American Legion Department of Illinois 2014—2015 Department Commander Hank Robards APRIL 2015 YOUTH PROGRAMS Boy Scouts of America The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America supports more than 300 local councils that provide quality youth programs promoting leadership and teaching decision-making and teamwork skills. The national council provides programs and publications, promotes training, and houses a media center. Campfire USA CampFire USA's mission is to build caring, confident youth and future leaders through national development programs delivered to 120 local councils across the nation. Core programs include leadership development, service learning, and mentoring opportunities. As of March 27, 2015 District Commander 23 HARRIS 3 KELLEY 7 LAMPERT 12 ABDELNOUR 24 SANDUSKY 11 STIEG 21 NARGELENAS 8 MCNELLIS 17 MATHENY 18 DUDLEY Division Commander 5 JANCEK 2 GEESEY 4 BUSKE 1 GRAHAM, III 3 WALSTON Youth Crime Watch of America YCWA enables youth to become resources for preventing crime, drug use, and violence in their schools and communities. Youth take ownership for their own programs in schools, neighborhoods, public housing sites, recreational centers, or parks. Youth led programs encourage crime reporting, mentoring and mediation. Girl Scouts of the USA Girl Scouts of the USA provides research, programs, and resources that help young girls build leadership, decision-making, and teamwork skills. Through advocacy efforts, Girl Scouts informs and educates key representatives of the government about issues important to girls and scouting. National 4-H Council The National 4-H Council provides grants, establishes programs and initiatives, designs and publishes curriculum and reference materials, and creates linkages fostering innovation and shared learning to advance the 4-H youth development movement, building a world in which youth and adults lean, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change. National Family Partnership The National Family Partnership shares tools, strategies, and resources to support families and communities in their effort to promote safe, drug-free youth, NEP also sponsors Red Ribbon Week. National Youth Leadership Council The National Youth Leadership Council's mission is to build vital, just communities through service learning. NYLC is at the forefront of efforts to reform education and guide youth-oriented public policy. Street Law, Inc. Street Law, Inc. provides young people with information about law, democracy, and human rights and provides youth leadership programs in communities and schools nationally and internationally. Teens, Crime, and the Community TCC has brought more than half a million youth from more than 40 states into the world of crime prevention through education and teen led and implemented action projects. TCC programs are found in juvenile justice facilities, schools, and community-based sites and led by crime prevention practitioners, law-related educators, school administrators, and victim practitioners. TCC offers free program training and technical assistance to these adults. Department of Illinois ~ Official Member of The National American Legion Press Association M arch has passed very quickly. Some Districts have reached over 100% membership. Job well done. It is great to have a busy month and getting a lot accomplished. As a matter of fact it is like that every month. It seems like there is never enough hours or days to get everything accomplished. Now that the weather is warming it is definitely time to get out and knock on doors to reach the membership goal of 105%. April 7 – 10 we will be doing a revitalization in Mattoon. Saturday, April the 11th will be our Spring Meetings at Department Headquarters. The Spring DEC will be at the Doubletree Hotel at 1:00 p.m. I will also be attending the Jr. Conference at the Park Regency on the 12th of April. April 22 – 25 we will be doing a revitalization in Mt. Vernon. April 25th, the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons will have a benefit bowling tournament at the Old Orchard Lanes, 901 N. Dunlap St. in Savoy, IL starting at 11:00 a.m. We are looking forward to seeing you there. April 28th, I will be at the Awards Night at Elgin Post 57, 820 Liberty, Elgin at 7:00 p.m. April 29 – May 2 we will be doing a revitalization in Champaign. As Americans, we need to remember amid the problems we face daily with the environment, crime, unemployment and financial uncertainty, the one constant that will make or break this nation is our young people. They are our FUTURE! Our hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow rest in their hands. In 1938, April was formally designated as Child Welfare Month (Now called Children & Youth Month) and has continued on an annual basis. During this special time, we urge each of you to show your community that The American Legion family is committed to Children...Our Most Precious Natural Resource! You Ask, What Can I Do? Get Involved! Each year at spring meetings, the National Commission on Children and Youth selects several areas of concern, which directly affect our nation’s young people. The 2015 National Spring Meetings will be held May 4-7. Following the observance of