Document 165937

Rock Candy of the Month
EGL sat down with the Brooklyn rapper and
uncovered a softer side to that rough exterior.
Yandy Smith
Let’s address this before we proceed…You know we’ve all seen the bonus
clips on of you and Olivia on this season of Love & Hip Hop and the
spicy pictures circulating the net, the ladies want to know, what happened
between you two?
With who? (Laughs) Nah me and Olivia are definitely cool, I will say that. We hung out
for a little while and had some fun. I think she wanted something more than what I was
really able to give and she moved on, you feel me. I’m out here campaigning, trying
to do other things. She got somebody, they rocking right now; I think she’s in a great
position…I guess.
You’re very popular amongst the ladies. Girls all over the world are going crazy about your tatted physique, your pretty boy smile, and bad boy swag, tell us,
how you feel about being a sex symbol?
I didn’t know I was. (Laughs) Women are actually the ones who inspired me to make the
“That could be us” record. I would talk to woman and they would say things like, you’re
a handsome dude. Give us a record that we could rock to and not just a come fuck me
record, but a record that makes them feel good about their man and their relationship.
So I didn’t realize, but if that’s true what you’re saying then it’s a good thing and I take
it as a compliment.
So…in light of your new single, “That could be us” and your recent tweets on
twitter about wanting to find that special someone, it’s safe to say that you’re
Very single! Very, very single you know. I’m just enjoying my hip-hop life, you heard.
Is there any particular reason why you haven’t settled down?
Ummmm... I just got a lot to do and a lot of other things to concentrate on. There
definitely have been some great women in my life, but right now I’m just trying to get
to a position where I could be a lot more comfortable and continue to brand and build
myself. A relationship comes with responsibility. I can’t even negotiate with my time
right now and I’m really not ready to sacrifice it. I’m on the go so it’s not really fair to a
woman for me to be moving the way I’m moving.
Continued on next page.
“Give me the opportunity
to show you who I am
outside of what I
do for a living.”
“I’ve come across some great women,
it’s just I wasn’t prepared mentally,
spiritually, and emotionally.”
Do you have a preference in what industry
she works in?
It depends on the person, I don’t like to stereotype
because I don’t like to be stereotyped. You got
woman who say they don’t deal with rappers
but if you run across a dude and he’s in the
industry but has a lot of characteristics that
you like, you can’t deny him just because of
his occupation. The occupations don’t make
the man. I tell people, I’m an artist, that’s my
job. That’s how I pay my bills and take care
of my family but that doesn’t define me as a
man. Give me the opportunity to show you
who I am outside of what I do for a living.
The EGL girl is Beautiful, sexy, independent,
successful, and family oriented? What’s
your type of EGL girl? Do they possess those
That right there. I LOVE an independent,
reliable, responsible woman with a great
personality and a great sense of humor. A
lot of men don’t like independent women.
[They] like women to be dependent on them.
It’s a turn on for me to deal with a woman
that’s strong and could go out and get her
own. That’s more of a turn on than a needy
chick that don’t know how to go out there
and get it. I don’t like chicks that act like their
hands are made out of stone… I’m not saying that I mind doing things for her, but at the
same time I think it’s more attractive when
a woman don’t necessarily need a man for
financial stability, that attracts me!
Would you say the EGL girl is the perfect
girl? Do you want a perfect girl?
That’s probably my problem. I‘m looking for
the perfect one and I’m never gonna get it
because we all human and at the end of the
day we all flawed. I’m not even the perfect
man. We gotta learn to accept people for
who they are. It’s all about the chemistry. I
need somebody who I feel is my lover but a
friend also. Somebody that I can talk to… a
very intelligent woman. No disrespect, but
some woman are just shallow and I ain’t a
shallow dude. What happens is after you get
past the sex and you get past the first couple
of months of fun, it’s like, what we got to talk
about. That alone will put stress on the relationship. So, when I’m looking for that girl,
those things right there is what I need.
Do you think a woman can be independent
and successful and still be a great wife and
I think so. We know that a woman with a career is not the one that’s actually home all
day doing the cooking and cleaning… she’s
gonna be out there in her field. When you
understand that, it’s better to deal with it.
I also like a woman to be able to take care
of me and do certain things; rub my back,
cook…stuff like that is cool too. But at the
same time, too much of anything is not good.
It’s like damn you home all day? You got too
much time on your hands. So again, I love
an independent woman.
If this woman happens to come along, are
you ready for commitment? What would it
take to lock Maino down?
