New Face, Better Services June 08, 2015

Past Issues
Issue 85
FIGURES YOU NEED TO KNOW Carbon Pricing Is Expanding: Initiatives Now Valued at Nearly $50 Billion
(The World Bank)
BUSINESSES Shareholders' Demands for Action on Environment Higher Than Ever
(Bloomberg Business)
There's a contingent of investors who are worried about climate change, methane emissions, water
pollution and other issues. At least 14 energy companies are facing shareholder resolutions on
environmental and social policies this year, part of a record push by investors to raise concerns about
how executives manage the issues. Check out our services and see how can we help you go green
and go carbon neutral!
Food Waste is An 'Enormous' Economic Problem, G20 Warns (Business
Around 30% of global production is lost or wasted each year, the UN said last year. This is more than
enough to feed the world's 800 million hungry people. Ways to reduce your emissions generated from
food waste include refining your supply chain, improving relevant facilities, educating consumers' good
eating habits. Those methods may take a long time, then offset the emissions from food waste would be
another quick solution.
What Will the Chief Sustainability Officer of the Future Look Like? (The
For people with ambitions of careers in sustainability, knowledge of the ongoing risks that humanity is
confronting and an ability to relate them to business practices are crucial skills.
3 Steps to Decarbonizing Development for a Zero­Carbon Future (The
World Bank)
The report lays out three steps countries can follow to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases to
zero and stabilize climate change: Plan for the end goal, not just the short­term; get prices right as part of
a broad policy package that triggers changes in investment and behavior; and smooth the transition for
those most affected.
Obama to Cut Federal Government's Carbon Emissions 40 percent Over
10 Years (Washington Post)
President Obama signed an executive order in March dictating the federal government will cut its
greenhouse gas emissions 40% over the next decade from 2008 levels and increase the stake of
renewable energy in the federal government's electricity supply to 30% during that same period.
Colorado City Vows to Be Carbon Neutral, Defying Partisan Politics (Inside Climate News)
Earlier in March 2015, Fort Collins, Colorado approved new targets to reduce emissions 80% by 2030
and become carbon neutral by 2050. Those goals place Fort Collins among a handful of cities playing a
prominent role on the world stage in combating climate change.
What Governor Brown's Carbon Emissions Order Means for Businesses
California Governor Jerry Brown recently issued an executive order, setting a goal for greenhouse gas
emissions to be 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, what he described as the most ambitious goals
in North America.
Washington State Waters down Cap­and­Trade Proposal to Win Industry
Support (Carbon Pulse)
Washington House Democrats have rewritten Governor Jay Inslee's cap­and­trade proposal, introducing
compensation packages for energy­intensive business and fuel­suppliers in order to source industry
support and move the bill through state Senate.
6th North America Offshore Wind: Development & Financial Summit
Location: New York, New York
Time: June 17­18, 2015
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