Male Applicants

DS-160 Guidance Notes for J1 Visa
Male Applicants
Are each of the following statements true?
o Have you downloaded and completed the steps in Camp Leaders’ guide to ‘Starting your DS-160 Application’?
o Booked your embassy appointment using the Camp Leaders booking guide?
o Forwarded the email from the embassy confirming your appointment details to
o Your embassy interview is less than 7 days away?
Great, It is time to finish your DS-160 visa application form online. Continue below.
NO -
Follow the guides in the ‘Visa’ section of your Camp Leaders profile THEN return to this document.
Getting ready to complete your DS-160 application…
You must follow these step-by-step guidelines as you complete your DS-160 form online. The DS-160 form is a ‘smart form’, which
triggers required questions based on each answer you provide. If you provide an incorrect answer at any point, it may result in you
completing the wrong application questions. If you find that the questions you are completing on the DS-160 form do not correspond
with what is shown below, then it is likely you supplied an incorrect answer somewhere in your form. In this case, please go back to the
start of your form and review that you have answered all questions as instructed in the guidelines below. If any of your answers are
incorrect, the Embassy reserves the right to refuse your application and may require you to book a new appointment.
Note: It will take you approximately 1 hour to complete this form and you must use a computer with a printer available. DO NOT try to
complete this form on a tablet or phone as the embassy website does NOT support this. Once you have completed the form online,
you must print out a copy of the confirmation page when prompted to do so.
Ensure you have the following information easily to hand before you continue the application;
o ‘DS-160 Application ID’ - (10 letters and digits) from when you started your DS-160 visa application.
o Passport Details - Have your current passport available, which you will use for traveling to the USA.
o Travel Information - If you have been confirmed/placed at a camp, please have the contact details for your camp available. If
you have not been confirmed/placed at a camp by the time you complete the DS-160 form, the information required is on
page 4 of these instructions.
o SEVIS ID number and Program Number - You will find these by logging in to your Camp Leaders profile, clicking on the
‘Visa’ section and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Your SEVIS ID will only appear 5-7 days prior to your embassy
appointment. E-mail your team if it is not there and your appointment is in less than 5 days.
o Family Information - You will need to provide the full names and dates of birth for your parents
o Work/Education/Training Information - You will need to provide the names, address and contact details for your employer
(if you are not a student) OR the name, address and contact details of your current educational institution. Additionally, if you
are between the ages of 18-45 at the time of application, you will need to provide the name of all educational institutions you
have attended since (and including) secondary school.
o Point of Contact Information - You will need to provide contact details for two people who can verify the information on your
DS-160 form. Two of your referees would be perfect! These contacts CANNOT be family or friends.
o Passport Photo - Your passport photo must meet all the specifications required by the US Embassy (for details, visit: ). The file must also be in JPEG format and less than 240kb.
Note: Save frequently, the DS-160 form times out after approx. 20 minutes. Make sure to do the following:
o Click ‘Save’ after completing each page of the form.
o Once you have completed and reviewed the entire DS-160 form, select ‘Save Application to File’ and save it onto a memory
stick. You are strongly advised to bring the memory stick with you on the day of your visa interview, in case you need to make
any last minute changes to your form.
Note: Do not leave any answers blank - where applicable, you may select ‘N/A’ or ‘Don’t Know’ or ‘Does Not Apply’. If ‘N/A’ or ‘Don’t
Know’ or ‘Does Not Apply’ is not given as an option for a particular field, then you MUST provide an answer to the question.
The embassies own FAQs can be found by visiting this link:
Completing your DS-160 Visa Application Form Online
Step 1 – Go to
Step 2 - Select ‘Option C - Retrieve Application’- You will need your ‘Application ID’ and the answers to the security questions you
previously set up.