I’ve been tried, but I’ve never been conquered. (Laughs) A lot of it has to do with me.
I know I’ve come across some great women,
it’s just that I wasn’t ready and I wasn’t prepared mentally, spiritually, and emotionally
to be in that position. But, if I do come across
that right woman and I can’t deny the fact
that she is who she is, then I gotta bow down
and give it up to her and be what I know I
could be and “that could be us.” (Laughs)
10 Health Tips for a
Fabulous New Year…
and New You
by Dr. Louisa C. Gaiter Johnson
The key to keeping a New Year’s resolution is to never make one.
Instead, set realistic goals throughout the year. According to
the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study (2010), these basic health tips
have the potential to cut heart disease, diabetes, and the risk of
cancer by 50% - 90%.
So let’s take care of ourselves from the inside out
1. Sleep-Sleep is key to a healthy body and
life. Sleep allows your brain to be more
alert and also strengthens your immune
system. If you’re not getting enough rest
you’re more susceptible to illness.
tive attitude, make life simple while being
productive. Be assertive instead of aggressive and realize that there are things
that happen in life that are beyond our
2. Water-The recommended amount of
water is at least 8-12 glasses a day. Water
helps perform metabolic tasks that regulate your body. Water also helps to maintain proper muscle tone and helps relieve
constipation. Containing zero calories,
water can serve as an appetite suppressant. Water can help the body metabolize
stored fat and is essential to weight loss.
6. Protect your Skin- Skin begins to age as
soon as we are born. The best way to protect our skin and look younger is to stay
out of the sun. When going in the sun, be
sure to wear sunscreen spf-15 or higher.
3. Balanced Diet-We are what we eat! It is
important to eat a balanced diet consisting
of several small meals throughout the day.
While remaining conscious of portion control, 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day is key. These factors have
been known to increase one’s metabolism.
4. Regular Exercise-There are many workout plans that one can engage in. These
include walking, running, yoga, and even
zumba. It is important to exercise 3-4
times per week at minimum in order to
stay healthy. Exercise decreases the risk
of heart disease, high blood pressure and
5. Reduce Stress- Stress is the bodies normal reaction to any change that requires
an adjustment or response. The key is how
we respond to it. Remember: keep a posi-
7.Vitamin Supplements- Research has
shown a number of vitamins that are natural remedies to aid in a healthier you. Vitamin B, C, D, calcium, flax seed oil and
omega 3 fatty acid have been shown to
improve brain function, and boost energy.
8. Social Connections- It is very important
to have social interactions. Activities such
as going to church, volunteering or even
joining a club are all great for your mental
and physical health.
9. Yearly Check ups-Our body is our temple and we must treat it as such. Yearly
checkups are a must and should include a
physical, gynecological exam, dilated eye
exam, and a dental exam.
10. Live, Love, and Laugh-Last, but definitely not least, remember to enjoy life. We
only have one life to live, we must all show
and receive love to be a whole person.
And laughter is essential to a happy and
abundant life.
So let’s take care of ourselves from the inside out
High Rehab
Kandes Ross, EDM
Esthetician and Wellness Coach
The Holiday season is a time when we all “fall off” the healthy wagon
and indulge in the fattest of foods and sweetest of cakes we’ve been
avoiding all year. Let’s face it, for many of us sugar is our drug, but
like most drugs the side effects (love handles and saddle bags) are
not so attractive, which is why we put dieting, losing weight or getting in shape on the top of our New Years resolution list.
Sure we could feed our craving with
healthy sugars, like the sugars found
naturally in fruits, vegetables, milk
and grains, but what we crave are
the refined sugars that are added
to foods to sweeten them such as
sucrose (table sugar), brown sugar,
corn sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup,
high-fructose corn syrup, honey, etc.
The refined sugars are responsible
for making sweet potato pies, Pumpkin cake, Christmas cookies, and all
the holiday goodies taste so irresistibly yummy.
1. Start replacing refined sugars
with alternatives like agave nectar
Unfortunately as good as they look
and taste, they have nothing to
offer besides empty calories (sugar
is about 15 calories per teaspoon)
and dental problems. In addition
most people who consume a lot of
sugar do so by sacrificing healthy
foods, like whole grains, and healthy
sugars. But most importantly, Some
experts claim that excessive consumption of sugar can become a
deadly addiction causing obesity, diabetes, certain skin conditions, and
suppression of your immune system.
4. Bring your own low-sugar
desserts for lunch and to gatherings.
So here is our 6 step program
to help you Rehab from your
Holiday sugar high.