Children and Youth Month, the C&Y Chairman need to turn their attention to the annual reporting of expenditures and activities. Accurate records are important on money spent for the benefit of children and youth by your post/unit. Shortly after the first of the year, American Legion receives copies of the Consolidated Post Report (CPR). This form provides much needed information about the Legion’s total program. The CPR can be done online by the post adjutant, at T ime is running out, there is only 85 days left until Close of Books (JUNE 19). The target date to reach 95% was March 31st. As of this writing 15 Districts are under that goal. And 3 Districts are still under 90%. In APRIL 2015 addition, there are still many post under 90%. I’ve stressed the importance of Membership all year—AND once again I’m asking District and Division Officers to contact posts to ensure they work on remaining renewals and call on their 2910 lists. If you believe on our programs… If you believe in yourselves as leaders...If you believe in our charge of Veterans Serving Veterans and their families you can do this. Membership is so important and I’m sure the message gets monotonous, but it is the thing that ultimately makes our Department strong. YOU CAN DO THIS! American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 2 H ello everyone! March has been a busy month, with unit visits, Patriotic Conference, division meetings, and, I think, the Enclave can drive I55 and I39 by itself! Patriotic Conference went well, with a wonderful attendance and full house at The Parke Regency. National President Janet Jefford was our guest. Thursday, March 12 we were treated to a tour of Illiana VA at Danville by our own Patti Williamson. It is a large, wonderful facility with great volunteers. We even got to help with a service project, filling goody bags for veterans for Easter. from the S.A.L. CommandG reetings er. We thank you for your service. Happy belated 96th birthday to the American Legion. It is with a saddened heart that I bring you some not so good news. On Monday, March 23rd, our own PNC and PDC JR Stillwell was involved in an automobile accident in Denver, Colorado. JR was in Golden, Colorado the weekend before representing the S.A.L. at National Commander Mike Moss’s homecoming along with National Chaplain Butch Ray. He was airlifted to Swedish Medical Hospital in critical condition after being extricated out of his vehicle. As of this writing he has had 2 surgeries on his elbow, is off of the ventilator, and is now alert. He remains in ICU in guarded condition. Cards and Get well wish's can be sent to: Division meetings kept Bill and me busy on Sundays. We got to visit Quincy Veterans Home. What a beautiful place. Bill and I weren’t able to stay after the meeting for a tour, but I am definitely planning on returning in May. Unit meetings were interesting and I enjoyed sharing more information with our members and meeting new friends. MEMBERSHIP is the lifeblood of our organization. We lost our bets with the American Legion and Sons at Patriotic Conference, but our special projects all won with the donations made. On the national level, Illinois is doing well with our renewals and rejoins. But we aren’t stopping. I’m pushing much harder to get the last 25% (plus or minus) we need. I am reminding units of the department drawing and national drawing being held for goal units. And, as always, I thank our members for their hard work. If you know of a member who hasn’t sent in their dues yet, please remind them. A BET! At Patriotic Conference we presented a competition that USAA is sponsoring. The department that has the greatest percentage increase of members’ email addresses entered into ALAMIS (American Legion Auxiliary Management Information System) by August 2nd will be the recipient of 500 USAA Poppy Bags. And these are awesome bags! National President Janet decided to bet me that Connecticut would win. I said otherwise! Illinois will win. So, I need help to spread the Swedish Medical Center JR Stillwell Cardiac Medical Intensive Care Room 3-167 501 E. Hampton Ave. Englewood, CO 80113 In late February, we met to go over the budget, and I attended a Des Plaines Post meeting to answer any questions about starting a squadron. Our own Jr. Auxiliary hosted a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the upcoming Jr. Conference in April. In March, I visited the 4th and 5th Divisions for their S.A.L. Division meetings, while Sr. Vice Bill Geary attended the Oratorical Conference in Peoria. I also was invited to the Premier Boys State meeting at headquarters on March 14th. A very good meeting with a lot of lessons learned. Look for the Sons to take a more active role in recruiting membership. Training/ informational classes will be held at headquarters for those interested. On March 21st, we held the Spring D.E.C. meeting at the Elmhurst Post. I would like to thank those that attended and the Post family for their hospitality. We had a few new faces at the meeting. At the meeting, charter actions were voted on, and I am unhappy to report that we stand to lose a lot of members. We did receive some cards at the meeting to remove a couple of squadrons from the list. ( No Phone Calls