Step 3 – Complete all questions as follows:
Personal Information 1 - You should already have completed this page when you started your DS-160 application
Enter your surname(s) as it appears on your passport
Given names
Enter your given name(s) as it appears on your passport
Full name in native alphabet
Only complete this section if your name on your passport is written in a native
(non-English) alphabet. Otherwise, tick ‘Does Not Apply’
Have you ever used other names?
Answer appropriately
Do you have a telecode that
represents your name?
Your answer should be ‘no’ unless you have a telecode (see ‘Help’
information in margin of application for details on ‘telecode’)
Select as appropriate
Marital status
Select your present status from the drop down menu
Date of birth
Enter your DOB as it appears on your passport
City of birth
Enter the city (or town/village) where you were born or as it appears on your
passport (if it is shown on your passport)
State/Province of birth
Enter this information if applicable (some countries do not have states or
provinces). If this does not apply to you, please tick ‘Does Not Apply’
Country of birth
Enter your country of birth as it appears on your passport.
Click 'Save' on the red bar
On the page that appears, click 'Continue Application' – You’ll need to do this every time you click ‘Save’
Click 'Next: Personal 2' on the red bar
Personal Information 2
Country/Region of origin (Nationality)
Select the name of the country, which issued the passport you will be using
for your visa appointment.
Do you hold or have you held a
nationality other than the one you have
indicated above?
Answer appropriately
National ID number/US SS number/US
taxpayer ID number
If you have not worked in the USA before select ‘Does Not Apply’. If you have
worked in the USA before and have a Social Security number, please enter it
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Address and Phone’
Address and Phone Information
Home address
Complete with current home address details
Mailing address
If your current mailing address is the same as your home address, then tick
‘Yes’. If not, tick ‘No’ and complete the details
Enter your contact phone number(s). If any of the fields do not apply to you,
please tick the ‘Does Not Apply’ box.
Email address
Enter the email address you check regularly
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Passport’
Passport Information
Passport/Travel document type
Select ‘Regular’ from the drop down menu. If you have a ‘Diplomatic’
passport (ie- your parents are diplomats), please contact Camp Leaders
before proceeding further.
Passport/Travel document number
Enter the passport number from the passport you intend to use for travel to
the USA this summer.
Passport book number
Enter this information if applicable (see Embassy notes in right hand margin); if
you do not have a Passport Book number then please tick ‘Does Not Apply’
Country/Authority that issued
passport/travel document
Select appropriately from the drop down menu
Where was the passport/travel document
o Enter City as it appears on passport (some UK passports may list ‘UKPA’
or ‘IPS’, which is acceptable to put as your answer)
o Enter State/Province if it appears on your passport. If not, please leave
o Select Country from drop down menu
Issuance date
Enter date of issue as it appears on your passport
Expiration date
Enter date of expiry as it appears on your passport
‘Have you ever had a passport lost or
Answer appropriately. Please note - if the passport you intend to use for your
visa application has ever been reported lost or stolen and subsequently
returned to you, you CANNOT use it for your visa application! You will need to
apply for a new passport ASAP and complete your DS-160 once you have
received your new passport.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Travel’
Travel Information
Purpose of trip to US
Select ‘Exchange Visitor (J)’ from drop down menu. Please ensure that you
complete this question correctly! An error here will result in your entire
application being inadmissible on the day of your appointment! Double check
AFTER you have selected from the drop down box, that the correct answer
‘Exchange Visitor (J)’ was populated in the field.
Select ‘Exchange Visitor (J1)’ from the drop down menu. Please ensure that
you complete this question correctly! An error here will result in your entire
application being inadmissible on the day of your appointment! Double check
AFTER you have selected from the drop down box, that the correct answer
‘Exchange Visitor (J)’ was populated in the field.
Have you made specific travel plans?
Select ‘No’, you should not have flights booked before visa is issued!
