Higher integration of PV systems into existing low-voltage networks by probabilistic planning Ing. Walter Niederhuemer, LINZ STROM Netz GmbH Linz, Austria Roland Sperr MSc, LINZ STROM Netz GmbH Linz, Austria -‐ 1 -‐ Agenda • presentation LINZ STROM Netz GmbH • framework for connecting distributed generation – general and economic frameworks – technical frameworks • probabilistic planning approach – planning approaches – detailed probabilistic planning approach – simplified probabilistic assessment • results from the field test area Prendt – reactive power control CosPhi(P), Q(U) – combined control Q(U) and P(U) – not fed in energy • conclusions -‐ 2 -‐ LINZ STROM Netz GmbH • electricity grid for 82 communi5es (up to 110 kV) • about 240.000 metering points -‐ 3 -‐ Framework for connecting distributed generation • the objectives of the European Union are – to increase the energy efficiency – to increase the supply from renewable energy sources • from an economic point of view of the customer, a feed-in – of 100% power – in 100% of the time (any time) is required • feeding into the low voltage network represents for the distribution system operator (DSO) a major challenge • according DACHCZ assessment rules, all feeders should not raise the voltage more than 3% in a LV-network – network, consumers and feeders share the available voltage range of +/- 10% Un (EN 50160: 100% of 10-min mean values have to be within +10%) • if specified voltage limits according to TOR D4 and DACHCZ are reached or exceeded and to enable feeding into the low-voltage network and to guarantee the voltage quality, it is necessary – to invest into low-voltage networks – to limit the installed feed-in -‐ 4 -‐ Framework for connecting distributed generation different optima: supplier ßà DSO supplier • full feed-in at any time • maximum energy production and thus to optimize the profit • small or no grid connection costs distribution system operator (DSO) • efficient distribution network • network costs as low as possible to increase the total energy feeding • to find a macroeconomic optimum supplier ßà DSO • compromise between network investment and the volume supplied by the individual PV-generation -‐ 5 -‐ Planning approaches • conventional planning approach – in the conventional planning, it is assumed that the maximum power is fed at the worst operating condition in the distribution network – calculation with the maximum possible output voltage at the MW/LV transformer (107%) • 3% voltage lift is reserved for suppliers – calculation of the voltage lift according to the formulas of DACHCZ and TOR D4 – only then is it possible to guarantee the 100% feed-in at any time – networks with high integration of distributed generation, come quickly to the limits of the permissible voltage raise – in fact, show current network conditions that critical voltage level rarely occur • a higher integration of decentralized feeders would be possible • currently assessment according to TOR or DACHCZ not taking into account existing network resources from the entire system -‐ 6 -‐ Use of real voltage band Minimale und Maximale Spannungen je Trafostation Minimum and maximum voltages of (Mit Einspeisung MS-Netz) transformers (incl. feed-‐in in MV) 10,00% 9,00% Garantierte Reserve für Spannungsanhebung dezentrale Einspeiser guaranteed reserve for voltage liI durch by decentralized feed-‐in im in NS-Netz LV (TOR lt.DTOR 4) D4 8,00% 7,00% short-‐terme 5ll medium-‐term useable voltage band Spannungsabweichung von 400V 6,00% Kurz- bis mittelfristig Spannungsband für dezentrale for dnutzbares ecentralized feed-‐in Einspeiser 5,00% 4,00% 3,00% Minimale undand maximale Spannungen Sekundärseite der Trafostation Minimum maximum output auf voltages at transformers 2,00% 1,00% 0,00% -1,00% -2,00% -3,00% -4,00% -5,00% -6,00% -7,00% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Trafostation • not all MV/LV transformers on the 400V-side are operated with U=107% – – • depending on the voltage level in the MV network depending on the transformer ratio in many local networks, there are therefore theoretically larger voltage reserves as 3% for the feed-in -‐ 7 -‐ Planning approaches • probabilistic planning approach – this planning approach takes into account the static behavior of the parameters • voltage fluctuation