Leaflet PDF 4.33 mb - Cross River Partnership

Clean Air Better Business
The Issue:
  • The Mayor estimates the cost of poor air
quality in London at circa £2b annually.
• Transport accounts for 50% of the most
harmful pollutants in London.
• Taxi and freight vehicles account for 45% of
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and 43% of Particulate
Matters (PM10) in central London
• The World Health Organisation has designated
NO2 as a carcinogen and as harmful as smoking.
• In February 2014 the EU launched legal action
against the national government for breaching
safe limit targets.
The Response:
  • At a strategic level the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy sets a framework for
improving London’s air quality.
• At a sub-regional level TfL and the central London local authorities have set out
their joint priorities in the Sub-Regional Transport Plan.
• At a local level individual authorities have each established and are implementing
local Air Quality Action Plans.
  • Business Improvement Districts are contributing by taking action on behalf of their
members and residents.
Practical Action
•  TfL are working with local authorities, BIDs, community
groups and others to develop proposals for an Ultra Low
Emissions Zone to be delivered by 2020.
•  Earlier this year the Mayor announced the introduction of
the next generation of zero emissions capable taxis.
•  TfL are producing a Low Emissions Vehicle Roadmap to set
the direction of uptake of low emissions vehicles to 2050
•  The Transport Emissions Action Plan sets out what can be
achieved to address poor air quality with committed funding.
•  The Mayor’s Air Quality Fund (MAQF) provides £6m over the
next three years to support local action to improve air
What is the Clean Air Better Business programme?
•  The CABB programme is funded through the MAQF  • CABB will deliver activities and interventions to
and match-funded by 20 local authority and
mitigate emissions emanating from the taxi and
Business Improvement District partners.
freight industry in the central London sub-region.
 • CABB is a public/private partnership, exemplifying
joint working to deliver a better environment and
public realm for visitors, workers and residents.
 • CABB will seek efficiencies with other CRP led
projects such as Last Mile Logistics (LaMiLo), and
Freight Electric Vehicles in urban Europe
What will CABB deliver?
•  Awareness raising and capacity building with • Production of brochures showcasing evaluated
Business improvement District members, the taxi   suppliers of zero and low emissions vehicle
and freight industries and others, including
services, including couriering, deliveries and
workshops, seminars and 1-2-1s - tool kits and
passenger journeys.
‘how to guides’ will support this.
• Downloadable air quality apps and widgets to
•  Delivery servicing plans for businesses to help   raise awareness about high pollution days and
encourage and enable exposure mitigation.
them rationalize operations, reduce traffic and
congestion and positively impact emissions
concentrations, whilst delivering time and cost
savings .
•  Travel to work planning for the public and
private sector to promote and deliver
sustainable travel, including increasing walking
and cycling.
•  Review of taxi-rank locations to optimise local
usage, reducing plying and idling and emissions.
This will be complemented with eco-driver
training for the taxi and freight industries.
Like to know more?
CRP CABB Air Quality Champion is happy to help answer any questions about the programme or the
business engagement support mentioned in this leaflet. You can get in touch by email, phone, or
Uto Patrick
Email: upatrick@lambeth.gov.uk
Cross River Partnership
Tel: 020 79262983 or 07785660504
2nd Floor, Phoenix House,
Web: http://www.cleanerairforlondon.org.uk/
10 Wandsworth Road, SW8 2LL