MISSION STATEMENT APRIL 12, 2015 We, the Catholic Christian community of the Church of the Resurrection, are rich in tradition and history. We acknowledge with pride and gratitude the sacrifices and efforts made by those who came before us. We are a growing, faith-filled parish. We value worship, education, faith development, and ministries that utilize our God-given talents. We respect diversity and we are committed to working together to provide the spiritual nourishment and community support necessary for our members to grow in their relationship with Christ. We seek to become Christlike in our daily lives by loving and serving others, especially those most in need. SACRAMENTS Baptisms The first and third weekend of each month after the 11 AM Sunday Mass. We request that parents attend the Baptismal Program. Please register with Deacon Gerald Jorgensen at 556-7239. Weddings All persons who wish to arrange for marriage are asked to contact Deacon Tim LoBianco six months in advance. Reconciliation Saturday 5:15 PM. Other times by appointment. Parish Membership If you would like to become a member of Resurrection Parish, please call the Parish Office: (556-7511). MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 & 6:00 PM, Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM Holy Days & Weekdays: Refer to Bulletin Website: www.res-dbq.org For Parish Event Registrations scan here: Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002 2 DEAR PARISHIONERS, MON, April 13 St. Martin I, Pope & Martyr 7:00 AM † Catherine Christopherson TUES, April 14 7:00 AM † Ronald Pfiffner & All Souls Eucharistic Adoration immediately following 7:00 AM Mass until 5:00 PM WED, April 15 7:00 AM † LeRoy Gassmann THURS, April 16 7:00 AM 8:45 AM 6:30 PM † Don Weidemann & Scott Gulyash † Al Merkes † Confirmation Mass FRI, April 17 7:00 AM † Paul A. Dolter SAT, April 18 Vigil of the Third Sunday of Easter 4:00 PM † Charlie Anstoetter 6:00 PM † Peter & Stella Krug and Parishioners SUN, April 19 Third Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM † Clarence & Evelyn DeMuth 9:00 AM † Judy Meyer 11:00 AM † Keith Bakewell REST IN PEACE Our deepest sympathy and prayers to the families of Doris Feeney, former parishioner; Joe Knockel, parishioner, brother of Leona Gordon; Bernadine Colson, grandmother of Jenni (Mike) Portzen; Marcella D. “Marcy” Lenth mother of Janelle (Dean) Konrardy, grandmother of Nathan and Ellyn Konrardy. ??? F or some, Easter has come and gone, but for Catholic Christians Easter continues for the fifty days between Easter Sunday and the Feast of Pentecost. Our Easter season is a longer celebration than the forty days of Lent! This weekend the readings stress the importance of believing that Jesus rose from the dead. It is through our faith in the Resurrection that we find unity in the success of our struggles in life and the peace of mind from knowing that we too share in Christ’s victory over death. The first reading during the Easter Season is taken from Acts of the Apostles, a companion book to the Gospel of Luke. Acts records the activities of the early Christian community following the Ascension of Jesus. In today’s reading, Luke reports on early Christians in Jerusalem living in unity with one another. United in mind and heart, they shared their possessions so that no one went without. Then in the Gospel, we hear the first words of Jesus spoken to the disciples gathered behind locked doors: “Peace be with you!” Then the resurrected Jesus sends the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit which animates the disciples to proclaim and live their faith in Christ. When the doubting Thomas encounters the Lord, he also believes, and professes: “My Lord and my God.” In times of doubt and discouragement in life, it is this resurrected Christ who is our source of hope and courage. Holy Week and Easter: Many thanks to the countless number of people who worked in unison to make our Holy Week and Easter services wonderful experiences of worship. Readers, sacristans, ministers of hospitality, ministers of the Eucharist, servers, musicians, cantors, choir members, decorators, and so many others worked diligently behind the scenes with a variety of parish staff members to celebrate these sacred days. Good liturgy does not just “happen;” it is well planned and practiced. A special thanks to all! Sacrament of Confirmation: