2014 Farm & Rural Small Business Energy Workshop “Ask the Installer”

Farm & Rural Small Business Energy
“Ask the Installer” Workshop
Stop by and Ask the Installers your Questions!
Are you an agricultural producer or small business who has questions about the potential of renewable energy
or energy efficiency practices for your business? The Rhode Island Farm Energy Program will be hosting an
“Ask the Installer” workshop on November 12th.
Stop by between 4:30 and 6:30 PM during this open house workshop to speak with and ask the installers your
questions about renewable energy and/or energy efficiency as it relates to your farm or small business
Do you have questions about:
Rooftop Solar Installation
Ground Mounted Solar Systems
Solar Thermal Applications
Wind Power
Biomass Systems
Geothermal Heating and/or Cooling
Renewable Energy or Energy Efficiency
Speak with representatives about funding
opportunities and incentives that may be
available for energy practices on your farm
or for your rural small business!
USDA-Rural Development – REAP Grant
Commerce RI – Renewable Energy Fund
This workshop will assist you in understanding the various renewable energy technologies available and the
various grant assistance programs available. For more information: 401-500-0399 or info@rifarmenergy.org
West Greenwich Community Center
(behind Louttit Library)
274 Victory Highway, West Greenwich, RI 02817
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Stop by between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM
If you are unable to attend and are interested in possible grant assistance, contact the Rhode Island Farm
Energy Program at 401-500-0399 or info@rifarmenergy.org
A project of Rhode Island Resource Conservation & Development Area Council, Inc. and developed with support from the USDARural Development
RIRC&D is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
c/o RI RC&D - 2283 Hartford Avenue – Johnston, RI 02919 – 401.500.0399
email: info@rifarmenergy.org website: www.RIFarmEnergy.org