Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School CSCC Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Agenda Item/Supporting Documents/Notes Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: Conference Room 7:00 p.m. Attendance: Connie Kozak, Dave Ripplinger (principal), Geoff Gilbert (vice principal), Pam Meger, Tracilyn Henry, Sharon Bohay, Stacey Waldie, Patty Gianoli, Nanette Durand-Ray, Daphne Fiorante Regrets: Anna Markewich, Opening Prayer Sharon Bohay Welcome and Introductions Review and Adoption of Agenda MOTION: Moved by Pam Meger and seconded by Sharon Bohay that the agenda be adopted as presented. Carried. Review and Adoption of Minutes from Tuesday, March 12, 2015 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: MOTION: Moved by Daphne Fiorante, seconded by Stacey Waldie that the minutes from the meeting be adopted as distributed. Carried. SRC Report No member available for tonight’s meeting (please refer to submitted update): We are currently in the design phase for a new Rufus Mascot (will be made by a company in Edmonton). We are just nearing playoffs of our Dodgeball Intramurals League with a celebratory pizza lunch for the winners of both the Jr. and Sr. leagues. There has been excellent competition and student participation as always while giving students a great way to exercise and have fun. We held a PINK DAY/HAT DAY in support of the Canadian Red Cross AntiBullying Day. The students were dressed up in PINK to show their support, but also were allowed to wear their hats if they made a $2 Donation to the AntiBullying Day Campaign. We are sending in those donation on behalf of Riffel SRC, Staff and Students! Our Winter Wrap-up Assembly was a great success and now we are quickly turning our attention to planning our Year End SRC Assembly where we will wrap-up Spring Sports, special Riffel events, and school clubs! We will show our typical array of SRC videos and parodies Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School CSCC Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Agenda Item/Supporting Documents/Notes Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: Conference Room to help increase awareness of things going on in our school and to help get people involved. We will also focus on goodbyes to staff and send the students off with a positive spin on the years events and accomplishments - reminding them WHY WE ARE ROYALS. Along with the Year End Assembly, we will be having a dedicated Riffel Athletics MVP Assembly where we will also introduce our Royal Crown Award Winners and various other Athletic achievements. This will be hosted in conjunction with the Athletics Department! Wellness Day is soon approaching and with that, our SRC is looking into some fresh goals for upcoming events and spirit days to help make people feel good about themselves and to come out of their shells by showing their school pride. We are gearing up for SRC Elections which take place each May. Interest is building and we are always excited to see the new faces who want to show their Royal Pride. The formal election itself will take place on May 29 as well as the Election Dance that evening to thank the current SRC and Welcome next year’s crew! Finally, we would like to thank the CSCC for the continued support of the SRC and look forward to working with you next year. Financial Update Financial Statement was presented by Daphne Fiorante MOTION: Moved by Connie Kozak seconded by Pam Meger to accept the financial report as presented. Carried. Administration Report David Ripplinger and Geoff Gilbert presented on the following: Our nursing students have finished their school experience. They did support the completion of our smoking survey as well as a few other intiatives. Our SADD group is hosting a MADD multimedia presentation entitled Aftermath on Wednesday, April 15. Some stats we will highlight: o On average, each day in Canada four people are killed and 175 are seriously injured as a result of impaired driving crashes. o Traffic crashes remain by far the largest single cause of death among 16-25 year olds, and approximately 55% are alcohol and/or drug-related. o Young people are not only overrepresented as drivers in alcohol-related car crashes involving death and injury, but even a higher percentage are passengers. o Canadians between the ages of 14 and 25 have one of the highest rates of cannabis use in the world. o Impaired driving continues to be a major concern in regards to poor decisions for teenagers. Rhonda Barnes-Pitka is accompanying six of our students to the RPS Speak Out event on Wednesday, April 15. April 16 – P/T/S Conferences for semester two (CSCC providing supper for Staff Appreciation) 12 of our students will be involved in discussions with our Board Trustees on Thursday, April 23. Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School CSCC Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Agenda Item/Supporting Documents/Notes Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: Conference Room 2015-2016 Registration Numbers o Grade 9 – 159 (1 FIAEP) – 162 this year o Grade 10 – 162 (2 FIAEP) – 182 this year o Grade 11 – 183 (3 FIAEP) – 152 this year o Grade 12 – 152 (6 FIAEP) – 186 this year o Total of 665 students – Total of 682 students (difference of 17 students) School Website o Right now it is set up through Dreamweaver (Patricia maintains) o Possibly go to a Drupal approach? o Add a Twitter Feed? (could serve as a “live newsletter”). o What “content” should be on the website? The $220,000 of renovations for Riffel are targeted to “begin” this summer. Three areas will receive upgrades in terms of space and “redone” spaces: Visual Art (2nd floor), Applied Technology (I.A. Area), and Music/Choral/Band room. Band Days are quickly approaching. They will take place from April 21 to April 25 at LeBoldus, with the Grand Concert on Saturday, April 25 at 7:00 p.m. Our Wellness Charity Classic is set for Wednesday, May 13, 2015. The charity we are supporting this year is Saskatchewan Special Olympics. CSCC Chair Report Connie Kozak presented the following: Connie attended High Schools for Hope Benefit Concert The Board of Trustees has invited two CSCC representatives to a meeting on Thursday, April 30 (along with administrators from Riffel) Moving in Faith is on Sunday, May 24. RQHR has sent us a thank you letter for our donation of $200. Old Business Annual Parent Information Night o Anna will begin to look at the promotional poster and what it will look like o Dave and Geoff will put together a survey that will be sent out to all Riffel parents/guardians. The survey will cover the following: Our M.A. Riffel CSCC is planning our Parent Information Night for October 2015 WE would appreciate parent/guardian feedback and would ask that you complete a quick survey on the following: Speaker Topics: (1) alcohol and drugs, (2) social media/internet awareness, (3) depression & self-harm, (4) bullying & relationships, (5) leadership & creating positive change, (6) communicating with your teen, (7) body image/nutrition, (8) work safety for teens, (9) other (comment box) Michael A. Riffel Catholic High School CSCC Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Agenda Item/Supporting Documents/Notes Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Would you attend the evening? Yes No Would you appreciate a free supper? Yes No New Business Adjournment of Meeting Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Connie finished the meeting with a prayer. Next Meetings Tuesday, May 12 @ 7:00 p.m. (Parent Info Night Planning Meeting) Tuesday, May 26 @ 7:00 p.m. (AGM) Location: Conference Room
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