at the Parke Regency in Bloomington Department Training April 18 at DeLand, hosted by Post 102 American Legion Family Joint (American Legion, Auxiliary and Sons) Fund Raiser for Special Projects April 25 at Savoy And, remember to treat each other with respect and civility, just as you would want to be treated. It can make each day better. Everyone, be careful this winter and travel safely. Take care! Pg. 9 Ann Flanagan “Managing Editor” Service to Veterans/ Hospital Service ALA TRIVIA/DID YOU KNOW? Pgs. 10 & 11 Leadership Pg. 12 Membership Report Pg. 15 Sweepstakes Winners Back Page The relationship between post and unit is one of cooperation. They are related but independent organizations. Please check your Unit Guidebook (Handbook) for more details. HOLDING MEMBERSHIP DUES: Article IX, Section 1 of the National Bylaws states that annual dues shall be collected by each unit and transmitted to the Department. Each Department shall remit dues to National PROMPTLY, at least once each month. Ladies, this means, send in dues collected promptly, do not hold them. You are doing your members a disservice by holding dues. March/April 2015 M E M B E R S H I P *** *** Ladies, I wish President Ann and I could say the January American Legion Family Membership Caravan was a huge success for the Auxiliary. But that’s not the case. We would like to have seen more Auxiliary members attending, and more membership turned in. One unit president contacted thought it wasn’t for the Auxiliary. Ladies, the January Family Caravan was well publicized for over two months in many ways. There is some good news, District #11 in the 2nd Division brought in a total 77 memberships during the Legion Family Membership Caravan-2015. Angie Mulligan, District President, won the award for the district that brought in the most membership. Job well done. What does the word family mean to you? We are three organizations in one American Legion Family working together on our membership during this caravan. Membership is every member’s job. Also, it’s working together for the good of our veterans, and their families. Ladies, it is so frustrating. President Ann and the ladies in the office spend a lot of time to keep units informed. President Ann and I thought that if we kept membership information coming your way, it would help excite units, districts and divisions. The Department of Illinois has completed 7 months of this year, but we still have 5 more months to go. So guess what ladies, the kid gloves are coming off. It’s time to put our nose to the grind stone and pull our department forward. * * * * * Facts and Figures as of 2/04/2015 Our comparison for Illinois from this time last year to now. 2/06/14: 26,257 members 2/04/15: 25,028 members There are five divisions in the national organization. Illinois is part of the Central Division, and Central Division is maintaining 2nd Place at 73.68 At the National level, Illinois has dropped to 35th Place. Hope we have a good attendance for Patriotic Conference March 13 & 14, 2015. * * * * * I apologize to District 23, I did not mention them in the Dec. ALA Today news. At that time they had two goal units. Chief of Circulation Debbie Ferguson Junior Conference Reminder Extra, Extra, Read All About Our Heroes, the Veterans Dinner Reservation Form is on page 9 of this ALA Today. Registration Form is on page 5 of the January/February ALA Today. Call Parke Regency Hotel at 309-662-4300 for $80.00 room rates. Cut off date is March 27. Other information for the Junior Conference is on pages 4, 5 and 6 of the January/February ALA Today. Bring your Juniors and Join the Fun!!! Page 2 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW !!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!! NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW End of Year Reporting Procedures have changed Year- end reporting has been condensed to a ONE PAGE report form which will be mailed to Unit Presidents the first week of March. An awards list and submission form will also be included in the mailing. This ONE PAGE Unit report form is due to the Unit’s DISTRICT PRESIDENT by April 20th. It is the hope that this simplified, condensed reporting procedure will encourage Unit reporting for the Department of Illinois. Report forms will also be available on line at the Department’s website Department Convention Housing Information “Extra Extra Read All About It, American Legion Auxiliary Still Serving Veterans” is calling all delegates and guests to attend the Department of Illinois Convention, July 9 - 11, 2015, in Springfield, IL. Housing and Convention meetings will be in the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel. Reservations are to be made over the phone by calling 1-866-788-1860. Deadline for reservations is June 16, 