
The participants will be reimbursed to and
fro travel fare by shortest rail (AC II tier) / road
route as per ICAR norms on production of valid
travel documents. Outstation participants will be
provided free boarding and lodging.
Application for the participation in the short
course may be sent in the following proforma
through proper channel to the Corse Director at
the address given below. Applications not
forwarded through proper channel will not be
considered. An advance copy may be sent by
email/ post but it will be considered for final
selection only after receipt of the original copy. A
Postal Order / DD of Rs. 50/- (non refundable)
drawn in favour of the “Dean, SKN College of
Agriculture” payable at Jobner must be sent
along with the application. Last date of the
receipt of the application is 10.08.2015. Once
selected candidates will be intimated through
email/fax or by post to which they should reply
with firm acceptance immediately.
Last date for apply: August 10, 2015
Notification for selection: August 20, 2015
All correspondence may kindly be addressed to:
Course Director
Dr. Manish Kanwat
+91 9660800178 (M)
Application form for participation in short Course on
Role of Information Communication
Role of Information Communication Technology for
Sustainable Agriculture Development
Technology for Sustainable Agriculture
(September 1-10, 2015)
1. Full Name: .........................................................................
2. Designation : ......................................................................
3. Present employer and address: ..........................................
4. Address to which reply should be sent: .............................
Mobile No.
5. Permanent address: ............................................................
6. Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): .............................................
7. Sex: Male/Female: .............................................................
8. Teaching/research/professional experiences: (mention
post held during the last 5 years)
Post held with address
Period with dates
(September 1-10, 2015)
Sponsored by
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Course Director
Dr. Manish Kanwat
Course Coordinators
Dr. D.S. Bhati
Dr. I.M. Khan
9. Publications (Number of papers published in referred
journals as main author):
10. Mention if you have participated in any research seminar,
Summer/Winter School/ Short course, etc. during the
previous years under ICAR/ other organization:
11. I.P.O./D.D. No. .................. Dated..................of Rs. 50/(Non refundable) for registration of application ( In
favour of Dean, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner).
12. Academic records: (Degree onward)
Name of examination
Under Graduate
Post Graduate
Year of passing University Div./Grade
Signature of the Applicant
The information furnished is verified and found correct
Permitted/not permitted
Signature with date, designation of the
sponsoring authority (Office seal)
Organized by
Course Coordinators
Dr. D. S. Bhati
+91 9414536224 (M)
Dr. I. M. Khan
S. K. N. College of Agriculture
(Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University)
Jobner 303329 District- Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Phone: 01425-254966 (O) Fax: 01425-254022
S. K. N. College of Agriculture
(Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University)
Jobner 303329 District- Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Role of Information Communication
Technology for Sustainable
Agriculture Development
Agricultural and rural development.
to the participants to interact with the subject
Considering these broad issues, a short course
matter specialists and fellow workers from
on “Role of Information Communication
Technology for Sustainable Agriculture
different parts of the country and update the
participants with the latest information in the
field of ICTs research.
The population of India has already
Development ” has been proposed and
crossed 1.28 billion and is still increasing
approved by the ICAR to be conducted at S.K.N.
SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner was
alarmingly and has put a great pressure on the
College of Agriculture (Sri Karan Narendra
established by late Rawal Narendra Singh ji in
food grain production of India. Nevertheless, it is
Agriculture University), Jobner, Distt.-Jaipur
1947 and it was the first institute for agricultural
an acceptable fact that India has achieved a
million tons in 2003 but Indians are still hungry.
The food grain supply is expected to be about
245, 291 and 342 million tonnes by 2010, 2020
and 2030 AD, respectively. This poses a major
challenge not only for the policy makers but also
more directly to the agricultural educationist,
scientists and extension workers.
education in Rajasthan. Now it is a main
constituent college of newly formed Sri Karan
marvellous success in food grain production
from a bare 51 million tons in 1951-52 to 212
The objective of the proposed short course is to
create a best platform to provide an exposure to
Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner
(Rajasthan). The college is committed to
achieve excellence in education, research and
extension in agriculture and enjoys the pride of
the candidates aspiring for applying the
being work place of many luminaries. The
advancements of information technologies in
campus is located in Jobner town at a distance
agriculture. Multidisciplinary Researchers/
of 45 km by road from Jaipur. On train route it is
Scientists/Extension officials will gain
about 10 km from Asalpur-Jobner railway
knowledge and skills in understanding the
station on Delhi – Ahemdabad main line (37 km
concepts of Information and Communication
from Jaipur & 18 km from Phulera). The nearest
airport connecting the campus is Jaipur at a
The Information and Communication
Technologies and to develop an understanding
Technologies can generate new opening to
that how best these ICT tools can be used as an
bridge the gap between information haves and
integral part of Agricultural Extension. Besides,
Interested Teachers/ Researchers /
information have-nots in the developing
the studies available on various ICT projects
Extension workers not below the rank of
countries. The task force on 'India as
which are successful in delivering the services
Assistant Professor or equivalent, working in
Knowledge Superpower' emphasized the need
to the clientele fulfilling the objective of Transfer
to harness ICTs for community transformation.
of Technology i.e. Reaching the Unreached,
The agriculturally prosperous developing
could also be made use of.
countries like India cannot overlook agriculture
distance of 60 km.
SAUs/ICAR/ CU/ CAU/ National Institutes/
State department of Agriculture with
specialization Agriculture /Horticulture
/Extension and in any other related discipline
are eligible to apply. Only, 25 participants will
in such transformation. The emerging ICTs have
The course includes theory lectures
beselected for the course by a screening
momentous role to perform in agricultural
as well as practical classes including
committee as per ICAR guidelines. The
participants' exposure to the progressive
decision of the selection committee will be final
development. There are many possibilities of
integration of ICT in agriculture, for the overall
farmers' field. It will also provide an opportunity
and no correspondence in this regard will be