FALL 2014 CNA 2 ACUTE CARE TRAINING CLIMB for Health Professionals - Portland Community College APPLICATIONS will be accepted starting on Wed. Aug. 13th, 2014 @ 9 a.m. DESCRIPTION The PCC CNA 2 Acute Care Training Program curriculum is approved by the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN). This program provides 40 hours of lecture and skills lab instruction and 24 hours of clinical practicum (64 hours total). Classroom instruction consists of lecture, group activities, and class discussion. The skills lab provides an opportunity for students to learn, practice, and demonstrate CNA 2 Acute Care skills. Clinical practicum is held in a hospital setting. PCC also offers an online option, which allows students to view the lectures online instead, while still attending skills labs and clinical days inperson. In order to take the class, prospective students will need to complete an application and submit it to PCC CLIMB. Upon acceptance into the program, PCC staff will register, bill and notify the student for the training. The application, and more information on the application process, is available at http://www.pcc.edu/cna2, as well as on page 6. TUITION: $925 tuition. Please see pages 4 and 5 for further information. REQUIREMENTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. CNA 1 License: An unencumbered Oregon CNA 1 license is required in order to take the training. You must have this license prior to applying for the program. Absolutely no exceptions! Please see the frequently asked questions on page 8 for common questions pertaining to this requirement. 2. Orientation: An orientation session must be attended prior to starting your first day of class. Students who fail to attend this orientation requirement prior to starting the first day of the class will be dropped out of the course by PCC registration staff without a refund. No exceptions. Students can apply for the course prior to attending the orientation. See pages 3 and 4 for more info, dates, and times. 3. Attendance: You must attend all scheduled hours, including the first day. If you are registered for a class but fail to show up for the first day, you may be dropped from the class without a refund and another student may be registered at that time. The OSBN requires that students attend 40 hours of classroom/skills lab time and 24 hours of clinical practicum. Any time missed from class or clinical must be made up and additional fees of $75 for each day of make-up class or clinical will apply. Please do not bring children or animals to your classroom or clinical site. 4. Exam: In addition to classroom discussion, as well as performing skills in lab, students in the CNA 2 program will take a final exam. For this exam, a passing grade of 75 percent is required in order to complete the class. It is students’ responsibility to study and prepare for this exam. Any student who does not pass the exam will not be allowed to complete the program, and will not receive a full refund. Students taking the online class will have to complete an additional exam online after finishing the online component, but before taking the final exam. Online students will also have to take several quizzes. A passing grade on these quizzes will be necessary to proceed through the course. 4. English as a Second Language: You must be able to read, write, and speak English. If it is not your first language, we recommend that you take the Compass English as a Second Language (ESL) placement test. In order to be successful in the program, it is recommended that you place into Level 8 of PCC’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, which is equivalent to placing into the class ESOL 264: Level 8 Academic Communication. To schedule a test call a PCC testing center: Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 1 Cascade at 971-722-5234; Rock Creek 971-722-7300; Sylvania at 971-722-4131; Southeast Center at 971-722-6277; Hillsboro Center at 971-722-6800; and Newberg Center at 971-722-8603. Students are not permitted to use any type of interpretive device during class exams. 6. Services for Participants Who Experience Disabilities: Students who experience disability and need accommodation must make arrangements through the Disability Services office. Students are responsible for following procedures and timelines as outlined on the Disability Services website. Students are strongly encouraged to contact Disability Services as soon as possible before beginning the CNA 2 program to allow adequate time for accommodation to be put in place. To make an appointment, call 971-722-4341, e-mail disability.services@pcc.edu, or visit www.pcc.edu/disability. Additionally, the role of a nursing assistant includes several physically and manually demanding tasks, including the ability to lift and transfer patients, move equipment, manipulate dials, gauges, buttons and other complex parts of equipment, and to remain on foot for large portions of the day. Students will need to be able to perform these tasks in order to satisfy OSBN requirements. Students experiencing disability should contact PCC CLIMB at cnatrain@pcc.edu and speak with an instructor if they are concerned about their ability to complete these requirements. 