RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India NIB No.: REIL/P&IR/2014-15/GEN/OPEN/VEHICLE/007 TENDER DOCUMENT for HIRING VEHICLE ON MONTHLY /CALL BASIS ISSUED BY: RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED 2, KANAKPURA INDUSTRIAL AREA, SIRSI ROAD, JAIPUR – 302 012 Tel: 0141 – 247 0363, Fax: 0141 – 247 0139 E-mail: persir@reiljp.com Signature of Bidder 1 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Bid document copy No. _____ Issued to: M/s. ____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ against request letter no. ________________________________ dated __________ The bid document fees of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) has been paid in: a. Cash b. Crossed Demand Draft DD No. _________________ dated _________ In favour of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, Jaipur Drawn on ________________________________________________ (Bank) Payable at __________________________ (Branch) vide receipt no. _________________ dated ______________ Bid document issued on ______________ For Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, Jaipur (Authorised Signatory) Place: Jaipur Date: _________ Signature of Bidder 2 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India NOTICE INVITING BID For engaging vehicle on monthly/call basis for official use of the company. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited (REIL), Jaipur – an ISO-9001:2008 & ISO14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprises under the Department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Government of India; invites sealed bids, from interested service provider, for proving vehicle services on monthly/call basis. The eligible service provider may submit their bids in the bidding document purchased in their own name only. The bids must be accompanied by an Earnest Money of Rs. 25000/- (Rs. Twenty Five thousand) for Indigo / Indica Car, Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Marshal / Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Mahindra Jeep or equivalent by D.D./Pay order drawn at Jaipur in favour of “Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited”, payable at Jaipur. The details for Bid are as follows: S. No. 1. Item Cost of Tender Document Description Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred only) Non refundable and non transferable 2. Commencement of sale of tender 28.03.2015, 10:00 Hrs to 16:00 Hrs IST document (Monday to Friday, except Holidays) 3. Last date for sale of bid documents 17.04.2015, up to 12:00 Hrs IST 4. Last date for submission of Bid 17.04.2015, up to 13:00 Hrs IST 5. Opening of Tender 17.04.2015, 15:00 Hrs IST 6. Address for: Additional General Manager (P&IR), a) Sale of tender documents, Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, b) Submission of Bid, and 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, c) Opening of Bids Jaipur – 302 012 7. Address for communication Additional General Manager (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Phone: Jaipur – 302 012 Fax: 0141-2470360 e-mail: 0141-2470139 persir@reiljp.com REIL reserves the right to reject the whole or part of any or all bids received, without assigning any reasons. The tender information is available on our web site www.reiljp.com. The copy of tender document, for information purpose, may be downloaded from our website www.reiljp.com. The interested bidders may refer the drawings in the office of the Additional General Manager (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur - 302 012. Any subsequent changes, if any, shall be hosted on the Company’s website only. ADDITIONAL GENERAL MANAGER (P&IR) Signature of Bidder 3 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Date: 28.03.2015 NOTICE INVITING BID FOR HIRING VEHICLE ON MONTHLY/CALL BASIS Sub.: Tender Notice for hiring of vehicle/taxis for use in the company “Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, Jaipur” on Monthly/Call basis. 1. S e a l e d b i d s a r e i n v i t e d f r o m r e p u t e d T o u r s & T r a v e l s Operators/Agencies/Companies/Owners located in Jaipur, for hiring following vehicles for the official use of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, Jaipur for a period of one year. (i) Indigo/ Indica Car : 05 Nos. (Model 2011 & onwards) Marshal/Bolero or equivalent : 01 No. (Model 2011 & onwards) (ii) (iii) Mahindra Jeep or equivalent : 01 No. (Model 2011 & onwards) 2 . Pre qualification criteria:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. The Bidder should be registered with relevant authorities. The Bidder should have at least 07 nos. of RJ taxis/cars registered with appropriate authority in Jaipur. Five vehicles of the make/model namely Indigo / Tata Indica should not be manufactured & registered earlier than 2011 and one vehicle of make/model namely Mahindra Jeep and one vehicle of Marshal or equivalant make/model should not be manufactured & registered earlier than 2011. All vehicles should be in good running condition and mechanically sound with decent interiors with necessary accessories. The Bidder should have at least three years experience of providing taxis to Government organizations/PSUs etc. Bid should be valid for a period of 60 days. Bidder should have a well established office, located within Jaipur. The Bidder should furnish earnest money of Rs. 25000/- (Rs. Twenty Five thousand) for Indigo / Indica Car, Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Marshal / Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Mahindra Jeep or equivalent by D.D./Pay order drawn at Jaipur in favour of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, failing which the tender will not be entertained. 