MOTORCYCLE ENDURO SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS CV21 2YX Auto-Cycle Union Ltd, ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby, Warwickshire Tel: 01788 566400 Fax: 01788 573585 E-mail: Event: Organisers: Venue: Date of Event: Enduro timecard- 2015 SEEC Championships LFB MCC & Surrey Constabulary MCC Slab Common (L1), Oakhanger Road (B3002), Bordon, Hants th 29 March 2015 Permit No: 43777 (minimum information requirements) PREMIER INSURANCE ENTRY FORM JURISTICTION An Open Enduro event for solo motorcycles: held under the National Sporting Code of the Auto-Cycle Union, the Standing Regulations, the SEEC Enduro Rules, these Supplementary Regulations and any Final Instructions issued for the meeting. The ACU National Sporting Code and Standing Regulations are published annually in the ACU Handbook. The SEEC Enduro Rules are published on the SEEC website. ELIGIBILITY Open to adult riders holding a current Enduro Licence issued by the ACU who must be aged 16 years or over. One event licences will be available (₤10) if a rider does not hold a valid competition licence. YOU MUST ALREADY BE A MEMBER OF AN ACU CLUB OFFICIALS Clerk of the Course: Iain Judkins (License No. 18357) Secretary of the Meeting: Zade Alassad - Tel. 07989571888 / email: VENUE : Slab Common (L1), Oakhanger Road (B3002), Bordon, Hants START TIME 1000 hrs. Riders will start 4 per minute. ENTRIES On release of entry form. Close 1800 Wednesday 25th March 2015. Max 150 riders. Each entry via ACU on-line entry or to be sent to the secretary of the meeting on the correct ACU entry form, enclosing the entry fee of £45.00. Cheques should be made payable to “LFB Enduro” No entries to be sent recorded delivery. All postal entrys tobe sent to: Richard Coles, 24 Braes Mead, South Nutfield, Surrey, RH1 4JR. CLASSES 1.Championship. 2.Expert. 3.Veteran A. 4.Veteran A Over 50. 5.Clubman A. 6.Veteran B. 7.Veteran B Over 50. 8.Evo (Pre 1990). 9.Clubman B. 10.Sportsman. TRANSPONDERS Transponders are required for this event and may be purchased from the SEEC for £20 or hired for the day for £10 (plus another £10 refundable on return, after the event). INSURANCE The insurance cover for this event will be Premier Insurance. There is NO Personal Accident Insurance for Competitors. Competitors are therefore strongly recommended to purchase such Cover which is available through the Locktonʼs website ( or the ACU website ( SIGNING ON Competitors must sign on between 0800 and 0930hrs. Transponders must be presented at Signing On so that Competitors numbers and start times can be confirmed. MEDICATION You may be asked to take part in a drugs test. It is your responsibility to declare at signing on if you are taking any drugs. MACHINE EXAMINATION Competitors should present their machines for examination between 0800 and 0930 hrs. As per Enduro Standing Regulations (ESR) 7 - all motorcycles must be fitted with working lights. All motorcycles must be fitted with the following type of tyre; Front any, Rear Enduro marked, FIM spec. 13mm max tread depth. As noise testing may take place, all motorcycles must comply with ESR 10. All motorcycles must be fitted with the correct colour number plates and numbers as per ESR 11. Competitors are required to provide pit mats and fire extinguishers. SECURITY Competitors must be aware that the security of their machines and other property remains their responsibility at all times. A Datatag operator may be present at the event. COURSE The event will take place entirely on MOD land consisting of sandy forest tracks and woodland. Course approximately 4 miles. SPECIAL TEST A Special Test of Cross Country/MX nature will be ridden at least twice by all classes (details to be confirmed at Signing On). AWARDS Awards will be made to at least the Premier and each class winner. CHILD PROTECTION The Secretary of the Meeting is the contact for all Child Protection matters. GENERAL The course will cross public rights of way. Failure to comply with instructions at such points renders your public liability insurance invalid, and will incur immediate exclusion. WARNING Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. Please comply with all instructions of marshals and notices and remain in permitted areas only THEY ARE CONCERNED WITH YOUR SAFETY
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