Towards and beyond Paris – Roadmap to 100% renewable energy Companies as drivers of solutions Martina Krüger Nordic Programme Director @martinakrueger Content Paris and expectations Changes in narrative Case study ICT (Internet and Computer Technology) sector: How we work strategically to guide companies in the right direction Bonus 2 Expectations for Paris WHAT IS THE SAME Expectations for a FAB (Fair, Ambitious, Binding) Deal yet again? Long term goal of net zero emissions by mid century Five year commitment periods Real (policy) change in countries is needed WHAT IS NEW China may have peaked coal use and emissions 2014 emissions global reduction Tesla battery storage system The renewable energy revolution is unstoppable.. Or is it? 3 keep fossils in the ground/100%RE ICT sector and the clean energy revolution Will 21st century technology continue running on 19th century power sources? Or will these companies help driving the clean energy revolution? Did Facebook care what powered their servers? Not in the beginning WAS NOT THEIR CORE BUSINESS 20 month of campaigning 800 000 FB users engaged directly with FB over use of power make Facebook ”UNFRIEND COAL” With the energy demand of the internet set to triple by 2020 it is vital the cloud infrastructure is built now on clean energy Cool IT Leaderboard GHG Saving Solutions Climate Advocacy & CEO Speech on emissions targets IT Energy Impact – reducing own emissions and renewables use Telefonica, Vodafone, Softbank, AT&T, NTT, NEC, Alcatel Lucent added for the 2012 edition Power of information Without much greater transparency on energy sources and complete emissions from companies its is very hard to differentiate between the green claims made by companies. Even for Greenpeace procurement of ICT services this is a challenge! Best practice on Renewable Energy procurement Energy efficiency and avoided emissions; Direct installation or direct investment in renewable energy supply Renewable energy credits should not be used as the primary strategy for increasing renewable energy consumption Best practice examples Google has invested over US$900 million in renewable energy projects KPN in the Netherlands has a 100% RE target and purchases from power utility that only invests in RE capacity in the Netherlands. BT investment in large scale wind projects in the UK. Apples investment in solar powered command center in Arizona and 130MW solar project in California announced in February this year Facebook commitment to site new datacenters with a preference for RE and advocacy for greater RE supply More Information Twitter: @martinakrueger
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