7. CPR: You must have a current CPR card prior to starting the clinical portion of the course. This CPR card cannot expire prior to the end of the class. If you need to take a CPR course, approved American Heart Association courses are available through PCC CLIMB for Health Professionals and are regularly scheduled. The PCC CPR class schedules can be found at: http://www.pcc.edu/climb/health/heart-association/. Please select the term, and then select “BLS (CPR) for Healthcare Providers” in order to get the class schedule. BLS (CPR) for Health Care Provider CEU 3319 meets the requirement for this program. The Professional Rescuer CPR card from the Red Cross is no longer accepted by our clinical site. The American Heart Association BLS for Health Care Provider CPR card is a clinical requirement and you will not be allowed to participate during clinical if you do not provide us with a copy of this card. Make-up clinical time, once an appropriate CPR card is acquired, is subject to availability and make-up fees. Please note that the CPR class includes its own text, the 2011 Edition of BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual (ISBN-13: 9781616690397), which is available from the PCC Sylvania Campus bookstore ($15.10) or other outlets. The manual must be the current, 2011 edition, and it is required for the class. 8. Background check: A background check is required by the Oregon State Board of Nursing. Prior to the first day of class, you must initiate this background check. This background check is performed online by Certified Background. This background check will also include a ten-panel drug screen, which will be conducted closer to the start of the clinical rotation. This drug check will be purchased separately; the combined cost for both the background check and drug screen will be $76. You will receive more instructions on how to order this background check and drug screen during orientation. If you attended the CNA 1 program at PCC and participated in the optional hospital clinical within the last year, you may reuse that background check. However, you will need to undergo a new drug test. The cost for this drug test is $25. 9. Clinical Requirements: Prior to clinical, you must submit a copy of your immunization records, a copy of your CPR card, and a copy of your TB test. You must also pass the background check and drug screen Information about these clinical requirements is listed on page 5. If you have any questions about this requirement please e-mail us before you begin class. 10. Supplies: The manual, Acute Care Manual for CNA 2 (2010 edition), is available at the Portland Community College Sylvania campus bookstore. The manual is a Portland Community College publication, and as such is not available from Amazon.com or other sellers. It is also recommended that you bring a 1½-inch 3-ring binder, black ink pens, and notepaper. Students are required to have the manual on the first day of class. Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 2 11. Dress Code: You will be representing both PCC and the clinical facility during this course. You are expected to maintain a professional appearance (no low pants, short shorts, or low cut tops) and professional conduct. General good hygiene is an expectation. For clinical, you will need a uniform: scrubs with a "ceil" blue top and navy blue pants, white shoes with leather uppers and rubber soles, a watch that measures seconds, and a black ink pen. Hair must be off the collar, pulled back from the face, and clean. Jewelry must be kept to a minimum. There is a limit of one ring per hand, one simple stud earring per ear, no facial piercings, and no visible tattoos. Cell phones must be off during classroom and clinical hours. 12. Lunch breaks are short, so it is advisable to bring a sack lunch. A refrigerator and microwave are available for student use. It is recommended to bring something to drink during classroom hours. Anything not marked with a date and name is subject to being disposed of. 14. Parking: Please park according to the rules of each facility. Permits are required in all PCC parking lots from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday to Friday. One-day permits cost $5 and are available from grey solar vending machines located in the parking lots. Machines take coins, dollar bills, or a Visa card, but do not give change. Term parking permits are also available. You may order a parking permit online through your MyPCC account. More information, including permit options and current prices, are available at http://www.pcc.edu/resources/parking/students.html. You may also visit a business office at any of the main PCC campuses, or call the business office at 971-722-8888, option 3. Permits can also be obtained during the first two weeks of the term at CLIMB by charging it to your PCC account. Please see the reception desk for more information. 14. Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather such as snow, freezing rain, ice or sleet, the CLIMB Center may be closed, or the building’s opening may be delayed. If you suspect that weather may lead to your class being cancelled or delayed, there are several resources to check. An alert will appear in red at the top of Portland Community College’s homepage, www.pcc.edu. The college operator voice recording will also include information on closures, and is available at 971-722-6111, or toll-free at 1-866-922-1010. Furthermore, we recommend that you subscribe to FlashAlert, an alert system that will send out information on college closures via text message or, for iPhone or Android users, a mobile phone application. Information on signing up for FlashAlert is available at http://www.pcc.edu/about/announcements/closure-information.html. If the college has a delayed start but your class begins prior to the start, plan on attending your class as soon as the college is open. For example, if your class lasts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the college delays its start until 12 p.m., plan on showing up to class at 12 p.m. 15. DROPPING THE COURSE: If you have registered but no longer plan to attend, you must drop the course no later than the day before the course starts to receive a refund or to reverse the charges on your account. No refunds will be given if you drop after this deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course by the tuition refund deadline. LOCATION FOR ORIENTATIONS AND CLASS CLIMB Center: 1626 SE Water Ave., Portland OR 97214 We are located two blocks north of OMSI, in the 3-story red brick building at the intersection of SE Water Ave. and SE Clay St. Bring $5 for a daily parking permit (see vending machine near front door). ORIENTATION Orientation sessions are required before your first day of class. The orientation is an opportunity for students to have their questions answered, to learn about the requirements and expectations of the program, to learn about the background check and drug screen, and to explore what CNA 2 training involves. The orientation is free and must be attended before the first day of class. Students Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 3 interested in CNA 2 training, who have or have not applied for a class, are welcome to attend. There is no need to register for the orientation session. Students who take the online course can also view an orientation online; see page 7 for more details. ORIENTATION MEETING DATES: Sept. 15 Nov. 6 Monday Tuesday 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Information provided in course descriptions and orientations is subject to change and valid only for the term in which it was given. Students attending an orientation during a term prior to which they enroll in are subject to the terms and conditions of the term of enrollment in a training class. Students are responsible for requesting current information and will be required to complete documentation that they have received this information. Are you a PCC CNA 1 grad who attended the optional hospital orientation? If so, we can accept your previous background check results as long as it was completed within the last year. We cannot accept results from other programs or organizations. The following information is provided to assist students in determining approximately how much this training program will cost them. Actual totals will vary from student to student depending on the options they choose. Tuition and fees are subject to change. There is no tuition refund once the first day of class arrives. There will be no refund if the student does not drop the course by the day before the first day of class, even if they do not attend the class. It is the student’s responsibility to drop before the refund deadline. TUITION AND OTHER COSTS Tuition: Tuition due dates can be found online at http://www.pcc.edu/resources/tuition-fees/payment-info/ Full payment or college-approved financial arrangements must be completed by the payment date. For the fall 2014 term, payment is due on Monday, September 8, 2014. If you apply for courses after that time, you must make payment, or payment arrangements, immediately upon acceptance and registration into the program. You must drop the program no later than the day before the first day of class in order to receive a refund. If you do not complete the program, you will not receive a refund for any portion. Tuition $925.00 Other Costs: AHA Health Care Provider - BLS CPR course, if taken through PCC AHA BLS for Health Care Provider Student Manual, if purchased at PCC Acute Care Manual for CNA 2, if purchased at PCC bookstore Background check and drug screen Extra class or clinical hours if student is absent from course Immunizations – if needed Uniform – including scrubs, shoes, and watch (Described in item 11 on page 2) School supplies – including 3-ring binder, pens, and notebook paper PCC Parking Permit – please see directions page for more information Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 4 $69.00 $15.10 $15.10 $75 $75.00/day FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION CLIMB for Health Professionals offers Continuing Education Units (CEU), which are NOT covered under Federal Financial Student Aid Programs. For more information regarding employment in health care and funding options for nursing assistant training, you may wish to contact Worksource Oregon. You must initiate funding with WorkSource prior to enrolling in this program to be eligible for aid. To find a center near you go to www.worksourceoregon.org. PCC also offers the College Account Payment Plan (a.k.a. the “CAP Plan”). This plan makes paying your tuition more manageable by allowing