Performance Independent Assurance Statement to Mondi Group ERM Certification and Verification Services (ERM CVS) was engaged by Mondi Group to provide assurance in relation to the information set out below and presented in the online Mondi 2014 Sustainable Development Report (the Report). Engagement Summary Scope: 1. W hether the 2014 data for the following key performance indicators (‘KPIs’) are fairly presented, in all material respects: 2. W hether the Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (the ‘GRI G3 Guidelines’). •Total energy usage (GJ); 3. Whether the disclosures relating the above KPIs in the Report are consistently presented in the Mondi Group Integrated report and financial statements 2014 (Integrated Report) and Mondi Group’s printed sustainability publication, Working together for a sustainable future 2014 (the printed sustainability publication). •Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (tonnes CO2e); •Environmental incidents (Levels II and III, number); •Total water input (m3); •Total water output (m3); •Total contact and non-contact water use (m3); •Total hazardous and non-hazardous waste (tonnes); •NOx emissions (tonnes); •Certified wood and pulp procured (tonnes); 4. W hether the disclosures relating to GHG emissions presented in the section ‘Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change’ on page 34 of the Integrated Report comply with the requirements of the UK Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013. In addition we were asked to check whether the report is consistent with the criteria for a GRI G.3 Application Level B+. •Chain-of-Custody certified operations (number, percentage); •Total Recordable Case Rate (number/ 200,000 hours). •Land claims settled in forestry operations in South Africa (number and percentage); •Land transferred to claimant communities in forestry operations in South Africa (area and percentage); •Saleable production volume (tonnes, m2, sacks) Reporting Criteria: The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines G3 of the Global Reporting Initiative and internal indicator criteria developed by Mondi and described in the section ‘About this report’ and the relevant performance sections. ISO14064-1:2006 and the WBCSD WRI GHG Protocol (2004) for the Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions. Assurance Standard: ERM CVS’ assurance methodology, based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000). Assurance level: Reasonable assurance: Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions for Mondi Group’s pulp and paper mills. Respective responsibilities: Mondi Group is responsible for preparing the Report and for the collection and presentation of the information within it. ISO 14064-3:2006 for the Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions. Limited assurance: Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions for Mondi Group’s converting operations, and all other scopes set out above. ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions on the agreed scope based on the assurance activities performed and exercising our professional judgement. 102 Mondi Group | Sustainable development report 2014 Performance Independent Assurance Statement to Mondi Group continued Our conclusions •A review of external media reporting relating to Mondi Group to identify relevant sustainability issues in the reporting period. In our opinion, the 2014 Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions for Mondi Group’s pulp and paper mills are fairly presented, in all material respects, in •A review of the internal reporting guidelines, including conversion factors used. accordance with the reporting criteria. •Two visits to Mondi Head Office in Vienna, Based on our activities: Austria to •nothing has come to our attention to indicate –– Interview relevant staff to understand Mondi that the 2014 data for the other KPIs, as listed Group’s Sustainable Development (SD) under ‘Scope’ above, are not fairly presented, in strategy, policies and management systems all material respects, with the reporting criteria; for the KPIs. •nothing has come to our attention to indicate –– Interview relevant staff to understand and that the Report has not been prepared, in all evaluate the data management systems and material respects, in accordance with the GRI processes (including IT systems and internal G3 Guidelines; review processes) used for collecting and reporting SD data. •nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the disclosures relating to the above KPIs in •Visits to eight production sites in Germany, the Report are not consistently presented in the Russia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland, Mexico and Integrated Report and the printed sustainability Turkey to verify the source data underlying the publication; and Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, the •nothing has come to our attention to indicate other environmental and safety indicators, the that the disclosures relating to GHG emissions certified wood and pulp indicator, the Chain-ofpresented in the section ‘Greenhouse gas Custody certification indicator and the saleable emissions and climate change’ on page 34 production volume indicator. of the Integrated Report do not comply with •A visit to the offices of Mondi Group in the requirements of the UK Companies Act Pietermaritzburg, South Africa to review 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) the source data underlying the land Regulations 2013. claims indicators. GRI application level We conclude that the self-declared G3 Application Level B+, based on the GRI Content Index included in the Report, is consistent with the GRI criteria for this Application Level. Our assurance activities A multi-disciplinary team of sustainability, GHG and assurance specialists performed the following activities: 103 Mondi Group | Sustainable development report 2014 •An analytical review of the year end data submitted by all sites included in the consolidated 2014 group data for the KPIs. •Reviewing selected evidence related to the design, information collection, and production of the Report in accordance with the GRI G.3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. •Reviewing the presentation of information relevant to the scope of our work in the Report to ensure consistency with our findings. •Reviewing the consistency of the assured disclosures between the Report, the Integrated Report and the printed sustainability publication. •Reviewing the GHG disclosures in the Integrated Report against the requirements of the UK Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013. In addition, for the Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG data: •Assessing the conclusions of accredited thirdparty verification bodies relating to the verification of Scope 1 CO2e emissions for 2014 from Mondi Group’s pulp and paper mills that fall within the scope of the EU emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) and checking consistency of the verified emissions with the data for these operations included in the consolidated data in the Report. •Requesting and performing desktop verification of underlying source data for GHG emissions from two other pulp and paper mills not covered by our site visits or the EU ETS verification process. Our Observations We have provided Mondi Group with a separate detailed management report. Without affecting the conclusions presented above, we have the following key observations: •Our work at Mondi sites this year indicates that operations are improving their understanding of the flow of water through the production processes and are therefore more accurately reporting contact and non-contact water use. However, based on performance to date, Mondi’s commitment to reduce specific contact water consumption by 10% by 2015 against a 2010 base year remains a challenging target. •The development of a new set of medium term goals during 2015 together with Mondi’s commitment to report in accordance with GRI G4 guidelines in 2015 should facilitate further focus on material sustainability issues in the 2015 report. During this process we recommend consideration is given to the specific impacts of Mondi’s expanding packaging businesses. •Testing the calculation of the Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions and reviewing uncertainties associated with the measuring and reporting of GHG emissions data for Mondi Group’s pulp and paper mills at site and Group levels. Jennifer Iansen-Rogers Head of Report Assurance The limitations of our engagement 31 March 2015 The reliability of the assured data is subject to inherent uncertainties, given the available methods for determining, calculating or estimating the underlying information. It is important to understand our assurance conclusions in this context. Our independent assurance statement provides no assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular whether any changes may have occurred to the information since it was first published. ERM Certification and Verification Services, London Email: ERM CVS is a member of the ERM Group. The work that ERM CVS conducts for clients is solely related to independent assurance activities and auditor training. Our processes are designed and implemented to ensure that the work we undertake with clients is free from bias and conflict of interest. ERM CVS and the staff that have undertaken work on this assurance exercise provide no consultancy related services to Mondi Group in any respect.
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