3 The quotations should contain two parts: Technical Bid and Price Bid. Technical Bid and Price Bid may be placed in separate sealed covers super scribed as "TECHNICAL BID" and "PRICE BID" respectively and thereafter both the covers should be placed in a bigger third sealed cover super scribed as "Quotations for supply of RJ taxis/cars/jeep" and addressed to the Addl. General Manager (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2-Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur 302012 4. The Technical Bids should be submitted along with information/document as per Annexure-I. A checklist (Annexure-II) to ensure that the Performa containing parameter is properly filled up should be attached along with Technical Bid. It may be ensured that self attested copies of the following documents are enclosed along with Technical Bids: i. Copy of details of past experience of last three years providing services in the same field in Government Department /PSUs/Reputed Corporate Sector, with contact persons and their telephone numbers. Signature of Bidder 4 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India ii. iii. Performance Certificate issued by at least one of the organizations where cars/taxis of the firms are presently engaged should be enclosed with the bids. Copies of Certificates of Incorporation of firm, PAN No. and Service Tax Registration. iv. Copies of RCs for at least 07 taxis/cars or 01 Marshal / Bolero Jeep or equivalent / Mahindra Jeep or equivalent. v. In case of partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or general Power of Attorney duly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamped paper duly sworn or affirmed by all the partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement or the general Power of Attorney. The attested copy of the certificate or registration of firm should also be enclosed along with the tender. 5. The Price Bids in separate envelope should be strictly as per the format given in the Annexure-III. The rates quoted in the Price Bids should be both in words and figures. Quotations with any cutting or overwriting in figures will not be considered, unless corrections are countersigned. The Price Bid should be properly sealed and signed. 6. Price Bids of only those firms will be opened, who are shortlisted on the basis of the Technical Bids and after inspection of their vehicles by the Competent Authority of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. The firms would be required to bring their vehicles for inspection along with original RCs as and when intimated by the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited before the Price Bids are opened. The date of opening of the Price Bids would be intimated to the bidders after scrutinizing of the Technical Bids. 7. EMD will be returned to unsuccessful bidders without interest after the tender is finalized. EMD without interest to the successful bidder will be returned on receipt of performance Guarantee/Security. 8. The successful bidder will have to deposit with Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited a Performance Guarantee/Security of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) from the Indigo / Indica car providers, Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) from Marshal/Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) from Mahindra Jeep or equivalent in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt/Bank Guarantee from any commercial bank in favour of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited which shall remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations. The security is refundable without any interest on termination of the contract after deducting any penalty/any liability of any kind imposed by REIL on account of unsatisfactory services. 9. The power to accept bid rests with the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. The Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited will not entertain any request of the vendors for revision of rates during the tenure of the contract. 10. The tender/contract is further subject to the terms and conditions attached at ‘Annexure-A’. Signature of Bidder 5 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India 11. In a situation of insufficient response the company reserves the right to relax the criteria in respect of pre-qualification criteria for the offers received. 12. This Tender Document can be downloaded from the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited’s website www.reiljp.com or can be collected from the office of Addl. General Manager (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur 302012 (Raj.). 13. Sealed quotations shall be delivered to of Addl. General Manager (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, Jaipur on or before 17.04.2015 upto 01:00 P.M. Tenders sent by fax will not be considered. The quotations will be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM in the presence of Tenderers/agencies or their authorized representatives who may wish to be present. Quotations received after due date & time shall not be considered. 