2015. Room rates are: Standard Level Room - $105.00 plus tax Presidential Level Jr Suite - $115.00 plus tax Make your reservations early and plan on attending! Past Presidents Parley Nurses Scholarship Fund Active service by all Past Presidents, at all levels, is encouraged. Auxiliary Past Presidents continue their support of the organization by accepting responsibility that the knowledge and wisdom of a past leader can make a difference. As past leaders, they support the Auxiliary as ambassadors for the organization. Past Presidents strive to strengthen each level of the organization and promote growth through positive actions. The purpose of the Nurses Scholarship is to assist deserving students who are pursuing an education in the nursing field. Fundraising efforts are to provide scholarship benefits to individuals entering or attending nursing training. The fund also develops resources about financial aid information for nursing students. DATE___________________________ UNIT NAME AND NUMBER _______________________________________________________________ Enclosed is a check for: Past Presidents Parley Nurses Scholarship Fund ***Please make checks payable to: Department Treasurer $__________________ March/April 2015 “Extra, Read all about it, Our Children are Making the News” The Christmas Gift program this year 9 of the 24 Districts participated. We shared the Christmas spirit with 1620 children in 28 homes. The Department of Illinois spent $8,100 on this program this year. Applications for the Children and Youth Scholarships are due to Sponsoring Auxiliary Unit no later than March 15, 2015. Unit will then need to forward this entry to the Department Children and Youth chairman by April 1 st. April is Children and Youth Month, so please remember to honor and support children. Please pay special attention to the children of our deployed military. June 12th and 13th we will be helping with the refreshments tent at the Illinois Special Olympics being held at Illinois State University in Normal. In order for this to be a successful event we are in need of donations of snacks and money. The most important contribution will be VOLUNTEERS to assist. Please use the Illinois Special Olympics form to report your donations and Volunteers who will be assisting with this worthwhile event. Susan Heinz-Wojcik, Children and Youth Chairman SPECIAL PLEA…. SPECIAL PLEA…. SPECIAL PLEA…. Please Help! Everywhere we read there are problems with our educational system and the need to make much needed improvements. Economy demands are on everyone and the need to assist our young people in educational financing is great! We as American Legion Auxiliary members are committed to doing our part to promote and encourage further education for all. The Education program always depends upon the generosity of our members to support the scholarship program which helps to ease the financial burden for families. Therefore, there is always a need for additional funds to provide just that one more scholarship. We are again asking for your support – if your Unit has not sent a contribution to the Education Fund, we encourage you to do so immediately. If you have already made a contribution, would you please consider sending an additional contribution, if funds allow. Your contribution could make the difference between a letter of regret and one of Congratulations. Thank you for your consideration! Teri Miller Department Education Chairman Please send by return mail to: American Legion Auxiliary Department of Illinois P.O. Box 1426 Bloomington, IL 61702 Date_______________________ UNIT NAME and NO._______________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION FUND…………………………..$_______________ Have You Heard??? Winners are being drawn for the 300 Club Fundraiser for Sharon Conatser Congratulations to these winners!!! January 9, 2015 Winners $500 — JoAnn Shafer $250 — William R Bryant $150 — Laimutis Nargelenas February 6, 2015 Winners $500 — Diann O’Hara, Ethellynn Neville, Jane Harmon, Darlene Trapani $250 — Robert Spano $150 — Steve & Linda Green Tickets are still available. Send your check for $100 made payable to “Team 2015” and to Department Headquarters. Your ticket will be mailed to you. Winners will be drawn monthly thru December. Page 4 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 SPECIAL OLYMPICS HOSPITALITY TENT NEEDS LIST JUNE 12-13, 2015 UNIT NAME AND NUMBER___________________________ WILL DONATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS HOSPITALITY TENT ITEMS GREEN OLIVES BLACK OLIVES BROCCOLI FLORETS CAULIFLOWER FLORETS AMOUNT (PKGS) COST SWEET PEPPER (RED & GREEN) STICKS DILL PICKLE SPEARS CARROT STICKS CUCUMBER SLICES RADISHES SEEDLESS GRAPES WATERMELON UNFROSTED COOKIES SUGAR FREE COOKIES SNACK CRACKERS Cash Donations (Send check to Department earmark for IL Special Olympics) ITEMS WILL BE DELIVERED: FRIDAY __________ SATURDAY ___________ VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO SET THINGS UP 8 a.m., Friday AND SATURDAY LIST NAMES OF VOLUNTEERS ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER FRIDAY a.m. _________________ FRIDAY p.m.