FOR GOD AND COUNTRY The AMERICAN LEGION LAKE REGION POST 703 Fox Lake, Illinois 60020 (847) 587-2323 June 2015 COMMANDERS CORNER Greetings everyone, I hope everyone had a safe Memorial Day weekend. Our Post Memorial Day services were conducted at the Fox Lake train station on Memorial Day. I would like to thank Donny Schmidt, Mayor of Fox Lake and Robert Dold, US Representative for Illinois 10th Congressional District for attending our ceremony. I would like to also thank all the Legion Family Members that participated in the ceremonies, both at the Fox Lake train station and also at the Post. I want to thank Terri Zawada, Penny Cusker, Arlene Marker, Gail Billiot and Robin Janisch for preparing the Spaghetti dinner. Thanks to The Food Pantry of Spring Grove for the donation of the marinara sauce, McDonalds from Fox Lake for donating 108 chocolate chip cookies, Vicky Drews for the garlic bread and Mike Kane for donating the salad. Our General Membership Meeting was held on 27 May 2015. We did the General Membership drawing of $100.00 dollars at the end of the meeting. Three names were drawn and all three members were not present. In order to win the $100.00 dollars you must be present at the meeting, be a member in good standing and wearing your Post 703 Legion cap. I would like to also thank the kitchen staff, Arlene and Krystle for the wonderful meal they prepared. The menu was Pork Cutlets with gravy, potatoes a gratin, green beans, dinner rolls, salad and cookies for dessert. The VA Fishing Derby will be on June 12th at 10:30 am. Please come and volunteer for this event. The bar is starting to make preparations for the grand opening of the American Legion Drop Zone Bar. The grand opening is 15 August 2015. THE BOAT RAMP WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE EVENT THAT DAY!!! As always we have Bingo every Sunday. We are always in need of volunteers. Congratulations Post 703!!! We met our membership goal of achieving 100 percent. Thank you all that renewed, joined, and transferred to Post 703 to achieve this goal. The next membership meeting will be held on 24 June 2015 at 7:15 pm. Hope to see you there! Be safe and have a great summer! Jose A. Becerra Jr. Commander AUXILIARY NEWS A big thank you to everyone that helped out for our Poppy Day! There would be no Poppy Day without our volunteers. Check out our Facebook page to see some pictures – Search for American Legion Auxiliary Unit 703 and Like us! Our elections were held at the May meeting. I would like to welcome our new 20152016 Officers: President – Virginia Johnson Vice President- Nicole Silvers Chaplain- Linda Regalado Treasurer- Judy DeRosa Historian- Lucille Bidzinski Sgt. At Arms- Cheryl Wagner Please come to our June meeting to welcome our new officers. The meeting starts at 6:30pm. Thank you, Tracy Wasilewski ALA Unit 703 President SAL NEWS For the first time in as long as I can remember, I will be fighting the "get out of town" traffic for the Memorial Day weekend. I will not be standing proud with my Legion Family. I can rest assured that they will be there on Monday, rain or shine, to honor those that we owe so much. I have spent the week reminding friends and coworkers that this weekend has special meaning and is not just a day off work. God bless all those that serve, have served, and their families this Memorial Day and throughout the year. Please come out and help your SAL thank some disabled Vets on Friday, June 12th at our summer’s first VA fishing derby. Our legion family will come together to provide a pig roast, music, games, and boat rides for our honored guests. Thanks to all who helped with the beautiful landscaping and new plantings. After a late start, our Gun Raffle is again underway with another round of great prizes. Help us support Legion Baseball and all the great work the SAL does. Tickets are $10 at the Drop Zone Bar. The drawing and party are scheduled for September. Finally, congratulations to our new Auxiliary president, Ginger Johnson, we look forward to working with you! See you around the Post. Dale Reynolds, Commander Squadron 703, SAL UPCOMING EVENTS June 6th Neil Rose Band Rocking Blues Music 3 till 6 pm in the bar June 6th POWW Doors open at 6 pm June 12th Karaoke w/DJ Magic Mike 8:00 pm June 12th VA Fishing Derby 10:00 am June 14th Flag Day Display your flags all day Submitted by Mark Glosson POST 703 ON FACE BOOK Did you know Post 703 has a Facebook page? It features Post 703 events, Veterans information and sometimes just funny stuff. You can post information that other members may want to see too. When you want to know what is going on at the Post and if you belong to Facebook search for American Legion Post 703 Fox Lake, IL and like the page. There is something new on it every day. NEWSLETTER EDITOR Bob Stelter Please provide newsletter information to me (by email only) no later than the 4th Friday of each month. Your emails should be forwarded to . Thank you in advance for your support. Greetings Fellow Vets and Survivors, Recently I have been asked by several individuals how they can obtain some of their or deceased Vets lost/missing military documents. I have made several inquiries and the sites below have been given as some of the most valid and expeditious handling of requests. Helpful sites for Veterans and dependents of deceased Vets: 1: 2: html The 3rd site is the favored one. You go to that site, review info, print the form, fill out, sign and fax to the provided number. I understand that they can and will assist you in getting duplicate medals and documents.... You can also obtain assistance by contacting your local county VA Advocate Volunteer... Start Your Military Service Record (DD214) Request Bob Gabriel Svc Officer Post 703 Fox Lake Region Ha Ha for the Month A New Yorker, a Nebraskan, a Georgian, and a Floridian were driving to Vegas. After a few hours in the car, the Nebraskan suddenly rolls down his window, opens his bag, and starts chucking corn out the window. "What are you doing that for?", the others exclaim. "Back in Nebraska, everywhere I look I see corn. I'm going on vacation and I don't want to see any corn for a couple weeks." The Georgian replies, "You know what? You're right; I'm sick of seeing peaches all over Georgia. I don't know why I brought them with me." He opens his window and dumps his bag of peaches out. The Floridian, feeling inspired, opens the door and kicks the New Yorker out. June 2015 3 7 8 10 15 24 VFW Meeting SAL Meeting Ladies Auxiliary Executive Board Meeting Legion Riders Meeting General Membership Meeting 7:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:15 PM 7:00 PM 7:15 PM July 2015 1 5 13 8 20 22 COMMANDER Jose Becerra (847)587-2323 NO VFW Meeting SAL Meeting Ladies Auxiliary Meeting Executive Board Meeting Legion Riders Meeting General Membership Meeting ADJUTANT Chuck Class (815) 529-6010 SVC OFFICER Bob Gabriel (847) 691-5990 7:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:15 PM 7:15 PM 7:15 PM CHAPLAIN Jerry Kandziorski (847) 587-2323
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