Intended date of arrival
Enter the date you are scheduled to arrive in the US. If you have not yet been
confirmed/placed at a camp please enter June 1, 2015
Intended length of stay
Enter ‘4’ and select ‘months’ from the drop down menu
Address where you will stay in the US
o If you have been confirmed/placed at a camp, enter the address for your
o If you have not yet been confirmed/placed at a camp, please enter ‘104
Butterfield Road, San Anselmo, CA, 94960’.
Person/Entity paying for your trip
Enter ‘Self’ from the drop down menu
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Travel Companions’
Travel Companions Information
Are there other persons travelling with
Tick ‘No’. It does not matter if you know other people traveling to your camp
or on the same flight, you must still answer ‘No’.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Previous US Travel’
Previous US Travel Information
Have you ever been in the US?
Answer appropriately and provide details as required
Do you or did you ever hold a US Driver's License?
Answer as appropriate
Have you ever been issued a US Visa?
Answer appropriately and provide details as required
Have you ever been refused a US Visa, been refused
admission to the United States or withdrawn your application
for admission at the point of entry?
Answer appropriately. If you answer ‘Yes’, please
contact Camp Leaders before proceeding any further!
Have you ever been denied travel authorization by the
Department of Homeland Security through the Electronic
System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)?
Answer appropriately. If you answer ‘Yes’, please
contact Camp Leaders before proceeding any further!
Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf
with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services?
Answer appropriately. If you answer ‘Yes’, please
contact Camp Leaders before proceeding any further!
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; US Contact’
US Point of Contact Information
Contact person
Enter the name of your Camp Director (Surname and First Name). If you have not
yet been confirmed/placed at a summer camp, please enter ‘Gloria Alvarez’.
Organization name
Enter the name of your camp. If you have not yet been confirmed/placed at a
summer camp, please enter ‘Cultural Homestay International’.
Select ‘Employer’ from the drop down menu. Once you have selected ‘Employer’
the following question/fields will appear; Address and phone number of point of
Relationship to you
o If you have been confirmed/placed at a camp, enter the address for your camp
o If you have not yet been confirmed/placed at a camp, enter ‘104 Butterfield
Road, San Anselmo, CA, 94960 and the telephone number 415 459 5397’
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Family’
Family Information (Relatives)
Father’s full name and date of birth
Enter details in full. You should only click ‘Do Not Know’ if you actually do not
know your father.
Is your father in the US
Please answer truthfully. The Embassy will have records of any of your
relatives that live or work in the USA.
Mother’s full name and date of birth
Enter details in full. You should only click ‘Do Not Know’ if you actually do not
know your mother.
Is your mother in the US?
Please answer truthfully. The Embassy will have records of any of your
relatives that live or work in the USA.
Do you have any immediate relatives, not
including parents, in the United States?
Please answer truthfully. The Embassy will have records of any of your
relatives that live or work in the USA.
Do you have any other relatives in the
Answer appropriately. Depending on your answers, some additional
questions may pop up. Please answer all questions appropriately.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Work/Education/Training - Present’
If you answered ‘Single’ to the Marital Status question (at the start of the form), the next section to appear will be
‘Work/Education/Training’. If you answered ‘Married’ to the Marital Status question (at the start of the form), the next section to appear
will be ‘Spouse’, where you are required to give details regarding your spouse and the ‘Work/Education/Training - Present’ section will
follow after that.
Present Work/Education/Training Information
Primary occupation
Select from the drop down menu. Full and part - time students should select
‘Student’. If you are not a student, please select the category that most
accurately applies. Once you have made your selection, more questions will
appear. Please answer these questions with the details required.