2. Choose Fresh food, fruits and
vegetables, avoid packaged food if
you can. If you can not completely
avoid package food then choose
packaged foods with minimal sugar
(on the food label look for “Sugars”
under “Total Carbohydrates” and
keep that number less than 8 grams).
3. Share a portion of your dessert
with someone else.
5. Eat more whole grain dishes instead of those made with refined
6. Eliminate
like soda.
7. Follow Dr. Louisa C. Gaiter
Johnson 10 Health Tips for a
Fabulous New Year
Stick to this list and you’ll be
earning your blue star, and
smaller waist line in no time.
French Quaters
Funky Monkey
Take IT Easy
in the Big Easy
Cowbell Bar
Next up? What else, but Shopping!!! It’s what us girls do best, right? And, in a city
where people watching is big for the locals, you definitely want to turn heads. Time
for a stroll on Magazine Street, which runs in Uptown New Orleans. Here, you’ll find
local shops tucked away on a narrow street lined with coffee tables. It’s also where
the fashionista in you can let loose to walk the eclectic blocks and into stores like
Funky Monkey, (3127 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA 70115) where your vintage,
hipster can grab a few funky tees to mix and match with a pair of designer jeans
sold at reasonable prices.
A few stores down your definition for “thrift store fashion” is totally revamped.
Buffalo Exchange ( (3312 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA
You may have considered many other cities to visit for 2012, but New 70115) has been featured on “Good Morning America” showcasing how cashing
Orleans is definitely one of the many you shoauld add to your itinerary. So in on old clothes can make money off your wardrobe. Also, give Armoire a chance
what Travel Leisure readers voted it # 1 for America’s strangest people! too! Located on 4222 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA 70115. Prices range from
And the Crescent City scene is best known for bars, partying, and people $5-$100 and sizes are well stocked from 0-20 making every woman feel confident
watching… yes people watching! The Big Easy offers eccentric but en- about finding the perfect outfit.
joyable activities any EGL girl would love.
Tiyana Jordan
What’s synonymous with New Orleans? Food! Forget about those pounds and
calorie counting and just savor the flavor. You can find authentic New Orleans
cuisine at Stanley Restaurant ( located in the French
Quarters on Jackson Square. (547 Saint Ann St New Orleans, LA 70116). Having been raved by both locals and vacationers as one of the best spots to eat
breakfast, start your day off with a milkshake! Sure beats the normal butter
and toast routine, this is the N.O., leave the norm back at the hotel!
Oyster Po
After breakfast, try something that’ll keep you happy. Stop by Cowbell (cow- Cowbell (8801 Oak Street, New Orleans, LA 70118), famous for its home- Midnight
made hamburgers and “Adult Sodas.” Again, it is New Orleans where any- Skirt Steak
thing with a pinch of liquor wouldn’t be surprising.
While in New Orleans, you don’t have to worry
about waiting in long line to get into a club, or
paying a fortune for show tickets because the
entertainment is free and live in the streets of
the French quarters. During the day, visitors can
enjoy the historical sites and beauty of Bourbon
Street. After the dark The French Quarters is the
place to be as the street come alive. Most of
the excitement can be found in an eight blocks
radius dotted with restaurants, pubs and souvenir shops and of Jazz clubs, which many say
are the most authentic in the country . With all
these options your guaranteed to please all the
personalities in your girlfriend circle.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, let me introduce
you to what’s known as the “Bounce Back Effect.”
We all know that historically men are hunters, gatherers, and lone rangers.
They are task oriented individuals, and thrive on their own
accomplishments. To meet
these self-imposed goals, men
not only need, but also crave
alone time. By giving them this
“me time,” without openly acknowledging it, your absence
will serve to improve the quality of your relationship. While
this may seem counterproductive to some women, read on to
see how absence really does
make a man’s heart grow fonder.
The Benefit of the
Bounce Back
The Love Doctor
Ladies, does your man seem distant?
Are your dates far and few in between?
Women generally feel that as the
relationship progresses, quality time should increase as well.
However, this mindset could
actually lead to running the
man away as opposed to drawing him closer. Men desire their
time alone. They actually will be
comforted in knowing that their
woman is not so clingy. Excessive neediness is never a good
look, no matter whom it is coming from.
Are you concerned that the love is gone?
Instead of waiting by the phone
for his call, resist the urge to
call, text, tweet or facebook first
and see how he responds. Instead, concentrate on improving yourself. Read a book, shop
online, meet up with your girls
and watch old time movies. Give
your man the gift of solitude to
allow him to miss you. Men like
women who have lives of their
own. Your brief absence will be
felt and make him ponder what’s
missing from his life…you!
