Category R RESEARCH PROJECTS Australian Catholic University University Only Research Data Collection Category (circle one): Collection Year: R1 Other Externally Funded R2 ACU Funded Staff Research Year of the Project: R3 Unfunded Staff Research Projects Academic Organisational Unit (AOU) of Research Project: (School/Faculty/Research Centre) ResearchMaster Ref No: RDCC Use Only SECTION A: DETAILS OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT All persons working on research project, beginning with Principal Researcher: Title Surname Given Names Institution (leave blank if ACU) Country (leave blank if Australia) ACU HDR Student? (YES/NO) Title of the Project Project Status in the Year of the Project* A = Active; E = Ended; I = Inactive; R = Resumed For R1 projects Name of the institution administering the external funding if not ACU Name of Funding Body If ACU administered any part of the funding during the Year of the Project*, identify the full account code. T1 Code T2 Code T3 Code For R2 projects Please identify the Faculty or Unit and Scheme or Program that provided the funding. For example, ODCVR / Research Awards for Female Academic Staff * The Year of the Project refers to the year you have specified in the field Year of the Project at the top of this page. 1 of 2 SECTION B: CLASSIFICATIONS Types of Activity (ToA) codes A maximum of 3 codes can be entered and the total % should equal to 100. A list of these codes is available at CODE No. Classification Description % ToA 1 ToA 2 ToA 3 Field of Research (FoR) codes A maximum of 3 codes can be entered and the total % should equal to 100. FoR codes must be coded at the 6-digit level. A list of these codes is available at CODE No. Classification Description % FoR 1 FoR 2 FoR 3 Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO) codes A maximum of 3 codes can be entered and the total % should equal to 100. SEO codes must be coded at the 6-digit level. A list of these codes is available at CODE No. Classification Description % SEO 1 SEO 2 SEO 3 DECLARATION: I hereby declare that I am the principal recipient or co-recipient of the above mentioned research funding. If the funding is administered at another institution, I also attach a copy of the application for funding, the letter of offer of funding and any agreement or contract associated with this funding. I declare that I have undertaken the research projects as per the details provided on this form. Signature: ……………………………………………………….. Date: …………/………../………… Head of Organisational Unit or Supervisor: Research Data Collection Coordinator: Research Services: 2 of 2
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