After over 30 years of serving many of the outdoor needs of our neighborhood, MaryEllen Gallagher has decided that it is time for her to exit the business (best wishes to you MaryEllen!). But, even as things change, they also remain the same, as the new “go to” local landscaper is Wally’s Landscape, owned and operated by Wally Rydzinski, foreman of Gallagher Landscaping for over 30 years. Wally will have the same great people and is offering the same great discounted snowplowing service too. Welcome, Wally and thank you, MaryEllen for all your years of neighborly service! SEASONAL SNOW PLOWING PROGRAM - 2015-2016 Contract Effective Dates: November 1 – March 31 Contract Rate: $250/season For Homeowners Association Members: a $50 member discount! Short drives may qualify for even more savings: Call Wally’s Landscape for a quotation. Your seasonal Snow Plowing Contract Includes: • Delivery and installation of driveway markers at beginning of season • Plowing when snow accumulation is 2” or more (3” for gravel & unpaved drives) Turn-around (“U” shaped) drives will be plowed at additional cost Outbuildings at additional charge Special circumstances may also add additional costs. Call for your quote! First payment on contract (50%) due by Oct 1, 2015 Second payment on contract (50%) due by Jan 15, 2016 River's Edge Homeowners Association MEMBER Discount: at least $50/year! Association membership dues must be paid in full by June 15, 2015 to qualify for the MEMBER discount. Pay your dues now: Visit for payment with your debit or credit card or mail your check today. ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTED LANDSCAPING SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE Call Wally at Wally’s Landscape to request a detailed quote Be sure to identify yourself as a River's Edge MEMBER to get your discounted member rate! WALLY’S LANDSCAPE 330-626-2738 More Discounts For Association Members Only visit for updates
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