________________ SATURDAY a.m.______________ SATURDAY p.m.______________ SIGNED_______________________________________PHONE___________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________CITY________________________________________________ PLEASE FILL OUT AND MAIL TO: Susan Heinz-Wojcik, Children and Youth Chairman, 390 W. Mahogany Court #201, Palatine, IL 60067 March/April 2015 Illini Girls State Needs You and Your Citizens! The IGS commission is busy planning the 75th session of Illini Girls State. All we are missing are reservations from the Units and citizens! Sadly, our numbers are decreasing every year. Our costs however, are not decreasing. We must bring our numbers up to keep the costs down to you, our Units. We are continuing to work with Former Governor Bob Holden to share our session with some Chinese students, but funding from companies here in Illinois has been difficult to secure. The number one reason given is "budget cuts" but Governor Holden has also heard "we have never heard of this program"! How sad! I have referred Bob to to find a video to share with companies. Ladies, I believe it is up to us to share this video with local businesses, churches, schools, newspapers, TV, radio, social media, and friends. We are our own worst enemy if we don't become proactive in promoting this program. Please help us gain statewide recognition for this program. Please let myself or any commission member know if we can help with public relations and orientation. Remember, you can ask other financial sponsors such as an American Legion Post, an SAL squadron, banks, local businesses, etc. to sponsor a citizen. Be creative! Just remember, YOU the Auxiliary members should interview and select the citizens, but anyone can sponsor them financially. Ladies, please support this worthy program. The IGS commission thanks you for your continued support for the last seventy five years and we look forward to continuing this program for another 75 years! Pam Ray, IGS Director All Aboard Department of Illinois! As the day of my installation draws closer, I want all of you to know how grateful I am for your continued support! Thank you for everything. Hope some of you will consider the bus to Baltimore. We have tried to make it affordable for you! Here we go!! Thanks again to the American Legion Family! INTERESTED IN GOING TO BALTIMORE FOR SHARON’S INSTALLATION? There will be a bus heading to Baltimore for Sharon’s Installation and you are invited to come along. Bus info is as follows: $100/person. Bus will leave Champaign on Wednesday, September 2 at approximately 5 to 6 AM. You will have two nights at a convention hotel. Instructions will follow on how to make those reservations after you sign up for the bus! Sharon’s Installation will be Thursday, September 3rd at 8:00 AM. There are plans for a party that evening. The bus will leave for the return trip early Friday, September 4th for Champaign. To reserve your seat on the bus, bus fare must be sent to Pam Ray, 6410 Wind Hill Drive, Springfield IL 62711, with one-half (½) by April 1 and remainder by August 1st. Pam will accept reservations until the bus is full. First come…..first serve!!! Department Headquarters will be closed April 3, 2015 for Good Friday. Page 6 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 ___________________________ $________________REG. FEE $________________TRANSP. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 APPLICATION FOR ATTENDANCE AT ILLINI GIRLS STATE FOR DEPARTMENT OFFICE USE ONLY Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois Applicant’s Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________Age__________ (Last) (First) (Middle) Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________ (Street) (Town) (Zip Code) Applicant’s E-mail Address_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you an American Legion Auxiliary Junior Member?(Yes or No)_____ Is your Mother, Father, Brother or Sister currently serving in the Armed Forces_______ # Volunteer Hours serving veterans?_________ # Volunteer Hours in community?