you to pay for your tuition in multiple, smaller installments. For more information, please visit http://www.pcc.edu/resources/tuition-fees/payment-info/installments.html. You can also contact the PCC business office at 971-722-8888, option 3. We encourage you to research any additional sources of funding for which you might be eligible. If you find any, we would be happy to hear about them so that we can share the information with future students. CNA 2 SUMMER 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Please see page 6 for additional information regarding the application process. Class location addresses are as follows: CLIMB Center: 1626 SE Water Ave, Portland OR 97214 Providence Portland Medical Center: 4805 NE Glisan Street, Portland OR 97213 CRN Location Day Class and Clinical 43985 CLIMB, 301 CLIMB, 301 Portland Providence Hours Days 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. MW 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. F 6:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. MWF Dates Sept. 22 – Oct. 3, 2014 Oct. 6 – Oct. 17, 2014 Evening Class and Clinical 43986 CLIMB, 201 CLIMB, 201 Portland Providence 2:30 - 9 p.m. MTH Nov. 10 – Nov. 22, 2014 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. S 2 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.MTH Dec. 1 – Dec. 13, 2014* 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. S *There will be no clinicals on Monday, Nov. 24, Wednesday, Nov. 27 or Saturday, Nov. 29 due to the Thanksgiving holiday Online Class and Clinical 1 45672 Lecture: Online Self-paced (details: page 7) Skills Lab: CLIMB, 201 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. S Portland Providence 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. TWF Oct. 20 – Nov. 14, 2014 Nov. 21 and Dec. 5, 2014 Dec. 9, 10 & 12, 2014 Online Class and Clinical 2 47563 Lecture: Online Self-paced (details: page 7) Skills Lab: CLIMB, 201 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. S Portland Providence 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. MTW Oct. 20 – Nov. 14, 2014 Nov. 21 and Dec. 5, 2014 Dec. 15, 16 & 17, 2014 Please see below for information about how to apply for these courses. Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 5 CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS Prior to clinical, you must submit copies of your immunization records, CPR card, tuberculosis (TB) test, drug screen results, and complete the background check and drug screen. The background check and drug screen will be completed using an online service. Instructions on how to accomplish this will be given during orientation. The fee is $76. You are responsible for any costs associated with obtaining the following immunizations or records thereof. TB: Negative test results or clear chest x-ray within one year. Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap): Booster shot within the last 10 years. Measles, Mumps Rubella (MMR): Proof of 2 doses of measles, 1 dose of mumps, and 1 dose of rubella vaccines or positive blood titer for antibodies. Chickenpox (Varicella): Proof of 2 vaccines, physician-documented history of disease, or positive blood titer for varicella. Hepatitis B: Proof of 3 vaccines or blood titer showing immunity, or signed declination form. These vaccines will require dosing over a period of anywhere from 1 to 6 months and the entire series must be completed prior to clinical. If you are not current on these vaccines, get them taken care of as soon as possible so that they do not prevent you from participating in clinical. You will not be eligible for a refund if your series is not complete. If you have a positive reaction to a TB test or a history of a positive reaction, you will be responsible for obtaining a TB blood test, noting the absence of active TB, prior to clinical. You will be responsible for paying any costs related to this. If you have any questions about these requirements please e-mail us before you begin class at cnatrain@pcc.edu. HOW & WHEN TO APPLY FOR THE COURSE Applications for the CNA 2 program will be accepted starting on Wednesday, August 13 at 9 a.m. Student must submit an application in order to take the CNA 2 Acute Care Training Program. Students are required to submit an application form, as well as a registration form. The application and registration forms, as well as more information about the process, including where and how to send the application, are available at www.pcc.edu/cna2. Students can mail, fax, or scan and e-mail the application. Students may also pick up or drop off an application at the PCC CLIMB Center building. The primary purpose of the application is to ensure that students have a current, unencumbered Oregon CNA 1 license. The application does not require an essay, resume, or other supplementary materials. Please note that applications are processed in the order that they are received at PCC CLIMB, and not when they are postmarked. Because of this, there will be a delay in processing applications sent by mail. Please take this into account when deciding how to submit your application. After PCC CLIMB staff receive your application and verify its contents, you will be registered and billed for the class. PCC CLIMB staff will promptly notify you of your acceptance or rejection into the program. It will be your responsibility to pay for the program after you are accepted. If you have taken a class at PCC before, you will be able to view the registration and pay your bill on your MyPCC account. Prior to applying to the course, please check your MyPCC account and ensure that there are no holds on your account. If there is a hold on your account – such as a financial or academic standing hold – we will not be able to register you, and your application will be moved to the back of the queue until you are able to resolve the hold. If you are new to PCC, an account will be created for you. You will be provided with information on this account when you are notified of your acceptance. Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 6 We will continue to accept applications until the class is full, at which point applicants’ materials will be placed on file and held, and the student will be added to the program’s waitlist. Should a student drop the class, the next applicant in line will be registered, billed and notified. Since CNA 2 classes do not always fill up, students are encouraged to apply up until the Friday before class begins. Remember: you do not need to have applied to attend an orientation, but even if you have applied and been accepted into the program, you will still need to attend an orientation before the first day of class. If you have questions about any part of this application process, please refer to the frequently asked questions on this page. If you have further questions, please contact cnatrain@pcc.edu, or call 971-7226631. Application and Registration Policies and Tips Be careful! You are responsible for the accuracy of scheduling your classes. Student mistakes can be costly - check class information carefully before applying to the program. For billing information, please contact the business office directly at: 971-722-8888, option 3. Financial aid is not available for continuing education or non-credit courses. Refund Period for all CLIMB for Health Professional Classes: One hundred percent of the charges associated with a class will be removed if you formally drop by the CLIMB for Health Professionals refund deadline: One day before class begins. Charges will not be removed if you drop after the refund deadline. Students are personally responsible for dropping or withdrawing from their classes, even if they do not attend. To withdraw or drop a class you may do so online through your MyPCC account, or call the registration office at 971-722-8888, option 2. Unfortunately, no refunds can be given for fees related to the background check. QUESTIONS ABOUT BILLING? For billing information, please call the business office at 971-722-8888, option 3, or visit a business office at the Sylvania, Rock Creek, Cascade, or Southeast campuses for assistance. ONLINE CLASS OPTION PCC CLIMB for Health Professionals is now offering on online option, for students who wish to take the lecture portion of the CNA 2 class online. Students will still need to attend two skills lab days inperson at the PCC CLIMB Center, as well as attending three days of clinical rotation in-person. All course and clinical requirements listed in this brochure – including the TB test and CPR card, the required text, the orientation, the background check, and the immunizations, among others – will still be required for online students. The tuition charge for the online version of the CNA 2 program is identical to the charge for the in-person version ($925). Students who apply to the online CNA 2 class will receive information on how to log in to an online platform to view lectures. Students will be able to access these online classes starting on Monday, October 20. Students can access and watch these lectures at any time of their choosing. Students will be responsible for setting their own pace for viewing the lectures online. Students will be required to have completed this online portion, as well as take an online exam covering the material they have viewed, by Friday, November 14 at 5 p.m. PCC will offer two different online sections in the fall term. Students will attend skills labs at the PCC CLIMB Center on Friday, November 21 and Friday, December 5. It will be the student’s responsibility to be prepared for their skills labs by performing the assigned readings before attending skills lab. Students in the first section will attend a clinical rotation on December 9, 10, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday) at Providence Portland Medical Center. Students in the second section will attend a clinical rotation on December 15, 16 and 17 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). The two sections are otherwise identical, so students can select the one with the clinical Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 7 schedule that works best for them. After successful completion of the online lecture, lab, and clinical training, students will have their certification upgraded to include CNA 2 Acute Care certification on the OSBN’s license verification website. The online course will cover more material than the in-person class. While students are taking the online lecture portion of the class, they will also have access to a PCC CNA 2 instructor online for one hour on three days per