at this time) ***NOTE*** You can e-mail get well wish's to JR and they will be delivered to him daily. Go to the Hospital website by clicking on About Us, then click on Contact Us, then click on Email a Patient. Please pray for a speedy recovery. (Aux. President continued on page 5 (SAL Detachment Cmdr continued on page 5) American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 3 APRIL 2015 That each year our Legion Service Officers from all of our State Departments meet in Washington D.C. for training? For three days they are furnished with a wealth of information from The National Veterans Legal Services Program and Department of Veterans Affairs sections including the Veterans Benefits Administration, Veterans Health Administration and the National Cemetery Administration. This training is sponsored by the American Legion VA&R Washington office. Here are some of the highlights: Hepatitis C was first discovered in 1989 and is a blood born infection. Transfusions prior to 1992 were not screened for Hep. C so if you received a blood transfusion in the military and now have this disease you should discuss filing a claim for serviceconnected compensation. Hepatitis C now causes more deaths annually than HIV. USAA financial services has partnered with the Legion to give separating military personnel free assessment tools and checklists to help them transition into civilian life. They can go to to check this out. All veterans enrolled in the VA hospital system have received their CHOICE cards by now. Do NOT use them until you first call the number on the back (866-606-8198) for prior approval. Otherwise you may be stuck with a large private hospital bill. The American Legion in partnership with “Hiring our Heroes” attended 170 job fairs last year. Veteran unemployment rates are now down to 5.3% vs. 5.7% for the general public. Fifteen percent of returning troops are female. Illinois ranks 8th. in unemployed veterans. Effective March 24th of this year the VA will require certain forms to be used for certain claims. Gone are the days where a veteran could simply write the VA a letter asking for an increase. Certain military disability boards must now accept VA ratings before a service person is even discharged. This has helped reduce “lowballing” by the military just to get rid of a soldier. Old rules, veteran died and any claims or appeals immediately ended. Now a surviving spouse can keep the claim or appeal alive by asking to be substituted as the claimant. There were 26,000 incidents of Military Sexual Trauma in the service but only 2,800 were reported. Even if not reported claims can be filed for resulting depression or PTSD due to these attacks. Evidence like calls to rape crisis lines, civilian police reports and statements from family members can be used for credible supporting evidence. If you service-related injury or condition has gotten worse and you file within one year of that the VA can pay you retroactive up to a year. If you wait over a year then they can only pay you back to the date you file. Example; you are 10% for diabetes th controlledthby exercise and diet. Your private doctor puts you on medication Jan.15 2014. If you file for an increase anytime up to Jan. 14 . 2015 the VA will go back a year. If you file on or after Jan. 15th. 2015 the VA will only go back to the date you filed. That could be a lot of money lost. TBI (traumatic brain injuries) are usually from IED’s (improvised explosive devices) but they can also result from vehicle accidents or head injuries from parachute jumps or PT. New rules concerning non-service connected pension benefits are coming. Veterans will no longer be able to hide assets or dispose of them to qualify. The VA will be able to look back several years through IRS records to see it this was done. Certain Air Force personnel who were stationed in Thailand are now getting compensated for Agent Orange exposure. Especially those who did perimeter patrol. National Guard and Reserves who suffer an injury while on Inactive Duty for Training (weekend drills) may qualify for VA compensation. The VA Bd. of Veterans Appeals has granted 3,200 cases and they have yet to be paid. It is averaging 6-9 months from the time of the grant to the retro check being issued. These are just some of the highlights! As always if you have any questions about these items or any other VA benefit question please contact our office as listed above. APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 4 ATTENTION LEGIONNAIRES The Premier Boys State Committee held its spring meeting on March 14th at Department Headquarters. Plans are being finalized for the June program. A new logo has been approved and will be used for the first time during the program. Once again we need the help of Legionnaires and posts in the recruitment of young men for the program. Applications are coming in slowly. April is a crucial month for recruitment. We are well aware that there arm many summer opportunities for these young men but Premier Boys State is an outstanding leadership program sponsored by The American Legion. We encourage you to recruit a variety of young men. A misconception is that only the top Juniors can apply for the program. We want interested