14 In case the Company received offer for the vehicle other than the required model (year) the offered rate shall be loaded (decreased) with the factor of 5% per year on the lowest bid received in the respective category of the vehicle. For example : If L-1 Bid is Rs. 20000/- for the Vehicle of model-2011, then rate for the bidder who has quoted for vehicle model-2008, shall be considered as Rs. 17000/-. (5% of Rs. 20000/- i.e. Rs. 1000 x 3 = Rs. 3000 (Less)) ADDITIONAL GENERAL MANAGER (P&IR) Signature of Bidder 6 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Annexure-A Terms & Conditions (Tender for hiring of Vehicle) 1. Vehicle to be supplied should be registered in appropriate authority in Jaipur. 2. Vehicles hired on regular basis are normally expected to remain with the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited for official use from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on all working days, i.e., Monday to Saturday and may be required for longer hours and may also be required on Sunday and closed Holidays. Therefore, the service provider shall be bound to deliver the services on all days under the Annual Rate Contract. 3. Vehicle should be well maintained during the contract period. Vehicle offered should be properly cleaned and washed daily before reporting for duty. In the event of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited not being satisfied with the functioning of the vehicle, its maintenance or cleanliness, the agency shall be bound to provide alternate vehicles. The decision of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited shall be final in this regard and any objection by the service provider shall be deemed to be a violation of the Contract and shall render such Service Provider to termination of the Rate Contract with the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 4. The vehicles hired shall be for the exclusive use of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited and sharing with any other user or the service provider will not be allowed under any circumstances. 5. The drivers of the vehicle must follow traffic rules and other regulations prescribed by the Government from time to time. Drivers should be conversant with all important places in Jaipur. 6. It shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider to ensure the fitness level of the drivers. Drivers aged above 60 years will not be acceptable. The drivers deployed should possess a good knowledge of operating portable fire extinguishers equipped in the taxi, traffic rules. They should escort the officers to office/other buildings with torchlight at night or with umbrella during rains etc. 7. The firm shall ensure proper conduct of Drivers while on duty and enforce prohibition of consumption of alcoholic drinks/drugs, chewing of paan/gutka/smoking/listening of music while driving. 8. In case of any misbehavior by the driver or any other deficiency noticed in the working of the driver, the bidder shall provide an alternate driver within 24 hours. No dispute can be raised by the Service Provider about service condition of the driver. 9. The vehicle and driver deployed with the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited shall not be changed except under compelling circumstances and only with prior consent of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 10. The duty point would be Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2-Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur or any other place intimated by the Rajasthan Signature of Bidder 7 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Electronics & Instruments Limited from time to time and the kilometer/mileage may calculated for the purpose of vehicle run and hours or duty should be reckoned from the point of reporting for duty intimated by the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited and release of vehicle at the last place of drop of officers/officials of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited in the evening/night and not from garage to garage or last point to Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2-Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur. No mileage will be allowed to drivers for lunch/breakfast or for drawl of diesel/petrol/LPG etc. 11. The firm should be in a position to supply taxis/cars on short notice as and when needed. The Firm would also be required to provide additional taxis/cars at the quoted rates on demand. 12. The owner/senior representatives of the firm should be available round the clock on direct telephone (office as well as residence) so as to respond to the call for vehicles in emergent cases. The mobile number should also be given. 13. All relevant papers duly updated shall be available in the vehicle at all times during the service rendered to Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 14. Tampering of km/mileage meter/actual distance covered if any found, in course of duty will be taken seriously; contract of the erring service provider will be terminated and the security deposit forfeited in such event. 15. In case of dispute of any kind and in any respect whatsoever the decision of Managing Director, Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited shall be final and binding. Any relaxation in terms and conditions in the Tender Notice will be at the sole discretion of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 16. The taxi/car with Driver should be placed at the disposal of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited as and when required. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited would be free to use the hired car in any manner for carrying officials, materials etc. as per its requirement and the firm will not have any objection to it. 17. No compromise will be made by this office towards punctuality, cleanliness, obedience, promptness, behavior etc. If the firm, at any point of time during official duty, fails to perform duties as directed by Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited the Security Deposit will be forfeited and contract will be cancelled forthwith without any notice, by the Competent Authority. 18. Any losses or injuries due to road accident etc. arising during the course of engagement of the vehicles for the services to Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, shall be handled fully by the Service Provider, Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited or its users will not be involved in any manner and any liabilities arising out of such accidents will be the responsibility of the Service Provider alone. The bidder/Service Provider shall be bound to render complete indemnity to the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited users against any liability criminal or civil, arising on account of hiring taxis by Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. Signature of Bidder 8 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India 19. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited will not be responsible for any challan, loss, damage for accident to the vehicle or to any other vehicle or injury. 20. Availability of fuel has to be ensured by the Service Provider. Any excuse for nonavailability of the taxi running on fuel type for which order is placed or admission of charges for running the vehicle on another fuel will not be acceptable. The firm should have minimum annual turnover of Rs. 10 lacs for the F.Y. 2013-14 21. 22. All charges towards repair/servicing/salary of driver, fuel expenses or any other incidental expenses on operation and maintenance of the hired vehicles would be borne by the firm. 23. All liabilities, arising out of any legal dispute, accidents, breakdown etc. shall be borne/paid by the Firm(Service provider). 24. Legal disputes, if any, arising out of the contract shall have exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in Jaipur only. 25. The approved rate will not be enhanced during the currency of the contract. 26. The successful bidder will also be required to submit within five days copies of the Registration Certificates/Insurance Papers, PUC, permits etc. for the taxis/cars proposed to be given to the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 27. Bidders shall enclose an ink signed copy of the Terms and Conditions (signed on each page), conveying the acceptance of the same, while submitting their bids. 28. Firm should be in position to provide standby cars within half an hour of reporting any breakdown to the contractor telephonically. All expenses are to be borne by the firm, in case of breakdown of a vehicle supplied. 29. A penalty of Rs. 500/- per car per day shall be imposed if the transporter fails to provide car on any particular day or is delayed by 8 hours. 30. The transporter must have all the required clearance certificates etc. from the concerned Government agencies as per rules. 31. For each hired vehicle, drivers are required to maintain separate Log Books i.e. details of various journeys performed during the day since morning till last duty separately and all the entries be got attested from the user(s) on the same day or the next day of using the vehicle. The Log Books will have to be shown to the office of the AGM (P&IR), Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited for verification at the time of submission of the bill each month. 32. The bills for hiring of cars would be submitted after the completion of the month. The payment shall be made on monthly basis against a bill duly supported by the monthly summary of the Log Book and duly signed by the user(s) or concerned authorized officer of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited. 33. No advance payment, in any case, would be made to the Firm. Signature of Bidder 9 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India 34. A certificate to be produced by the transporter from the competent/concerned authority to certify proper status/functioning of the "Odometer"/trip meter. 35. The rates quoted in the Price Bids shall be inclusive of all expenses such as PC, Taxes, fuel, maintenance, repair and servicing etc. 36. Service Tax as applicable will be paid on billing. 37. No payment shall be made in advance nor any loan from any bank or financial institution be recommended on the basis of the order of award of work. 38. In the event of the firm backing out of the contract midstream, without any explicit consent of the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, the company reserves the right to recover the higher rates vis-à-vis the contracted rate which may have been incurred by the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited on transportation of officers for the remaining period of contract through alternative means. The bill amount of the month would also be forfeited. 39. In case of breakdown of the vehicle or non-availability or driver, the firm must provide replacement immediately at its own cost. 40. The Service Provider would ensure that vehicles registered under Taxi quota are provided. 