Noted relationship counselors
have declared that the most
successful couples are made of
individuals who are constantly
seeking to improve themselves;
which evidently produces a
higher quality, and longer lasting relationship. In turn, the time
apart will give your man the opportunity to bounce back to you
in a way like never before. Give
him the thrill of the chase again.
Let him hunt you down for quality
time. Ignite that spark from your
relationship’s early days without
doing anything at all! He’ll love
you even more for it.
10 Tips for Meeting The Family
Callin All
EGL helps you Navigate all
the After Holiday Sales
The holidays are over and for fashionistas all
around the world “This is the season to be
Merry”. Why? The biggest retail sale season
of the year is here. So shop without guilt but
be smart about what you purchase. Use the
sales to snag great staples that will have you
prepared for whatever pops up.
Invest in a great tailored
Blazer. Blazers can be worn
over your favorite summer
dress that you just can’t let go
of, or with a chunky sweater in
the Fall/Winter Months.
An amazing coat is a must
for the winter months
considering it’s the one item
you will wear constantly
for at least the next three
Theyskens’ Theory
ASOS $136.35
Emillio Pucci
Denim Shirts
A great denim shirt is always a
must have, especially one with a
little detail. This can be paired
with a great skirt or pants. To
make it even more interesting
try fun colors, different shapes,
printed or textured pieces
ASOS $63.00
For the fashionistas on a budget to the girl
with a bottomless wallet there are several
pieces that will take you through these winter
Invest in tops and bottoms that you can mix
and match.
J Crew
Continued on next page.
Classic Button-up shirt
Denim is essential but not
appropriate for every occasion. Every woman must have
a collar shirt in their closet. A
classic look that will never disappoint. Whether it is buttoned
to the collar or unbuttoned for
a sexier look you can count on
being fashionably correct
A Great Handbag
Invest in a great handbag.
When purchasing a designer
handbag My advice is to stay
away from something too
trendy with logos plastered all
over. A classic Piece will take
you from season to season
A fabulous belt is essential for
every fashionista’s closet. This
is such a useful piece with multiple purposes. Whether its to
solve the dilema of an ill fitting
ensemble, to give a new look to
a dress you’ve already worn or
simply make a fashion statement, a good belt does the job.
Contrary to some, Sunglasses
are a year round accessory.
A great pair of sunglasses is
that little something extra that
completes your look and adds
a little personality at the same
T by Alexander Wang
Victoria Beckham
The Row
Victoria Beckham
Yves Saint Laurent
Gucci Aviator
Burberry Brit
Jimmy Choo
Sunday Dinners are so 2011!
Lauren Beamon
This is the time of year most people resolve to make quality time with
their families a priority. Traditionally, the best way to bring the family together is for Sunday dinners, but this year EGL challenges all or our girls
to be different and start a new tradition. Start the year off right with a
fabulous Sunday brunch.
Sunday evenings are usually a busy time for families as they prepare
for the week ahead, so a Sunday brunch may be a more effective way to
get the entire family together for great food and priceless bonding. With
these great recipes and classic cocktails that can easily be prepared in
advanced. You can effortlessly host a great family gathering and start a
new tradition.
Here are a few recipes to get you started.
1. Preheat oven to 375
2. Stir together the dry ingredients
and stir in the cheese and bacon
3. Beat egg, milk, and oil together
then mix in with the dry ingredients
until just combined. Do not over
beat; don’t worry if there are a few
4. Spoon into well greased (Tip below) muffin tins and bake for 15-20
Cheddar Bacon Muffins
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar
cheese (or any cheeses you prefer) Tip: If you bake them in the tins,
1 package of bacon (1lb) cooked
make sure it’s greased well.
and torn/crumbled into pieces
1 cup milk
Photo Credits/Recipes: Martha Stewart, McCormick,, CourtneyOut1 egg
Loud By: Lauren Beamon and Shanta Speller /Love It Events NY
1/4 cup oil
Email: • •
Fancy Fabulous Brunch Menu:
Juice or Alcohol Bar:
Select your favorite juices and serve
them in glass pitchers.
For a nice added touch make
Bubbly Blood Orange Campari
2-3 large blood oranges, juiced, about
1/3 cup juice
1 oz campari
Chilled sparkling wine – choose from
Prosecco, Champagne, Cava, Brut,
Optional garnish – blood orange peel
or blood orange slice
1. Pour 1 ½ oz of blood orange juice in
each champagne flute.