_________ Name and Address of Parents or Guardian_____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (Town) (Zip Code) (Cell Phone/Work phone) Parent’s email address _______________________________________________________________________email packet to me? Y_____ N_____ ********************************************TO BE FILLED OUT BY UNIT****************************************************** Our applicant will travel by Bus from: Gurnee Joliet LaGrange Morton Bloomington (Circle one) For fare, see bulletin $______________ is included for the bus ticket. Applicant is a member of the current junior class of ____________________________________________High School. School District__________ Sponsoring Auxiliary Unit___________________________________ Name of President of the sponsoring Unit___________________________ Address_____________________________________________City_______________________________________Phone____________________ (Zip Code) Approved by_____________________________________ Secretary/IGS Chr. of Unit No.____________ Phone_____________________________ District No.__________ OR approved by IGS Director__________________________________________________________________________ The alternate is__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name) (Address) Mail to Department, American Legion Auxiliary, P.O. Box 1426, Bloomington, IL 61702 -1426, to be received PRIOR TO MAY 1. Check for Registration Fee of $250.00 must accompany this application if not forwarded previously. Applications will be accepted until quota of participants is reached. ************************************************************************************************************************ *CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, GUIDANCE COUNSELOR OR HOME SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR (APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS COMPLETED IN ITS ENTIRETY) Name of applicant______________________________________________________________________________ DATE____________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is student a Junior in the 2014-2015 school year? ________ Is student maintaining a C average or above? ___ _____ Does student have good character? ______ __ Does student possess outstanding qualities of leadership and good citizenship? ________ In your opinion, will student be able to take back to her community the interest and sense of responsibility in government sh e will gain from Illini Girls State? ________ REMARKS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed__________________________________________________________________ Title_______________________________________________ ___________ ******************************************************WAIVER*********************************************************** The undersigned parent or guardian of______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Applicant) In consideration of the instruction and training to be given said participant at Illini Girls State, to be held at Charleston, Illinois June 21-27, 2015 does hereby release and discharge the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, its officers, agents, instructors and employees, from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, or courses of action which may, can or shall have by reason of illness, injury, or accident incurred or suffered by said participant while in attendance of said Illini Girls State no matter how caused or occasioned. Signed______________day of________________________2015________________________________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent or Guardian) March/April 2015 PRESIDENT AND COMMANDERS SPECIAL PROJECT BOWLING TOURNAMENT PRESIDENT ANN, COMMANDER'S HANK AND JOHN have chosen FISHER HOUSE as one of their SPECIAL PROJECTS this year. APRIL 25, 2015 BOWLING TOURNAMENT OLD ORCHARD LANES, SAVOY, IL $25 FOR 3 GAMES AND SHOE RENTAL Bowling starts at 11am. PROCEEDS TO GO TO THE FISHER HOUSES AT HINES VA IN CHICAGO AND JEFFERSON BARRACKS IN ST. LOUIS MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: THE AMERICAN LEGION IN THE MEMO SECTION PUT BOWLING TOURNAMENT. If the check is for more than 1 person, we need a list of names pertaining to the check. Please make sure that there is current contact info, address, phone, email. Bowling reservations due by April 1, 2015. MAIL CHECKS TO: BRUNO & PATTI WILLIAMSON 405 E. BELLE AVE. RANTOUL,IL 61866 THERE WILL BE A “FAUX AWARDS NIGHT” DINNER THAT EVENING INFO FOR THE DINNER AND HOUSING TO COME LATER. Page 8 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 DINNER RESERVATION FORM - JUNIOR CONFERENCE MAIL TO: American Legion Auxiliary NOTE: Make checks payable to Due April 3 Department of Illinois “Department Treasurer”. P.O. Box 1426 Tickets must be picked up Bloomington, IL 61702-1426 at the “Ticket Table” prior to the opening of Conference. DATE____________________________ UNIT NAME & NO._____________________________________________________DISTRICT NO._________ NAME OF PERSON PICKING UP TICKETS________________________________________________________ ENCLOSED FIND $____________ FOR ________________ TICKETS @ $12.00 EACH List all names for whom tickets are ordered – use an additional sheet if necessary! _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Membership Chairman: The 2016 Unit Direct Billing form was mailed to your Unit President on December 12. Please be sure to complete this and return it to Department by March 9 so that you will receive your membership supplies and your dues amount will be correct for next year. Education Scholarships: Units must donate a minimum of $5.00 to the Education Fund in order to submit an applicant. Contributions must be made by March 15 in order to submit an applicant. Nurses Scholarships: Contributions must be made to Nurses Scholarship AND Past Presidents Parley Dues by April 1 in order to submit an applicant. Patriotic Conference: The 87th Annual Patriotic Conference will be held March 13, 2015 beginning at 9 a.m. at the Parke Regency Hotel and Conference Center, 1413 Leslie Dr., Bloomington, IL. If you plan to attend the luncheon, please purchase your tickets early as no luncheon tickets will be available after the final count is turned in to the hotel. March/April 2015 Service to Veterans/Hospital Service The new Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation: A Guide for Volunteers is now available through the Department Office for a fee of $3.00 per guide. Contact the Department Office and copies will be sent to you upon receipt of payment. This guide explains the history, ethics, volunteer recruitment and retention of volunteers, and how an American Legion Auxiliary member can volunteer. It explains the difference between VAVS (Hospital Service) and Service to Veterans. VAVS (Hospital Service) is service provided by the volunteer in the VA Healthcare System. Service to Veterans is provided by the volunteer in an Illinois Veterans Home, helping a service member, veterans and/or family members of veterans in the community. Some examples are visiting veterans and remembering them on special occasions, offer to drive veterans to doctor appointments, offer to stay with a veteran while his/her primary caregiver goes shopping or out for a break, take a veteran for a Sunday drive, picnic, or maybe to see one of his/her friends, treat veterans to tickets for sporting events or movies, donate a membership to The American Legion, arrange an outing to a Legion meeting for special events such as a Veterans Day dinner, memorial service, etc., furnish a room in transitional housing programs as a special project, and help furnish new living space for a veteran graduating from a transitional housing program. This might include the veterans and his/her family. School supplies for children or meals might be extra touches. Transitional housing programs have many needs. You may secure donations for staple items such as laundry soap, cleaning supplies, kitchen items, new undergarments, etc. If you do something for the community which does not involve veterans, this would be considered Community Service. Carollee Junge, Chairman SERVICE TO VETERANS/HOSPITAL SERVICE HOURS AND PINS If you want your hours to count for this year, they have to be into the Department Office by March 31 st. The volunteer year starts April 1st and ends March 31st. All hour sheets must be sent to the Department Office. Please separate Hospital Service hours and Service to Veterans hours. Hours received after March 31st will be included in next year’s total report. Hospital Service Pins are $13.00 each. Service to Veterans Pins are a new design this year. The price is $13.00 each. Hour bars can still be attached. If you are ordering starter round pins for volunteers, please use the appropriate pin order form (Service to Veterans and Hospital Service) found in the ALA Today newsletter and return the form with payment to the Department Office. Carollee Junge, Service to Veterans/Hospital Service Chairman Page 10 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Please send order form and check to: American Legion Auxiliary, 2720 E. Lincoln St, Bloomington, IL 61704 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Hospital Pin Service to Veterans Pin USE ANOTHER SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL NAMES IF NECESSARY NON- AFFILIATE JR SR NAME OF VOLUNTEER NOTE: This is a ONE TIME ONLY PIN PRESENTED AFTER “FIRST 50 HOURS” ARE SERVED. Make checks payable to DEPARTMENT TREASURER and attach to this report form. PLEASE PRINT NAME OF VOLUNTEER AND CHECK WHETHER VOLUNTEER IS SR., JR., OR NON-AFFILIATE. Number of Hospital Service Pins Requested ______________ Price: $13.00 each Amount enclosed $_____________________ Number of Service To Veterans Pins Requested ____________ Price: $13.00 each Amount enclosed $_____________________ UNIT PRESIDENT ______________________________________ADDRESS______________________________________________________ VA&R CHAIRMAN_____________________________________ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ UNIT NAME _________________________ NO. ____________ LOCATED _______________________________ DISTRICT NO. __________ AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Department of Illinois SERVICE TO VETERANS/HOSPITAL SERVICE PIN ORDER FORM March/April 2015 March/April 2015 Leadership - Leadership - Leadership Julia Moore, Chairman A leader is defined as "the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country." One thing a leader should never do is act as though they know everything or that they can never be wrong. It is certainly more acceptable to say "I don't know, but I will find out" rather than give false information out. We have leaders at many levels in our organization. Some are even leaders of a committee, but we should all be leaders to our fellow members. Whether we are a mentor, a past president, a past chairman or just someone who cares about the American Legion Auxiliary, taking a leadership course is very beneficial. How better for each of us to have the opportunity to be a better leader than by attending the Department Leadership Training Seminar on April 18, 2015, in Deland. The Post address is 430 South Highway Ave. The Seminar will begin at 9:00 am. The Seminar is free with lunch being served at the Post for $10.00. This is an all day program concluding around 5:00. Please send in your registration so we can know how many to plan for. National leaders will be on hand to present this program. If you are currently a member of any organization, you can learn from this presentation. This will also be an excellent place to get those questions answered that anyone may have and remember any question you may have is important, as it is possible that many may have the same question. As we anticipate many members attending this seminar, we will not be holding a Leadership Instructor class at Patriotic Conference this year. The top ten qualities of a leader are: honesty, ability to delegate, communication, sense of humor, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition, and ability to aspire. How many of these qualities do you have? Department Leadership Training Seminar Saturday, April 18, 2015 DeLand Post 102 430 South Highway Ave DeLand Coffee: 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Seminar begins: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Lunch: 11:45 Seminar continues: 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. The seminar is free. There will be a lot of information and handouts. You MUST pre-register for this event by April 1. Lunch will be at the Post and will cost $10.00. Please use the snip sheet below to send in your registration for the seminar. Lunch tickets will be sold at the door the day of the event. ********************************************************************************************* Detach and mail to be received by April 1: American Legion Auxiliary Department Headquarters P.O. Box 1426 Bloomington, IL 61702-1426 Name of person(s) attending Department Leadership Training Seminar _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Page 12 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 This form is available online at UNIT MEMBERSHIP TRANSMITTAL FORM For Office Use Only MIS: Transaction #: Please duplicate this form for future use Transaction Date: Unit Name__________________________________Unit #_____________________ Date_____________________________ Dist # ______________________________ LIST ONLY THE MEMBERS YOU ARE PAYING FOR ON BACK OF THIS FORM. DO NOT LIST PUFL’S OR PAID UP TRANSFERING MEMBERS. List all members in Alphabetical order. » If they are a junior now paying senior dues please check the “JR to SR” box. » If the member is new please check the “New” box. » If new member is a junior the birthdate is required and must be written on the JR’s application. » A Member ID# is required for everyone but new members leave their ID# blank. » Any member transferring into a unit must have a completed transfer included with transmittal. » Please note change: Any member paying a previous year must be written in the bottom box of back page. Please do not include them in the top current year box unless they are paying for both a previous and current year and in that case their name should be included in both top and bottom box. Any member that is marked for payment in the current year box (top box) will be paid for the current year per instructions. In “Previous Year Box” please include the year they are paying for. » Everything will be returned to unit membership chairman if any of the following have occurred – names not listed for payment – Incomplete applications – or if information is missing (member ID#’s / JR birthdate, signature on transfer form) **Make a copy of completed Transmittal Form for your records** AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY ~ Department of Illinois Department Headquarters PO Box 1426 Bloomington, IL 61702-1426 309-663-9366 Total SENIORS (New, transfers, & renewals) _________________@ 14.00 $___________________ Total JUNIORS (New, transfers, & renewals) _________________@ 2.10 $___________________ Enclosed Check # ________ Check Amt: _______________ OFFICE - Total Amt: ______________ OFFICE: Refund_______________ Refund reason: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Transmittal is short: $ ________________ Reason: _______________________________________ DO NOT send members individual checks. A check from the unit made payable to: ALA must be sent in with the transmittal form. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY: Person completing this Unit Membership Transmittal Form. Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City/State/Zip_______________________ Contact Phone ______________Email _________________________ March/April 2015 -List ALL members the unit is paying for ALPHABETICALLY on this sheet. -Make sure all ID#’s {except new members} are listed. MEMBER ID# NAME ONLY Member(s) Paying CURRENT Year -Please duplicate this form for future use. Please make a copy for your unit records. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14 15 ONLY Member(s) Paying Previous Year(s) SR SR JR JR RENEWAL NEW YR (S) BEING PAID JR TO SR ANY PREVIOUS YEAR(S) PAYMENT NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN IN THE SHADED AREA BELOW. If a member is paying CURRENT AND PREVIOUS years d ues please write the member’s name below AND above. Previous Year Payments prior to 2013 continue to be $10.00.. 2013 and current year payment s are $14. 16 17 Page 14 - American Legion Auxiliary Today - Department of IL March/April 2015 American Legion Auxiliary District 2 3 17 15 20 23 11 16 19 13 8 22 12 25 18 1 14 9 21 5 10 7 4 24 Division 1 1 4 3 3 5 2 3 4 2 1 5 2 5 4 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 5 2015 Membership Report Date 2-19-2015 President DONNA SKOUMAL GLORIA RUSH JUDY EHLERS SUE DEDECKER SUE COSTELLO JOYCE HUELSMANN ANGIE MULLIGAN BONNIE CARPENTER MARCIA ROBERTS KAREN HELLER VIRGINIA TOPOLSKI PHYLLIS MEIER JANET BACON MARIBETH WHITSELL DEBORAH MYLES DORIS KILKENNY LOIS KUROWSKI BARBARA TURNER KATHY PENNACCHIO KAREN STETINA SUSAN BAILEY PAT MAZENIS LOUISE JONES Total: Unit 2910 Unit 2910 PUFL's: 111 GOAL PLUS ONE 3 4 2 5 1 MANDY SPRINGER LINDA KILMER SUSAN SCHAEFER TAMMIE MATHIS PATRICIA KOWALSKI Total Units 489 Units 4 7 41 29 25 28 30 28 36 22 15 36 32 17 35 1 18 8 19 11 13 5 8 20 Goal 95 287 2385 1569 1197 2288 2476 2135 2978 1027 1055 1771 2389 1603 1834 26 1165 767 797 619 803 386 499 1218 Total Members 93 252 2056 1341 1020 1928 2085 1796 2496 859 877 1470 1966 1309 1495 21 935 609 617 479 618 291 371 839 488 1 31369 484 25823 498 82.32% 102.89% 31853 26321 82.63% 6066 7994 6695 6880 3734 5092 6664 5528 5546 2993 83.94% 83.36% 82.57% 80.61% 80.16% Goal: 63 Deborah Ferguson Ann Flanagan Department Membership Chairman Department President Goal % 97.89% 87.80% 86.21% 85.47% 85.21% 84.27% 84.21% 84.12% 83.81% 83.64% 83.13% 83.00% 82.29% 81.66% 81.52% 80.77% 80.26% 79.40% 77.42% 77.38% 76.96% 75.39% 74.35% 68.88% The American Legion Auxiliary NON-PROFIT ORG Department of — Illinois The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Illinois U.S. POSTAGE P.O. BOX 1426 PAID BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 61702 Phone: 309-663-9366 309-663-9366 Phone: Web: Web: Department President Department President Patricia Sienkiewicz Ann Flanagan Bloomington, IL Fax: 309-663-5827 309-663-5827 Fax: Permit No. 149 Email: Email: Executive Secretary Executive Secretary Karen Boughan Karen Boughan American Legion Auxiliary Serving veterans, their families, and their communities SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS Drawing February 12, 2015 1st PLACE $10,000 George Hupp 12th PLACE $250 Clement Milder 2nd PLACE $5,000 Michael Rych 13th PLACE $100 John Transki 3rd PLACE $2,500 Robert Greening 14th PLACE $100 John C. Getche 4th PLACE $1,500 Robert Gehrke 15th PLACE $100 Rickey Thomason 5th PLACE $1,000 Robert Kimmons 16th PLACE $100 Edward Adduci 6th PLACE $1,000 Lawrence Weller 17th PLACE $100 Eugene Heeter 7th PLACE $750 Mike Conboy 18th PLACE $100 David Hoffman 8th PLACE $750 Michael Bement, Sr. 19th PLACE $100 Craig Stundahl 9th PLACE $500 David Dralle 20th PLACE $100 Robert Donoghue 10th PLACE $500 Grace Burns 21st PLACE $100 Shirley Emme 11th PLACE $250 Myles W. Wallace 22nd PLACE $100 Fred Mannino
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