RajCOMPInfoServicesLtd. RFPfor HigherEducationPortal . 1. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) AND NOTICE INVITING BID (NrB) 'qz^ No.N Ir3',FF4.3(154)RlSL/Tech/2015II [Reference V+'r';qv< ttzt'd t'lo Name& Addressof the ProcuringEntity Dated:211051151 tsc/r/ o.B / 6 , Name:RajCOMP InfoServices Limited(RISL) , Address:FirstFloor,YojanaBhawan,C-Block,TilakMarg, (Rajasthan) C-Scheme, Jaipur-302005 Name:Smt.JyotiLuhadiya Name & Address of the Designation: ACP(DD),DolT&C Project Officer In-charge Address:First Floor,YojanaBhawan,C-Block,Tilak Marg, (Porc) (Rajasthan) C-Scheme, Jaipur-302005 Email:iluhadiva@raiasthan.qov. in SubjectMatterof Procurement Bid Procedure Bid EvaluationCriteria (SelectionMethod) ' Design,development,customization and maintenance of HigherEducation Portal/Platform Single-stage Two part(envelop) opencompetitive e-Bid procedure at http://eproc. raiasthan.qov. in LeastCost BasedSelection(LCBS)- L1 Websites:http://sppp. raj.nic. in, http:/leproc.rajasthan.qov. in, qov.in http://www. raiastha n.qov.in, http://risl. raiasthan. Websites for downloading Biddingdocument fee: Rs. 1,000/-(RupeesOne Thousand Gorrigendum's, Only)in Cash/DemandDraftin favourof "Managing Director, RISL'payable at "Jaipur". Addendums etc. RISLProcessing Fee:Rs. 1,000/-(RupeesOne Thousand Bidding Document, Only)in Cash/DemandDraftin favourof "Managing Director, RISL'payable at "Jaipur". EstimatedProcurement Cost Rs.200hundredLacs(Rupees TwoHundredLacsonly) Amount(lNR):2% of the estimated'procurement cost,0.5% for S.S.l.unitof Rajasthan, for Sicklndustries, 1o/o otherthan Bid Security(EMD)and Modeof Payment S.S.l.,whosecasesare pendingwith Boardof Industrial & Financial Reconstruction Modeof Payment:Banker'sChequeor DemandDraftof a ScheduledBank in favour of "ManagingDirector,RISL" payable at "Jaipur" Period of Sale of Bidding \, StartDate:22-May-2Q1 5 Dated:21 105120151 [Ref.No.F4.3(154)RISL/Techl2015 Page9 of 150 RajCOMPInfoServices Document(StarUEnd RFPfor HigherEducationPortal End Date:25-Jun-2015 Date) 29-May-2015 at 3:00PM Date/'Tirre/ PlCilg,lbf,FrEbid Meeting Boardroom,RajCOMPInfo ServicesLimited(RISL),First Floor, Yojana Bhawan,Tilak Marg, C-Scheme,Jaipur (Rajasthan) Manner: Manner,StarUEnd Datefor the submissionof Bids Online at qov.in) (http://eproc. raiasthan. e-Proc website StartDate:8-Jun-2015 at 5:00PM End Date:25-Jun-2015 at 4:00 PM Submissionof Banker's Gheque/DemandDraftfor TenderFee,Bid Security, Upto 26-June-2015, 3:30PM and ProcessingFee* Date:26-June-2015 Date/TimelPlaceof TechnicalBid Opening Date/ Time/ Place of F i n a n c i aB l id Opening Time:4.00PM Place:RISL,BoardRoom,FirstFloor,YojanaBhawan,CBlock,TilakMarg,C-Scheme, (Rajasthan) Jaipur-302005 Willbe intimated laterto theTechnically qualified bidders 90 daysfromthebidsubmission deadline 1) Bidder(authorised signatory) shallsubmittheirofferon-li.ne in Electronic formatsbothfor technical and financialproposal. However, Instrument for TenderFees,RISLProcessing Feesand Bid Securityshouldbe submittedphysically at the officeof Tendering Authority as prescribed in NIB and scannedcopyof sameshouldalsobe uploaded alongwiththe technical Bid/cover. *ln 2) case,any of the biddersfailsto physically submitthe Instrument for TenderFee,Bid Security, and RISLProcessing Fee up to 3:30PM on 26-June-2015, its Bid shallnot be accepted. The Instrument shouldbe drawnin favourof "Managing Director,RajCOMPInfo Services Ltd."and payable at "Jaipur" fromanySchdduled Commercial Bank. 3) To participate in online biddingprocess,Biddersmust procurea DigitalSignature (Typelll) as per Information Certificate Technology Act-2000usingwhichtheycandigitally signtheirelectronic bids.Bidderscan procurethe samefromanyCCAapprovedcertifying agency,i.e.TCS,Safecrypt, Ncodeetc.Bidders whoalreadyhavea validDigitalSignature Certificate(DSC) need not procure a new DSC. Also, bidders must registeron http://eproc.rajasthan.gov.in (biddersalreadyregisteredon http'.lleproc.rajasthan.gov.in Dated:21 l05t201Sl [Ref.No.F4.3(154)RISL/Techl2015 Page10 of 150 RajCOMPlnfoServicesLtd. RFPfor HigherEducationPortal before30:09-2011 mustregister again). 4) RISLwill not be responsible for delayin onlinesubmission due to any reason.For this, biddersare requested to uploadthe complete bidwelladvancein timeso as to avoid11th hourissueslikeslowspeed;chokingof websitedueto heavyloador anyotherunforeseen problems. 5) Biddersare alsoadvisedto refer"BiddersManualKit"availableat e-Procurement website process. forfurtherdetailsaboutthe e-Tendering 6) Trainingfor the bidderson the usageof e-Tendering System(e-Procurement) is alsobeing arrangedby DolT&C,GoR on a regularbasis.Biddersinterested for trainingmay contact e-Procurement Cell,DolT&Cfor bookingthetrainingslot. (Helpdesk10amto 6 pm on allworkingdays) ContactNo:0141-4022688 gov,in e-mail : eproc@rajasthan. Address: e-Procurement Cell,RISL,YojanaBhawan, TilakMarg,C-Scheme, Jaipur 7) The provisionsof RTPPA Act 2012 and Rules theretoshall be applicablefor this procurement. Furthermore, in case of any inconsistency in any qf the provisions of this biddingdocument withthe RTPPAct2012and Rulesthereto,the ldpr shallprevail. Ghairman Dated:21 l05l2A15l [Ref.No.F4.3(154)RISL/Tech/2015 anagingDirector Page11 of 150
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