at the MV/LV transformer • feed-in power – the aim of the planning approach is, to increase the installable feed-in power and to increase the amount of energy supplied • at low network costs and • low amount of not feed-in energy – the goal is only achievable if it is possible for the DSO to control or cut off the feed-in power for rare and short periods of time when needed implementation of a probabilistic reduction factor “F” d ΔSa SkV Ψ φ F rela've voltage change feed in power [kVA], for PV-‐system [kWp] short circuit power at connec'on point grid angle angle of apparent power probabilis'c reduc'on factor -‐ 8 -‐ Simplified assessment procedure -‐ 9 -‐ Probabilistic assessment (methodology) measured PV-Power (kW/kWp) und expectation of the power at noon expecta5on value Erwartungswert trend of PV-‐power evalua5on of the expected values via density es5ma5on power measured voltage at MV/LV transformer (June–September) and expected value of the voltage Kernel (Triweight-‐Func5on) Erwartungswert expecta5on value Source: hRp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel-‐Regression -‐ 10 -‐ Probabilistic assessment (methodology) maximum voltage 107% incl. feed-in into MV and- minimum load electrical substation (HV/MV) voltage lift ULIFT from variation of controller and load change variation of controller UHub ULIFT Spannungsband fürPV z.B 3% voltage band for PV e.g. 3% Bezugspunkt 0% S0pannungsanhebung reference point % voltage liI transformator oautput voltage liI e.g. Spannungshub m Trafo z.B 3% 3% E = ELIFT * EPV ΔU resul'ng voltage liF ΔUHub varia'on of transformer output voltage from the reference point ΔUPv voltage liF by PV E total expecta'on value of resul'ng voltage liF Ehub expecta'on value of transformator output voltage Epv expecta'on value of voltage liF by PV E UPV ULIFT U UPV cumulated expecta5on ΔU = ΔULIFT + ΔUPV § the voltage values ΔULIFT and ΔUPV are two independently occurring values § total expected value is determined by multiplying the individual expected values ULIFT UPv UPV total voltage liI -‐ 11 -‐ Probabilistic assessment (methodology) factor F is depending on ra5o of ULIFT/UPV, so by the rated voltage on the MV/LV transformer and the allowed voltage-‐raising by PV-‐ genera5on ULIFT > UPV ULIFT < UPV Chart for factor „F“ expecta5on of feed-‐in energy -‐ 12 -‐ Probabilistic assessment (methodology) example • maximum voltage in MV-grid 107% • voltage lift (variation of controller) at electrical substation (HV/MV) and at transformer station (MV/LV) 2% • allowable voltage band (planning value) for PV-feed-in in LV-grid 3%; expectation value of 95% Chart for factor „F“ • 30 kWp PV-feed-in 1 with CosPhi = 0,95 at connection point with SkV= 570 kVA ψ= 30° • 30 kWp PV-feed in 2 with CosPhi = 0,95 at connection point with SkV= 1200 kVA ψ= 40° ULIFT < UPV • ULIFT/UPV = 2% / 3% = 0,67 • factor F = 0,6 (from line ULIFT/UPV = 0,6) • d1 = 30 kWp / 570 kVA * Cos(30 + 18) * 0,6 = 2,11% • d2 = 30 kWp / 1200 kVA * Cos(40 + 18) * 0,6 = 0,79% • d1+ d2 = 2,9% <3% (allowable voltage band for PV) à feed-in OK ULIFT > UPV expecta5on of feed-‐in energy -‐ 13 -‐ Field test area Prendt transformer station field test area PRENDT 754 m a.s.l. -‐ 14 -‐ Field test area Prendt in the framework of the research project "DG DemoNet smart LV grid“ the probabilistic planning approach has been tested 1113 m 2 70mm² non-‐isolatetd powerline and 95mm² isolated overhead powerline 67m 35 K 29 8,25kWp/2 PRENDT_1 30m 70 F 697m 95 B 6 58m 70 F 33m 70 F 5,1kWp/2 50m 70 F 4 14,54kWp/3 40m 70 F 3 93m 70 F 14 20kWp/3 13 10kWp/3 68m 70 F 10kWp/3 12 36 74m 70 F 3,57kWp/1 9 106m 70 F 8,25kWp/3 63m 70 F 10,2kWp/3 32 124m 70 F 61m 95 B 35m 95 B 48m 95 B 10,2kWp/3 7 75m 95 B 734 m 70mm² non-‐isolatetd powerline and 95mm² isolatetd powerline 9kWp/3 8 6kWp/2 branch „Prendt P1rendt_1 “ • Abzweig – 14,54 kWp Bestand • 14,54 kWp exis5ng – 29,13 kWp DG DemoNet • 29,13 kWp D G DemoNet • Abzweig P2rendt_2 branch „Prendt “ – 11,34 kWp Bestand – 87,22kWp DG DemoNet • 11,34 kWp • 87,22 kWp DG DemoNet • 142,23 kWp PV-‐Leistung kWp DG DemoNet) 142,23 k(116,35 Wp PV-‐power (116,35 kWp DG DemoNet) -‐ 15 -‐ 31 35 3,5kWp/1 83m 70 F 30 5,28kWp/1 30m 95 B 6a 8,82kWp/3 83m 70 F 1 104m 95 B Trafo Prendt 160 kVA uk= 6,2% 7kWp/2 71m 95 B 2,52kWp/3 Results field test area Cosφ(P) voltage chart