2. Add ½ oz of campari.
3. Top off each drink with sparkling
wine, garnish with a slice of
blood orange and enjoy.
Select your favorite breakfast meats,
fruits, breads and jams to pair with
these delicious dishes.
Home Fries
3 tablespoons canola or olive oil
1 yellow onion, sliced
2 pounds (4 medium) red potatoes, boiled and
cut into wedges
1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
1. Heat the oil in a large heavy skillet,
preferably cast iron, over medium heat.
2. Add the onion and cook until limp for about 5 minutes.
3. Add the potatoes, salt, and pepper. Turn the potatoes over frequently
with a metal spatula and cook until crusty, for about 15 minutes.
Winterize Your Vanity
with These Cold Weather
Tiana Marie
EGL rule #1 Remain fabulous at all times. This means
even when it’s freezing cold outside an EGL girl
should still look, feel, and smell Amazing. With that
being said, here are some essential items to keep
you fabulous through the winter months…
Winter Survival Kit:
1. Rosebud Salve Lip Balm- This cult classic is great for keeping lips kissable as well as coming in handy for nicks and cuts. Available in Original,
Strawberry and Brambleberry Mint.
2. Body Scrub- A sugar or oil based body scrub with larger granules keep
the skin smooth and supple while keeping dry, flaky skin at bay. Check out
the body scrub line from Carols Daughter.
3. Body Butter- Because of the dry conditions outside and the fact that an
EGL girl needs her skin as soft as possible, body butters are essential. It
doesn’t matter if it’s from Target, Bath and Body Works or Victoria’s Secret;
a thick cream is a great way to pamper yourself. A great tip is to apply while
your skin is still slightly damp after a bath or shower.
4. Red Lipstick- Winter is the best time to let out your inner vixen. Reds
look great on deeper skin tones while brick or orange-based reds are best
for olive complexions. If red is too bold for you, try a tinted lip balm, or a
gloss for a softer saturation of color.
5. Sparkle- A great way to add a little shine to dreary days is to apply
sparkle to your body, eyes, cheeks, and hair. Gold or silver is always great.
Remember to focus on one part of the face. While more is great when it
comes to EGL accessories, the same rule does not apply to sparkle.
6. Hair Treatments- The cold dry air combined with wooly sweaters can
take a toll on our hair. Treat your tresses to a weekly deep conditioning
treatment by Ojon, Miss Jessie or good ol’ Queen Helene. If you have dry,
damaged hair in need of repair, run to the nearest salon that uses products
from Bumble and Bumble and get a Mending Treatment. Trust me on this:
you will not miss the money when you touch your hair.
7. Blush- A sexy flush adds to the snow
bunny effect. Sweep on a blush in
a cool tone in pink, berry, or rose. If
powders are not for you, then a gel
or cream blush is also a great option.
Check out options by MAC, Nars, Hourglass, TARTE , Make Up For Ever and
Black Radiance. Less is more in this
area as well, unless you are going for
the geisha girl or Grace Jones look.
8. Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer or
Foundation- Choose a formula that has
a natural finish or with a subtle glow to
make your skin come alive during the
season. Build coverage where needed
by applying sheer layers of product
using a foundation brush, sponge or
simply your fingers. A beautiful, glowing complexion is a great canvas for
your red lip and sparkle.
9. Bronzer- Bronzer is great for the
face and body. Ever wonder how J
Lo gets her glow? There are many
options available to give your skin
some radiance and color. Choose
from lotions, sprays, powders, gels
with matte, shimmer or glitter based
formulas. If you are headed to a party,
smooth some on your arms, legs and
decollate for skin sure to glow.
10. Sexy Fragrance- Ever notice how
candle, air freshener scents, and even
the smell of foods tend to get richer
as the weather gets cooler? Well, the
same should be true of your fragrance.
Try something with caramel, cinnamon,
chocolate or vanilla notes blended
throughout. The key here is smelling
edible, almost like your grandmothers
apple pie. Studies have shown that
men are attracted to fragrances that
smell like food and those in particular
containing vanilla. After all, a snuggle,
kiss or compliment from others is also
Everything Girls Love.
Kick Off The New Year With A
New Face! Find Out How Here
Make Skin Care A
Part of Your
New Year’s Resolution
Elle Elmes
A New Year is a time for renewed hope, new resolutions, and a fresh start.