Juniors who want to learn and participate in the governmental process and be a leader. Also if you know of any civic organization, business or individual that wants to sponsor a young man please have them contact us. It is tax deductible. (Aux. President continued from page 3) (SAL Detachment Cmdr continued from page 3) word about the challenge. Details are available on our website, contact Headquarters or you can email me and I will send you a copy of the flyer! April will be a busy month with Jr. Conference April 11-12. We have a good reservation list so far. April 18 is Department Training at DeLand. We also have a good reservation list for it. We hope to have many more for both. Of course, you will get to see me bowl at Savoy on April 25 at the joint fund raiser for Commander Hank, Detachment Commander John and my special projects. It will be fun and funny! Of course, I can’t write without mentioning “The Culture of Good Will.” Being respectful, civil, friendly and willing to work together for the common good of our American Legion Family should be in the forefront of our thoughts and actions. Even though posts and units are separate entities, we should be willing to work together in a respectful and friendly way. We are here to help our veterans, active military, their families and communities. How can we do that if we don’t make an effort to get along? Take care and be safe in your travels. Later that night was my Homecoming party, and once again I thank those that attended. A good time was had by all! Now back to work. The S.A.L. 1st Division is hosting a CWF fundraiser at Marrs-Meyer Post #991 in Worth on Saturday, April 18th at 6pm. Check our web site for further information. A Legion family joint fundraiser is being held on April 25th in Savoy, at Old Orchard Lanes. This bowling fundraiser will raise funds for the Fisher House at Hines VA in Chicago and Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis. Commander Hank and John as well as President Ann have chosen Fisher House as one of their fundraising projects. I would also like to thank those that donated winter clothing and apparel for the Chicago Homeless Sandwich Run, (my second fundraising project), during the months of January and February at Arlington Heights Post #208. I hit the 50/50 raffle at the 4th Division Auxiliary meeting in Farmer City, but was on my way home when I got the call, so I donated it to the President’s charity of here choice ($100). Being good counts! Look for the Gift to the Yanks raffle tickets in the mail soon. Most of us will be holding elections in the upcoming months. Remember to complete your squadron certification forms even if you do not change officers. Consolidated Report forms will be sent out shortly. Now is the time to start tabulating your squadrons 2014-2015 accomplishments. Please check with your squadrons to make sure they are completing these important tasks. Remember May 29th is the close of books for delegate strength to the S.A.L. state convention. Look for a flyer outlying a tentative schedule of events for the convention. There is a lot to do in a short amount of time. Please assist your squadrons in any way you can. Remember our membership is our life line to the veterans, children, and community. “When it MUST BE DONE, Call the SONS” Communicate-Educate Never Forget 9-11-01 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 5 APRIL 2015 The dangers of deep defense cuts T he new defense secretary has an enormous task. To fulfill his primary responsibility of fielding a military capable of keeping the United States safe, he must convince his boss – and Congress – to reverse six consecutive years of defense cuts and reject sequestration. If we consider our nation’s avowed enemies and potential adversaries, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has an easy case to make. On Jan. 23, China test-fired a new submarine-launched ballistic missile capable of nuclear strikes against all 50 states. Lest you think China is simply an economic threat, take into account that in 2013 its state-run newspaper reported that a nuclear JL-2 missile strike on the western United States would kill 5 million to 12 million people. In addition to the threat of radical Islam, the world faces increased aggression from Russia, regimes in Iran and North Korea that are developing nuclear weapons, and a revival of anti-Semitism in Europe. A strong national defense is one of The American Legion’s pillars. Thus, we’re alarmed that the 2016 defense budget is projected to be 31 percent less than it was in 2010. This is irresponsible and dangerous. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has announced that unless Congress spares the military from another round of sequestration cuts, annual training will again be slashed. While we cannot definitively blame sequestration for servicemembers’ deaths, I recall an accident at a Nevada mortar range in 2013 caused by human error and inadequate training. Thirteen Marines died, and eight were wounded. And don’t forget the personnel costs associated with these budget cuts. While a strong argument can be made that a draft would lighten the burden of the small percentage of brave Americans who are defending our freedoms, a strong all-volunteer force is more cost effective. Yet these troops are seeing their pay and benefits chipped away at an alarming rate. In 2009, a Military Times survey indicated that 91 percent of military members rated their quality of life as “good” or “excellent.” In 2014, only 56 percent felt that way. Moreover, 70 percent now predict that the quality of life for servicemembers will decline. Carter says that military service needs to be an attractive and viable option for this tech-savvy generation. He can help by shelving one of the major recommendations of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. While it’s fashionable to compare private-sector 401(k) plans to what our military retirees receive, let’s dispel the myth that the pension system is somehow overly generous. Unlike private-sector careerists, those who spend 20 years or more in the military have been required to change duty stations every few years, be separated from their families, risk life and limb in combat zones, uproot their children from schools and friends, and be subject to a military justice system that can imprison them for disrespecting their boss. Just as important, we should not allow our elected leaders to pit personnel costs and benefits against weapons modernization and training. We can and must do both. We owe it to every man and woman in uniform that we will never send them in harm’s way without the resources necessary to win. Hy-Vee Food Store and The American Bottling Co. Donates to “Operation Comfort Warriors” On January 16th in Peoria, Illinois a donation in the amount of $1,041 was presented to The American Legion for the Operation Comfort Warriors Program. The Hy-Vee Food store in Peoria and the District Distributors for Dr. Pepper, Snapple and other beverages distributed by the American Bottling Company. The co-sponsored a sale and the proceeds were donated to The American Legion. Top photo (l-r): NECman Larry Moore, Immediate Past National Commander Dan Delinger, Peoria American Legion Post 2 Adjutant Billy Craig, Department Adjutant Marty Conatser, Dan Simon, and Paul Bersell. Bottom photo (l-r): Billy Craig, Rev. James De Loatche, Marty Conatser, Dan Delinger, Dan Simon, Paul Bersell, Larry Moore, Charles Jones, Larry Frank, Alfred W. Burnett, Robert E. Culshaw. APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 6 Women’s History Month March 2015 The Illinois National Guard's first female Brig. Gen. Alicia Tate-Nadeau, of Chicago Illinois gave a presentation of the evolution of women in the military in honor of Women's History Month at the Illinois State Military Museum in Springfield on Friday, March 13 at 2p.m. Brig. Gen. Alicia Tate-Nadeau gave the presentation on the evolution of women in the military. She noted that women have been volunteering in helping positions since the first wars of our Nation and eventually being able to serve in the military. Currently nineteen percent of today's military are female soldiers. The panel consisted of three Illinois National Guard female Soldiers and five Israeli women who are guests of Springfield’s Commission on International Visitors. They had been invited by the United States under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program. The panel talked about the role of women as agents of peace and social change within their communities and how they can contribute to conflict analysis, mediation, and negotiation. They mentioned how important it was to be able to listen and speak with men, to gain their respect for their area of expertise, and to prove yourself and motivate them to aim high to achieve. Military life is not a “one man show.” Women have many different life experiences from balancing home, and family, with a career in the military. You have to be able to mentor both men and women and still have high standards. Everyone should have the opportunity to achieve the goals they desire. After the panel ended, a group picture was taken and a picture of Commander Sigal Bar Zvi giving Brig. General Tate-Nadeau a plaque from the Israeli ladies. Cheri Stanton was asked to attend this meeting in order to show The American Legion Support to all of our Veterans. I received this message, from one of my shipmates daughter who this past year has been on a special mission in Afghanistan. And what she has to say about their missions and how they were carried out , I thought was good timing to go with the article on Women veteran month. - Gary Jenson My teammate snapped a picture of us walking off the 47 after what was probably our last mission on our rotation. This job has been an eye opening experience that no amount of money could buy. I've seen firsthand the willingness and professionalism of the women and men that make our military the most powerful in the world. Higher leadership makes final calls, but it's the efforts of the many people below busting their butts, coordinating ideas, solving the hard problems, facing rejection, and bouncing back that create and carry out the plans that make shit happen. This job has taught me there is no hidden room full of smart people working to solve the problem. We are the smart people. So don't sit back or stay quiet. We're the experts of our own