Draft Workshop Agenda: Accounting for life-cycle emissions in analysis of future energy systems Location: London (exact venue tbc) Date: 13th NOVEMBER 2014 12:00-17:00 Workshop Overview: This workshop examines approaches that incorporate life-cycle emissions into long-term energy systems scenario analysis. Energy system models, scenario-based LCA and environmentally-extended CGE models are all used to examine the potential long-term carbon impacts arising from the energy system and from the diffusion of new energy technologies. Each approach has both strengths and limitations in this context. For example, energy system models such as MARKAL/TIMES enable optimisation of the energy system over long time horizons, but they lack endogenous representation of emissions associated with the construction and manufacture of energy technologies, and wider macro-economic feedbacks. Scenario-based LCA typically ignores important price-effects and interactions in the energy system. While environmentally-extended CGE models lack the technological detail that is characteristic of scenario-based LCA or bottom-up energy system models. The system boundaries and emissions accounting frameworks of the tools differ, and this has implications for the use and interpretation of the results by policymakers. This workshop will foster discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of hybrid approaches that bring these tools together. In particular, the EMInInn team will present the results of a project that incorporated indirect emissions into the European TIMES model, to assess the importance of emissions associated with the construction and manufacture of energy technologies in determining optimal energy system pathways. EMInInn Project overview EMInInn is a 3.5-year European project that analyses macro-environmental impacts of innovations in several sectors of economy: Energy, Transport, Construction, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Waste. It aims at developing an analytical framework for assessing environmental impacts of established as well as emerging technologies and will generate contributions for improving EU-policies for a transition towards a more sustainable Europe and thus contributes to the flagship initiatives for Resource Efficient Europe and the Innovation Union. Web-page: http://www.emininn.eu/ Draft workshop program: 12.00 – Welcome (Paul Ekins, Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy, UCL) 12.05 – Overview and aims for the day (Will McDowall, Senior Research Associate, UCL) – different approaches to incorporating indirect emissions into analysis of energy pathways 12.30-13.15 – Lunch 13.15 – 2.45: Session 1 • Anders Arvesen, NTNU – Incorporating indirect emissions into long-term energy systems analysis: scenario-based LCA and approaches to integrating LCA results into IAMs. • Hannah Daly, UCL – Incorporating indirect emissions into a bottom-up partial equilibrium UK TIMES energy system model: UKERC project (Hannah Daly) • Will McDowall & Baltazar Solano, UCL – Incorporating indirect emissions into a European TIMES model: EMInInn project 2.45 – Tea 15.15 – Session 2 • 15.15 Olga Ivanova, TNO – EXIOMOD: a case study of a General Equilibrium approach to life-cycle analysis of energy futures • 15.45 – Policy responses – David Joffe, Head of Modelling, Committee on Climate Change 16.00 – Panel Discussion (Paul Ekins, David Joffe, other policy speaker tbc) 17.00 - Close Workshop Contacts: Organiser Will McDowall UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources 14 Upper Woburn Place London; WC1H 0NN, UK w.mcdowall@ucl.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 20 3108 5992 Daily management: Vera Freyling Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Döppersberg 19; 42103 Wuppertal, GERMANY vera.freyling@wupperinst.org Tel: +49 2022492232
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