These sentiments should translate into your beauty regimens as well. A
new skin care regimen should be high up on the resolution list for everyone. Our skin is our body’s biggest organ and our first impression. Maintaining healthy beautiful skin begins with a daily skincare regimen; which
should include the following:
1) Cleanse- Clean your skin twice a day (morning and
night) - Philosophy Purity Made Simple is a great one step
cleanser. This facial cleanser is a best seller among all major beauty retailers including Sephora and It’s
also a 2010 Readers Choice Winner for Allure Magazine. It
washes off all the days’ dirt and makeup and still leaves skin
2)Exfoliate- Exfoliation is the one step many of us tend to
skip. However, exfoliating your skin is the one step that
yields an immediate result. Add exfoliation to your regimen
only once or twice a week. Kiehl’s Pineapple Papaya scrub
is suitable for all skin types. It’s made up of small pieces of
actual pineapple and papaya fruit as well as finely ground
scrub grains to exfoliate the skin gently and naturally. 3)Moisturize- Skin needs moisture to stay firm and vibrant.
Everyone woman, no matter her skin type, should moisturize. Even if your skin is oily, it will benefit from moisturizers applied day and night. The daily moisturizing process
should be: A) day time moisturizers with SPF 30 such as the
Lancôme Bienfait Multi-Vital; which has an original award
winning formula that combines vitamin E, CG, and B5, plus
offers intense hydration lasting all day.
B) an intense rich moisturizing night cream that restores and
repairs like the Sephora Collections Age Defy Night Cream;
which works overnight to boost cell growth, minimize the
appearance of wrinkles, and keeps the skin looking radiant
4) Facial Masks- Using facemasks are a great way to give
your face that deep down cleansing and moisturizing it may
not get on a daily basis. It’s also a great way to get some me
time and de-stress after a busy week. As all skincare products, there are a variety of facial masks available; some are
worn over night while others can be worn while you shower. Try the product line Boscia’s Luminizing Black Mask;
which Sephora calls “A groundbreaking, mineral-rich mask
that peels off to deliver powerful detoxifying, purifying, and
brightening effects.”
5) Electronic Cleansing System -Some experts believe that
daily washing and exfoliation
does not remove all the impurities from our skin. The Clarisonic is an electric exfoliator
which cleans six times better
than traditional methods. In
just a minute the sonic action
deep cleanses pores to ensure
a more effective facial cleanse.
6) Eye Cream -The skin around the eye
is the most delicate, which makes it the
1st to show signs of aging and neglect
resulting in dark circles and wrinkles.
Use under eye cream at least once a
day to keep the skin around your eyes
as radiant as the rest of your body.
Neutrogen Visibly Firm Eye Cream is an
afordable option, This product keeps
the delicate eye area moisturized and
really helps keep the skin toned.
Holiday Stocking Stuffers
Every Girl Needs and Wants
Elle Elmes
EGL rule #1 Remain fabulous at all times. This
means even when it’s freezing cold outside and
EGL girl still look, feel, and smell like Heaven.
Winter Survival Kit:
1. Rosebud Salve Lip Balm- This cult classic is great for keeping lips kissable as well as coming in handy for nicks and cuts. Available in Original,
Strawberry and Brambleberry Mint.
2. Body Scrub- A sugar or oil based body scrub with larger granules keep
the skin smooth and supple while keeping dry, flaky skin at bay. Check out
those from Carols Daughter.
3. Body Butter- Because of the dry conditions outside and the fact that an
EGL girl needs her skin as soft as possible, body butters are essential. It
doesn’t matter if it’s from Target, Bath and Body or Victoria’s Secret; a thick
cream is a great way to pamper yourself. A great tip is to apply while your
skin is still slightly damp after a bath or shower.
4. Red Lipstick- Winter is the best time to let out your inner Vixen. Reds
look great on deeper skin tones while brick or orange-based reds are best
for olive complexions. If red is too bold for you, try a tinted lip balm, or a
gloss for a softer saturation of color.
5. Sparkle- Body, eyes, cheeks, hair. Great way to add a little shine to
dreary days. Gold or silver is always great. Remember to keep it to a
shimmer and focus on one part of the face. While more is great when it
comes to accessories and EGL, the same rule does not apply to sparkle.
Oh, and keep it to a shimmer!
6. Hair Treatments- The cold dry air combined with wooly sweaters can
take a toll on our hair. Treat your tresses to a weekly deep conditioning
treatment by Ojon, Miss Jessie or good ol’ Queen Helene. If you have dry,
damaged hair in need of repair, run to the nearest salon that uses products
from Bumble and Bumble, and get a Mending Treatment. Trust me on this:
you will not miss the money when you touch your hair.