capabilities, and we're the experts of our jobs. So speak up and make it happen. ( This all quote from Kristin Nelson, Air Force special forces) American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 7 APRIL 2015 Mark Your Calendar Spring D.E.C Gold Pin Cut-Off (1:00 PM) (95% Target) April 3rd ~~~ Good Friday Department Office Closed April 3rd ~~~ Easter Sunday April 5th ~~~ Spring D.E.C. 1:00 PM DoubleTree (Bloomington) April 11th ~~~ Gold Pin Award April 11th ~~~ Top Recruiter, God and Silver Brigade Award Deadline April 25th ~~~ Housing for The American Legion Armed Forces Day Dinner. COMFORT SUITES—Chicago Lansing 708-418-3337 Reservations must be made by May 1, 2015, in order to be eligible for the preferred rate. King Suite ($89); King Suite with Sofa Sleeper ($94); Two Queen Suite ($104); King Suite with whirlpool ($119). All rooms are subject to current 12% city/state tax. APRIL 2015 Top Recruiter, God and Silver Brigade Award Forms due @ Department HQ May 2nd ~~~ National Spring Committee & Commission Meetings (Indianapolis, IN) May 4th—7th ~~~ Armed Forces Day (100% Target) May 8th ~~~ Mother’s Day May 10th ~~~ Armed Forces Day Dinner (Hosted by 1st Div.) May 16th ~~~ American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 8 Memorial Day Department Office Closed May 25th ~~~ Special Olympics (ISU—Normal, IL) June 12th—13th ~~~ American Legion Premier Illinois Boys State (EIU—Charleston) June 13th—19th ~~~ Flag Day June 14th ~~~ Final Gold Pin-Cut Off and Close Of Books June 19th ~~~ Father’s Day June 21st ~~~ Girls State June 21st—27th ~~~ Department Commander Henry “Hank” Robards Birthday June 23rd ~~~ SAL Detachment Convention June 26th—28th ~~~ Independence Day July 4th ~~~ Department Convention (Springfield, IL) July 8th—11th ### 2015 Lincoln Funeral Re-enactment Activities are solidly coming together for the 2015 Lincoln Funeral Re-enactment, May 2-3, 2015. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to relive history and to honor President Lincoln. 2015 will be an extraordinary year for Civil War history buffs. This year not only brings to a close the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, it is the 150th anniversary that changed the course of American History – the death of President Abraham Lincoln. For the first time since 1865, thousands of re-enactors, period carriages, visitors and dignitaries will convene in Springfield, Illinois, on May 1-3, 2015, to pay tribute to our 16th President with an unparalleled historic and solemn re-creation of the funeral procession to Oak Ridge Cemetery. Although May 4, is the official anniversary date of President Lincoln’s burial, the 3rd was selected to minimize business disruption, as this year the 4th is a Monday. Veterans groups will be represented on May 3, 2015, during the procession. Each of these Veteran groups will be stationed at varying locations along the processional route so they can be honored for their service and so the veterans can show their respect to President Lincoln. Veterans groups include the American Legion, Italian American War Veterans of the United States of America, Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) and Inter-Veterans Burial Detail. The mission of the 2015 Lincoln Funeral Coalition (1865-2015) is to educate, coordinate and promote the accurate and dignified reenactment of the historic anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s funeral procession in Springfield, Illinois. Check out for all the events. Veterans groups not mentioned above that would like to participate please email for more information about participating. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise mentioned. Here is a break down of the weekend’s events: Civil War encampments open: dawn to dusk May 1-3 *Visit the Benedictine University at Springfield campus for a Civil War Encampment featuring band concerts on the lawn, in the amphitheater and in the Sacred Heart Chapel, as well as a Civil War artifact museum in the historic Brinkerhoff Home and more. Venue: Benedictine University at Springfield, 1500 N. Fifth St., Springfield, IL 62702. *Visit the 10th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry (Reactivated) Headquarters encampment on the south lawn Venue: Springfield Art Association of Edwards Place, 700 N. 4th Street, Springfield IL 62702. Day One - Saturday, May 2, 2015 Approximately 9:00 a.m. *At the current Amtrak Station on Third Street, the reenactment begins with the replicated coffin of President Lincoln and the replicated hearse. Approximately 10:00 a.m. *Procession steps-off from the Amtrak station The procession will follow much of the historic route to Washington and 6th. Streets. The funeral procession includes the recreation of the original Lincoln hearse, horse-drawn carriages, military and civilian Civil War re-enactors, along with numerous other period groups. Only appropriately costumed registered participants will be allowed to walk in the procession. Mourning scarves for pallbearers were provided by Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865 Approximately 11:00 a.m. *Opening commemorative ceremony Location: Washington & 6th Streets. Dignitaries, color guard and civil war re-enactors will