week. Students can use this time to ask questions or discuss the material with the instructor. You will receive information on how to login to speak with the instructor, the dates and times that instructors will be available, as well as system requirements, upon acceptance to the online program. Clinical requirements, such as the TB test, CPR card, and proof of immunizations may be brought to the instructor during skills labs. Online students will still need to attend an orientation and initiate the background check prior to October 20. Online students can attend an in-person orientation at the PCC CLIMB Center. There will also be an online orientation on Wednesday, October 13, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Students will be able to log in online to view this orientation and ask questions live if they wish, but they will also be able to watch the orientation afterwards at any time of their choosing prior to Monday, October 20. More information about this online option will be provided to students who apply to it; please do not hesitate to contact the CNA program assistant at cnatrain@pcc.edu or 971-722-6631 with further questions. If you apply for the online class but decide to drop the class, you must do so before October 20 for a refund. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Do I need to apply to this program? Yes, there is an application for this program. More information on the application is found on page 6 of this brochure. However, you do not need to attend academic advising, nor do you need to take any PCC placement tests. Do I need a GED to take the program? No. A GED is not required to take the program. However, it may make you more competitive in the job market. The class I want to take is full; can you override the class max to let me in? If not, can I be added to the waitlist? We must follow the OSBN regulations for student/teacher ratios and are unable to allow additional students into the class. If the class is already full by the time PCC CLIMB receives and processes your application, you will be notified of this. However, we will keep a waitlist. When your application is received and processed, you will be notified as to your placement on this waitlist. If further space becomes available, we will admit additional students in the order that they applied, unless there is a hold on the student’s account, in which case they will be moved to the back of the queue. I can’t attend (or missed) the orientation that is schedule before the class that I am registered for, but I can attend one that is scheduled after my class begins. Is that okay? No. Attending an orientation is an Oregon State Board of Nursing requirement and you must attend one prior to the first day of your class. I want to go to an orientation now but can’t take the program until next term. Will my orientation still meet the requirement for next term? Yes, attendance at an orientation is valid for one year. Can I plan on taking the CNA 2 class directly following my completion of the CNA 1 program? Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 8 Possibly, but it is unlikely. After you complete the CNA 1 program, you must apply for and pass both portions of the OSBN state board exam. And, depending upon availability, it may take a few weeks or more before you are able to get scheduled for the exam. It also takes time for the OSBN to review your application, receive the results from the required second background check and process your certification paperwork. Please see the next two questions for more details about the timing of CNA 1 certification and enrolling in the CNA 2 program. I have completed a CNA 1 training program but haven’t taken the state certification exam yet. Can I still apply to this program? No, not yet. You must have an Oregon CNA 1 license to apply to the program. If we cannot verify your Oregon State Board of Nursing CNA 1 license, your application will be destroyed and you will not be admitted into the program. You will need to apply again after taking the state exam and becoming certified as a CNA1. However, we will accept applications until the Friday before the first day of class, which provides you with additional time to get your certification. I have taken the OSBN certification exam and passed, but I don’t have my license yet and do not appear on the OSBN license verification website. Can I still apply to this program? No, not yet. We verify your license through OSBN and cannot accept your application until you appear as certified in the OSBN license verification website. We encourage you to apply as soon as you receive your license. Please remember to make sure that the name you put on your application matches the name which you are listed under in OSBN’s registry. English is not my first language. Do I have to take the Compass ESL placement test? No, the ESL placement exam is a recommendation that we have for students to be successful in this program. Some ESL students find the medical terminology taught in the program to be challenging and therefore may not do as well on the exams. If you do not pass each of the exams, then you will not be able to continue on to the clinical portion of the program and you will not be eligible for a tuition refund of the classroom portion of the program. Do