Spannungsverlauf 260 cos phi CosPhi=0,9 = 0,9 kap. (over-‐exited) (übererregt) 250 Spannung [V] 240 0% 5% 230 50% 95% 220 cos phi(P) (P) CosPhi Kennlinie chart 0,5 1,0 P/PNenn 100% 210 200 00:00:00 03:00:00 06:00:00 12:00:00 15:00:00 18:00:00 21:00:00 00:00:00 Spannungsverlauf voltage chart 260 cos phi CosPhi=0,9 = 0,9 ind. (under-‐exited) 09:00:00 250 (untererregt) Spannung [V] 240 0% 5% 230 50% 95% 220 100% 210 200 00:00:00 conventional assessment with CosPhi=1 à ΔU= +9% 03:00:00 06:00:00 09:00:00 12:00:00 15:00:00 18:00:00 21:00:00 00:00:00 measured maximum voltages (100% und 95% quan5le) transformer station Prendt 2 ΔU [%] U Q95 101,7% 233,91 V 109,2% 251,16 V 7,5 % U Q100 102,5% 235,75 110,5% 254,15 V 8,0 % -‐ 16 -‐ frequency of occurence voltage Prendt 2 CosPhi (P) control Results field test area Q(U) + P(U) voltage chart Spannungsverlauf Q(U) + P(U) 260 250 Spannung [V] 240 P(U) 109% - 112% 0% 5% 230 50% 95% 220 100% 210 200 00:00:00 Q(U) 106% - 109% 03:00:00 06:00:00 09:00:00 12:00:00 15:00:00 18:00:00 21:00:00 00:00:00 Spannungsverlauf voltage chart 260 250 Spannung [V] 240 0% 5% 230 50% 95% 220 100% 210 200 00:00:00 conventional assessment with Cosρ=1 -> ΔU= +9% 03:00:00 06:00:00 09:00:00 12:00:00 15:00:00 18:00:00 21:00:00 00:00:00 measured maximum voltages (100% und 95% quan5le) U Q95 U Q100 transformer station 101,7% 233,91 V 102,5% 235,75 V Prendt 2 107,2% 246,56 V 108,2% 248,86 V ΔU [%] 5,5 % 5,7 % -‐ 17 -‐ frequency of occurence voltage Prendt 2 CosPhi (P) control Results field test area Q(U) + P(U) In Prendt 2, a Fronius datalogger was installed by the customer. This data logger recorded the control actions ('events' for 223 days) of the P(U)-Control in the following form: - timestamp of the control action - duration of the activation - minimum and maximum voltage of the activated phase(s) (1s-value) chart of frequency of occurance of events frequency of occurence -> 9771 Anzahl Events number of events: 9771 ~73% about 7mit 3% weiner ith a dDauer ura5on o0-5s f 0-‐5s ΔP=0% P(U) 109% - 112% ΔP= -100% -‐ 18 -‐ Results field test area Energie 5091 kWh Leistung 90% 6,034 kW Ertragseinbuße loss of yield [kWh] Ertragseinbuße loss of yield [%] 100% 50% 25% 100% 50% 25% >0 s 133,6 66,8 33,4 2,62% 1,31% 0,66% >5 s 104,1 52,0 26,0 2,04% 1,02% 0,51% expected power reduc5on In the power inverter recorded voltages (1 s values) show, that during the control actions the voltage values are less than 109%. If we now assume that such control interventions take a very short time (compensation of voltage spikes when devices are powered on) and takes into account the control curve to estimate the power reduction, the result is a yield loss of 0.176% at 15.83 h control intervention time. not feed-in energy amount is very low in the range between 0.18% - 1.31% -‐ 19 -‐ Results field test area Voltage liI, voltage band winnings voltage liI and voltage band winnings at Prendt 2 Voltage liI Voltage band winnings conven)onal (calculated) -‐ 20 -‐ Conclusions • • • • • probabilistic planning approach represents a very effective method for improved evaluation of network capacity for decentralized PV feed-in while conventional assessment always assumes worst-case assumptions, the presented probabilistic planning approach takes into account the static behavior of the voltage on the MV/LV transformer and the feed-in power it is shown that the worst-case assumptions only occur with low probability if it is possible for the distribution system operator (DSO) to cutt-off or control the feed-in power (P(U)-control) of one or more feeder as needed for rare short periods of time when the upper voltage limit is reached, an increase of installed PV feed-in is possible both the results of the probabilistic planning approach and the results of the field tests show that a doubling of installed photovoltaic capacity in existing low voltage networks is possible with a small amount of not feed-in energy -‐ 21 -‐ Thank you for your attention! Ing. Walter Niederhuemer LINZ STROM Netz GmbH Fichtenstraße 7, 4021 Linz Austria Roland Sperr MSc LINZ STROM Netz GmbH Fichtenstraße 7, 4021 Linz Austria Phone: +43 (0)732 3403 3182 Mail: w.niederhuemer@linz-stromnetz.at Phone: +43 (0)732 3403 6491 Mail: r.sperr@linz-stromnetz.at -‐ 22 -‐
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