Continued on next page...
7. Blush- A sexy flush adds to the snow
bunny effect. Sweep on a blush in
a cool tone in pink, berry, or rose. If
powders are not for you, then a gel
or cream blush is also a great option.
Check out options by MAC, Nars, Hourglass, TARTE , Make Up For Ever and
Black Radiance. Less is more in this
area as well, unless you are going for
the geisha girl or Grace Jones look.
8. Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer or
Foundation- Choose a formula that has
a natural finish or with a subtle glow to
make your skin come alive during the
season. Build coverage where needed
by applying sheer layers of product
using a foundation brush, sponge or
simply your fingers. A beautiful, glowing complexion is a great canvas for
your red lip and sparkle.
9. Bronzer- Bronzer is great for the
face and body. Ever wonder how J
Lo gets her glow? There are many
options available to give your skin
some radiance and color. Choose from
lotions, sprays, powders, gels; matte,
shimmer or glitter based formulas. If
you are headed to a party, smooth
some on your arms, legs and decollate
for skin sure to glow by the fireplace.
10. Sexy Fragrance- Ever notice how
candle, air freshener scents, and even
the smell of foods tend to get richer
as the weather gets cooler? Well, the
same should be true of your fragrance.
Try something with caramel, cinnamon,
chocolate or vanilla notes blended
throughout. The key here is smelling
edible, almost like your grandmothers
apple pie. Studies have shown that
men are attracted to fragrances that
smell like food and those in particular
containing vanilla. After all, a snuggle,
kiss or compliment from others is also
Everything Girls Love.
It’s Over!
Now WhAt?
Kalyca Lee-Johnson Esq.
QUESTION: I married my husband about 2 months ago and I believe I made
a huge mistake. He agrees as well that we were a bit hasty in getting
married. What are our options? I heard we can get it annulled because
it’s so new, but how is an annulment different from a divorce?
The question often arises as to the difference between a divorce and
an annulment. A divorce is the termination of the marital union, which
ends all legal responsibilities to each other as spouses. Divorce law
differs amongst the various states; however, a court of competent jurisdiction must declare the final divorce decree (terms of the divorce such
as spousal support, custody if children are involved, dividing assets etc).
Unlike a divorce, an annulment is a legal proceeding; which considers
the marriage invalid from the beginning as if it never existed. Therefore, a divorce recognizes that a marriage did in fact exist, whereas an
annulment does not recognize the existence of the marriage at all.
There is however a caveat to the annulment process. A child born out of
wedlock is legally considered an illegitimate child. However, in the case
of an annulment, if the child is born prior to an annulment being granted, the child is considered a legitimate child in the United States even
though the marriage is not recognized. The idea behind an annulment is
that the marriage was void upon entering into it; therefore, it should not
be recognized as valid. A court or legal proceeding is responsible for
determining the sufficiency for such a claim. So, if I were you, I’d get myself a lawyer who can better help you
figure out the right process for your situation based on the information
I provided.
By Kalyca Lee-Johnson Esq.
its inception, the movement has gained wide media coverage and
public recognition, meanwhile attaining its sole purpose-attention
from the government.
“We are the 99%” is a slogan that defines this movement. The idea
is that the “99%” will no longer tolerate greed by the “1%.” The goal
of the movement is to:
• Address economic inequality so that the gap between the 99% and
1% can be narrowed.
• Eliminate corporate influence in politics
• Do away with greed and corruption
• Lower the high unemployment rates
Question: I see footage on TV about all of these tents popping up
in every city, people sleeping outside and getting arrested. Exactly
what is this occupy movement all about and should we be concerned?
Many of you noticed the snapshot piece in our premier issue 20/20
News section where we provided a link to information on the Occupy Movement. Well, because of the overwhelming response, we
wanted to further discuss this topic and get your opinion.
The occupy movement is a leaderless movement that was initiated
back in July of 2011 by a Canadian-based activist group named Abduster. The group created and circulated a blog about demonstrating
a peaceful protest to call attention to the disparity between the most
wealthy (1%) and the remaining population (99%); and also to call
attention to the undue influence by corporations in the government.
The result of this initial blog, and a subsequent mass email distribution by Abdusters resulted in the birth of one of the more talked about
movements, Occupy Wall Street on September 17th, 2011 in Zuccotti
Park. The momentum behind this movement has caused this protest
to occupy several cities across the United States and Europe. Since
What is most fascinating about the movements beyond the message are the demonstrations itself. We have not seen the momentum behind such protests since the Vietnam War protests of the
70’s. Yes, there has been a lot of criticism about the lack of support
from many, but we may all agree that this protest has received our
full attention.