Please join us on Thursday, April 16th, at 6:30 p.m. for the celebration of Confirmation with Archbishop Michael Jackels. We have 88 candidates for confirmation this year. It is always good to have a full church with a variety of age groups for this special Mass. Light refreshments will be served in the social space after the Mass. Youth Minister and Confirmation Coordinator: We have extended a contract to Lugene Berning for the coming year. Lugene is a longtime member of Resurrection, and she is eager undertake this new responsibility. Lugene has started to work with Angela Thomas and we look forward to welcoming her full time in July. Lugene and her husband Keith are the parents of five children: Luke, Sam, Jacob, Zach and Tessa. May God bless you and your families during this Easter Season! Father Joe Hauer, Pastor BAPTISMS Congratulations to the parents and family of Abigail Lynn Krausman, baptized on the weekend of April 5. May our faith community of Resurrection provide Christian witness to Abigail, and assist her to grow in her faith. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Have you experienced a sense of peace in your life during a difficult time? Do you attribute this to the working of the Holy Spirit? Readings: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20-19-31 For daily and Sunday readings go to http://www.usccb.org Then click the date for the readings you want. ??? April 12, 2015 ■ Second Sunday of Easter IN THE PARISH Young Adults! Resurrection Young Adult Ministry is sponsoring an afternoon of Dodgeball on Sunday, April 12th, from 2-4 pm in the Resurrection School Gym. All Young Adults (19-39) are encouraged to come out and play. This event is free. Please enter Door #2 at the School. Parish Directory A big thank you to all who participated in the 2015 Parish Photo Directory. A reminder that all submittals are due in the office no later than April 17th. If anyone does not want their address or phone number listed in the book please call the Parish Office (556-7511) and speak to Patrick. Bereavement Our health ministry team will be offering a Bereavement series for anyone who has had a loved one die. These sessions are most supportive, because of the information you receive about grieving, but also, it is very helpful to realize that others are experiencing what you are going through. The six sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the Upper Room, beginning April 28th. Please call the Parish Office to register so that materials can be prepared for you. Call Ellen if you have questions. 556-7511. Are you a Divorced Catholic Considering an Annulment? On Tuesday evening, April 14, at 7:30 pm in the Upper Room, Fr. Hauer will host an information evening for those considering an annulment following a divorce. Come deepen your understanding of the church’s teaching on marriage and divorce, see the spiritual and emotional benefits of the process and identify what you need to do to get started. OKOLONA MISSISSIPPI Parish Summer Service trip to OKOLONA, Mississippi. Join a group of fellow parishioners from Resurrection who will experience the African American culture while working with children in a summer enrichment program, working in a second-hand clothing store, visiting the elderly, or helping with light maintenance work. The service trip to Okolona will be from June 20-27, 2015. Please email or call Ellen Patch if you are interested in making this very worthwhile trip. dbq058s1@dbqarch.org or 556-7511. STEWARDSHIP The Christian community described in Acts understood and practiced total stewardship. St. Paul reports that the believers did not claim anything as their own, but held everything in common, and distributed to each whatever was needed. Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve. Teach me to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to seek reward, save that of knowing that I do Your will. St. Ignatius of Loyola 3 STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Interested in a fabulous service opportunity? Our partner parish, St. Ignatius, on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota needs our help. You are invited to join us from May 30-June 4. We will be working on church grounds and continuing to foster our spiritual relationship with St. Ignatius parishioners. Adults and mature high school students are welcome! Please contact Craig Schaefer at schaeferfam@mchsi.com or 563-599-4999 for details. Partner parish Next weekend, April 19, we will celebrate our Partner Parish relationship. We ask you to remember our Lakota brothers and sisters on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in prayer. Members of our parish will be at each entrance as you leave Mass to receive donations to support our partner parish. Please be generous. GREEN TEAM EARTH DAY ACTION: Keep polluted water out of local streams! The five forks of Catfish Creek (CC) are currently on the EPA’s threatened waters for E.coli, and pollution controls in the CC Watershed are not sufficient to maintain water quality standards. Here are things to do to improve our local waterways. • Use fertilizers/lawn chemicals sparingly and sweep extra fertilizer from your driveway. • Pick up after pets: pet waste contains bacteria that pollutes water • Take your car to a car wash. For home-washing, do it on your lawn to keep soapy water from leaving your property. • Promptly clean up spills of oil/antifreeze to prevent these toxins from washing into the street/storm drain. Resource: www.cityofdubuque.org/beebranch OR www.catfishcreekwatershed.org HEALTH MINISTRY Senior Social We will have our next senior social on Monday, April 20th, from 11:30-1:30 in the Church Social Space. Kathy Schrack will make lunch for us: chicken salad sandwiches, salads, and strawberry/angel food cake dessert. Cost of the lunch is $5.00. We will play cards and socialize after lunch. Please call the Parish Office to register or sign up on the bulletin board in the church entrance by April 17th to let us know you are coming. Information on Alzheimer’s On Tuesday, April 14th, 3-4 pm at Resurrection in the Church Social Space, the Alzheimer's Association will present “Effective Communication Strategies for Dementia Caregivers.” Learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia, and identify strategies to help connect and communicate at each stage of the disease. If you have questions, call Mary @ 556-7511. Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002 4 YOUTH MINISTRY/CONFIRMATION Angela Thomas, Youth Ministry/Confirmation Coordinator Confirmation Reminders April 15th: Confirmation Rehearsal for Candidates and Sponsors, 6:30-7:30 in the Church April 16th: Confirmation Mass & Reception, 6:30. All are welcome. TALK RADIO FOR CATHOLICS IS FINALLY HERE. KCRD LP IS ON 98.3 FM. TUNE IT IN FOR GREAT CATHOLIC LISTENING 24 hours every day! MUSIC & LITURGY “Seeing is believing. “ Never was there a statement that could be more wrong. Belief and faith are all about trusting and hoping in something that we can not prove, or know, or even fathom. This week’s Gospel of Thomas, the apostle who could not believe Jesus had risen from the dead without seeing nail marks in his hands and touching the wound in his side, is proclaimed every year on the Second Sunday of Easter. It is the perfect lesson for all of us who have not seen, yet want to believe so badly in the Risen Lord. Questioning your faith or even doubting, as Thomas did, is part of our spiritual journey. When we find ourselves in that space, perhaps we can hold on to the words of today’s Gospel: “Blessed are those who have not seen, and believe.” I also love the words to Marty Haugen’s hymn “We Walk By Faith:” “Help then O Lord, our unbelief, and may our faith abound; to call on you when you are near, and seek where you are found.” FAITH FORMATION A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches, “Blessed are those who have not seen and believe.” Accepting someone as they are, without demanding they prove themselves or meet our expectations, creates a rich relationship. Without acceptance, a home is only a house and a family is just a group of house mates. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Reminder: Easter lasts for 50 days! (Lent was only 40.) A lesson that joy will have the last word. Mercy prevails! How can you and your spouse practice being joyful this Easter season? RESURRECTION SCHOOL CORNER: DENISE GRANT Due to demand, we are pleased to announce that Resurrection School is opening a third AM PreK class for the 2015-2016 school year. We now have openings in both 3 hour PreK and 5 hour PreK. For more information, including registration, please call our Early Childhood program at 583-5206 or email Ann Willenbring at awillenbring@holyfamilydbq.org. An information night about our Early Childhood and Kindergarten programs will be held on Thursday, April 16, from 6:00-7:00 in the school multi-purpose room. Child care is provided. All are welcome! Amy Dolan Music and Liturgy Ann Knier Director of Religious Education Summer Opportunities for Children We have several opportunities for children to grow in their faith as they take a break from other courses. Summer Religious Education Registration: Now open for classes to be held June 8-11 & 15-18. (6th grade is full) This program replaces attendance during our school year program. See the Resurrection website for session details. Vacation Bible School: Save the date! VBS will be held the week of July 6th. Totus Tuus: Catholic Summer Camp Totus Tuus is coming to Dubuque! Hosted at St. Anthony's Parish on June 15-19 and open to all Dubuque parishioners, Totus Tuus means "Totally Yours!" and was the motto of St. John Paul II. It signifies our desire to give ourselves totally to Jesus through Mary, his mother. Participants will be led by a team of four dynamic college students who are on fire for their faith. Eucharistic worship, catechesis, evangelization, sacraments, and fun will light the fire for faith and increase participants’ desire to deepen their relationship with God. Students entering grades 1-6 in the 2015-2016 school year can participate in the day program, Monday - Friday, June 15-19 from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Students will be asked to bring their own lunches, but snacks and drinks will be provided. The cost for the program is only $20! Spots are limited as this summer camp is open to all of Dubuque. Register at: http://www.stanthony-dubuque.org/Totus-Tuus April 12, 2015 ■ Second Sunday of Easter PARISH SUPPORT Adult tithe for April 5, 2015 Weekly contributions needed…………………….$28,212.00 Collected from 279 out of 2365 envelopes………..$16,421.33 Offertory…………………………………………..$1,963.93 Electronic Fund Transfer (117 envelopes)………...$28,693.83 Total collected ……………………………………$47,079.09 YTD collections needed (7/1-4/5……………..$1,156,692.00 YTD collected in envelopes (7/1-4/5)………...$1,225,309.90 YTD total over/short ……………………………...$68,617.90 K-12 tithe for April 5, 2015 Weekly contributions needed………………………….$57.69 Amount collected from 45 envelopes…………………..$79.07 YTD collections needed (7/1-4/5)………………….$2,307.60 YTD collected in envelopes (7/1-4/5)………………$2,032.25 YTD total over/short…………………………………($275.35) Rice Bowl Collection……………………………………$716.27 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Collection………………...$1,234.13 Good Friday/Holy Land Collection…………………..$1,266.21 Easter Collection YTD……………………………….$35,701.98 Have you remembered Resurrection in your will? Thank you for your support! SCRIP The next SCRIP order date is Monday, April 13. Orders must be received by 10:00 AM ON MONDAY. On March 30 there were 118 Scrip orders with profits of $1,853.66. If you are not currently involved with the SCRIP program, please consider it. Order forms are available in the parish office or on the Holy Family website. If you choose, 75% of the total profit of your order will go to your choice of your Holy Family, Religious Education, Confirmation, or Early Childhood account. The other 25% will go to Resurrection Parish. You may also choose to have your entire 100% go to Resurrection Parish. Resurrection Parish needs every family to join this parish-wide fundraising program. If you have any questions, call the parish office at 556-7511. Call today! Buy fair trade products By purchasing fairly traded products, you are ensuring that farmers receive a fair price, have access to affordable credit, and are able to support their families and invest in their communities. Please pick up an order form from the back of church or order through Scrip. Coffees, teas, and cocoa are available in lots of delicious flavors. Prices are better than the grocery store for Fair Trade items. Any questions, call Molly Burger at 583-6587. Brought to you by your Resurrection Social Justice Committee. AROUND TOWN Franciscan Common Venture – a volunteer program sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, provides the opportunity for persons age 20+ to contribute their time, commitment, and talent in service among people who are poor. If interested, contact Sr. Michelle Balek, OSF; 3390 Windsor Ave; Dubuque IA 52001; Phone: 563-583-9786. 