participate in the opening commemorative ceremony. No reserved seating available. *After the opening ceremony, an all-night vigil with the hearse and coffin will take place at Washington and 6th Streets. American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 9 Day two – Sunday, May 3, 2015 Approximately 6:00 a.m. *The candlelight vigil at Washington & 6th Street ends. *Local churches & Houses of Worship are encouraged to use 1865 liturgy and ring the church bells throughout the morning. Approximately 11:00 a.m. *Staging begins for the registered participants for the historic procession to Oak Ridge Cemetery. Approximately 12:00 noon *Historic procession to oak ridge cemetery steps off from Washington & 6th Streets. With adjustments for safety and modern-day streets, the funeral procession will follow much of the historic route to Oak Ridge Cemetery. Approximately 3:00 p.m. *Oak ridge cemetery ceremony. As the funeral procession arrives, it will enter through the recreated First Street entrance. There will be no vehicle parking inside Oak Ridge Cemetery on Sunday, May 3. Tour busses, Springfield Mass Transit District and historic sites buses are to enter Oak Ridge Cemetery via Monument Avenue. Volunteers will guide visitors to the proper location of the ceremony. *The funeral procession will proceed to the Old Public Receiving Vault. To recreate the historic feel of this event, no reserved seating will be available at the Oak Ridge Cemetery ceremony. Clergy and Civil War re-enactors present the appropriate eulogy, speeches and salutes at the Old Public Receiving Vault. During the ceremony, a special choral group and civil war era musicians perform the music originally conducted during this ceremony. Approximately 4:30 p.m. *The 150th anniversary commemoration concludes with a 36 cannon salute. Prior to the conclusion of the funeral ceremony, tour busses, Springfield Mass Transit District and historic sites routes busses will be permitted to re-enter via Monument Avenue. APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 10 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 11 APRIL 2015 Gifts To The Yanks Who Gave Gifts To The Yanks Who Gave Fund Send Donations To: Gifts To The Yanks Who Gave Department of Illinois 2720 E. Lincoln St. Bloomington, IL 61704 NAME:__________________________________________________________________ The Gifts To The Yanks Commission ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________ would like to thank everyone for CITY:___________________________________STATE: _______ ZIP:_______________ your support to the program again this year. POST# ______________ DISTRICT#_______________ DIVISION#________________ With the help of the Division GTTY Chairman we gave 8,338 gifts to Disabled Veterans this past Christmas. These veterans are in VA Hospitals, Illinois Veterans We NEED YOUR HELP Post, Units, SAL, Legion Rider or Personal Homes and local nursing homes. Some home bound donations are needed so that the program will continue to be veterans under doctor care also received gifts. able to give good quality gifts. I have received several thank you letters and cards from “BRING YOUR CHECKS TO DEC APRIL 11, 2015” veterans or their families. I still hear of Veterans getting We will have Legion Riders Patches and Tee Shirts Available at tears to their eyes and smiles on their faces as they DEC. received their gifts. We are beginning to work on Christmas 2015, your Thanks again for all your support. donations will make this happen. Donations are coming in slow this year, our goal is $160,000 by April 15, 2015. Veterans usually only reveal their story to another Veteran—someone they feel will understand what they have experienced. The LCC Kare-9 Military Ministry is a ministry by veterans for veterans bridging compassionate ministry. We strive to serve our military, veterans and their families. In order to do this to the best of our ability we place a dog – named after a K-9 that gave its life in the service of our country – with a veteran. The transition from military life to home life is challenging. Many experience guilt related to combat. An estimated 20% have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Half do not seek treatment. The VA estimates there are 22 suicides a day. (Immediate help is available by calling the VA Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, push 1, or texting 838255.) The dogs begin training as puppies and are trained alongside their veteran. When entering the program the dogs are known as recruits and move up in rank according to the military branch in which the veteran served. The Kare-9 military dogs visit many places, including VFWs, VA hospitals, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Care Centers, homes of veterans that are home bound, Expos, Vet Clinics, Yellow Ribbon Ceremonies and various other activities to help spread the mercy and compassion of Christ Jesus. LCC never charges those we serve, and in the Kare-9 Military Dog Ministry LCC picks up the expenses of each of the Kare-9 dogs and does not charge the veteran. We are able to do that with the support of donors to the LCC KARE 9 Military Ministry Fund. If you would like to help Support the LCC Kare-9 Military