Briefly describe your duties
All applicants must answer this question, including students. If you are a full
or part - time student, please enter your course of study in this section. If you
work full time, please briefly describe your job here.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Work/Education/Training - Previous’
Previous Work/Education/Training Information
Were you previously employed? If you
have held a full or part - time job in the past
five years, please answer appropriately
Have you attended any educational
institutions at a secondary level or
above? (This Qu is for males 18–45yrs)
o If you tick ‘Yes’, please provide details as required. To add additional
employer(s), please tick ‘Add Another’ at the bottom of the screen
o If you tick ‘No’, please proceed to next section
You must answer yes and provide full details of all education institutions
you have attended beginning with your secondary school. You will need to
click ‘add another’ to include all schools you have attended. Failure to
answer this section will result in the rejection of your visa application.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Work/Education/Training - Additional’
Additional Work/Education/Training Information
Answer all questions in this section truthfully and provide all details as required.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Work/Security and Background’
Security and Background Part 1- 5
Answer all questions truthfully and provide details as required. Note: If you have a communicable disease, a criminal background or you
answer yes to any questions in part 3 – 5 then immediately contact Camp Leaders to discuss your case.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Student/Exchange Visa
Student/Exchange Visa
Additional point of
contact information
The note at the top of this page states that you will be ‘studying in some capacity’. You are
actually working in the US, but in this application form, the student and exchange visas are
grouped into the same category for US Department of State purposes. Complete this section
with the contact details of two people in your country of residence that can verify the details you
have provided on this application. These people CANNOT be immediate family or relatives.
SEVIS Information
SEVIS ID & Program
Log into your Camp Leaders account and go to the ‘Visa’ section in your Camp Leaders profile,
where you can locate your unique SEVIS ID number and your Program Number. Your SEVIS ID
will only appear on your account 5-7 days prior to your embassy appointment. If there is less
than 5 days until your appointment, please call the Camp Leaders office.
Do you intend to study
in the US?
‘No’. (The J - 1 visa that you are applying for through the Camp Leaders program does not
permit you to study the USA)
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Photo’
Upload Photo
In this section you will need to upload your scanned passport photo, which must fit the Embassy guidelines for passport photos. It must
also be in JPEG format and less than 240kb in size. If your photo does not meet the guidelines, the website will instruct you to retry with
a new photo.
If your photo is the correct size and format, but you cannot get it to upload, you will be given an option to ‘Continue without photo’.
Click on this option and ensure that you bring your required passport photos to the Embassy on the day of your appointment.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Review’
o You may scroll through each page by clicking the ‘next’ button on the red bar at the bottom
o If you need to edit any details, click the edit link on the right hand side of each section
o When you reach the ‘Location Information’ page, please ensure that the location listed is the correct location, where you have
booked to attend your visa interview appointment
*SAVE YOUR APPLICATION TO A MEMORY STICK NOW* Once you sign and submit your application, you will be
unable to save your application to a memory stick to make changes again, if required. This step is not essential as long as you
have completed the form correctly, however saving it will allow you to make changes if there are any problems on the day.
Click 'Save' on the red bar, then click ‘Next; Sign & Submit’
Sign and Submit
Human trafficking prevention
Tick the box to confirm that you are familiar with the Wilberforce Act. If you
have not read it, please click on the link to download a copy. You may be
asked questions about this at your interview.
Preparer of application
Answer appropriately. This should be yourself, unless someone completed
the form on your behalf because you were physically incapable of completing
the form yourself.
Enter your passport number and the security code as shown, then click ‘Sign
and Submit Application’
Click ‘Sign and Submit Application’
Click ‘Next; Confirmation’
When you arrive at this page, please take the following steps:
o Double check that the information contained in the confirmation box on this page is correct.
o Make sure that the following text appears underneath the confirmation box on your application screen:
If you do NOT see the above sentence below the confirmation box, then it means you have completed the WRONG type of visa
application. Please phone Camp Leaders Embassy Team immediately for assistance.
Select the ’Print Confirmation’ option listed below the confirmation box. This will allow you to print out an official copy of the
Confirmation page, which you are required to bring to your visa interview appointment.
Congratulations you have completed your DS-160 application form. Treat yourself to a cuppa.
Prepare all other items for you embassy interview. Login to your Camp Leaders profile, go to ‘Visa’ and click ‘Prepare for Interview’.