5 ACTIVITIES & MEETINGS Parish Offices are closed Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday. M O N D A Y , A p r il 1 3 10:00 AM SCRIP Due ............................. Parish Office 3:15 PM Children’s Choir .........School Music Room No Bell Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM Liturgy Committee ................ Upper Room 7:30 PM Scripture Sharing ...................... 2nd Floor T U ES D A Y , A p ri l 1 4 10:30 AM Rosary Makers ...................... Upper Room 3:00 PM Alzheimer’s Class ....Church Social Space 6:30 PM Scout Meeting ........................ School Gym 6:30 PM Faith Formation ..................... Upper Room W E D N ES D A Y , A p ril 1 5 5:15 PM Hand Chime Choir ........................... Church 6:30 PM Religious Education ......................... School 6:30 PM Confirmation Rehearsal ................. Church 6:30 PM RCIA ........................................ Upper Room 7:00 PM Stewardship Meeting...St. George Room T H U R S D A Y , A p ri l 1 6 6:30 AM M.E.S.S. ........... Lower Level Social Space 9:00 AM Scripture Sharing ...................... 2nd Floor 6:30 PM St. Vincent de Paul ...... St. George Room 6:30 PM Confirmation Mass .......................... Church 7:00 PM Young Adult Group .................. 2nd Floor F R I D A Y , A p ril 1 7 6:30 AM Friday F.I.R.E.S..................... 2nd Floor S A T U R D A Y , A pr il 1 8 8:00 AM Electronic Collection ... Lower Parking Lot 9:00 AM First Eucharist Pictures..................... Church S U N D A Y , A pr il 1 9 No Meetings The next Baptismal Preparation Class will be 7:00 -9:00 PM on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, in the St. George Room. To register and to get more information, call Deacon Jerry Jorgensen at 5567239. Attendance is requested prior to baptism. EASTER FLOWERS IN MEMORY OF: Judy Kraus Kelly Makovec SPRING CLEAN-UP FOR MT. CALVARY AND MT. OLIVET CEMETERIES The annual Spring Clean-up will begin on Monday, April 20, and run through Friday, April 24, 2015. Please remove all items and decorations you wish to save no later than Sunday, April 19. All items not removed will be discarded. Cemetery Management requests that no decorations or plantings be placed on grave sites until Saturday, April 25, 2015. Check Cemetery Regulations before placing decorations to avoid losing items that do not conform. Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002 6 CONTACT US Parish Office: (563)556-7511 Website: www.res.dbq.org PARISH STAFF Priests Rev. Joseph L. Hauer, Pastor, Ext 222 ........ DBQ058@dbqarch.org Rev. Mark D. Murphy, Associate Pastor, Ext 213 ......................... DBQ058AP@dbqarch.org Deacon Deacon Gerald Jorgensen .......................DBQCMTAUD@dbqarch.org Deacon & Pastoral Associate Deacon Tim LoBianco, Ext 230 ...................DBQ058D@dbqarch.org Deacon Deacon Jim Schmidt ................................... DBQ058D2@dbqarch.org Pastoral Associate Ellen Patch, Ext 217 ................................... DBQ058S1@dbqarch.org Music & Liturgy Coordinator Amy Dolan, Ext 212 ................................... DBQ058S2@dbqarch.org Director of Religious Education Ann Knier, Ext 214 ...................................... DBQ058RE@dbqarch.org Youth Ministry & Confirmation Coordinator Angela Thomas, Ext 216 .......................... DBQ058YM@dbqarch.org VOCATION VIEWS EVERY VOCATION IS ONE THOUSAND INVITATIONS Peace be with you. The Lord gives us his Easter peace. Share that peace with someone who needs it. (Luke 24:35-48) Please pray for all seminarians of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, and for those in formation for religious life and the diaconate. It is our prayer that more young people will consider God’s call to Religious Life, and that they will say “yes” for the glory of God, for the benefit of the Church and, as Pope Francis has said, to wake up the world to the values preached by Jesus. “O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” (Official Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life) Resurrection Site Principal Denise Grant ............................................. dgrant@holyfamilydbq.org Communication & Volunteer Coordinator HOLY FAMILY Patrick Andera, Ext 219 ........................... DBQ058S4@dbqarch.org Second Chances Business Manager Second Chances is currently in need of furniture to sell at the