Although, there has been set backs as well as clashes with the police, city officials, and local business owners, these protesters have
been consistent, relentless and resilient in their efforts to keep the
peaceful protest going. They vow to continue this movement until
change is no longer a thing of the past.
Being Informed
News Rundown
by Elle Elmes
Nothing is more impressive than a beautiful well-dressed woman who is also
intelligent, worldly, and well informed. Don’t underestimate the importance of
knowing what’s going on around you. Just in case you missed a few hot topics,
here are the Top 10 News Stories of 2011 every EGL girl should know.
Obama KO’d Osama: The most wanted terrorist in the world was found and assassinated by US
Military after being on the run for almost 10 years. The manhunt ended when a helicopter-borne
special operations squad stormed Osama’s compound in Pakistan. During the late night assault,
Bin Laden was shot dead and within hours his body was buried at sea.
Japan, Tsunami, And Nuclear Threat: In March, Japan was hit by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake,
which caused a tsunami leaving the country in total devastation. When it was all over, 20,000
people were dead or missing and there was an estimated $218 billion in damage. In addition,
the tsunami set off the worse nuclear crisis since the Chernobyl crisis of 1986. Powerful waves
caused by the Tsunami knocked out the cooling system at a nuclear power plant causing a radiation leak. As a result, 100,000 people were evacuated from the area and have not been allowed to
Egyptian Revolution: It started with protest demonstrations in Tunisia quickly spreading across
the region. The Arab Spring protests sparked a long overdue revolution in Egypt that ousted Hosni
Mubarak, which fueled a civil war in Libya and climaxed with Moammar Gadhafi’s death. The
revolution continues with an uprising in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen.
Europe Has Money Problems Too: The strong European Union suffered great fiscal challenges
greatly affecting the economy. This economic turmoil triggered strikes, protests and riots in
Greece. Due to the money problems, Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was forced to resign.
U.S. is Still Broke: The United States saw a bit of an upturn this year. Things got a little better as
hiring picked up some, consumers started spending again, and the unemployment rate fell down
to below 9 percent. However, millions of Americans are still experiencing money problems, losing
their homes, and unemployed.
Continued in January 2012 Issue
Being Informed
Continued from December 2011 Issue
Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal: American’s love football, athletes and winning, which is why
many of us love Penn State and Hall of Fame coach Joe Paterno. The country was stunned when
the sex abuse scandal and cover up was unearthed. Jerry Sandusky a former assistant of Paterno, was accused of sexually molesting 10 boys on University grounds. Paterno, among other university officials were informed of the abuse and did nothing. Two senior Penn State officials were
charged with perjury, and the longtime president of the University was fired as well as Paterno.
Although, Paterno does not face criminal charges, he has to deal with the court of public opinion
Gadhafi No More: Nearly 42 years of brutal and criminal rule came to an end when Moammar
Gadhafi was killed by his own people. Highly volatile Anti-government protests grew into rebellion
complete with NATO bombings, a shattered regime and resulting in Gadhafi being tracked down
and killed in the village where he was born.
Congress Or The Wild West: Republicans and Democrats in congress just couldn’t agree on
anything this year, especially when it came to the country’s finances. The disagreement over
the debt ceiling resulted in Standard & Poor’s (one of the top three credit agencies) striping the
U.S. of its AAA credit rating. Another major fail is the not so super “supercommittee’s” inability to
agree on a deficit-reduction package of at least $1.2 trillion; which basically means the country
will face automatic spending cuts of that amount in 2013.
Occupy: The international protest first showed up in America on Sept. 17 at a park near Wall
Street. The movement has since spread to communities across the country. The peaceful movement is leaderless and has one goal, the richest Americans, which make up only 1 percent should
not benefit by exploiting the other 99 percent.
Gabrielle Gifford’s Shot: The popular congresswoman from Arizona surprisingly survived a gunshot to the head causing severe brain injury. Six people were killed and 13 others wounded by the
gunman in the attack earlier this year. Among the dead, was one of Gifford’s staffers and a nineyear-old girl. Gifford survived and her recovery is still in progress.
Notable Mentions- Falling just short of the Top 10 is:
The repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that barred gays from openly serving in U.S. military…The death of Apple Inc. co-founder
Steve Jobs…The devastating tornados across Midwest and Southeastern states…Hurricane Irene.