41. The Service provider shall be responsible for complying with obligations under income tax, ESI, PF Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, Wages Act, Labour Laws etc. and damages to third party arising due to accident, etc. 42. The Service Provider shall be responsible for all litigation arising out of the nonpayment of road tax, service tax, traffic violations, etc. and other dues to the appropriate authority and also the payment of compensation to drivers and any another involved parties on the event of death/injuries/damages arising out of accidents and / or due to various other causes. 43. It will the responsibility of the Service Provider to comply with all statutory obligations on his part arising out of this contract. 44. In case of breach of any terms and conditions mentioned above REIL will have the Right to cancel the work order without assigning any reason thereof and nothing will be payable by the REIL in that event and security deposit in the form of performance Bank Guarantee shall be encashed. 45. The bidder should be registered with the service tax department and should provide their Service Tax Code Number while submitting their bids. 46. The successful bidder will have to deposit with Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited a Performance Guarantee/Security of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) from the Indigo / Indica car providers, Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) from Marshal/Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) from Mahindra Jeep or equivalent in the form of Fixed Deposit Signature of Bidder 10 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Receipt/Bank Guarantee from any commercial bank in favour of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited which shall remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations. The security is refundable without any interest on termination of the contract after deducting any penalty/any liability of any kind imposed by REIL on account of unsatisfactory services. 47. 48. If the contractor, after submission of bid and due acceptance of the same i.e. after the award of contract, fails to abide by the term and conditions of these tender documents, the Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited will have the right to forfeit the EMD or the performance security, if deposited by the bidder. Bids incomplete in any respect shall be liable to be rejected. 49. The Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason by giving the contractor one calendar month's notice of its intention to do so. 50. The payment will be made on monthly basis on submission of pre-receipted bill(s) duly supported by duty slip(s)/log sheets(s) duly signed by the concerned officers. 51. Income Tax and other taxes as applicable from time to time will be deducted from the bills of the firms. 52. Envelope containing quotations in Annexure should be sent by post or delivered personally by the said date/time. Bids sent by fax will not be considered. To avoid any confusion/complication with regard to receipt of bids, it may be noted that responsibility rests with bidders to ensure that their quotations reach this office before due date/time. Late quotes will be rejected outright. 53. The envelope should be superscribed as "Quotation for supply of RJ vehicle". Quotations received without earnest money will not be considered. 54. The L 1 firm will be decided on sum total of service, material, applicable taxes and duties (including exemption sought/granted). The L 1 will be determined on total cost basis. 55. The bidding firm has to give a self certified certificate that it has not been blacklisted by any Central/State Government Department/PSUs/Nationalised Bank/Corporate etc. If it is subsequently found out that the bidding firm has given false information or facts or has suppressed facts or manipulated the documents, etc. the earnest money will be forfeited and the bid / contract will be rejected/ cancelled. 56. The Service Provider shall ensure that the odometer of car supplied is properly sealed. 57. The Applicant should have its own Bank Account. Copy of the account maintained for 2012-13 and 2013-14 issued by the Bank, shall be enclosed. 58. The vehicles to be supplied should be excellent mechanically as well as physically i.e. outer body/upholstery etc. Signature of Bidder 11 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India 59. The contract would be initially for one year and may be considered for extension based on satisfactory performance and without any revision of rates, if agreeable to both the parties. 60. The firm should have at least three (03) years of experience in tours and travel business and in providing vehicles/taxis to Government/PSU Sector. 61. The firm should have at least 7 vehicles of the make/model namely Tata Indigo / Indica / Innova / Hyundai Ascent / Swift Desire / Ford Icon / Honda Amaze / Honda City etc. and one vehicle of the make/model Marshal/Bolero Jeep or equivalent and one vehicle of the make/model Mahindra Jeep or equivalent. Copies of work orders in respect of their existing contract with Government/PSU Sector may be enclosed. 62. Performance certificate from at least one of the Government Departments / Major PSUs / corporate, where the transport services are being provided at present should be enclosed with the Bid. 63. The firms should ensure that the drivers being provided possess valid driving license in their names with at least three (03) years of experience. They should be adequately trained in safe driving skills, should be in uniform/well mannered and courteous. They should always carry mobile phone with them, to enable the officers to contact them at any time. They should carry all the necessary documents (Registration Certificate, Insurance Papers, PUC Certificates etc.) with them. 64. Vehicles must be made available at any given time and day as desired by the officer with whom the vehicle is attached. Drivers deployed by the firm should be paid as per prevailing Minimum wages Act of Government of Rajasthan. The Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited shall not be a party in any dispute whatsoever regarding wages and allowances of drivers. 