Ministry contact Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church Charities at 866-455-6466 or email him at or or visit our website at APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 12 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 13 APRIL 2015 Baltimore or Bust Hello Department of Illinois members! As the day of my installation draws closer, I want all of you to know how grateful I am for your continued support! Thank you for everything. Hope some of you will consider the bus to Baltimore. We have tried to make it affordable for you! Here we go!! Thanks again to the American Legion Family! INTERESTED IN GOING TO BALTIMORE FOR SHARON’S INSTALLATION? There will be a bus heading to Baltimore for Sharon’s Installation and you are invited to come along. Bus info is as follows: $100/person. Bus will leave Champaign on Wednesday, September 2 at approximately 5 to 6 AM. You will have two nights at a convention hotel. Instructions will follow on how to make those reservations after you sign up for the bus! Sharon’s Installation will be Thursday, September 3rd at 8:00 AM. There are plans for a party that evening. The bus will leave for the return trip earl Friday, September 4th for Champaign. To reserve your seat on the bus, bus fare must be sent to Pam Ray, 6410 Wind Hill Drive, Springfield IL 62711, with one-half (1/2) by April 1 and remainder by August 1st. Pam will accept reservations until the bus is full. First come.........First serve!!! SHARON CONASTER—300 CLUB WINNERS MARCH WINNERS (drawn at Patriotic Conference) $ 500—————————————–——–———————————Imogene Eilers $ 250—————————————————–————————Michael Edmonds $ 150——————————————–————————————Byron Unit #209 Drawings will be held every month throughout 2015 Tickets are still available. Contact Pam Ray at 217-741-6849 or call Auxiliary Headquarters Office at 309-663-9366. APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 14 2014-2015 DIVISION & DISTRICT MEETING DATES DATE DIST. / DIV. TIME POST CITY 04/01/15 1ST DIVISION 6:00 PM PARK FOREST POST 1198 CHICAGO HEIGHTS 04/08/15 2ND DISTRICT 7:30 PM FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT POST 923 CHICAGO 04/15/15 7TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM EVANSTON POST 42 EVANSTON 04/16/15 5TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM FOREST PARK POST 414 FOREST PARK 04/17/15 10TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM 04/18/15 1ST DISTRICT 11:00 AM 04/22/15 3RD DISTRICT 7:00 PM SOUTH DEERING POST 1238 CHICAGO 04/23/15 8TH DISTRICT 8:00 PM THORNTON POST 1070 THORNTON 04/29/15 9TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM SCHILLER PARK POST 104 SCHILLER PARK 05/08/15 2ND DISTRICT 6:00 PM KLAS RESTAURANT CICERO 05/15/15 10TH DISTRICT 7:30 PM 05/16/15 1ST DISTRICT 11:00 AM 05/17/15 12TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM GENOA POST 337 (CONVENTION) GENOA 05/17/15 16TH DISTRICT 10:00 AM BARTONVILLE POST 979 (CONVENTION) BARTONVILLE 05/17/15 17TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM ROANOKE POST 463 (CONVENTION) ROANOKE 05/17/15 20TH DISTRICT 10:00 AM WINCHESTER POST 442 (CONVENTION) WINCHESTER 05/17/15 21ST DISTRICT 1:00 PM STATE POLICE POST 1922 (CONVENTION) SPRINGFIELD 05/17/15 23RD DISTRICT UNKNOWN RAMSEY POST 460 RAMSEY 05/17/15 25TH DISTRICT 1:00 PM BENTON POST 280 BENTON 05/20/15 3RD DISTRICT 7:00 PM FRED SCHWEITZER POST 272 CHICAGO LIBERTYVILLE POST 329 (PAST DISTRICT COMMANDERS NIGHT) LIBERTYVILLE MONTCLARE-LEYDEN VFW POST 1284 CHICAGO (NOMINATIONS) LAKE REGION POST 703 (CONVENTION & POST FOX LAKE EVERLASTING) MONTCLARE-LEYDEN VFW POST 1284 CHICAGO (ELECTIONS) Boys State—June 13th—19th, 2015 Special Olympics—June 12th—13th, 2015 Illini Girls State—June 21st—27th, 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 15 APRIL 2015 T HE A M E R I C A N L E GI ON D E P A R T M E N T OF I L L I N OI S P . O. B OX 2 9 1 0 B L OOM I N GT O N , I L L I N OI S 6 1 7 0 2 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID BLOOMINGTON, IL PERMIT No. 18 PUBLISHED MONTHLY * Department Commander HANK ROBARDS Department Editor MARTY CONATSER Newsletter articles must be at Department Headquarters by the 15th of each month for it to be in the next months issue. Fax: 309-663-5783 Web: * One year Subscription to the Department News $10.00 for 11 issues Phone: 309-663-0361 Email: Department of Illinois ~ Official Member of The National American Legion Press Association APRIL TRIVIA (ABE LINCOLN TRIVIA) 1. The Lincoln Penny was first issued in what year and for what reason? 2. Lincoln could quote many parts of the Bible, but his absolute favorite book was? 3. His favorite poem was Mortality written by? 4. Lincoln was the first president to be born beyond the boundaries of the original 13 states. What state was he born in? 5. Lincoln, the 16th president, was the first president to be? Visit our website! Scan Here ANSWERS: 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 1909 to commemorate Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday. Psalms. William Knox. He was the first president born in Kentucky. Assassinated. APRIL 2015 American Legion Department of IL - Department News Page 16
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