store. If anyone has furniture that is in good condition and is no longer in use, please consider either consigning or donating it to Second Chances. They are also in need of volunteers to help out at the store. Most volunteers work 2-4 hours per month - a very small time commitment with a great amount of flexibility. Some duties include organizing, decorating, interacting with customers, etc. If interested, please call the store at 563-583-5474. Deb Kalb, Ext 218 ..................................... DBQ058S3@dbqarch.org Bookkeeper Judy Tigges, Ext 231 ................................. DBQ058BK@dbqarch.org Parish Nurse Mary Schmidt, RN, Ext 232 ........................ DBQ058N@dbqarch.org Parish Visitor Christy Whiteman, Ext 217 ...................... DBQ058S5@dbqarch.org Secretary Mary Jo Dalsing, Ext 210 ......................... DBQ058sec@dbqarch.org SCHOOL Holy Family School Central Administration Office ................................................582-5456 Resurrection Site School Office .............................................................................583-9488 Preschool/Daycare Office .....................................................583-5206 RESURRECTION PRAYER CHAIN Karen Meyer .............................................................................588-3547 Marge Kane ........................ 583-2149, Resprayerchain@gmail.com PARISH CHAIRPERSONS Parish Council, Rick Cummer ...............................................513-6440 Finance Council, Kathy Abba .............................................583-5682 Holy Family Board of Education, Gina Moran ................557-3869 Faith Formation Commission, Andy Benko .....................556-3272 Liturgy Committee, Chris Smialek .......................................513-2210 Parish Life Committee, Ron & Mary Dankert ..................556-7753 Social Justice Committee, Tim & Mary Moothart ...........557-7289 St. Vincent de Paul Society, Dianne Walke ......................556-1102 Vocations Committee, Terry Friedman .............................556-3121 JUSTICE JOGGER "[Jesus] stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you'.” Luke 24: 35-36 Pope Francis’ Easter message: We ask you, Lord Jesus, to put an end to all war and every conflict, whether great or small, ancient or recent. • We pray in a particular way for Syria, beloved Syria, that all those suffering the effects of the conflict can receive needed humanitarian aid . . . [and] boldly negotiate the peace long awaited and long overdue! • Jesus, Lord of glory, we ask you to comfort the victims of fratricidal acts of violence in Iraq and to sustain the hopes raised by the resumption of negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. • We beg for an end to the conflicts in the Central African Republic and a halt to the brutal terrorist attacks in parts of Nigeria and the acts of violence in South Sudan . . . • Lord, we pray to you for all the peoples of the earth: you who have conquered death, grant us your life, grant us your peace! Urbi et Orbi, 2015 April 12, 2015 ■ Second Sunday of Lent PHOTO OF THE WEEK Congratulations to all those who received sacraments at the Easter Vigil: Anthony Kasparec, Riley Dolter, Damon Melde, Cameron Dolter, Caleb Melde, Jeff Schneider, Arianna Solinger, Amanda Lawson, Heather Thill, Bennett Dolter, Kristin Wagner, Jet Solinger, Jenica Solinger, Kacie Owens, and Taylor Owens. 7 Resurrection Church Invites Children to Everest VBS: Conquering Challenges With God’s Mighty Power! Monday, July 6 - Friday, July 10; 9:00 am - Noon A summer kids’ event called Everest VBS will be hosted at Resurrection School from Monday, July 6 – Friday, July 10. At Everest, kids discover what it means to hold on to God’s mighty power in everyday life. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s love, test out some Sciency-Fun Gizmos and create some crafts. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Summit Celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special time at 11:30. Everest is for kids from age 4 to 5 th grade and will run from 9:00 a.m. – Noon each day. For more information and online registration, visit the Resurrection Website at http://res-dbq.org/ We are also looking for Crew and Station Leaders from 6th – high school. Please register on line for crew and station leaders also.
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