65. The antecedents of drivers to be deployed should be properly verified and their details (names, address, telephone nos. photo etc.) will have to be provided to this office. 66. The vehicle should be insured comprehensively and should have necessary valid permits from the concerned Authority. Signature of Bidder 12 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India ANNEXURE-I TECHNICAL BID TENDER PROFORMA (VEHICLES ON CONTRACT / MONTHLY BASIS) The Addl. General Manager (P&IR) Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd., 2 Kanakpura Industrial Area, JAIPUR-302012 Sub.: Offer for Hiring of Indigo / Indica Cars (Model-2011 & onwards) / Marshal/Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Mahindra Jeep or equivalent (Model-2011 & onwards) (Please tick appropriate) 1. Name of Owner / Agency 2. Address : __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Telephone No. : __________________________________ 3. Year of Purchase of Vehicle : __________________________________ 4. Annual Turnover (along with proof) FY13-14:__________________________________ 5. 6. Registration No. : __________________________________ (Copy enclosed) Service Tax Code No. (Proof to be attached) :__________________________________ 7. PAN Card No. (Copy attached) 8. Copy of details of Past Experience : __________________________________ 9. Copy of Performance Certificate : __________________________________ 10. Copy of RCs :___________________________________ 11. In case of Partnership firm :___________________________________ (Copy of the partnership agreement) Repair & Maintenance of vehicle, all taxes, salary of driver, cost of diesel & oil, any liability etc. shall be borne by the owner. Service Tax & Toll, Parking etc. : At actual borne by the company. 12. 13. Note :- Conditional bid shall not be accepted. We are depositing herewith an earnest money of Rs. _____________ by Cash Receipt No. ________________or DD / Banker Cheque No. _________________ dated _________________. It is hereby certified that I/We, before signing this tender, have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide of them. Thanking you, Your’s faithfully Signature of Vehicle Owner/Authorized Person Date : ___________Place : ___________ Signature of Bidder 13 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India ANNEXURE-II CHECK-LIST S. Documents to be submitted No. Yes 1. Annual turnover of the firm for the last financial year 2. Details of the past experience of providing services in the same field in Government Department/PSUs/Reputed Corporate Sector, with contact persons and their telephone numbers. 3. Satisfactory performance certificate from Government/Department/Major PSUs/Corporate, where the transport services are being provided at present. 4. Copies of certificates of Incorporation of firm, PAN No. and Service Tax registration 5. Total number of RJ Taxis/cars registered with the Agency (with copies of RCs) 6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) No Page Nos. Remarks D.D./Pay order drawn at Jaipur in favour of Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited 6a. Rs. 25000/- (Rs. Twenty Five thousand) for Indigo / Indica Car 6b. Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Marshal/ Bolero Jeep or equivalent 6c. Rs. 6000/- (Rs. Six Thousand only) for Mahindra Jeep or equivalent Signature of Bidder 14 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India ANNEXURE-III PRICE BID (MONTHLY RATES) VEHICLE ON CONTRACT / MONTHLY BASIS) The Addl. General Manager (P&IR) Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd., 2 Kanakpura Industrial Area, JAIPUR-302012 Sub.: Offer for Hiring of Indigo / Indica Cars (Model-2011 & onwards) / Marshal/Bolero Jeep or equivalent and Mahindra Jeep or equivalent (Model-2011 & onwards) (Please tick appropriate) PRICE BID (MONTHLY RATES) Indigo Car (Tata) Indica Car (Tata) Marshal /Bolero Mahindra Jeep or equivalent Jeep or Rates for 2000 Kms. and 250 Hrs. Rates per additional Km. beyond 2000 Kms. in a month Rates per additional Hours beyond 250 hours in a month Discount offered if the actual usage is less than 2000 Kms and 250 Hrs FINANCIAL QUOTATION (CALL BASIS) Indica (Tata) Indigo (Tata) Innova Swift Desire Accent (Toyota) (Maruti) (Hundai) Honda Amaze Honda City (Honda) Rates for 40 Kms. and 4 Hrs. Rates for 80 Kms. and 8 Hrs. Rates for 100 Kms. and 10 Hrs. Rates for extra KM Rates for extra Hours Signature of Bidder 15 RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (An ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 “Mini Ratna” Public Sector Enterprise) 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur-302012 (Raj.) India Discount offered if the actual usage is less than above Kms. and Hours Out of station Charges Night Charges Minimum Daily running It is hereby certified that I/We, before signing this tender, have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide of them. Thanking you, Your’s faithfully Signature of Vehicle Owner/Authorized Person Date : ___________ Place : ___________ Signature of Bidder 16
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