E2: In Pennsylvania and Beyond, Modernizing Energy System Is

PRESS CONTACTS: Pat Mitchell, pmitchell@hastingsgroup.com, 703-276-3266; or Jeff Benzak,
jeff@e2.org, 202-513-6248.
E2: In Pennsylvania and Beyond, Modernizing
Energy System Is Good for Economy, Environment
WASHINGTON (April 21, 2015) – Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz are in
Philadelphia today to release the first installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review.
Following is a statement from Bob Keefe, executive director of the national, nonpartisan business group
Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2):
“Investing in our energy infrastructure will reduce wasted energy and wasted money, while increasing
jobs, reliability and national security. That’s good for our economy – and good for our environment.”
“As Pennsylvania knows, clean energy works. More than 57,000 Pennsylvanians today have goodpaying careers at 4,200 clean energy companies in the Keystone State. Modernizing the way we
transmit, store and distribute energy – while also prioritizing renewable energy and energy efficiency
– will only increase those numbers.”
On Wednesday, E2 and partners including the City of Philadelphia Mayor’s Office, PennFuture,
Sustainable Business Network and American Sustainable Business Council will host a business
roundtable event in Philadelphia focusing on the economic benefits of updating our national energy
infrastructure and the economic and environmental benefits of the federal Clean Power Plan. For more
information, please contact E2 Eastern States Advocate Alice Tong at alice@e2.org.
E2 and the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) also recently released “Clean Jobs Pennsylvania,”
a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive census of clean energy employment in the Keystone State. The report
– available here and at www.CleanJobsPA.com – breaks down Pennsylvania employment trends in
industries like wind, solar, and energy efficiency.
Report highlights include:
More than 57,000 Pennsylvanians currently work at 4,200 clean energy businesses statewide.
Energy efficiency is the largest employer of Pennsylvanians who work in clean energy,
providing jobs for about 37,500 people, or about 65 percent of the clean energy workforce.
Clean energy employment in Pennsylvania grew by 4 percent last year, and it’s expected to
grow by 8 percent this year.
Small businesses employ the majority of clean energy workers in Pennsylvania.
Despite strong growth and a well-trained manufacturing workforce, Pennsylvania is not living
up to its potential for clean energy jobs. It trails other states with more supportive clean
energy policies. Without policy improvements and strong, state-level implementation of the
federal Clean Power Plan, it could miss out on major opportunities for future clean energy job
To speak with Bob or with E2 members who work or do business in Pennsylvania, please contact E2
press secretary Jeff Benzak at jeff@e2.org.
Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) is a national, nonpartisan group of business leaders, investors and others who
promote smart environmental policies that drive economic growth. Our members, active in nearly every state in the
country, have built or financed more than 1,700 companies, created more than 570,000 jobs, and manage more
than $100 billion in venture and private equity capital. For more information, see www.e2.org.