I need to take an OSBN state certification exam after I complete the training? No, there is not a state board certification exam for CNA 2. After program completion, PCC will submit the necessary paperwork to the OSBN. They will add your CNA 2 certification to their online license verification system in approximately 2 weeks from your date of completion. You will not receive a new license showing your CNA 2 status. I don’t have records of all of the required immunizations for the clinical. How can I get proof that I’ve had these vaccinations? If you are unable to track down any records of your prior immunizations, through parents, current/prior doctors, immigration, or school records, then you can get a blood titer drawn to test you for immunity to the listed diseases. For a blood titer, you can request one through your primary care physician or go to the health office of your local county. In Multnomah County, you may go to the Multnomah County Community Immunization Clinic. Clinic location, hours, and fees are listed online at http://www.mchealth.org/immunizations/, or call 503-988-3828. How is the online CNA 2 class different from the in-person CNA 2 class? There are a variety of differences between the online and in-person CNA 2 training programs. Both the online and in-person CNA 2 programs still include two days of skills lab at the PCC CLIMB Center, as well as three days of clinical on-site at Providence Portland Medical Center. Both programs also require students to attend an orientation (though online students can watch the orientation online), conduct an online background check and drug screen, and submit clinical requirements such as a TB test, CPR card, and proof of immunizations. However, students taking the online CNA 2 program, instead of attending the lectures in-person at PCC CLIMB, watch the lectures through an online platform at a time of their choosing, with the opportunity to ask PCC instructors questions about the material over the Internet. The online curriculum does cover more information than the in-person CNA 2 class. You will Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 9 receive more information about the login and online process, such as system requirements, if you choose to apply to the online course. I’ve added up all the clinical hours in the schedule on page 5, and they come out to more than 24. Why is this? Although the schedule includes a total of six clinical days, each individual student will only attend three of those clinical days, of eight hours each, adding up to 24 hours total. You will have the opportunity to indicate which clinical days you would prefer to attend on the first day of class. Although there are no guarantees, instructors will do their best to accommodate these requests. I took the CNA 1 class at PCC and also attended the optional hospital clinical. I did the online background check at that time. Do I need to redo this background check? If you completed your CNA 1 class at PCC, and attended the optional hospital clinical rotation and completed your background check within the last year, then we can use the same background check results for your CNA 2 file. Additionally, if you took your CNA 1 class in the summer 2014 term, we may use that same background check, even if you did not attend the optional hospital clinical. If you are unsure of when you took your CNA 1 class, you can look it up by viewing your unofficial transcript online at MyPCC. However, you will need to retake the drug test, as the drug test must be current. The cost to take only the drug test is $25. Additionally, we will need new copies of your immunizations, as we do not keep these after you attend the CNA 1 class. Will you help me find a job after I complete the program? No, we do not offer job placement for our students. However, some students do get hired at our clinical facilities and many other facilities in the area express interest in our students. We periodically receive job postings from area employers, and these job opportunities will be posted on the CNA job board in the CLIMB Center, and in many cases we will share them directly with students. How much can I expect to make as a CNA 2? Entry-level CNA 2s can expect to make between $11 to $20 per hour depending upon prior work experience, employer, and clinical experience. You can find out more about current wages in your area by going to the Oregon Employment Division website at: http://www.emp.state.or.us/jobs/. I saw that federal financial aid is not available and have reviewed the website for the PCC CAP Plan (page 5), but I need more financial assistance. What other options do I have? We are continually working on finding additional resources for our students to utilize, however, all of our current resources are listed in this brochure on page 5 and we do not have any further information. We recommend that you do your own research to see if you are eligible for any other programs. What is the minimum age for this program? We do not recommend this program for anyone under the age of 18 because most acute care facilities only hire CNA 2s who are 18 years old or older. Our clinical sites do not allow students under the age of 17. Fall 2014 ● www.pcc.edu/cna2 ● cnatrain@pcc.edu ● Page 10
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