FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACTS: Patrick Mitchell, 703-276-3266,; or Jeff Benzak, 202-513-6248, E2: 140+ Business Leaders Voice Support for President’s Commitment to Reduce Emissions WASHINGTON (March 31, 2015) – President Obama today formally submitted a commitment to the U.N. that the U.S. will reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. In a letter released today, more than 140 members of the national nonpartisan business group Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) signaled strong support for the president’s announcement. Following is a statement from E2 chair and co-founder Nicole Lederer: “This is more than a commitment to address climate change – it’s also a plan to create good jobs. “The world’s most innovative businesses are located right here in America, and they are rising to a market opportunity. They’re the ones who will ultimately turn this commitment into bottom-line results.” The letter’s signatories represent diverse regions of the country. They work in industries including clean energy, agriculture, finance and real estate. For more on how emission-reduction commitments and other market signals expand our economy and spur job creation, please see E2’s new quarterly clean energy jobs report or visit the E2 website ### Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) is a national, nonpartisan group of business leaders, investors and others who promote smart environmental policies that drive economic growth. Our members, active in nearly every state in the country, have built or financed more than 1,700 companies, created more than 570,000 jobs, and manage more than $100 billion in venture and private equity capital. For more information, see
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